bila locke keluar island? sebelum ke selepas crash?
Reply #37 cupcake's post
haku pon berdebar-debar.
tapi berdebar-debar sebab nampak Sawyer dan Desmeng yg macho
Originally posted by idase76 at 15-12-2008 06:28 PM
pose charlotte tu ceria semacam je..
more hints on next season.. jin x mati, claire pun masih idup.. oceanic 6 will return to the island.. more on the statues.. and what really happens to the ...
ho... jin tak mati ke.. tak tahu le plak. camne le agaknya dia boleh survive kaboom tu.
ni spoiler nih
aih...ade lagik citer ni..
derang maseh lost lagik ke kat pulau tu...lame betol
hehe..aku pon tengok sampai season 2 sajerk
apsal charlotte posing mcm cover cosmopolitan???
Balas #29 Ha_Neul\ catat
gambar tu, aku br pasan... miles takder...
Originally posted by buiscasey at 16-12-2008 02:40 PM
gambar tu, aku br pasan... miles takder...
ha ah. Saje tak letak. Dah cukup korum. Kalau letak buat semak je
agaknya season ni si charlotte tuh jumpa charlie nyer coke stash, tu yg happy semacam je tuh..
more sneak preview fr LOST
nmpknyer Jack akhirnyer shave!!!huhh...intense scene...Jack & Ben in the same room...feeeeewiit
yg nih plak...intebiu Executive producers LOST Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse
diorg ada spill some secrets..
x sabarnyer 21/1/09 nih!!!!:pompom:
lost ni kgd2 buat aku pon jadi lost.. hahahha
hoho.. tak sabarnya nak tunggu season 5 ni..
sementara tu bolehlah tengok balik season 4 nonstop..
bes dowh LOST
tp mmg lost ah tgk LOST ni
lost season kali ni aku tunggu miles