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Author: xyla73

[tvN/Netflix] Vincenzo - Song Joong Ki, Jeon Yeo Bin, Ok Taecyeon

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Post time 24-4-2021 05:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nak tunggu habis epi 20 baru nak tgk. Harap dapat menahan diri. Bukan apa, takmo menunggu dubdab dubdab kalau ada another cliffhanger haha.

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Post time 24-4-2021 11:25 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 25-4-2021 04:06 PM
sitisbp replied at 24-4-2021 05:25 PM
Nak tunggu habis epi 20 baru nak tgk. Harap dapat menahan diri. Bukan apa, takmo menunggu dubdab dub ...

oh yeke. o okay then,  cool hahaah, tak pe fokus on jemaah terawikh , jgn compromise Cassano with yg  u know Maha Kuasa, yups,  JANGAN PONTENG TERAWIKH jemaah u is okay - this thing can wait , just that i still want to watch it. lagipun sempat je after terawikh dont worryla too much.ini duniyaaSebab cliffhager ke tak - still ...rasa macam tak ada perasaan dah, tapi adrenaline autinomic arousal ade lah ...sebab pausa kan ... sebab letih puasa kot hahaha...atau berkat ramadhan cutting me offs from this for awhile hahahaa sebab dah nak habis lagi 3 episodes kot .

tadi pun ada cliff hanger

nak tahu ke tak ?

wah wah wah
cliff hanger ni bukan sebarang cliff hanger taw, tapi  it is okay


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Post time 24-4-2021 11:41 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 25-4-2021 02:09 AM


ep 17

wow cool lah

i watched it just now

sapa yang tengok akan tahu

yang wow

a) i suka  musical scores which  was played for the first 10 - 15 minutes, sangat  nice then followed by Ombre ma fu ? or  that song  yg biase tu la. tak la best pun ombre ma fu?

b) babak dia bereaving tu bagus, at least dia diberi scene untuk bereaved on hi mom ' s death. canti lah sungai tu , suasana tu . nyaman je. touching scene masa Cha Young berikan surat tu , now we know why Cha Young nak sangat he spent his time with his mommy.

c) actually Cha Young dalam trailers tu  tengok  mayat mendiang Miss Ho.

d)   Cassano was  very cool  actually - dia memang tuju the silencer to Choi Aerobic tu - but , wow  best dia  briefing depa  and something happened (  tapi y dah tengok tahu kan apa dia buat hahahaha  , well , classy betul gaya) keluar rumah depa like nobody's business.boleh tu col je keluar balik rumah tu slumber land jeee hahaha..
== whatwas his dreams? he dreamt  of his dark past still plus now the mommy came for his embrace. so what was the meaning to this , ya?

e) sapa yg biasa dengan insta follow ups about ep 17 would know  that whole geumga plaza members now a cassano family then ...siap pakai bahu mafia etc etc lagi nice...depa dok dalam Toto's fine dining tu then mr nam kata  Cassano bagi credit cards for them to buy a new attire.

dan lawa betul style seo miri tu , i like their style

f)  I suka starteg Cassano - untuk handle babel - wow i suka cara dia atur buah catur , the pawns tu   

- bit by bit  dengan strategically planning the whole thing with Mr An and buat pertama kali -  h Cassano makes him  to the full use lah. So, in this episode, kan we could see Cassano meticulusly planned to secure himself - law-wise and threatening against him -wise. boleh tonton

g) Yang  scene berani mati tu - ICANT tell you something happened in which you guys could watch the brutal - i am - dead serious - i mean it ...kind of look -  oh yaa a: hints: apa dia  cakapkat Cha Young pasal dia akan tuntt bela atas kematian bapa Cha Young tu benar2 wowwww
u guys gotta to watch that

h) Scene dalam trailers yg kita lihat Choi tu - bukan Wusang CEO, bukan Han Seo , bukan bukann...but yes its kinda  interesting to see that

i) CEO Wusang and Han Se betrayed Cassano

please watch out

and scene akhir ...alahai i dah tak rasa cliffhanger lah sebab hero mana boleh mati - if mati pun well okaylah ...hahaha ada orang kena tembakk...dengan sekupulan interpol

actually CEO Wusang buat satu strategy for cassano repatriation - he worked with cassano family and  tried to somehow get the inperpl involved...

so yes

it was cool semi filler episode

ade macam cliffhanger

so ...we shall see insya ALLAH...


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Post time 24-4-2021 11:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 24-4-2021 05:25 PM
Nak tunggu habis epi 20 baru nak tgk. Harap dapat menahan diri. Bukan apa, takmo menunggu dubdab dub ...

bagi i, citer ni syok kalau follow sbb boleh tanya apa2 yg i x phm dgn poremers kat sini... sometimes i stop mid-episode n dtg sini baca sbb tak paham plot ka tak dpt identify sapa yg diaorg jumpa ka mati ka.. haa gitu..
kalau nk start tgk, skrg dah just nice.. next week dah final two episodes

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Post time 24-4-2021 11:46 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 24-4-2021 11:53 PM
mrsjones replied at 24-4-2021 11:41 PM
bagi i, citer ni syok kalau follow sbb boleh tanya apa2 yg i x phm dgn poremers kat sini... someti ...

It's kay Mrs Jones

mayat tu  bukan sape sape tapi kalau Mrs Jones tengok episode 4,5 , akan bertaut kembali elimination watak watak tu

sekarang depa
dok eliminating the expendable subjects - so brutal taw Cassano  tadi hmm...i tak sangka...cha Young pun pegang kepala

right now i macam rase tak ade ape ape perasaan lagi dah ...i mean akhir ep 17  cassano kena tembak but yes lah tembak lah dengan interpol tapi 3 lagi  epsiodes kan so ..takkan hero mati awal kot hahahaha, mana nak carry on with plan tu, mana lagi nak dapat emas tu hahaha
so , yes tegok jelah yg part 17 tu...i sebab pada i lah agak ridiculous kalau depa eliminate Cassano , now...

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Post time 24-4-2021 11:48 PM | Show all posts
betul lah nak speculate u can  hahaha we go crazy .....but betullah Choi cakap masa Behind teh scenes ( bukan Budak Takut Spoilers yaaa hahaha)

tengok je ...sebab memang depa buat  story lines yg hmmm

i redha je apa apa pengakhirannya...

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Post time 24-4-2021 11:54 PM | Show all posts
the last words of Cassano before ep 17 ends -
You ( han seo) is just like your brother...

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Post time 25-4-2021 12:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 24-4-2021 11:46 PM
It's kay Mrs Jones

mayat tu  bukan sape sape tapi kalau Mrs Jones tengok episode 4,5 , akan ber ...

bang vin faked his death kot?
ceo wusang ni bergerak sorang diri jgk eh sbb han seo pun tak tau plan dia pi report interpol n trap vc nih..
behind the scene sure luca ada informed vc tp x tunjuk kat kita lg..
by the way tetiba sweet ja hanseok bg babel bio to hanseo, why ehh?  jam rado tu hanseo pki lg ke? i suspect hanseok spy adik dia guna jam tu..
ada possibillity ke gold bars tu fake jaa?

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Post time 25-4-2021 12:12 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 25-4-2021 12:14 AM
mrsjones replied at 25-4-2021 12:03 AM
bang vin faked his death kot?
ceo wusang ni bergerak sorang diri jgk eh sbb han seo pun tak tau  ...

anything could be

yes lah

i rasa pun Cassano came well prepared, he tujukan gun tu sebelum  Han  Seo sempat tembak bebetul pun so i think hemust be palnning something

yups,  takkan Luca tak bag tahu kan?

so yes...

entah 2 interpol tu gang gang Cassano... cer noticed , dia halakan bahu dia mengiring sebeum tembak , surely he must be planning something, tembaka tu kat bahu atas bahu ...around subclavian  region...

okay lah ...

ini yg menarik , hahahah

i rasa ketamakan menguasai CEO Han Wusang sebab selama ni dia asyik je kalah dengan Choi

Choi being too classic so dia tak creative kot lagi atau la ni time CEO Han Wusang pulak outsmarting her ?


u dah tengok yg scene  pengebom berani mati  - wow the last one pressed the button tu - wow he's cold blooded.

tapi kan dia cakap kalau mati maca tu  macam mercy killing on his  part lah kan...

sempat lagi taya Cha Young - do u change your mind now...hahah
i mean he 's worried tau   i rasa maca dia takut cha young x dapat terima his brutality....


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Post time 25-4-2021 12:17 AM | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 25-4-2021 12:03 AM
bang vin faked his death kot?
ceo wusang ni bergerak sorang diri jgk eh sbb han seo pun tak tau  ...

may be han seok tak nak kasi  han seo berpaling tadah...atau dia mula rasa dia nak kena lari dari korea sebab dah mula kusut dengan law etc etc  dah...antara dua tu. ada impak kuat dari perbuatannya dan dia tak nak tanggung kesan - akibat semuani. so ha seo adalah mangsa.

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Post time 25-4-2021 12:18 AM | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 25-4-2021 12:03 AM
bang vin faked his death kot?
ceo wusang ni bergerak sorang diri jgk eh sbb han seo pun tak tau  ...

ada gambar insta yg seo miri yg buka pintu bilk bawah tanah tu dan sekumpulan manusia mula merempuh masuk cari emas.

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Post time 25-4-2021 01:45 AM | Show all posts
nah  trailers ep 18

anyways Luca punya IG tvn suruh deactivate sebab kasi hint yg penting hahaah


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Post time 25-4-2021 01:56 AM | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 25-4-2021 12:03 AM
bang vin faked his death kot?
ceo wusang ni bergerak sorang diri jgk eh sbb han seo pun tak tau  ...



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Post time 25-4-2021 03:00 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 25-4-2021 11:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 25-4-2021 12:12 AM
anything could be

yes lah

jap.. yg pengebom tu pki bom tipu2 ke betul sbb mayat dia tak berkecai pun? yg kawan dia tu mmg dah nyawa2 ikan ke masa si choi tu suruh tanam?
sbb i confused pulak bila tgk scene vc buat briefing kat diaorg. they can escape korea after he paid them..

chayoung tu is a strong girl, mmg boleh la terima kenyataan brutality nih..
tp i puas hati laa akhirnya scarf yg mak vc kait tu dpt jgk kat bang vin nih.. pd hal masa dia dah jeles masa tgk chayoung dpt scarf tu, hihii..
terharu i bila tau content surat tu masa vc baca..

choi je kita tak tau apa plan dia to counter game bang vin..
tak sabar nk tgk mlm ni

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Post time 25-4-2021 11:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 25-4-2021 12:18 AM
ada gambar insta yg seo miri yg buka pintu bilk bawah tanah tu dan sekumpulan manusia mula merempu ...

ada kemungkinan ke tu semua gold plated bars?? saja letak situ sbb nk kabur org tentang G file nih?
tp kalau betul gold bars ni tulen, kenyang la semua org. bak kata chayoung, nilai gdp of a nation, fuhhhh
tp g file pun dah tak dak, selamat dah dgn vc.. i hope they make copies of it hehee

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Post time 25-4-2021 11:29 AM | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 25-4-2021 12:03 AM
bang vin faked his death kot?
ceo wusang ni bergerak sorang diri jgk eh sbb han seo pun tak tau  ...

Iyelah, dia sure fake his death.

Kalau Vicenzo mati, habislah drama ni.
Kalau di cinema, mau kena bakar cinema if hero mati, mcm ada kes kat India ke gitu yg penonton marah sebab hero mati

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Post time 25-4-2021 11:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 25-4-2021 03:00 AM

aiseyyy, bom tu mmg real la rupanya. the guy tu yg kena convince party goers that dia pki real bomb n he thought it was fake.
tak perasan pulak dua ketul ni yg bunuh pak cha young awal2 dulu..

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Post time 25-4-2021 04:08 PM | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 25-4-2021 11:22 AM
jap.. yg pengebom tu pki bom tipu2 ke betul sbb mayat dia tak berkecai pun? yg kawan dia tu mmg da ...

yes , pengebom tu ta tahu kot yg itu bom betul , memang mati lah , sebab Cassano kata , i would bring them back to the lion's den.
ni bab bab akhir episode 3 dan dia mula cari pembunuh bapa Cha young masa epi 4,5 depa ni kire org suruha yang tak bernasib baik je.


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Post time 25-4-2021 04:09 PM | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 25-4-2021 11:59 AM
aiseyyy, bom tu mmg real la rupanya. the guy tu yg kena convince party goers that dia pki real bom ...

yups, episode 3 yg bomber tu yang approach bapa Cha Young - Hong  Yu chan minta rokok kot, dan yg tengok rempuhan  pada kedai tu.

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