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Author: mysr01

[THE BRF] Istana Bawang 13: Megxit and Other Stories

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Post time 6-2-2020 10:04 PM | Show all posts
rosli_nurizzati replied at 6-2-2020 03:22 PM
Jameela jamil pun bukan ada substance sgt pun.. Sikit2 cerca kardashian.. Houlier than thou punya  ...

Jameela Jamil lah contoh virtue signalling, sebijik mcm Mega. Dia pernah gelakkan saiz bubis QE2 hokeh. Body positivity my arse. Cerca KimK dan Beyonce sbg double agent for patriarchy tp dia sendiri asyik buruk2kan sesama pompuan tuh bukan menangkan patriarchy jugak kah

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Post time 6-2-2020 10:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
what are the chances yg meggot akan attend oscar?
believe it or not, i rasa meggot n handbag akn appear d oscar

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Post time 6-2-2020 10:10 PM | Show all posts
234126 replied at 6-2-2020 09:05 PM
iol suka jameela tu sejak tgk dia belakon dlm the good place. Bila baca ni, terus ah kensel lah.

dia dipilih utk jd juri dlm pertandingan voguing kat HBO, aka gay ppl punya competition

ramai tak puas hati minah straight mcm dia dpt job, sedangkan ramai lg ummah lgbtq yg lebih layak dan arif

bg tak tahu mcm mana rupa vogue-ing

madonna pun ambik stail tarian nih utk bideo 'Vogue' dulu

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Post time 6-2-2020 10:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 6-2-2020 10:10 PM
dia dipilih utk jd juri dlm pertandingan voguing kat HBO, aka gay ppl punya competition

ramai  ...

Thanks for elaborating and tepek video dani.

Voguing ni masa i mula2 tengok kat youtube dulu rasa geli tengok. muka hensem jantan tapi menari pakai high heels pondan drag.

Boleh tahan ye mulut si jameela ni. Semua benda lah dia nak komen LOL and iol baru habis baca kat google also pasal kes ni.

You are cancelled to me jameela. Not that she cares pun. Hahahaha

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Post time 7-2-2020 06:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 6-2-2020 10:04 PM
Jameela Jamil lah contoh virtue signalling, sebijik mcm Mega. Dia pernah gelakkan saiz bubis QE2 h ...

Mmg sejenis meggot gak.. Perangai sama ja boleh berbff.. Tak lama dah tu kena curse.. Hehehehe.. Meggot ni mmg cri poc as friends, sng nk play race card when needed..

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Post time 7-2-2020 07:31 AM | Show all posts
234126 replied at 6-2-2020 10:37 PM
Thanks for elaborating and tepek video dani.

Voguing ni masa i mula2 tengok kat youtube dulu r ...

ahahaha tp ramai yg kutuk Mega sbb unleashed Jameela dlm majalah spesel edition dulu tuh

btw ai suka part voguing, death drop. kagum tp dlm masa yg sama rasa ngilu kat lutut


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Post time 7-2-2020 07:38 AM | Show all posts
kosukeconan replied at 6-2-2020 10:07 PM
what are the chances yg meggot akan attend oscar?
believe it or not, i rasa meggot n handbag akn ap ...

bg ai lahkan, biarlah dua ekor tu pegi oscar. tingin nak tengok reaksi hollywood, kebanyakannya struggle mcm namatey dari mula utk capai kejayaan sekarang dan akhirnya diraikan dlm majelis academy awards VS bekas aktres gred z bersama suami bengapnya yg merasakan diri mereka entitled berada di situ. takda produk dan kaitan dgn Oscars, just simply berada di sana kerana mereka bekas royal.
menurut gusip, Mega dah ada gaun santek utk Oscars

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Post time 7-2-2020 07:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by 234126 at 7-2-2020 07:49 AM
dani-rox replied at 7-2-2020 07:31 AM
ahahaha  tp ramai yg kutuk Mega sbb unleashed Jameela dlm majalah spesel edition dulu tuh


Macam sewel je si jameela ni eh. Acah2 intellectual, care for human race, humanitarian bagai hujung2 attitude tak selari kata-kata. Memang sama betul lah mcm mega. sekufu

I hope mega pegi oscar tapi kena kecam keji dgn media  kiri kanan atas bawah sebab kerja malas sanggup heret laki pun jadi malas drop duty.

Kalau nak hidup secluded in privacy tu duduk diam2 tak payah nak attend gala2 event2 yang ada paps. Dasar sangat. Yihhhhh rengsanya dgn megot niiii. Level menyampah.

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Post time 7-2-2020 12:05 PM | Show all posts
delia3003 replied at 6-2-2020 09:50 PM
Iols tetau pun atuk elton tu dah kawen. Hensem ke laki nye itu?

amacam, ok tak heols? utk a man yg dah 57+ yrs old, he's quite OK, better looking & lagi bergaya drpd si Harry tu..

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Post time 7-2-2020 12:18 PM | Show all posts
bila laaaa Smeg nye PR camp & their mouthpiece ni nak stop shoving us dgn articles yg bodoh cenggini

DWTS huh, hmmmm...yeah whatever!

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Post time 7-2-2020 12:43 PM | Show all posts
take it with a pinch of salt... masih ada certain details yg dont add-up, no tea re surrogacy and/or magic bump...

Link:  Enty's latest podcast about Meghan, with a "secret source": Is this a true story?


Welcome to another episode of the podcast....I got an email today from somebody that I hadn't heard from in many years. This person is an expert in a lot of stuff that I deal with. They are familiar with a lot of yachters and the industry. This person used to be a very big source for a lot of things that would go on in a shadier level.  This kind of came out of nowhere, but they have been talking to people who were involved in certain aspects of Meghan Markle's past, up to an around the Royal Wedding.

This could be an article - it's Daily Beast length - and I'm going to read a lot of it but not all of it.  I've read it a couple times and I agree with a lot of it, but some of it I don't know enough about.  This person is an incredible source and only delivers the good stuff.

It's apparently common knowledge that Meghan was part of the yachting set, and that she wasn't a particularly popular part of the set. There were women who were much more well-known. It was kind of shocking when one of the men in that scene told her that Prince Harry was interested in spending some time with her.

This is what brought her to London and a quick drink with Piers Morgan at his favorite local pub, right before that famous "blind date" with Harry. Piers and Meghan were friendly, but not in a sexual way. Just friends, despite the fact that Piers hangs with the Saudi and the yacht community, he's not part of them. And it's unclear how much of that he knew about her at that point.

She had been manipulating any contact in the British press that she could, because she wanted to get some stage acting jobs there. Not just me, but there was a writer who talked about it, and how it was the most bizarre thing they had encountered. This was that time when she was trying to get that name recognition. The whole Prince Harry thing was going to be nothing more than a way for her to get more career contacts and some free travel to the UK to help that goal.

Meeting Piers Morgan
Piers gave her a good pep talk before this first date, and there was an ulterior motive for Piers. What could be better than a good buddy dating the prince and feeding you info? Meghan thinks she's there to meet Harry as a yacht girl, so her blind date thing for Piers is kind of an act.

The only thing is, Harry either didn't know this yacht scene or didn't know Meghan was a yachter herself, and at some point Meghan realized that he thought this was a real date and it turned into a real date instead of a straight-up kind of yachting thing.

Meghan keeps on cultivating these press relationships she has been working on. Before she knows it, he's head over heels for her. So let's fast-forward to the engagement. At this point, she's still knee deep into it the press, but on the downlow. And knowing who she's around, the pressure is on her to leak locations that she and other Royals will be at.

The press sense blood, and they have this arrangement, and they can't quite seem to wriggle out of this arrangement, because of the fear that she will lose Harry. And Harry can't find out that she's talking to the press because there are rules about these things, and she doesn't want to jeopardize the wedding. It's a Catch-22 pickle.

She's made all these secret backchannel deals with the press, but she has to keep honoring them, for fear that they will spill and then she won't get married to Harry.

It's a fairytale for her, because here's a woman who just a year before was begging for face time with the reporters who are now banging down her door.

The wedding
But everyone wants the wedding. The Royals love it. It alleviates their work schedules for a few months, and it takes bad press off them. It's great PR, they're becoming all-inclusive despite their racist history. They like this wedding.

It's also at this point that things are getting harder for her. Getting things to the press is requiring the  use of her personal assistant and leaking stories is complicated. So it's right about now that the suspicions start to arise and as the stories go out, they're thinking that maybe she is the rat. Even Harry.

So she does something crafty, it kind of shows how gullible he was, she plays the blame game, but not before feeding the vultures another story, about Kate and Charlotte and the dress fitting. She's sure to throw in that she's so difficult that she made Kate cry, she's throwing out a lot of minor Bridezillas to throw people off the scent that she is the mole. But Kate and anyone who knows her knows the story is ridiculous because she doesn't burst into tears anywhere in public.

But it becomes even more obvious that Meg is feeding stories when she decides to blame Victoria Beckham for the leak.

(Insert here dull story about the Beckhams. Supposedly Victoria Beckham's red high heels at Meghan's wedding were a sign that she knew Meghan had blamed her for something. Whatever. Too boring to type out.)

The pregnancy
So then you have the wedding happen. There's all those family stories. Honestly I think Meghan's family likes a paycheck. They'll say anything for a paycheck.

Meghan at this point is screwing people over, she's getting rid of assistants before they know too much, the Meghan is difficult to work for stories are out there. Her staff turns over because she doesn't want them talking to her husband or the Queen.

At Kensington there's only one way in and one way out and she's living with Kate and William and it's kind of like Melrose Place, so Meghan's having trouble leaking her stories.

There's lots of issues. Meghan wanted to be the belle of the ball, and she hated it when anyone got more attention, especially Kate.

There had been the pregnancy talk. Meghan had told more than one ex and ex-friend that she was unable to get pregnant. And if you ask her male exes, that is what they will say. She leaked some kind of exaggerated story of Diana's fertility checks before marriage. And this was done to put up counteroffensive before anyone demanded it of her. So they had no fertility check.

But Meghan did IVF. So many articles were put out about how she did not do IVF. Everyone's like "She got pregnant so fast!" So then women think, well, I can get pregnant instantly at age 38 also.

Another thing she did was, a lot of these visits, she went solo, so it wasn't too conspicuous.

And Meghan and Harry did admit to admit to seeing fertility specialists and other health and wellness doctors to make sure they were doing everything healthy. But no one said the words IVF because, imagine the implications. It's not something that has traditionally be done in the Royal family.

Kate is kind of being a pain to Meghan. Meghan is being held to the same standards and getting called out right and left. And she's kind of getting a little upset at the British press, not engaging, and then they start coming for her, because it all goes back to this arrangement that she made.

The Amsterdam connection
Let's not forget all the attention that she wanted from the British press before she started dating Harry, and then she makes these deals. She starts dating Harry and she's got bigger deals to make. Now she's not making these deals so the press is going to go after her.

Even Piers, supposedly her good friend, starts calling her out on a daily basis. So what can you do?

Hey, let's just get pregnant.

It's crazy. And there's that Amsterdam weekend party with Harry in 2018, it's one month before they announce that they're pregnant. They went through the whole thing at breakneck speed.

One of the thing that was odd is that Archie was born in May. But she should have been pregnant in Amsterdam when, by all accounts, she was hammered all weekend.

Link:  Meghan and Harry's secret Amsterdam break - All the celebrities rubbing shoulders with the royals on party weekend

Giles Coren
The source talks about the Giles Coren thing, the reporter and TV presenter. He tells her he'll run a story about her from 5 years ago about Giles' wife wanting to get a selfie with her. Meghan claimed to remember the incident, but both of them the selfie story is a lie. Meghan was obscure 5 years ago and no one wanted her picture.

Now Meghan is shaking in her boots, because who knows what he would tell if he told the real story of what she was doing at a party 5 years ago. But Meghan is getting smarter, so in their drunken state she promises him a bigger story that will shake everything up by throwing someone under the bus, her husband's family. Rose Hanbury.

Why did Meghan pick that friend of all the friends? That is the one who William was cheating on Kate with. So she spills the whole story, very detailed story, to this Giles Coren guy, and he buys it hook line and sinker.

She's off the hook with him, and she adds a ton more validity by telling him he cannot leak the story until she tells him. Soon, she promises. Otherwise everyone will know it is from her, because it is true and the Royals are a family and confide in her. She says the affair is still going on.

Now, my source says the affair didn't really happen. And that's just another thing where I just don't know enough. She just picked Rose Hanbury out because of some slight. Or a random person like that.

Archie is born
So fast-forward to Meghan is pregnant announcement a month later. A ton of drama going on behind the scenes, because Meghan is mad that Kate and William's children are princes and princesses, and her child is not to be.

Again, I think they are the ones who chose not to. This is saying that she wanted the title but the Queen was just not going to do it.

And then you have the tweet from Giles about the affair. "Yes, it's an affair. I haven't read the piece but I know about the affair. Everyone knows about the affair, darling. Even us."

(Note: the real Tweet said, "Even us Jews." Not sure why Enty omitted the final word.)

It wasn't enough that he got the call from Meghan during her 16 day New Zealand tour. It wasn't enough that he leaked the story, thereby getting tons of favors and private props. Now he had to go on Twitter and brag about it, boost himself up, by making it look like he hangs with the Royals all the time.

After spending a weekend hanging out with Meghan in Amsterdam, but nobody noticed the connection at the time, despite him bragging about the time they spent in Amsterdam in a piece he wrote in the Times in the UK.

(Note: As I recall, plenty of people noted the Giles-Meghan connection at the time, along with Giles' connection to Soho House.)

So people were worried that she was in Amsterdam, and then bam! she's pregnant, and there's no more Amsterdam talk, because that could make it look like she was drinking with the baby.

Not sure if she thought the affair story would bring it all but it doesn't, and it's super-convenient that it explodes when her and Harry are down under for weeks. So the media was like, don't go on the tour because you're so pregnant, she certainly has reason not to go, but she's like no, I'm going.

(Enty's timeline is slightly off here. The pregnancy was officially announced as the Sussexes were already in the air on their way to Australia, so there was no opportunity for the media to suggest that Meghan not travel.)

And then they come home and right away they move to Frogmore where she can do what she wants, and this press chit-chat is slowly morphing into various deals and money. And the press is more interested and boosting them up, chatting about how special Frogmore is, and everything is going great.

This is the time when she starts getting the clothing and all that stuff, and Baby Archie is born, and he's not a prince.

Private christening, no outside-the-hospital pics, we won't even tell you if we had him in the hospital, maybe at home. It's not until the birth certificate is released, which she loves, because it lists her occupation as Princess of the United Kingdom. She probably has it framed. She made sure it was leaked afterwards.

Meghan feeds the worst picture of William with a grimace at the Christening, and that's the big story.

And then all the Epstein stuff starts coming up, and it's nerve-wracking. She spends a lot of time obsessing over pictures of the Epstein situation, mulling about her yacht days and who she knew.

And then there's the Africa documentary and the lawsuit filed against the newspaper.

Things fall apart
This is when it kind of falls apart. The source says, there was always going to be a place for Harry and Meghan, and more than enough involvement, in fact more than Harry had ever had.  But Meghan has been playing so many sides and angles that she is waiting for the knives to come from every angle.

And let's not forget that there's a very big-mouthed reporter that she maybe in person gave the cheating story, which is still huge.

Then you have October 2019 and no one's speaking and Meghan is paranoid plus the Prince Andrew story breaking and Meghan just wants to get out of town again, like New Zealand. Do a runner.

And the announcement comes that they will spend Thanksgiving abroad. And this is kind of where it is.

Then there was the Christmas speech snub, with no picture of Meghan and Archie, on his first Christmas no less.

And this is where we at. But this source says that the zinger, what caused Meghan to push the detonator on the whole thing, long before the palace or Harry was ready, was the birthday walk to church.

Usually you only see press coverage of the walk to church on Christmas, but on Jan 5 there was a huge spread, tons of stories on the birthday walk, Kate wearing a fedora and a matching coat, and that she even walked in front of William for the walk to the church, and then the Queen matched her in purple.

That was just kinda, there was Rose Hanbury again, so that was the kind of thing where everybody kind of said, hey Meghan, we know what you've done. And then she got the message.

And then, you know, to announce that she and Harry would leave, and they did that on Kate's birthday, because the message was for Kate. "I know you know, I'll leave you be now, they're yours."

And then take the dogs and Archie to Canada. I don't think many people know the whole Rose-Meghan deal, is what they're saying.

There were so many straws that broke the back, this is kind of their take, and I summarized a bit, because it was so long, I would have been reading for a half an hour.

And that's just a different kind of angle and perspective and filling in the blanks and it's interesting to hear that the Rose thing was just a name picked out.

That there wasn't actually an affair. I'm of the belief that there was an affair, and that Meghan leaked it. This person is saying that there wasn't an affair but that Meghan leaked that there was.

Hope you guys enjoyed that.

(Transcript ends)

That's it.  What do you think of Enty's source?

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Post time 7-2-2020 05:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 6-2-2020 07:13 PM
yg I tgk pic dari jauh je, bodyguards tu pegang coffee cup, tak nampak pulak tampon etc. ada pic l ...

dia suruh beli mcm mcm termasuk tampoon rasanya .. kalau betul.. mmg patut pun pilot chopper brf aritu berhenti sbb x sanggup jd org gaji smeg utk buat semua benda..

mmg sesuatu cara dia layan Hanat. Ke Hanat kena siksa kat rumah ala penderitaan dan penyiksaan Johnny Depp?

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Post time 7-2-2020 06:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 6-2-2020 07:23 PM
ehhhh, Papa EJ & hub lupa nak invite Smeg & her froggy prince to the party ke?

khabarnya Piers Morgan bakal ada di Oscar. Sanggup ke Smeg nak face off dgn dia?

dah la mulut PM tu boleh tahan... x heran la nnt ada yg cuba mengelak each other klau smeg cuba munculkan diri

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Post time 7-2-2020 06:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 6-2-2020 07:27 PM
whaaaaat, western european?

credit to: skippyv2 tumblr

Bila dia jd Brits? hahahhaa

dlm surat beranak biracial tok tok tu hahahha

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Post time 7-2-2020 06:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
234126 replied at 6-2-2020 09:14 PM
lepas tu PR dia lancarkan kempen besar-besaran nak kata smeg busy buat charity that day and had to ...

dorg nak BRF ambik dorg semula.. tu PR berbunga bahasa konon rindu dgn kwn2 Harry.. pastu PR dia bgtau Jen ngan Angie begaduh psl Smeg.. I lupa pula kenapa... walhal dua dua nie langsung x ada kaitan pon dgn Smeg.. now bila da announce May 29 Bea berkahwin, mesti Smeg try nak steal her limelight gitu..

pompuan gila ni mmg nak kerjakan family PA agaknya.. now theory si Markus anak Andrew tu make sense juga.. kalau betul tujuan smeg utk huru harakan family BRF esp PA..

sis nombol.. hati Smeg ni busuk... semua org dia nak gaduh

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Post time 7-2-2020 06:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
234126 replied at 6-2-2020 09:14 PM
lepas tu PR dia lancarkan kempen besar-besaran nak kata smeg busy buat charity that day and had to ...

Elton dan somi da jauhkan diri ke dr Harkles nie?'wohoooo.. takut kena curse la iteww.. da ramai da kena, semua x mo dah nak associate diri dgn Smeg.. semua nak jaga diri sendiri. SW dan somi pun dah insaf dah.. x mo da nak backup si smeg... Now baru Smeg perasan kot, x ada sapa sudi dah nak tlg dia.. padan muka

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Post time 7-2-2020 06:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kosukeconan replied at 6-2-2020 10:07 PM
what are the chances yg meggot akan attend oscar?
believe it or not, i rasa meggot n handbag akn ap ...

dtg la.. huliwood dah kasi gelak dia mcm David Spade buat... hahahhaa

x malu kan... mesti dia nak juga buat ala ala pretty woman "big mistake, huge,"  just bcoz dia kahwin dgn prince dimwit, now oscar da satu level la dgn dia gitewww.. walhal entah berapa banyak bedpost dia panjat to get Hanat .. nnt I cari ada org kuarkan psl blind yg Hanat jumpa smeg kat yachting party.. nnt korek kat tumblr


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Post time 7-2-2020 06:22 PM | Show all posts
The Duchess of Cornwall visited HMP Downview and met with staff and prisoners.

On February 6, 2020, The Duchess of Cornwall also visited Maggie’s at the Royal Marsden Hospital, the cancer charity’s latest centre.


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Post time 7-2-2020 06:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 7-2-2020 12:18 PM
bila laaaa Smeg nye PR camp & their mouthpiece ni nak stop shoving us dgn articles yg bodoh cenggini ...

hahahhs... thanks snazzy..

jen ngan angie meng who are yous kan je dia nnt...

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Post time 7-2-2020 06:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 7-2-2020 12:43 PM
take it with a pinch of salt... masih ada certain details yg dont add-up, no tea re surrogacy and/or ...

Meghan-Rose deals dia tu dah pasti writing ni dr Sugars

dorg je yg bermati matian percaya abt Rose punya skandel kekdahnya..

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