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Author: CARI-MAL

Bot Karam Di Miri, Dua Pelajar Warga Nigeria Dikhuatiri Hilang

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Post time 13-12-2016 01:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
FanTasyCreaTioN replied at 12-12-2016 10:43 PM
baru jumpa info ni ..

dua2 lelaki

Thx FC

Cuba meletakkan diri di tempat mereka, can happen to anybody. ..


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Post time 13-12-2016 03:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Those of African descent ni banyak yang tak reti berenang atau takut air. They should learn to swim and be comfortable in water since mereka sudah berada di Malaysia. Infrastructure pun lebih elok dari negara asal mereka. At least, dapat reduce possibility to drown or become panic bila berada dalam air yang dalam.

My friends pun ada jer yang takut air. I don't mind teaching them for free. Masuk dalam kolam yang dalam ( more than 3 meters ), bagi camera, terus lupa yang mereka takut air.

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Post time 13-12-2016 03:39 PM | Show all posts
Decaffeinated replied at 13-12-2016 01:43 PM
Thx FC

Cuba meletakkan diri di tempat mereka, can happen to anybody. ..
1. FC tak pandai berenang
2. FC pernah tinggalkan family untuk study .. jauh juga lah bagi seorang yang jarang berenggang dari family walaupun sekadar kat Semenanjung sahaja

tak kira lah dari mana mereka
tak kira apa warna kulit
tak kira mengamal kepercayaan apa sekali pun

yerp .. untuk kes ni ..
terasa juga .. sebab membayangkan ..
apa perasaan bila tercampak macam tu sahaja .. walaupun ada life jacket .. gelap .. tak pandai berenang .. tempat terkenal dengan buaya
guess my last moment tentu nya ..
send my silent prayer kat mak ..
maaf kan anak nya ini

dan ..
FC boleh bayangkan perasaan keluarga kedua-dua mangsa
sebagaimana FC rasa itulah yang family FC akan rasai juga


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Post time 13-12-2016 03:41 PM | Show all posts
serinegara replied at 13-12-2016 03:21 PM
Those of African descent ni banyak yang tak reti berenang atau takut air. They should learn to swim  ...
wish ...
serinegara boleh ajar FC untuk hilangkan rasa takut pada "unknown and unpredictable"
itu sebenar mengapa takut nak belajar berenang
even mandi pun under shower tak pernah tutup mata


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Post time 14-12-2016 12:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
FanTasyCreaTioN replied at 13-12-2016 03:41 PM
wish ...
serinegara boleh ajar FC untuk hilangkan rasa takut pada "unknown and unpredictable"
itu ...

Kalau dalam swimming pool, faktor 'unknown' dan 'unpredictable' tu almost zero, ceteris paribus. Boleh pakai goggles jadi tak perlu tutup mata dalam air.

Dan start going to the pool. Lama lama nanti comfortable di dalam air.

Dan always remember, kehidupan di dalam air ni sangat majestic. Macam dalam kartun finding nemo dan finding dory. So, jangan takutkan diri sendiri dengan imaginasi yang tak best ketika berada di dalam air.

'All iz well' bak kata Aamir Khan dalam 3 Idiots.

May we be safe always.


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Post time 14-12-2016 04:12 PM | Show all posts
serinegara replied at 14-12-2016 12:34 PM
Kalau dalam swimming pool, faktor 'unknown' dan 'unpredictable' tu almost zero, ceteris paribus. B ...
kat swimming pool .. masih ok kot
air clear .. boleh nengok apa ada dalam tu ..

otak hyper active menakut kan diri sendiri
takut bila kaki dah tak cecah dasar sungai / pantai
atau mungkin
sebab tak suka dengan benda yang FC tak boleh kawal

serinegara ..

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Post time 14-12-2016 04:21 PM | Show all posts
Temporary halt to all water activities at Loagan Bunut National Park
December 14, 2016, Wednesday

KUCHING: The Sarawak Forestry Corporation (SFC) has issued a notice ordering all water-based activities at Loagan Bunut National Park to be suspended temporarily, with immediate effect.

Now that the North East Monsoon has set in, there have been frequent rains and strong winds. Such condition is known to cause unpredictable or sudden huge swells at the Loagan Bunut (lake), which could be dangerous.

“The suspension order would remain, at least until the monsoon passes. This measure is meant for the safety of the visitors,” SFC said in a statement issued yesterday.

It also mentioned that the suspension order would not affect other land-based activities such as trekking or bird-watching.

“However, visitors are strongly advised to check with park personnel for advice and information to facilitate their activities,” SFC reminded.

For further information and clarifications, visitors can contact Loagan Bunut National Park at 019-8610994; or the National Park Booking Office (Miri Office) at 085-434184 / 435384 (phone) or fax to 085-431975.

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Post time 14-12-2016 04:26 PM | Show all posts
Students not sent by university — Lee
December 14, 2016, Wednesday

MIRI: The five students of Curtin University Sarawak who were struck by tragedy at Loagan Bunut National Park (NP) on Sunday were out on their own and not sent by the university.

“I have checked with the university’s pro vice-chancellor (Prof Jim Mienczakowski) this morning(yesterday)— they (students) were there on their own, and the university did not instruct them to go there,” Assistant Minister for Tourism Datuk Lee Kim Shin told reporters at a press conference here yesterday.

Lee, who is also Curtin Sarawak Management Board chairman, received a report from Loagan Bunut NP that on Dec 11, five Curtin Sarawak students arrived at the park.

He said according to the report, after registration at 3.30pm, they wanted to visit and spend the night at the ‘selambau’ operated by a local named Jalin, and left using Jalin’s boat at 4pm.

The ‘selambau’ is a floating hut used by the Berawans as a traditional fishing method, equipped with its own kitchen, place to sleep and a small living room.

“There are less than 25 selambaus scattered across Loagan Bunut NP. It is one of the famous products of Loagan Bunut and most visitors would never want to miss it.

“The students did not stay at the NP. At 9.25pm, the students rang Jalin and requested for night boating around the lake.

“The weather was reported to be fine with some drizzling at the time. They boarded the boat around 10.15pm after the rain stopped.

It started to rain again at 11pm and the boat driver asked everyone to return to the base but suddenly, a large wave hit them and the boat capsized. The water level at that time was reported to be eight feet deep,” Lee said.

Four students, assisted by Jalin, managed to swim to safety and they were rescued by a passing boat at 6.20am the next day and immediately brought to the NP office.

“At 7am, one student was sent for treatment to Long Lama Hospital for burn on his body as some of them were holding on to a fuel tank when the boat sank. Seven of Miri Fire and Rescue Department divers arrived at the park at 11.55am while at 11.58am, one NP boat and three local community boats steered out to do their own search and rescue (SAR) operation,” he added.

At 12.45pm on Dec 12, the SAR team found the body of Amate Mohamed Amate, 26, while the body of 23-year-old Emine Imoh Daniel Udoh was found on the same day at 5.15pm.

Amate’s body arrived at Miri Hospital mortuary at 5.22pm, while Emine’s remains were flown in by a helicopter from Miri Fire and Rescue Department’s Air Unit.

“I commend the effort done by the SAR teams and would like to request our NP management to review all the operational procedures in the park, especially on safety measures.

“All local operators must be briefed and they must make it mandatory for those using the boat to put their life jackets on and all boats must be equipped with all the necessary safety measures before starting any journey.

“This must be emphasised to the local operators,” said Lee, who has contacted the director of Forest Department and requested for a full investigation on the incident.


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