sebelum ada google wa dah tau citer fitnah manusia2 bahlol cam lu..
tu pasal citer ni tarak popular.
bahlol2 level lu je yang kayuh citer ni
lavaminggu replied at 14-9-2016 08:29 PM
sebelum ada google wa dah tau citer fitnah manusia2 bahlol cam lu..
tu pasal citer ni tarak pop ...
Fitnah pulak dahhhh
Jadi nabi meninggal bukan sebab diracun la kan? |
benda dah kompem lu tanya lagi....
bongok tul lu ni...asik kena kencing dgn yahudi je.
lavaminggu replied at 14-9-2016 08:36 PM
benda dah kompem lu tanya lagi....
bongok tul lu ni...asik kena kencing dgn yahudi je.
Ooo.. jadi nabi bukan meminggal sebab racun la ye.. ok..
so laba masuk dalam team nabi tak meninhgal sebab racun.. |
wa tarak payah team...stakat bahlol2 cam lu...wa sorang2 je belasah semua.
lavaminggu replied at 14-9-2016 08:40 PM
wa tarak payah team...stakat bahlol2 cam lu...wa sorang2 je belasah semua.
Islam banyak team la laba |
Ha ha .... aku pon baru tau yg Nabi Muhammad(saw) kena racun sampai meninggal.
Yg aku tau kes kononnya racun ni terjadi kat Khaibar , Volume 7, Book 71, Number 669:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
When Khaibar was conquered, Allah's Apostle was presented with a poisoned (roasted) sheep. Allah's Apostle said, "Collect for me all the Jews present in this area." (When they were gathered) Allah's Apostle said to them, "I am going to ask you about something; will you tell me the truth?" They replied, "Yes, O Abal-Qasim!" Allah's Apostle said to them, "Who is your father?" They said, "Our father is so-and-so." Allah's Apostle said, "You have told a lie. for your father is so-and-so," They said, "No doubt, you have said the truth and done the correct thing." He again said to them, "If I ask you about something; will you tell me the truth?" They replied, "Yes, O Abal-Qasim! And if we should tell a lie you will know it as you have known it regarding our father," Allah's Apostle then asked, "Who are the people of the (Hell) Fire?" They replied, "We will remain in the (Hell) Fire for a while and then you (Muslims) will replace us in it" Allah's Apostle said to them. ''You will abide in it with ignominy. By Allah, we shall never replace you in it at all." Then he asked them again, "If I ask you something, will you tell me the truth?" They replied, "Yes." He asked. "Have you put the poison in this roasted sheep?" They replied, "Yes," He asked, "What made you do that?" They replied, "We intended to learn if you were a liar in which case we would be relieved from you, and if you were a prophet then it would not harm you."
Jadi bila pulak Nabi Muhammad(saw) kena racun ni .... ini kes Yahudi Khaibar nak test prophethood Nabi Muhammad(saw) ... no problems Nabi Muhammad(saw) passed with flying colours
Jadik bila Nabi Muhammad(saw) kena racun ni? Ada ke kes yg lain?
Mana bukti & rujukkan ko? Pulling from your ass don't count yeah. Your ass is already swollen from my butt kicks
Sedia la untuk terima kelingan dari janda ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
Narrated 'Aisha: The Prophet in his ailment in which he died, used to say, "O 'Aisha! I still feel the pain caused by the food I ate at Khaibar, and at this time, I feel as if my aorta is being cut from that poison."
Sahih Bukhari 5:59:713
Takpe.. bangkem tau.. sama ada hadis nih hadis ahad, atau ada 2-3 translasi lain, atau janda nak pira2 jadi terencat, atau ada method terbaru untuk cover malu? |
Ha ha , tu pasal aku kata ko ni pencacai bangang. Jadi pada ko '..my aorta is being cut..' makna akan mati pasal poison tu lah?
Ko paham ke linguistic arab? Ni dia jawapan dia :
ignorance of the Arabic language creates more obstacles for him. The phrase that the Prophet (peace be upon him) uttered "cut my abhar" was a common Arabic idiom back then used to denote death in any form, regardless of whether it was literally cut off or not.
Linguist expert and Qu'ranic exegete, Imam az-Zamakhshari in his book Assaas al-Balaagha [The Fundamentals of Rhetoric], pages 121-122 demonstrates that the phrase of the Prophet (peace be upon him) could be used metaphorically to denote one's passing away and perishing. Ibn al-Abbar in his book 'Itaab al-Kitaab, Volume 1, page 42 cites a poem by Abdul Malik ibn Idris using the phrase in a sense denoting death and not literal cutting of the vein. Pre-Islamic poet Bishr ibn abi Khaazim in his poem Ghashayta li-layla bi-sharqin Muqaama, similarly used the phrase in a metaphorical way denoting death.
Ha ha .... tu aku kata ko ni dok copy paste dari answering islam ... ko tak akan ke mana.
Second point ; let say for argument sake .... ada termakan poison tu
- Kejadian kat Khaibar ~ 628CE
- Nabi Muhammad(saw) wafat ~ 632CE
Ini bermakna racun tersebut mengambil masa ~ 4 thn untuk bertindak. Waaah! Ini sudah bagus punya teknologi racun .... boleh bertindak lepas 4 thn. Cuba cerita kat aku racun jenis apa yg makan sekali .... bertindak lepas 4 thn?
Ha ha ..... ko dah kena kencing lah pencacai ... skg ko nak kencing merata .... kesian
Jawab ye .... tak usah pusing2 cakap ye
Tengah search 3-4 pendapat lain ke tu? Cari yang paling sesuai ye.. bangkem tunggu ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Eh tadi tanya ada tak nabi kena racun.. tu dalam hadis sahih sendiri kata efek racun kat khaibar tu masih terasa..
takpe la nda.. bangkem paham.. ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Ha ha ... simple aje skg
Ko kena jawab aku in 2 fronts
(1) ko paham tak makna 'idom' . Kalo ko tak paham tanya guru sekolah ko tu
(2) ini teknologi racun mana yg hanya bertindak lepas 4 thn? Ko boleh bagi tak jenis teknologi racun apa ni?
Ko takut jawab ke?
Macam nak lari aje ....
Ha ha ... tambi ... 'cut the aorta' is a idomatic expression
Bukan pemahaman literal .... tu lah .... ko kena balejar lagi ttg hadith ...
Ko betul2 pencacai yg tak pakai otak
Edited by kemaruk at 14-9-2016 09:27 PM
Jap jap.. hadis tu ada tafsiran lain ke? ![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif)
Ke hadis tu hadis ahad (walaupon sahih bukhari)
Boleh check sendiri
http://muflihun.com/bukhari/59/713 |
Oooooo jadi hadis tu bukan cerita pasal nabi kena racun kat khaibar tu la ye.. ok ok.. ooo kiasan je rupanye.. |
Ha ha , hadith ahad ke , mutawatir ke .... bukan isu skg
Isu skg
- ko paham tak ttg idomatic expression? Kalo tak paham ... ko argue buta ... copy paste lagi lah dari answering Islam
- cuba ko terangkan racun teknologi mana yg boleh bertindak selepas 4 thn .... skg pon tak ada teknologi tersebut
Apa pasal ko gerun sgt nak jawab soalan aku? Ko asyik pusing2 cakap pasal ko nak lari
Why can't you be a man and address my questions with facts ..... oops ... your kohunas is gone ... again ... and again ... and again
Ha ha ... masih nak pusing2 roundabout ke.
Ko dok kejar ekor ko sendiri aje
LOL ... skg pada ko hadith kejadian khaibar to = kiasan pulak
Ko ni dah gila ke? Dah kena ketuk kepala terlampau banyak ke?
See folks ... this is what happen to people who think thay know more than muslims by copy paste dari answering Islam .... sure kena wan ...
Mungkin sis mbhcsf boleh tolong ko ... dia dok buat post graduate kat Uni of London .... bukan macam ko .... entah2 degree pon tak ada
Sis ... tolong sikit si pencacai kemaruk ni ..... ada tak technology racun yg bertindak selepas 4 thn dimakan. Si pencacai kemaruk ni pikir yg Nabi Muhammad(saw) wafat pasal makan racun , peristiwa di Khaibar 4 thn sebelum baginda wafat.
Kesian si kemaruk ni .... he is crying out for help
Bukan bangkem yang kata efek racun tu masih ada lepas 4 tahun, tapi hadis tu yang kata.. hadis ni hadis ahad ye? Ok ok..
dah tentu la aorta nabi tak terhiris literally.. kan dalam hadis tu sendiri kata "i feel as if".. kalau nda paham kaitan AQ dan hadis, baru nda paham kenapa pasal aorta ni dihighlight |
Tu kan petikan dari hadis sahih.. bukannya dari answering islam ke ape..
Kalau hadis tu boleh dipertikai sebab hadis tu kata racun masih ada efek lepas 4 tahun, cakap je.. bangkem paham.. |
Mungkin @ibnur pon boleh bantu bukak thread untuk sahkan hadis racun masih ada efek lepas 4 tahun tu hadis berstatus ahad..
Takkan la masih ada efek kankankan.. 4 tahuuuuun tuuuu |
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