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Author: an2toncit

Syarikat tempatan lancar tablet ‘1 Malaysia Pad’, 1 Malaysia Messenger

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 Author| Post time 24-5-2012 05:46 PM | Show all posts
sapo die weh...
dino Post at 24-5-2012 17:44

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Post time 24-5-2012 05:47 PM | Show all posts
wait kat website harga rm999 tu introductory price... limited utk 999 unit yg pertama...
maknanya lepas tu rega lebih kurang samsung galaxy tab??

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 Author| Post time 24-5-2012 05:49 PM | Show all posts
ni ha related news.....

NAJIB: Every Child Must Have Tablet
NEW YORK: Malaysia is preparing national level education reforms based on a methodology pioneered in the US that has successfully raised student success throughout the school system, from the very early childhood through completion of university or college.

The Cradle to Career approach was one of the major reforms discussed at the second Global Science and Innovation Advisory Council (GSIAC) meeting in New York Wednesday.

Under the umbrella of the GSIAC programme, the Ministry of Higher Education has embarked on an unprecedented alliance to improve education at every level from "Cradle to Career".

Speaking at a media conference after chairing the GSIAC, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the council noted what had been tabled on the Cradle to Career initiative where probems and challenges faced in the context of the society and community in New York had many similarities with Malaysia.

The meeting had earlier heard presentations by the founder of the methodology, Dr Nancy Zhimper, who is also the Chancellor of the State University of New York (SUNY) and by the Malaysian Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin, who are both members of the GSIAC.

SUNY and NYAS signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the initiative with the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education that makes Malaysia the first country looking to institute at a nationwide level the "Strive" methodology, originated in Ohio by Dr Zimpher.

It involves, among many measures, identifying specific interventions such as daycare or home visits by social service workers that best prepare a child to start kindergarten on the right foot.

The students are then helped to meet carefully tracked indicators of critical progress in, for example, math and reading proficiency along their educational journey.

An exchange of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was also held between The New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS) and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, witnessed by Najib and his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, as the patron of the Permata Negara programme.

Under the MoU the parties agreed to work together to forge strategic alliances for developing Nobel Laureate mindset among the students of Permata Pintar UKM.

They also agreed to establish Laureate-in-Residence programmes at Permata Pintar UKM and Pintar Lab at selected Research Universities in Malaysia for mutual advancement of fundamental research.

The MoU is also to enable students of Permata Pintar UKM and researchers of Malaysian Research Universities to undertake programmes at NYAS for the purpose of strengthening STEM (Sciences, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) skill sets.

Najib said that under the initiative and with several interventions, among other things, the 'drop out rate' among students had been reduced.

"And we can further increase the participation and interest of students in the fields of science, technology and mathematics where the number of students involved currently is not very encouraging," he said.

Najib said the meeting also focused on the importance of creating collaborations between the universities in Malaysia and several centres here including the State Univesity of New York here, besides cooperation in research and development (R&D), where both parties would exchange researchers as well as Nobel Laureates to enable bigger achievements to be made in the fields of R&D and innovations.

"We also took note of the 'smart education for smart kid' initiative with the MoU that was signed today between the UKM and SUNY.

"Where we can use their expertise to further develop the curriculum as well as interventions in the field of Permata Pintar, an initiative that focuses on these students with higher IQ.

When asked by reporters how soon the initiative can be implemented, Najib said: "You have to make a roadmap from early childhood education right up to when they finished every single part of the journey, when you require every single intervention throughout and enhance the achievement.

"From the cradle to career ... from early childhood education right up to the career stage, including the importance for us to place our students at the university level through internship so that they are more marketable after gaining the degree," he said.

At a separate media conference, Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin explained that the 'Cradle to Career' initiative represented a strategic collaboration between several ministries, SUNY and NYAS.

It was a programme in "human capacity building" and formed one of the efforts to turn Malaysia into a developed nation that needed an innovative ecosystem through innovative education and technology.

Meanwhile, Najib said the council also expressed the view that it was of utmost importance to widen the use of the notebook computers or tablets among school students.

The prime minister said that in India there were tablets developed at a very low price that might be applicable in Malaysia or something similar.

"The tablet, UBSlate...the cost is 50 US's a mobile internet device. If this can be used, replicated or something equivalent to this, so each child can have the use of a tablet," he said.

When asked about the targeted ratio of usage among Malaysian students, Najib said the ratio must be raised as high as possible.

"The ratio target is 1 to 1, but now we're planning (for) 10 to 1, quite a high ratio," he said, adding that the use was for primary and secondary schools.

The prime minister said the council also took note of several other initiatives including the 'Projek Rimbunan Kasih', which involved the use of technology to develop the rural areas.

He said that following the success of the pilot project in Pahang, the government decided to implement a similar project in every state in Malaysia, which was being carried out actively between the government and IRIS Corporation Berhad under the public-private partnership concept.

Najib said the meeting had also been informed about the development of Iskandar Malaysia, which could place Malaysia as a model of comprehensive and holistic development.

Other topics broached during the meeting included updates from Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) on the Digital Malaysia master plan to spur wealth creation and enhance the quality of life for Malaysians by maximising the use of information and communication technology.

The meeting, organised by GSIAC secretariat co-chairs Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High-Technology (MIGHT) and New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS), brought together top officials from Malaysia with global thought leadership for a half-day session on keystone initiatives for the country's high-income development.

The inaugural meeting was also held here last year. - Bernama

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Post time 24-5-2012 05:50 PM | Show all posts
sume nak di 1Malaysia....

to many of good thing is too much for everything

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Post time 24-5-2012 05:50 PM | Show all posts
ingat tak gambar ni kait dgn kes apa?

Sohaimi Shahadan Bercita-Cita Jadi MB
Sohaimi adalah Pegawai Khas di pejabat Dato Noh Omar, Menteri Pertanian dan Industeri Asas Tani serta Ketua Pemuda Selayang. Dia kini memegang jawatan sebagai Pengerusi Biro Ekonomi.

Masaalahnya, pilihan Khairy masih bukan calon yang diterima majoriti Ketua-Ketua Pemuda Bahagian dalam Selangor.

Sohaimi pula sudah menimbulkan kontroversi kerana dipercayai meminta wang atau bahasa lingo politik, “pow duit” dari Ketua Eksekutif francis Hot Dog 1901 yang sepatutnya menerima anugerah usahawan dari Pemuda UMNO bersama Tony Fernandez.

Dia enggan membayar dan langsung tidak diberi anugerah tersebut. Kredibiliti anugerah ini pun turut tercemar.

Sanggah Tok Janggut atau penulis Aimam JR turut mendedahkan Sohaimi didakwa menyeleweng kuasa untuk mengaut perolehan tender pembekalan baja Kementeriaan.

Oleh kerana dia bekerja bawah Dato Noh, susah untuk Dato Noh tidak menyokong perlantikan Sohaimi.

Selain itu, sumber memberitahu Dato Noh yang pernah berhadapan dengan rungutan akarumbi kerana tidak ada gerak kerja politik dan ‘kemut’ duit melihat Sohaimi sebagai penyelesaian masaalah. Dia tidak perlu keluar wang untuk Pemuda Negeri. Sohaimi sanggup dahulukan RM500,000 tetapi bersyarat. Mesti ada projek untuknya menampal kembali wang keluar itu.

Jika dakwaan Aiman dan sumber ini, nama baik Dato Noh pun akan turut terpalit.

Selain masaalah amanah, Sohaimi ada masaalah penerimaan akarumbi. Dia tidak popular dikalangan ahli-ahli UMNO Bahagian Selayang. Cerita-cerita mengenai permainan wang Sohaimi pun mula diungkitkan akarumbi. Baca RBF di sini.

Mungkin pening bagi orang biasa memahami tetapi selalunya ahli politik bersifat ‘hidung tidak mancung tetapi pipi tersorong-sorong.” Setiap ahli apolitik mesti ada cita-cita untuk dapatkan jawatan.

Walupun tidak diterima sangat akarumbi setempat, Sohaimi masih bercita-cita untuk naik dalam politik. Sumber yang mengaku rapat dengan Sohaimi memberitahu dia inginkan jawatan Ketua Pemuda supaya dia dipertimbangkan untuk kuota Senator Selangor bagi Barisan Nasional.

Ini meletakkan Sohaimi dalam kedudukan strategik untuk dipertimbangkan menjadi calon ADUN Taman Templar menggantikan ADUN yang ada, Dato Subahan Kamal. Rancangannya tidak berakhir di situ kerana dia berharap untuk dipertimbangkan sebagai Menteri Besar Selangor jika BN mengambilalih kembali Selangor.

Memang satu modal lobi baik untuk ditonjolkan muka-muka baru tetapi muka yang macam mana? Buat apa, kalau ianya bukan orang yang bersih dan ikhlas untuk berkhidmat dan memperjuangkan rakyat. Ditambah lagi, perkiraan untuk jawatan adalah wang.

Adakah Khairy masih mahukan seorang yang penuh liabiliti untuk dijadikan Ketua Pemuda UMNO Selangor? Tidak sebulan Dato Najib berucap di Persidangan Agung Tahunan UMNO, sudah lupakah pesanannya?

Bila liabiliti sudah menjadi realiti, nama Khairy dan pasukan orang Khairy akan terus dikaitkan dengan rasuah dan salahguna kuasa. Nama Khairy, yang sepatutnya sudah tiada lagi untuk pergi melainkan bangkit kembali, akan menjunam lagi. Rancangan jangka masa panjang Khairy pun akan turut terkandas.

Isunya jelas dan implikasinya jelas. Kita lihat saja bagaimana matang Khairy menangani ujian kecil kepada kepimpinannya. Berupayakah budak Oxford ini lakukan sesuatu yang bijak.

Sumber: ABITW

Perkara-perkara beginilah kadangkala membuat kami kecewa. Kami bersusah payah bekerja untuk menawan balik Selangor. Mereka-mereka yang diatas pula tidak buat kerja, tetapi sibuk mencatur jawatan.

Pilihanraya belum tentu menang, tapi semua sudah pasang cita-cita hendak jadi MB. Lebih malang lagi orang yang memasang cita-cita itu seorang malaun.

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Post time 24-5-2012 05:50 PM | Show all posts
Yang ni macam jenama CSL (bukan Chua Soi Lek ok) ke? Kompeni Malaysia, kilang China
taikor Post at 24-5-2012 17:37

    serik aku guna CSL ni...asyik restart & hang saja..kualiti low  :@

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Post time 24-5-2012 05:53 PM | Show all posts
Pengerusi Eksekutifnya Datuk Sohaimi Shahadan
an2toncit Post at 24-5-2012 17:21

    Namanya pun kelakar: Sohai me

Use magic Report

Post time 24-5-2012 06:07 PM | Show all posts
boleh caj pakai solar x? ada x apps halau nyamuk?

Use magic Report


Post time 24-5-2012 06:07 PM | Show all posts

Syarikat tempatan lancar tablet ‘1 Malaysia Pad’, 1 Malaysia Messenger

    kalo org letak rega 499.....ko mintak rega 299 tak?:-)
TanSriJess Post at 24-5-2012 09:35

Rega yg aku letak tu dh cukup molek la tu...jenama x terkenal bru nk msk market dh letak rega dekat 1k. Dh tentu x laku  nya....

(posted by mobile)

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Post time 24-5-2012 06:11 PM | Show all posts
boleh caj pakai solar x? ada x apps halau nyamuk?
NIXAR Post at 24-5-2012 18:07

ni perli kite ke ape neh

Use magic Report

Post time 24-5-2012 06:12 PM | Show all posts
ni perli kite ke ape neh
dino Post at 24-5-2012 06:11 PM

..... haku mmg x boleh teringat episod tu. ampunnnnnnn

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Post time 24-5-2012 06:20 PM | Show all posts
..... haku mmg x boleh teringat episod tu. ampunnnnnnn
NIXAR Post at 24-5-2012 18:12

ambo redho weh ko rasa company ni cap ayam ke... motif website company ade sekeping satu page sajork.... ade opis ke idak company nih

Use magic Report

Post time 24-5-2012 06:28 PM | Show all posts
ambo redho  weh ko rasa company ni cap ayam ke... motif website company ade sekeping satu pag ...
dino Post at 24-5-2012 18:20

apa sangat lah kau nak harapkan dgn company kroni umngok....ada website siap ada lampu liplap liplap pun dah cukup elok

Use magic Report

Post time 24-5-2012 06:32 PM | Show all posts

marilah sama2 kita membeli tablet ini dan menyumbang kepada dana kepala lembu

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Post time 24-5-2012 06:33 PM | Show all posts
Rega yg aku letak tu dh cukup molek la tu...jenama x terkenal bru nk msk market dh letak rega deka ...
TeRasKiLo Post at 24-5-2012 06:07 PM

    tp peminat gajet sbenarnya berlumba utk memiliki yg paling mahal.....dan bknnya bertanding sapa yg punyai tablet yg lbh murah


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Post time 24-5-2012 06:34 PM | Show all posts
apa sangat lah kau nak harapkan dgn company kroni umngok....ada website siap ada lampu liplap li ...
hzln Post at 24-5-2012 18:28

sadis sgt weh... satu lg produk 1msia tv tu taik gak tuh.... channel ade tp takde content... maintenance manjang... ape kejadahnya... mujur apps tu free..

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Post time 24-5-2012 07:02 PM | Show all posts
ambo redho  weh ko rasa company ni cap ayam ke... motif website company ade sekeping satu pag ...
dino Post at 24-5-2012 06:20 PM

td mek dah habaq dia ni parti mana. susah la nak pircaya org dr belah tu

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Post time 24-5-2012 07:21 PM | Show all posts
tp peminat gajet sbenarnya berlumba utk memiliki yg paling mahal.....dan bknnya bertanding ...
TanSriJess Post at 24-5-2012 18:33
tengok brand la dlu bro klu nk berlumba2 nk yg mahai...

Use magic Report

Post time 24-5-2012 07:27 PM | Show all posts
ada retina display ka
evolutionary Post at 24-5-2012 05:29 PM

Mesti dia amek China-made yang generic nyer tab, pastu soh boh apa2 nama/lambang yang dia suka. Sama la cam csl dan yang sewaktu dengannya.

Use magic Report

Post time 24-5-2012 07:32 PM | Show all posts
CSL lagi murah lah.....

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