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Post time 19-4-2010 01:20 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by capiloton at 19-4-2010 02:31

Reply 1# OSMANLI


Andalucía rises to prominence
By Eduardo Alvarez

"Andalucía... even though never intended to become a separate state, is, among all Spanish regions, the one with the most radically own culture." José Ortega y Gasset.

Daniel Alves in his FC Sevilla days


In the year 711, Tariq crossed the Straits of Gibraltar leading an army of Muslim troops. Less than a decade later, the Muslims had conquered most of Iberia, starting one of the most culturally prosperous periods in the history of the region.

The Muslims' influx was most powerful in Al-Andalus, today's Andalusia, where people from three different religions co-existed peacefully for almost eight centuries under their rule. The Catholic Kings ended up defeating the Muslims and expelling the Jewish to unify the country under a single religion, but that long spell had already created a new identity in the South.

The results are still felt today. Andalusia is the preferred destination for tourists who visit Spain (over 30 million visitors in 2008), as it offers the essence of what is expected from the country: sun, flamenco dancing, warm people, bullfights, history in every corner and great fun any time of the year. They've also given us "Macarena", but well, nobody's perfect...

for full article.. click here..


artikel ni di tulis sendiri oleh org barat (non muslim)..
secara jujur tanpa bias kepada mana2 pihak..

aku selalu bagi artikel ni kepada pencacai politaik demokrasi dalam thread berkaitan politik..
sistem khilafah ni dah TERBUKTI berkesan..
dan berjaya mengintegrasikan semua bangsa serta agama..
org muslim, kristian dan yahudi hidup aman damai side by side selama 800 tahun !!
tapi sekarang, kenapa kita masih mahu mempertahankan sistem demokrasi yg TERBUKTI korup, zalim dan menindas manusia?

Islamic Golden Age telah berlaku dalam sistem Khilafah Abbassiah..
sejak jatuhnya sistem kekhalifahan terakhir, Khilafah Uthmaniah..
under democcracy system, di mana letaknya muslim dan negara mereka?
pikir lah jawapannya..

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Post time 19-4-2010 12:36 PM | Show all posts
The intermarriage of foreign Muslims with native Christians made many Muwallads mindless of their Iberian origin. As a result, their descendants and many descendants of Christian converts forgot the descent of their ancestors and assumed forged Arab genealogies.However, there were a few who were proud of their Roman and Visigothic origins. These included the Banu Angelino and Banu Sabarico  of Seville, Banu Qasi of Aragon, Banu l' Longo and Banu Qabturno. Several Muwallad nobles also used the name Al-Quti (The Goth), and some may have been actual descendants from the family of the Visigothic King of Hispania, Wittiza.

Several Muwalladun became rich burgesses and powerful magnates by means of their activities in trade, activity and agriculture. The Muwallads of Elvira  had become so powerful and strong in the reign of Abd'Allah that they rose under a chief named Nabil and successfully drove the Moors out of the city. The Banu Qasi dynasty which ruled the entire Ebro valley in the 9th and 10th centuries, became so powerful that they broke free from the control of the Umayyad dynasty of Córdoba and turned from a semi-autonomous governorship into an independent taifa.


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Post time 19-4-2010 12:43 PM | Show all posts
subhanallah.. haku udah sampai spain.. but to barcelona je.. ruginyer x pi sini skali..huhuhu

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Post time 19-4-2010 01:59 PM | Show all posts
Menilai nasib umat Islam

Mazlan Nordin

ADAKALA ulang tahun peristiwa bersejarah mengulangi tuntutan maaf. Demikian halnya pada 9 April lalu yang dilaporkan antara lainnya oleh akhbar Times, London. Tajuk beritanya Moors want an apology after 400 years : Expulsion “ first ethnic cleansing of Europe. ”

Moors ialah panggilan bagi orang Islam di Sepanyol yang mereka perintah selama hampir tujuh abad hingga tewas kepada bala tentera Raja Ferdinand dan Permaisuri Isabella pada tahun 1492. Warga Moors itu berasal dari Maghribi.

Laporan bermula mengenai sikap Sepanyol masih keberatan untuk memohon maaf kerana apa yang berlaku di masa lampau. Cerita bersambung : “Empat ratus tahun dulu hari ini (9 April) Raja Philip menandatangani perintah untuk mengusir 300,000 Moriscos – masih serba sedikit Islam - yang dulu Islam. Selama lima tahun berikutnya beratus ribu orang mati setelah diusir dari rumah mereka di Sepanyol ke Afrika Utara ketika memuncaknya tindakan Inquisition pihak Sepanyol.”

Menurut laporan tersebut sebilangan penulis Islam dan aktivis Sepanyol serta Maghribi berpendapat bahawa telah tiba masanya pihak berkuasa Sepanyol memohon maaf. Ulang tahun peristiwa masa lampau itu menandakan kesekian kali hubungan tidak begitu mesra di antara Sepanyol zaman moden dengan pihak Maghribi atau warga Islam umumnya.

Selepas kemenangan Ferdinand dan Isabella “beratus ribu warga Islam yang terus bermastautin di Sepanyol dipaksa masuk agama Kristian tetapi ramai yang terus menggunakan nama-nama Islam dan mengamalkan cara hidup Islam.

Menurut para sejarawan beratus mati manakala dipaksa pindah ke Afrika Utara selama lima tahun berikutnya setelah Raja Philip mengeluarkan perintah menghalau mereka pada 9 April 1609. Demikian berapa catatan masa lampau. Seperti juga disebut semasa pemerintahan Islam di selatan Sepanyol tidak adapun kaum lain, Kristian atau Yahudi, dipaksa masuk agama Islam.

Jatuhnya pemerintahan ialah kerana perpecahan di kalangan orang Islam sendiri, umpamanya di antara Boabdil dengan lagi Grenada. Pemberontakan berlaku di kalangan rakyat terhadap Boabdil kerana berunding menyerah kalah kepada Ferdinand dan Isabella.

Menurut yang punya cerita Boabdil kemudian berundur dari wilayah pemerintahannya. Ia singgah di lereng sebuah bukit yang kemudian diberi nama The Last Singh Of The Moors lalu menangis.

Ibunya yang marah dengan sikap beralahnya lalu menyindir : “ Kau menangis seperti perempuan kerana tidak mempertahankan sesuatu seperti seorang lelaki. ”

Boabdil mati dalam satu pertempuran lain di Afrika Utara. Mengenai dirinya dikatakan: “ Beliau mati dalam satu perjuangan lain, tetapi takut mati dalam perjuangan diri sendiri. ”

Mengenai negeri al-Andalus yang pada beberapa ketika begitu indah ialah cerita berikut: “ Ketika Tuhan mengisi kekosongan di bumi al-Andalus, lima permohonan diajukan - langit terang benderang, lautan indah yang penuh dengan ikan, pokok-pokok dengan pelbagai buah-buahan, para wanita yang cantik dan sebuah kerajaan yang adil. Kesemua, kecuali yang terakhir dikurniai oleh Tuhan. Sebabnya, manakala yang lain-lain itu dikurniai serta juga kerajaan yang adil, maka Andalusia mungkin menyaingi syurga.

Kisah ini dibawa oleh seorang penulis Barat. Tajuknya : The Rise and Fall of Paradise: When Arabs and Jews built a kingdom in Spain.

Dari Andalusia yang permai lahirnya muzik flamenco, kerana adanya campur-aduk muzik Sepanyol dan Arab. Seperti kemudian dicatat : Flamenco lahir ketika Arab, Yahudi dan Kristian bermesra satu sama lain.

Dalam keadaan masa kini bilangan warga Islam telah merebak di beberapa negara Eropah: 1.6 juta di Britain, satu juta di Itali, 4 hingga 5 juta di Perancis (kira-kira 7 peratus daripada jumlah penduduk).

Di Britain sebuah pertubuhan hak asasi Islam di London menyebut tentang 344 tindakan ganas anti-Islam selepas peristiwa 11 September 2001. Di Itali beberapa tokoh politik, termasuk Perdana Menteri Silvio Berlusconi melafaz kenyataan anti-Islam. Ada yang berkata pendatang Islam “ bahaya ” bagi negara Itali.

Di Perancis pula wanita Islam bertudung menjadi masalah. Hal yang sama juga berlaku di negeri Jerman.

Apakah akan berlaku lain-lain hal terhadap warga Islam. Apakah juga nanti akan wujud sesuatu yang menyamai Alhambra di Sepanyol ?

- Utusan Malaysia -


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Post time 19-4-2010 04:02 PM | Show all posts

Morisco (bahasa Sepanyol " seperti-Moor ") atau mourisco  (bahasa Portugal) merupakan istilah merujukkan pada sejenis ' Kristian Baru ' di Sepanyol  dan Portugal.

Dari lewat 1400-an ke awal 1600-an orang Moor telah diberikan pilihan untuk sama ada meninggalkan Islam dan memeluk Katolikisme atau meninggalkan Iberia. Orang Morisco telah dibuang negara oleh dekri 1610 dari Sepanyol ke Afrika Utara setelah dihukum oleh Pasitan Sepanyol (Spanish Inguisition).

Sebelum pelukan agama secara paksa, orang Morisco dikenali sebagai Mudejar, dan dibenarkan untuk mengamalkan Islam di antara orang Kristian dengan sesetengah had.

Populasi Morisco

Expulsados 1609 : La Tragedia De Los Moriscos (2009)


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Post time 19-4-2010 04:34 PM | Show all posts
Pemberontakan Morisco (1568 - 1571)


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Post time 19-4-2010 04:50 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by HangPC2 at 22-4-2010 01:09


Mudejar ialah gelaran yang diberikan kepada orang Moor atau Muslim Andalusia yang kekal tinggal di daerah Kristian  selepas Reconquista tetapi tidak memeluk agama Kristian. Ia juga merujuk kepada gaya seni bina dan hiasan Iberia yang vernakular  daripada tempoh antara abad ke-12 hingga abad ke-16, khususnya gaya Aragon dan Castile, yang dipengaruhi kuat oleh cita rasa dan kemahiran kerja Moor.

Perkataan Mudéjar merupakan pencemaran bahasa Sepanyol Zaman Pertengahan untuk perkataan Arab, مدجن (Mudajjan), yang bermakna " mereka yang menerima penyerahan ", dengan implikasi berganda, iaitu penyerahan kepada Allah dan kepada pemerintahan duniawi raja-raja Kristian.

Selepas kejatuhan Granada pada Januari 1492, orang-orang Mudéjar mengekalkan kedudukan mereka sehingga pertengahan abad ke-16, apabila mereka dipaksa untuk memeluk agama Kristian dan sejak dari masa itu, mereka digelar Morisco. Melalui sebuah dekri pada tahun 1610, orang-orang Morisco diusir dari Sepanyol ke Afrika Utara selepas diseksa oleh Pasitan Sepanyol. Gaya mereka yang tersendiri masih dapat dikesan daripada gaya seni bina, malahan muzik, kesenian, dan ketukangan kawasan itu.

Pengusiran Morisco (1610)


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Post time 22-4-2010 01:13 AM | Show all posts
Osprey Campaign 053 - Granada 1492 The Twilight Of Moorish Spain ... f_Moorish_Spain.pdf


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Post time 22-4-2010 02:27 AM | Show all posts
thanks HgPC aku dok cari lama dh video pasal lOs Moriscoes...

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Post time 22-4-2010 08:43 PM | Show all posts

ni lagu orang kampong basque... aku x paham langsong bahasa dia... hahaha.... ramai org cakap bhs dorang nak dekat dgn bhs perancis...

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Post time 23-4-2010 11:24 AM | Show all posts
Tak silap aku ada Orang Morisco dari Portugal Join dalam Serangan Keatas Melaka

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Post time 23-4-2010 03:09 PM | Show all posts
morisco ni macam murtad jugak la ye?

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Post time 23-4-2010 04:28 PM | Show all posts
Morisco = Mengamalkan Islam Secara Rahsia (tapi luaran nampak seperti orang kristian

Mudejar = Orang Islam (Masih berpakaian muslim) hidup dalam pemerintahan kristian

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Post time 23-4-2010 05:07 PM | Show all posts
sedih bila adalusia yg hampr 800 tahun
islam perintah then kristian dpt balik


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Post time 24-4-2010 03:39 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by HangPC2 at 24-4-2010 16:01

Emirate of Granada (Imarat Gharnaṭah) 1228-1492


Jata Negara

Dinasti : Bannu / Bani Nasrid (Dinasti Nasrid)

Motto : Wa la galiba Illa-allah (There is no conqueror but allah)

Abu Abdullah Muhammad XII  @ Boabdil (Sultan Terakhir Emiriah Gharnatah)

Helmet Boabdil


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Post time 27-4-2010 04:41 PM | Show all posts
ceh...ingat tadi nak paste gamba anak dara lanjut usia..
yamataki Post at 11-2-2010 14:34

Wahahaha. Aku pun same. Ingatkan nak cerita pasal anak dara lanjut usia tadi.

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Post time 29-4-2010 02:37 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 30-4-2010 10:35 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by lizz_7777 at 30-4-2010 23:19

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Eastern Hemisphere in 476 CE, showing the Moorish kingdoms after the fall of Rome.


The description Moors has referred to several historic and modern populations of Muslim (and earlier non-Muslim) people of Berber, Arab and Black African and descent from North Africa, some of whom came to conquer and occupy the Iberian Peninsula for nearly 800 years. The North Africans termed it Al Andalus, comprising most of what is now Spain and Portugal. As early as 1911, mainstream scholars observed that "The term 'Moors' has no real ethnological value."

In the Spanish language, the term for Moors is moro; in Portuguese the word is mouro. There seems to have been some confusion about the relationship of the word moro/mouro to the word moreno (which means brown), both from Greek maúros, i.e. black. However, the two words have different etymological roots.

The Andalusian Moors of the late Medieval era inhabited the Iberian Peninsula after the Moorish conquests of the Rashidun and Umayyad Caliphates, and the final Umayyad conquest of Hispania.The Moors' rule stretched at times as far as modern-day Mauritania, West African countries, and the Senegal River. Earlier, the Classical Romans interacted (and later conquered) parts of Mauretania, a state which covered northern portions of modern Morocco and much of north western and central Algeria during the classical period. The people of the region were noted in Classical literature as the Mauri.

The term , or variations thereof, was later used by European traders and explorers of the 16th to 18th centuries to designate ethnic Berber and Arab groups speaking the Hassaniya Arabic dialect.Today such groups inhabit Mauritania and parts of Algeria, western Sahara, Morocco, Niger and Mali and to those in India.and Sri Lanka. Mauri was the genesis of the name of the ancient kingdom of Mauretania, which gave its name to the modern Islamic Republic of Mauritania. In the Philippines, some residents use a variation of the term to designate some Muslim populations, the Moros.

Speakers of European languages have historically designated a number of ethnic groups "Moors". In modern Iberia, the term continues to be associated with those of Moroccan ethnicity living in Europe. Some consider it pejorative and racist. Moor is sometimes used in a wider context to describe any person from North Africa. The Spanish use the term and think of it as neutral in local sayings such as "no hay moros en la costa" (literally, "There are no Moors on the coast", meaning "the coast is clear").

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Post time 30-4-2010 10:37 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by lizz_7777 at 30-4-2010 23:09

Santiago Matamoros ("Saint James the Moor-slayer"). A beheaded Moor, as imagined by the 15th century Flemish-Spanish painter Juan de Flandes, is lying on the ground.

Santiago Matamoros ("Saint James the Moor-slayer") (17th century)

17th century interpretation of saint James as the Moor-killer from the Spanish-Peruvian school of Cuzco. The pilgrim hat has become a Panama hat and his mantle is that of his military order.

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Post time 1-5-2010 04:52 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by lizz_7777 at 1-5-2010 17:01

S450 Cervantes' Don QuijoteF. Jehle

Background - Morisco situation in Spain

mudéjar = a Moor who is a Moslem by religion and subject to a Christian sovereign.
morisco = a mudéjar who becomes a Christian.
1525 Under an edict of Carlos V, all mudéjares had to become moriscos; the majority, however, remained Moors in dress, language, and customs, as well as in religion.
1527Felipe II assumes the throne
1528The moriscos in the eastern provinces are exempted from the Inquisition for 40 years, but in actual fact the entire moriscopopulation is subject to it.
1530The farda (a tax) is levied on moriscos in exchange for the use of use of the Moorish language and dress. (In some places, the moriscos are paying taxes as mudéjares, too.)
Most moriscos are not absorbed into the old Christian population, but rather become Spain's enemies because of: 1) lack of opportunities for adequate religious instruction, and 2) injustices to which they were often subjected.
1567A pragmática is issued forbidding in a stringent manner the more distinctive Moorish customs (e.g., artificial baths, observance of Fridays, and the use of the Arabic language after a period of three years).
1568Start of a rebellion by moriscos in Granada that turns into a war (December).
1569(Jan. & Feb.) The Marqués de Mondéjar is generally successful in subduing the rebellion with his policy of pardon or severity; however, his enemies work against him and he is retired by Felipe II. The rebellion grows worse than ever. Don Juan of Austria is put in charge, and eventually is successful. The moriscos are deported from Granada to other parts of Spain.
     Note: Spain is at war with the Ottoman Empire.
1571Victory over the Turks at Lepanto (a battle off the coast of Greece, in which Cervantes takes part).
1573Pathways of ambition are closed to able moriscos.
1598Felipe III assumes the throne of Spain.
1599The last "edict of grace" (a free pardon for offenses against the faith) is issued. There are two conditions: recorded confession and denunciation of all accomplices. This does not solve the problem. (Voluntary emigration of the moriscosmay have helped the problem, but this was forbidden under severe penalties.)
   Danger of the moriscos for Spain: They increased in numbers while the number of old Christians dwindled. Theymoriscos were in constant league with the Barbary pirates and the Turks, and also made repeated overtures to England and France for the overthrow of Spain. They attempted to get the ruler of Morocco to invade Spain, and it was expected that the Turkish Sultan --now free of external war and internal unrest-- would join in, while Spain's European enemies would also close in.
1609Various schemes were proposed to rid Spain of the moriscos: enslavement, mutilation, massacre, deportation to Newfoundland, etc.
    Eventual solution: the expulsion of all moriscos. This began in 1609 and lasted in 1614. It was accomplished in a humane manner, but there were stringent restrictions on what they could take along, etc. About 275,000 were expelled (this figure doesn't include those who died in rebellions, sailed away with Barbary pirates, were Christianized, and merged or bribed their way to stay in Spain).

Source: Imperial Spain, 1469-1716, by J. H. Elliot

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