Originally posted by <i>peachlily^</i> at 9-1-2009 03:37 PM <a href="http://mforum6.cari.com.my/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=28206513&ptid=270886" target="_blank"><img src="http://mforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif" border="0" alt="" /></a><br />
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yup dalam 80 mins - 90 mins including rest+stretching between sets. x minat full body nanti pergi kerja sakit2 satu badan. macam today sakit kaki je upper body masih ok<img src="images/smilies/lol.gif" smilieid="9" border="0" alt="" /> <img src="images/smilies/lol.gif" smilieid="9" border="0" alt="" /> <br />
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jessica ...
nape tk buat one bodypart splits yer, satu hari sakit satu part je....ehheehe
well, for me dont say impossible lah, whatever la, they are all human, so are we, why is it impossible? i cant understand.
sama mcm my friends dlu ckp 6 packs imposible, celebrity boleh la. well today i proved them wrong.
buangkan sikap "alah, sikit2 dah la", alah, lulus pon dah cukup.
ini sikap org kita dlm semua bidang.
"aim for the moon, if you fail you will fall amongst the stars"
you can be as good as Jessica Biel, Jamie Eason or sape2 pun, only time will tell
malam ni aku nk bls dendam kt gym lah.....dah 2 hari terlepas...tertido plak
[ Last edited by batabaka at 9-1-2009 05:19 PM ] |
aku plak mmg suka total body, alang2 nak lenguh biar la satu badan..
lg satu aku takde masa sgt.. balik keje gedebak gedebuk.. habis awal sampai gym dah dekat kol 9.. gym tutup pukul 10.. sejam jer masa yg ada... |
bile la back aku nk cam ko ni bro aplha
Chow |
Reply #883 batabaka's post
uishh takdo apo pon |
Balas #864 dexa\ catat
ni iyer dah xfit mcm dulu. dulu rajin tiap2 ari swim. la ni. rajin tdo tiap2 ari. tgh berangan nk dpt badan mcm alpha n bata |
karam, ku sudah personal message sama kamu... |
target aku....3x Mr Olympia Mr Frank Zane
dia ni ectomorph....so ada persamaan dr segi struktur dan frame ngn aku
amacam? abs sama tak? hahahah
jap lg aku nk gi gym smbil igt kt dia ni.....yahhh yahhhh
[ Last edited by batabaka at 9-1-2009 08:41 PM ] |
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Balas #888 batabaka\ catat
owh nk dapatkan badan macam ni ke. dasyat.. go go go |
Balas #887 alpha_dansei\ catat
ku juga telah membalasnya |
Originally posted by batabaka at 9-1-2009 05:15 PM
nape tk buat one bodypart splits yer, satu hari sakit satu part je....ehheehe
well, for me dont say impossible lah, whatever la, they are all human, so are we, why is it impossible? i cant ...
huhu kena sebijik! sape tanak body cam jamie eason, tgk routine workout dia pun hebat then for sure amik whey protein, creatine glutamine bagai...gue tak mampuuu.. mmg body dia inspiration btul |
yer cik peachlily, saya juga menyokong penuh kenyataan abang bata seperti di atas itu.. klu dpt 18% mmg ler gorjes .. level athlete tuh.. musti Hot |
err...bukan kena buat bodysplit ke? setau aku, takleh train part yg sama pada hari berturut2 kan? |
org yg buat total body workout, selalunye 3-4x per week je.
kalo split bodypart, hari2 pergi gym tkpe, tp bodypart yg berlainan.
harap maklum
nk tnye kpd si pemula thread, boleh ke tuka tajuk thread ke Binabadan & Fitness? atau dexa boleh buat?
bukan apa....kalo binabadan je awek yg fitness tk msuk plak nnti...hehehe
[ Last edited by batabaka at 10-1-2009 01:42 AM ] |
Reply #895 batabaka's post
kat topic letak sekali >> (tidak terhad utk lelaki sahaja) |
Reply #888 batabaka's post
macam sly kan??
sesapa pun tak boleh kalahkan sylvester stallone okay..
sebab saya sukaaaa rambo!! --
hensem.. dan errrr badan dia dulu pun nice aje..
lawa sangat.. ---
tak yah lah compare yang sekarang ye -- lol - |
Originally posted by karambunai at 9-1-2009 10:31 PM
ku juga telah membalasnya
oooOOOOooo balas2 pm la pulak...
bagus.. bagus.. tukar2 pendapat and stuff -
ha.. - baguslah kalau alpha tetiba pandai swim semua
dan karam dapat lengan berurat dawai macam alpha...
kita kat sini happy aje untuk positive stuff tu -- |
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