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Author: mac_taylor

Adakah anda seorang INDIGO?

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Post time 1-11-2008 06:16 AM | Show all posts
ade yg tak tido lagi ke?

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Post time 1-11-2008 07:50 AM | Show all posts

Balas #636 cz\ catat

aku tak tdo lagi...masih rasa segar...

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 Author| Post time 1-11-2008 09:55 AM | Show all posts
Siapa pembuka thread ni, x penting. Yg penting ialah 'apa yg dibawanya..'
Lukmanul Hakim pernah berpesan kpd anaknya, 'Jgn lihat kpd siapa yg berkata2, tapi lihatlah kpd apa yg dikata...'
Tujuan kita di sini utk membongkarkan Misteri Indigo, bukan membongkar misteri individu.
So jgnlah pertikaikan siapa aku. Ini hanya kerja membuang masa.
Walhal kita 'kesuntukan masa..'

Setiap posting korang sebenarnya 'menggerakkan event'...
Diam korang & kosongnya rasa, ada juga hikmahnya...
Tapi sebaiknya jgnlah biarkan masa itu kosong & rasa itu kosong...
Kerana apabila bnyk kosongnya, di situlah 'keraguan' mula mencelah..
Menyebabkan 'event' harus bermula dari 0 sekali lagi...
Tidakkah korang semua merasa penat klu harus bermula dari awal kembali?
Atau korang mahu meneruskan?

Jika korang semua dpt meneruskan dgn aktif sehingga sekurang2nya pertengahan atau akhir Disember ini, korang akan dpt melihat/merasai 'sesuatu' yg mana pd masa itu, ada di antara korang akan 'develope certain abilities' yg sgt nyata - INSYA ALLAH.  Ingatlah - setiap perkara berjln pd paksinya. Tiada satu kebetulan pun dlm hidup ini. Semuanya telah TERTULIS SEJAK AZALI. Kehadiran korang di thread ini pun, ADA SEBAB & TUJUAN SERTA MATLAMAT. Jadi, kpd yg benar2 mahu mencari 'kebenaran & keadilan', CARILAH...  TERUSKAN...

Masa semakin suntuk kawan2....
Laut yg tenang & langit yg biru, hanyalah kanvas fatamorgana utk yg leka..
Padahal di belakang kanvas itu, ombak bergulung2 & langit semakin hitam...
Menunggu masa utk menjejak pantai...
Tapi pandangan kebanyakan manusia, tertipu dgn kanvas semata2...

Wallahua'lam bissawab....  

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Post time 1-11-2008 11:42 AM | Show all posts

Indigo aura yang ke tujuh

Kalau dilihat pelangi yang ada 7 warna ,warna indigo adalah yang ketujuh yang dekat dengan cosmic ray.Nombor tujuh memang nombor yang sangat bermakna.So teori Indigo child ni dah ada lama dah dalam lagenda dan mitos masyarakat dunia especially masyarakat barat.pernah dengar tak, lagenda Seventh Child, ciri-ciri lagenda seventh child of seventh child mempunyai abilit macam indigo child.Mampu lihat masa depan, bole jadi healer kalau dididik jadi doktor memang doktor yang hebat malah doktor yang mampu menyelamatkan krisis wabak contohnya lah.Indigo child memiliki aura indigo iaitu aura ketujuh yang paling hampir dengan cosmic ray manakala seventh child of seventh child anak yang dilahirkan menngikut bilangan ke-tujuh.Macam ada persamaan.

So teori indigo child dah ada lama sejak zaman-berzaman lagi.Cuma jalan cerita lain-lain.Itu lah pendapat sy yg naif nih.

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Post time 1-11-2008 12:08 PM | Show all posts

Balas #639 magneta\ catat

Menarik. Citerla pasal 7th child ni. tak pernah dgr. Btw, wellcome to cari. 1st post nampaknya.

Dr teknik perubatan pun dah lama org menggunakan teknik warna dan aura ni. Sejak thn 2000 lagi ada jumpa sorg ustazah yg belajar dan mengamalkan teknik aura warna ni. Ada satu alat (kamera) utk menangkap warna aura di sekeliling kita.

Ni contoh gambar aura. gambar jutawan internet... Irfan Khairi

tenaga aura yang dipancarkan dari badannya adalah gabungan hijau pekat dan biru, bermaksud:
Quick minded, goal-oriented, social, material, communicative, organizer, caring, sensitive, loving, helpful, loyal, peaceful, desire to be of service, nurturing.
Wallahualam. Belajar or nak tahu boleh tp jgn meyakininya takut terpesong aqidah. Wallahualam.

Dipercayai Indigo adalah roh yang sudah tua (old soul) sehingga warna rohnya berubah menjadi indigo, sehingga roh tersebut akan lebih dekat dengan Tuhan akibat kedewasaannya dan sudah lamanya eksistensi dia. Malah sekarang dah lagi hebat, tak indigo dah. Dah jadi mcm putih2 jernih umpama kristal.   

errr.... yg ni yg memuskilkan. Sebagai muslim, kita harus berhati2. Jgn terlampau excited. Seharusnya kita kaitkan dgn landasan aqidah yg betul.

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Post time 1-11-2008 12:15 PM | Show all posts
Meh tengok skit apa yg si annisa buat:

In Padepokan Toha, Jakarta; hundreds of people were mesmerized by the speech delivered by this indigo child. She advised people, decades older than her, to fast (this was the month of fasting for Muslims, Ramadhan). This is because fasting will cause people to love each other. As it spreads, peace will prevail. 揥ith fasting, we can get rid of our negative energy, and develop the positive energy which is love

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Post time 1-11-2008 12:26 PM | Show all posts
Sorg lagi budak indigo. kat russia.

Boriska, boy from Mars, says that all humans live eternally

A boy named Boris Kipriyanovich, or Boriska, lives in the town of Zhirinovsk of Russia抯 Volgograd region. He was born on January 11, 1996. Since he was four he used to visit a well-known anomalous zone, commonly referred to as Medvedetskaya Gryada

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Post time 1-11-2008 02:54 PM | Show all posts
Have Indigos Lived Before?

This is a good question and one with differing viewpoints, not only amongst interested persons, but also different messages between the channelings of different entities. It’s an interesting question. Why do we want to know this? Well, there is some thought that knowing about past lives will help figure out current life karmic lessons. Also, I’ve heard it said that some Indigos seem to have no compassion - that they just don’t understand why someone else would be angry or hurt or sad about various issues that come up and therefore inadvertently hurt others feelings. If this is true, then they would need training specific to this. I’ve also heard that Indigos are particularly empathic and compassionate and will go out of their way to help someone who is hurting. This contradicts the first idea, so which is it??

Even for myself I can’t find out the answer for certain if I have been around before or not! I have remembered past lives myself and been told about several of them by a channel/psychic I went to, but another channeling psychic that I really respect told me I had never incarnated before and came from a certain realm of Angels as a representative during this age. I didn’t ask her about being Indigo. I’ve come to understand the reading about being an Angel as indicative of my divine nature, as we are all divine deep down, but not necessarily that I haven’t been here before, though she is certain I haven’t. She says it is possible to pick up on other people’s past life memories when we access the Akashic records via the grid. Perhaps sometimes we actually go ‘home’ between lifetimes and don’t want to come back.

Nevertheless, when I was 5 yrs old I came downstairs speaking fluent French. Since no one in my family knew French and my mom was too freaked out to go find a tape recorder, we never found out what I was saying. I had never been exposed to French before in this lifetime. I know I have lived several lifetimes in Egypt since I can recall certain specific things about it. I believe I also lived in LeMuria since I resonate so strongly with certain areas of the Pacific and Hawaii and can remember various aspects of crystal programming. One psychic told me about a life married to my ex-husband of this lifetime in Vermont. She said he was a minister and described the church. I could visualize it clearly and remember going on a driving trip with my parents where we came to this church in VT and I recognized it immediately. And there were others that I’ve been told about and a couple others I’ve seen in guided meditations. Well, so I believe I’ve been around before at least a few times.

So, I had thought for awhile that maybe I was Indigo because I had many of the traits that indicate Indigo-ness, but after reading more about life colors in several sources and taking a couple aura quizzes and having a few aura photos done, it seems I’m a mix of Blue, Indigo, and Violet. There is some indigo coloring in my aura pictures. That was pretty disappointing at first, to think I might not be a PURE Indigo. I thought it would be cool to be totally Indigo, but hard, too. One of my aura pictures also had a lot of bright turquoise blue in it as well as dark blue - indigo. Another aura photo had only gold all around my head and in a shape like a pope’s hat. Cool! I had called on the Christ Light Energy earlier that day to fill me and surround and protect me. Why were they so different? How do those aura cameras work anyhow? Recently my mother has told me that when I was young - 5 or 6 yrs old, a friend of the family who was a psychic and also physically blind, told my mother that I was surrounded by blue light.. dark blue.. Hm!!! He was surprised by it because it was so strong.. and apparently not very common  

Jan Tober, co-author of “The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived”, spoke about Indigos at the last Kryon Midsummer Light Festival in Santa Fe this July and described the Indigo Overlay as what makes many people over 20 feel they might be Indigo. It’s like a cloak we’ve adopted in order to be able to work with and appreciate Indigos. Also, if I understood her correctly, she said that many of us DID come in Indigos, but changed our life-color because it was too difficult to be Indigo at that time - the world just wasn’t quite ready for us. This group of people may still carry bits of Indigo which would appear as an overlay. My feeling is that if we did come in Indigo and changed colors, that perhaps now that it’s more acceptable and a bit easier to be one than it was 20 yrs ago. If this is so, maybe we are changing back at least somewhat. I wonder if it’s possible to change life colors entirely if someone Wanted to.

It is primarily this group of people with Indigo Overlays and those who were born Indigos who do understand at least partially what, who, and why the Indigos are. These two groups realize that one of their goals is to pave the way for the Now Indigos to come in and to help them to change things like education, etc. I welcome that opportunity!

I have heard and read differing messages from channels about whether or not the Indigos have incarnated before. The best understanding I can get from this is that the pre-Indigos who are usually Violet with heavy Indigo overlays, have lived before and the new ones who are coming now have not. OR there is a subset of the Indigos that truly have never lived before.

Some of the Indigos seem to have problems being empathic and understanding others and seem to need to be taught about feelings, while some who seem to fit the Indigo traits in other ways are extremely empathic. The ones without compassion just don’t seem to understand why someone else would be angry or hurt or sad about various issues that come up and therefore inadvertently hurt others feelings. If this is true, then they would need training specific to this to be able to deal with other humans. This is interesting because it fits with the idea I’ve heard in several channelings of Earth being the only planet where people have emotions and feelings. A child who has not been incarnate on Earth before may indeed have difficulty with understanding emotions. On the other hand, it’s also quite possible that the ones who appear to be callous have just been hardened over time due to painful experiences they have personally weathered and have chosen to be apathetic as a copying mechanism.

On the flip side, I’ve also heard that Indigos are particularly empathic and compassionate and will go out of their way to help someone who is hurting. You may have heard the reports about several Indigo children in a classroom sitting in a triangle formation around a child having an emotional trauma until the center child calms down. They seemingly do not even know they are doing it since the observer does not see them communicate aloud about it, but they probably do know. Oooh.. maybe the thing is that having lived before gives us that empathy that makes it too difficult to continue being Indigo and fighting upstream? Maybe that’s why some people ‘had’ to change?? That’s an interesting possibility.

Then there is the idea that the children of the Indigos, who several writers have called the “Peacekeepers” or “The Crystal Children” will be the ones who have not incarnated before - at least to earth. These are the ones that will help with the transition to communication and friendship with the other planetary beings that will shortly be coming.

Why do we find this particular question so interesting? Perhaps just because there are conflicting answers coming from equally reputable sources. What are the implications if they have or have not? Well, there is some thought that knowing about past lives will help figure out current life karmic lessons. Also, the controversy about whether they’re discompassionate or overly empathic is rather important. You’ll notice they’re usually called one or the other, but rarely in the middle. Perhaps the two concepts are indeed joined and it is their extreme sensitivity that can create either one of the responses to another’s suffering. It seems this may be the key. As for the original question about if Indigos have lived before.. well, that remains to be discovered.


taken from:

die claim penah hidup zaman Lemuria?Mesir?

[ Last edited by  Shamanz at 31-10-2008 07:57 PM ]

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Post time 1-11-2008 03:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Shamanz at 1-11-2008 02:54 PM
die claim penah hidup zaman Lemuria?Mesir?

ishk2...aku dah agak dah...indigo ppl ni consider 5th root races....sama mcm 1st dgn 2nd root races (melibatkan ethereal, bab ni aku ingat2 lupa)...
dunia ni semua ulang dari zaman lemuria (100% spiritual 24/7) ke zaman moden (spiritual level amat rendah tapi boleh gain ke 100% dgn usaha pelbagai cara)..
nampaknya mcm teori repeated....kita ni semua bakal kembali ke 1st or 2nd root races tapi nowadays digelar 5th root races mengikut pada
link yg saudara sejarah berikan (yg psl quantum leap tu).
Jadi, indigo sememangnya lahir pd hujung2 zaman ni utk fullfil kan zaman baru sbg new human races (body sama, kekuatan spiritual yg berbeza).
Sama je spt kekuatan brain manusia utk menghadapi peralihan zaman batu --> zaman logam --> zaman atom --> zaman komunikasi dsbnya tapi bezanya kali ni
melibatkan spiritual. Ni semua teori jek, takde kaitan dgn mana2 source.

Aiz...sebelum ni kita research psl lemuria dan atlantis dan consider zaman skrg ni wujud new atlantis dan new lemuria.
Rupanya, penduduk yg akan penuhkan tamadun 'new' ni juga ada 'ceritanya' (melibatkan indigo,crystal,star,rainbow child)....

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Post time 1-11-2008 05:00 PM | Show all posts
Brilliant bro CZ.
That's mean kita dah leh rungkai ckit2 misteri Highlander n' da geng. And kenapa dia guna kod 07.

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 Author| Post time 1-11-2008 05:14 PM | Show all posts
Utk makhluk, masa itu 'wujud'.

Masa diperlukan utk membezakan yg mana belum berlaku & yg mana sudah berlaku.
Namun andaikata seseorg itu diculik & diletak dlm sebuah bilik gelap yg kosong selama berhari2, sehingga dia tidak tahu lagi sudah berapa lama dia dikurung, tidak tahu di luar itu siang atau malam, masih wujudkah 'teori masa?'

Utk Khalik, masa itu 'tidak wujud'. Masa itu infiniti.

Segalanya yg telah berlaku & bakal berlaku kpd manusia, sebenarnya 'sudah lama berlaku'...

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Post time 1-11-2008 05:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aizverus at 1-11-2008 04:49 PM

)..tapi..teori ni sukar sikit nak prove selagi kita muslim, tak jumpa mana2 ayat atau hadis yang mengatakan sedemikian..

tapi..walaubagaimanapun..hakikat benda ni dah terjadi dan sedang berevolusi..samada sedar atau tidak...

Mungkin ikut Hindu boleh kot.. sebab mereka percaya pada Reincarnation!

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 Author| Post time 1-11-2008 05:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Nazrulism at 1-11-2008 05:15 PM

Mungkin ikut Hindu boleh kot.. sebab mereka percaya pada Reincarnation!

Keretapi tgh berjalan.
Kamu pegi berdiri tgh2 buat apa.
Nanti kena langgar.  

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Post time 1-11-2008 05:34 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mac_taylor at 1-11-2008 05:20 PM

Keretapi tgh berjalan.
Kamu pegi berdiri tgh2 buat apa.
Nanti kena langgar.   

Takper.. untuk memahami sesuatu...
Apa rasanya dilanggar keretapi.....

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Post time 1-11-2008 05:40 PM | Show all posts

Balas #652 aizverus\ catat

Darimana pulak sufism dapat... kan ko kata tak dapat cari ayat (Al-Quran) dan Hadith yang berkaitan ?... tambah keliru pulak aku ...!

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Post time 1-11-2008 06:20 PM | Show all posts

Balas #655 aizverus\ catat

Weh!!! Rahsia? Dah bg hint2, pastu nak rahsia2 pulak. Bagi org kempunan jek!!!

Btw, tu lah tujuan akak bg citer2 pelik budak indigo nih. Isu yg nak dikupas ialah mengenai "kehidupan lama" yg ada dlm badan dia org. Kalau ikut istilah pengkaji, reincarnation. Memanglah tak selari dgn Islam. Yg nilah yg kita kena kaji dari sudut islam. Okeh, klu dia masa itu relatif.

Meh stori skit pasal relatif masa. Akak tak bape nak faham. Mungkin dari sini kita dpt link dgn indigo dan semua tu.

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Post time 1-11-2008 06:29 PM | Show all posts

Balas #655 aizverus\ catat

Wei... H07 lagi...
kan dia dah pergi tak kembali lagi..
'klon' dia kata... dah tersesat dialam matrik, tak boleh balik!

.. sebelum si mac hulur M16 dari dalam keretapinya yang bergerak laju.. baik jangan ulang cerita lama tu....

Aiz.. walaupun ko belum capai ketahap itu... masih newbie, tapi ceritalah sikit-sikit asas peringkat newbie (Eh.. maksud aku bukan disini.. thread baru)

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 Author| Post time 1-11-2008 06:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Nazrulism at 1-11-2008 06:29 PM
Wei... H07 lagi...
kan dia dah pergi tak kembali lagi..
'klon' dia kata... dah tersesat dialam matrik, tak boleh balik!

.. sebelum si mac hulur M16 dari dalam keretapinya yang  ...

Kamu nie... org dah ke C4, kamu masih M16.   

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 Author| Post time 1-11-2008 06:47 PM | Show all posts
Aku dah pesan, pegi cari guru mursyid.
Jgn cari dlm forum ni.
Nanti jadik perbalahan, yg dpt ialah permusuhan.

Satu pihak sebab 'rezeki dia blm sampai'.
Satu pihak lagi cuba nak memahamkan dari sudut pandangan org awam...
Garisan itu xkan ketemu...  

Hints & clues dah bnyk aku berikan especially dlm 3-4 hari ni, utk org yg mau 'berfikir...'
Dah terlalu bnyk clues di situ...
Tapi klu yg itu pun x dpt di digest, jgn bermimpi utk mendpt lebih...

Alangkan org yg telah mendapatnya pun, ada yg terpaksa turun semula ke bumi & menjadi 'fallen angel...'
Menjadi manusia semula kerana tidak terlarat menanggung 'beban..'   


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Post time 1-11-2008 07:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by HOTlips at 1-11-2008 06:20 PM
Weh!!! Rahsia? Dah bg hint2, pastu nak rahsia2 pulak. Bagi org kempunan jek!!!

Btw, tu lah tujuan akak bg citer2 pelik budak indigo nih. Isu yg nak dikupas ialah mengenai "kehidupan  ...

Memang Rahsia.. tak dapat beritahu!
dan semuanya berdasarkan keyakinan.

orang yang yakin itu ada kerana yakinnya mereka pada kuasa ALLAH
orang yang yakin bahawa itu mengarut kerana tidak mampu di capai dek akal...?

Berkaitan dengan Keyakinan ini... kita lihat Yahudi ada keyakinan mereka (kpd riwayat2 mereka), Kristian pun ada keyakinan mereka (Trinity), begitu juga Hindu (reincarnation) dan lain2 kepercayaan... bolehkah kita terima keyakinan mereka (tanpa bukti dan dalil) dek kerana kepercayaan mereka tak diterima dek akal ?. kerana Tuhan juga berkuasa menjadikan seperti apa yang mereka percaya.  Oppss nanti sambung lagi

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