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Author: mysr01

[The BRF] Istana Bawang 12: The Markle Debacle and Other Stories

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Post time 10-1-2020 06:46 PM | Show all posts
huehue replied at 10-1-2020 06:25 PM
Jenis jenis tweet ni bersepah pula dekat timeline i. Annoying gila iolls tengok. I think kena ada ya ...

celah manalah org layan dan bakalan 'bunuh' Ratchet mcm mendiang emaknya. Bercuti baru2 ni pun aman2 adja takda paps nak kacau.
cepat sikitlah karma menimpa Hanat nih, tak abis2 jual nama maknya. Hangsuang punya anak, tak paham ke maksud ucapan Rest in peace tuh. kata maknya dibunuh, tp bangkitkan nama emak dlm media utk kepentingan diri tu dah mcm ko bunuh mak ko kali kedua lah Hanat.


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Post time 10-1-2020 06:51 PM | Show all posts
BlackOpium replied at 10-1-2020 06:27 PM
Selayaknyalah. Mohon share pic untuk tatapan weols semua di sini sis ... amp;fromuid=2262204

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Post time 10-1-2020 06:52 PM | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 10-1-2020 06:46 PM
celah manalah org layan dan bakalan 'bunuh' Ratchet mcm mendiang emaknya. Bercuti baru2 ni pun ama ...

Exactly. I geram gila. Bercuti pun tak nampak muka langsung. Tak ada pun netizen kata terserempak meggot. Yg kononnya meggot ambilkan gambar pun like PR dia sendiri leak. Kalau netizen, sah sah bergosip sana sini dan tunjuk bukti hah gambar iolls. I berharap sangat meggot ni kena londeh habis habisan. Si heret hanat ni pun sama. Biar kena londeh. Prince tak prince. Kalau perangai hangsuang mmg selayaknya jahhh


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Post time 10-1-2020 06:53 PM | Show all posts

Dah mula dah theyolls semua ni.

Do you guys see what I see !! Bottom Left side corner both pictures are done with “BACKGRID” paparazzi!!! Abigail is is trying to get her 15 mins of fame again guys 😂!


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Post time 10-1-2020 07:03 PM | Show all posts
Over yacchhh story ni. Nak cover cerita kenapa tak ada orang bagitau pasal theyolls ke. Over ya kalau sampai neighbours kena sign NDA. Padahal kalau neighbours berbunyi lah good PR move. "I duduk sebelah rumah meghan, betul i nampak baby archie dgn heret ambil angin".
Lepas tu what? Tolak to serve heret meggot ni sbb too much too handle? I thought dah suruh orang diam jangan buka mulut. Then just do the same thinglah dkt restoran tu. This is a private vacation, please refrain from taking photos. Canadians kan bebaik jah according to internet.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are said to have asked neighbours to sign non-disclosure agreements while spending Christmas in an £11million Canadian mansion.
Prince Harry and Meghan spent their first Christmas with baby Archie and her mother Doria Ragland in the waterfront property on Vancouver Island.
Their idyllic bolthole with stunning views boasted eight bedrooms and two private beaches, along with a pizza oven and wine-tasting and games rooms.
And The Sun reported a source as saying that Harry and Meghan's aides asked local residents to sign documents stopping them publicly talking about the couple.
They said: 'It seemed a concerted effort to stop homeowners from revealing their whereabouts to others.'
Harry and Meghan stayed in Canada on a six-week break from royal duties, before returning to Britain and announcing they were quitting as senior royals.
They flew eight-month-old Archie across the Atlantic in November to the secret address - revealed by last month - and managed to keep a low profile.
Miss Ragland visited from Los Angeles and spent Christmas with the couple on the island on Canada's west coast, known for its lakes, waterfalls and mountain scenery.
The mansion was built for privacy and locals in the rural community nearby noticed additional cameras and fences going up last month.
One officer from the couple's Royal Protection Team was spotted patrolling the roads dressed in a Barbour jacket and driving a black Range Rover.
Another two British guards were said to have been seen flying out from nearby Victoria airport. The mansion is owned by an unknown US billionaire.
The home is made up of a 11,416 sq ft main house, with five bedrooms and eight bathrooms, and a 2,349 sq ft guest cottage with three beds and two baths.
The main house has a wood-panelled office with fireplace and a double-height living room that opens on to a large kitchen equipped with a pizza oven.
It also boasts a large, light-filled dining room that can seat ten for dinner with an extravagant chandelier, and it has a conservatory in its four-acre grounds.
While on Vancouver Island, a celebrity hotspot favoured by the likes of Baywatch star Pamela Anderson and singer Nelly Furtado, the Sussexes enjoyed hikes and jogs.  - nak juga pergi tempat celebrity hotspot ni

And while members of the firm were photographed at Sandringham on Christmas Day, it was an Instagram post that gave the public a glimpse into their festive period.
On New Year's Eve, the couple thanked fans for 'continued support' in a post, adding: 'We hope 2020 brings each of you health and continued happiness'.
In a picture shared on Instagram, 35-year-old Harry could be seen lovingly gazing at Archie, who was wearing a similar grey hat to his father.
Bev Koffel, who owns a restaurant on the island, said the royals had been turned away from her restaurant because their security would be too difficult to arrange.
On sightings of the couple, she said: 'They jog around, so they've been seen. It's kind of exciting. They're breaking away from tradition and I just wish them all the best.'
Meghan has returned to Canada, where Archie is said to have stayed with his nanny when his parents flew back to London for an event at Canada House on Tuesday.
The Queen, Prince Charles and Prince William have ordered their teams to find a 'workable solution' over the future role of Harry and Meghan within the Royal Family.
The senior royals are said to have asked aides to work 'at pace' with governments and The Sussex Household and an outcome was expected to take 'days, not weeks'.
It comes after Harry and Meghan released a bombshell statement on Wednesday saying they would be 'stepping back' as senior royals.
The Queen and other members of the family were said to be left 'hurt' by Harry and Meghan's decision to issue the personal statement.
It outlined the couple's future lives as financially independent royals who will divide their time between the UK and North America.
A spokesman for the Sussexes has been contacted by MailOnline today for comment over claims about the non-disclosure agreement.


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Post time 10-1-2020 07:10 PM | Show all posts
huehue replied at 10-1-2020 06:52 PM
Exactly. I geram gila. Bercuti pun tak nampak muka langsung. Tak ada pun netizen kata terserempak  ...

sekarang ura2 title dia org takkan dilucut sbb takmo kisah diana berulang lg. adakah pr SS yg mulakan ura2 nih, sbb ai yakin majoriti UK ppl gumbira lompat bintang kalo dua ekor tuh tak dpt ber-HRH kulu kilir memang bodohlah kalau benarkan dia org terus pakai HRH dan dukedom, BRF akan nampak murahan dan PPRT. imejin eyelash glue pun jenama sussex royal... THE NERVE!

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Post time 10-1-2020 07:12 PM | Show all posts
oh ya, kes saman MOS tuh masih diteruskan ke? dgn sumber kewangan skang dah terhad, bole kah celen kompeni bernilai berbillion dollar kat court?

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Post time 10-1-2020 07:13 PM | Show all posts
semoga media UK terbuka hati dlm masa terdekat nih kupas isu fake baby bump Ratchet.

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Post time 10-1-2020 07:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 10-1-2020 07:10 PM
sekarang ura2 title dia org takkan dilucut sbb takmo kisah diana berulang lg. adakah pr SS yg mula ...

Diana hilang title sbb bercerai dengan PC kan, diorang ni masih berkahwin dan diorang sendiri yang nak step down... Harap hilang title. Geram la plk

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Post time 10-1-2020 07:16 PM | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 10-1-2020 07:10 PM
sekarang ura2 title dia org takkan dilucut sbb takmo kisah diana berulang lg. adakah pr SS yg mula ...

Euwww gelinya semua benda nak brand sussex. Meggot ingat dia jumpa loophole lah tu nak meniaga nak dapat duit dari fund semua tapi nak maintain title. Jijiklah dia ni. Dahlah tu si Dan tu bagi tahu mmg dari awal meggot dah ada plan post-BRF dia kan. Dasar z list actress tak pandai berlakon kaki yacht!!! Emosional betul i

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Post time 10-1-2020 07:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Minyakyuyi replied at 10-1-2020 05:59 PM
dah ada pic sis masuk tong dh patung deolss

Btol ada kh?

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Post time 10-1-2020 07:29 PM | Show all posts
mas79 replied at 10-1-2020 07:13 PM
Diana hilang title sbb bercerai dengan PC kan, diorang ni masih berkahwin dan diorang sendiri yang ...

Diana hilang 'HRH' nya, cuma dipanggil Princess of Wales jah. tp sebenarnya QE2 yg nak Diana kekalkan HRH, PC takmo dan berkeras utk dilucutkan jua.
The suseks takut selain tak dpt berlagak dgn gelaran HRH, dia org bakal hilang perlindungan polis. Mcm Diana, utk biaya protection diri sendiri, dia terpaksa cut budget pakaian dan derma charities. Selain tu, the suseks takmo setaraf marhaen - kena bow dan curtsey dgn ahli BRF.

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Post time 10-1-2020 07:31 PM | Show all posts
huehue replied at 10-1-2020 07:16 PM
Euwww gelinya semua benda nak brand sussex. Meggot ingat dia jumpa loophole lah tu nak meniaga nak ...

sesuwailah dgn nama manja sheols yg ai bg selama nih, Ratchet, very uncouth and lacking class

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Post time 10-1-2020 07:31 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 10-1-2020 07:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eva replied at 10-1-2020 04:31 PM
William ada saying dlm hal hal berkaitan dgn Harkles.. I rasa klau dorg buat perangai I x heran kl ...

I rasa kalau william dgn kate jd king and queen terus senyap macam tikus tak berani buat apa2 si meg tu haha

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Post time 10-1-2020 07:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eva replied at 9-1-2020 10:32 AM
Harry tu manja.. x pandai hidup benda mcm ni dia nak elakkan

You know what.. I wish Harry tersedar one day and dia tak sanggup hidup susah so dia tinggalkan si meg. Nak tengok macam mana meg terkapai2 masa tu. Meg ingat dia power sgt ke nak lawan BRF sorang2.

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Post time 10-1-2020 07:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
huehue replied at 9-1-2020 11:20 AM
So skippy dah boleh lupakan teori harry is a victim kah ni?

Heshe kena mandrem kot

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Post time 10-1-2020 07:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eva replied at 10-1-2020 04:36 PM
hahhaha nnt kena sue

hahaha kalau kat malaysia habis lah kena tggl

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Post time 10-1-2020 07:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
huehue replied at 10-1-2020 06:25 PM
Jenis jenis tweet ni bersepah pula dekat timeline i. Annoying gila iolls tengok. I think kena ada ya ...

Memang gaya cakap harry macam tu ke..?

I tengok gaya cakap harry & his body language dah ala-ala meghan masa kena interview kat south africa hari tu.

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Post time 10-1-2020 08:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
huehue replied at 10-1-2020 06:25 PM
Jenis jenis tweet ni bersepah pula dekat timeline i. Annoying gila iolls tengok. I think kena ada ya ...

dia ingat lady D tu mak dia sorang ke? william tu siapa?

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