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 Author| Post time 15-9-2007 07:25 AM | Show all posts
Brunei's farm sector needs a shot in the arm

Hadthiah PD Hazair

and Romulo T Luib



Declining output has been sector's running theme in past two years

BRUNEI'S farm sector covering agriculture, forestry and fishery needs a boost, as its output has been shrinking steadily over the past couple of years.

There are signs the sector may get its act together with a number of developments that can pave the way for stunning leaps in export figures of food products.

While that remains a potential, the sector begs for a major lift with quarterly declines reaching double digit in some instances.

In the first three months of this year, the farm sector saw a 10.1-per cent decline in the value of its output.

If you go by absolute numbers (at constant prices), this means that the sector's output was valued at $31.6 million, based on official statistics from the Department of Economic Planning and Development (JPKE). This figure represents a drop from the $35.1-million output recorded in the same period last year.

This does not augur well for the sector, given that the figure for the first quarter of 2006 was already a staggering 28.7-per cent dive from the $49.2 million posted in the first three months of 2005.

In the last quarter of 2006, the sector also shrank 12.0 per cent from the same period in 2005.

It remains to be seen how the sector would pull itself from the mire in the last three quarters of this year.

Greater attention has been given to the sector, especially with the recent International Halal Product Exhibition held last month.

Prior to the event, a few major players in the fishery and poultry sub-sectors were awarded certificates for meeting food safety standards under the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point system or HACCP. This will allow the local companies to enter lucrative export markets more freely.

Once Brunei's fishery industry, specifically the companies awarded HACCP certificates, starts to export at more competitive prices, it may give a much needed boost to the sector.

Mohamed Haniff Madaika, Semaun Seafood Sdn Bhd's general manager, told The Brunei Times that to increase exports, farmers must drive down their breeding cost price.

The Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources, in its effort to help reduce production costs, has ensured sufficient supply of fries (baby prawns) at its hatchery in Meragang.

"Another factor which adds to the high cost is the prawn feed. To date, Brunei still imports the feed from neighbouring regions," the general manager said.

To counter this, Mohamed Haniff said that the sultanate needs to produce its own prawn feed.

Vegetable vendors in the country are also still relying heavily on imports from neighbouring countries as "there's not enough (local) produce to go around", Hjh Brunei Hj Cucu said in an earlier interview. However, the ban on vegetables from neighbours might act as a catalyst for local farmers to produce more.

The Brunei Times

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 Author| Post time 15-9-2007 07:26 AM | Show all posts
Join efforts to promote sultanate's tourism industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Izam Said Ya'akub

THEBrunei Association of Hotels (BAH) are currently lobbying with RoyalBrunei Airlines and Brunei Tourism Development for an extra flight fromKota Kinabalu in an attempt to further develop tourism in the sultanate.
"Weare delighted to see that tourism has indeed grown and developed overthe years in Brunei. This is due to the hard work and efforts by alltourism players in the sultanate especially Brunei Tourism Developmentwho has dedicated itself to promoting Brunei to the internationalmarket through various marketing initiatives," said BAH President,Mohammad Irwan Goh.
"We are very excited with our plans tofurther develop tourism and these include lobbying with Brunei TourismDevelopment and Royal Brunei Airlines on an extra flight from KotaKinabalu, encouraging the development of careers within the hospitalityindustry among the youth in Brunei and the setting up of a kiosk atBrunei International Airport in order for guests to communicatedirectly with hotels of their choice upon arrival," he added
In apress statement following the appointment of the association's newExecutive Committee on Tuesday, BAH announced that Mohammad Irwan Goh,General Manager of the Rizqun International Hotel was elected its newpresident with Pengiran Dato Hj Jaludin Pengiran Mohd Limbang, Owner ofNazira Guesthouse, appointed as vice-president.
Other officebearers in the Executive Committee include Brunei Hotel's GeneralManager, Cynthia Bong as the Honorary Treasurer; Shamsul Bahrin PehinDato Hj Ahmad, General Manager at the Orchid Garden Hotel is BAH'sHonorary Secretary.
Meanwhile other executive committee members are comprised of Senior Managers from Brunei's hotels.
TheBrunei Association of Hotels Executive Committee aim to further developtourism industry in the country by working with other stake holdershere in Brunei Darussalam, in particular the Tourism Developmentauthority.
Other initiatives which have been scheduled includean inaugural Hospitality Charity Ball that is planned for the end ofthe year.
A portion of the proceeds generated from the eventwill be donated to a selected local charity and an appropriatedportionwill go into BAH's coffer to be used in the association'sactivities to support the country's efforts to further boost itstourism industry.
The Brunei Times

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 Author| Post time 15-9-2007 07:28 AM | Show all posts
Expanded Gerai Telisai to boost business
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Johnny Ong


TUTONG'SKampung Telisai received a boost in its economic movement and socialcongregation yesterday as the Ramadhan stalls in the area, particularlythe newly-expanded Gerai Telisai, kicked into high gear.
The gerai, or marketplace, can now hold 20 stalls following its expansion.
Duringthe ground breaking ceremony which took place last July, TutongDistrict Officer Hj Jamain Momin told The Brunei Times that theexpansion was made in view of concerns regarding the hygiene ofmakeshift stalls that usually spring up haphazardly conditions duringthe month of Ramadhan.
Accordingly the expansion is an attemptby the district office to organise the marketplace into a morecomfortable place that will attract people to and from the Brunei-Muaraand Belait district, as well as Tutong residents.
In time,further additions will be made, said Hj Jamain, including providing andimproving basic amenities like washrooms and parking spaces.
HasnahTengah, a stall entrepreneur with more than 10 years of experience toldThe Brunei Times that the Ramadhan stalls used to be set up on afirst-come-first-serve basis.
She explained that even with alicense from the municipal department, allocation used to be randomwith stall owners bringing and setting up their own stalls whereverthey like.
"For years we (stall owners) bring our own canvaswhich provides minimal protection for customers during bad weatherresulting in poor turnout," she said.
She also pointed out that the area used to be just an empty clearing that is susceptible to wet soil after a shower.
The recent expansion of the area has made it more orderly.
Ithas also made Hasnah consider being a permanent vendor. At the moment,the housewife, whose three children help manage the stall, onlyoperates the business during Ramadhan.
Another vendor, Hjh Malina Abdullah, has operated her stall there for three years running.
In an interview with The Brunei Times, Hjh Malina said the market is much better with the expansion.
"Already on the first day we have seen more customers and more competition," said Hjh Malina.
Asenior survey technician, Hjh Malina related that running the stall isa way of preparing for her retirement, when she will take up theactivity full-time. At the moment, she only conducts her business _where she sells various products with the help of her mother _ duringthe Ramadhan period. On average, she makes about $1,000 during thefasting month.
Tutong resident Hj Othman Ibrahim hasreservations about the success of the gerai, but concedes that theinitial outlook is positive.
"There seem to be more customers,"he said. An unnamed observer interviewed on site pointed out that themarketplace was put into operation in a hurry as amenities such aspower and water has yet to be installed. He also pointed out thatlicense applicants were only informed of the new availability just twodays prior to Ramadhan.
The observer also pointed out that thedistrict officer was there earlier in the day and was heard raisinganother health concern which was the proximity of the marketplace tothe rubbish collection area.
The Brunei Times

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 Author| Post time 15-9-2007 07:30 AM | Show all posts
Fasting Ramadhan yesterday and today
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Rozan Yunos


FASTING as a form of spiritual discipline is an old practise. TheQuraish treated Ramadhan with great reverence by going up to Mount Hiraand meditating before coming down to circumambulate the Kaabah at theend of the month. It was during this time that Prophet Muhammad, uponhim blessings and peace, received his first revelation of the holyAl-Quran.

Ramadhan is a special month. It was also in this month thatProphet Muhammad was victorious in the battle of Badr, a victory thatwas viewed as good overcoming evil.

"O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you, as it wasprescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn) self restraint"(Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 183).

"Ramadan is the month during which the Quran was revealed,providing guidance for the people, clear teachings, and the statutebook. Those of you who witness this month shall fast therein. Those whoare ill or traveling may substitute the same number of other days.Allah wishes for you convenience, not hardship, that you may fulfillyour obligations, and to glorify Allah for guiding you, and to expressyour appreciation." (Surah Al-Baqarah: Verse 185).

In Brunei, fasting has been performed ever since it became anIslamic nation more than 500 years ago. It was not known how it wasdone in those ancient days. However, soon after the World War II, whenlife began to normalise, there have been many tales of how fasting andthe practices that revolved around it were carried out.

We have to remember the context of the time then. There was nonational radio service. That began in the late 1950s; and even then,not everyone could afford a radio.

Today, everyone owns a calendar which gives the time of theprayers as well as the time of imsak and iftar, or sungkai as theBruneians call it.

Back then, roads were just beginning to be built. Manycommunities were isolated. Some had their own mosques but many othersdid not. Religious knowledge was rudimentary.

Almost everyone was making a subsistence living with nothingluxurious. Bruneians were still farmers and fishermen then _ workingout in the open sun, either in the fields or on the wide open sea. It'sa wonder people had the ability to fast, but they did.

In Brunei, the religious authorities attempted to sight themoon to determine the start of the fasting month from a hilltop nearthe capital city the night before Ramadhan was due to begin. Today thepublic are informed by early evening via television and radio whetherthe moon has been sighted. Before that, in the city centre, a fewcannon volleys were fired to indicate that it was Ramadhan.

Sometimes, the new moon was not sighted from that vantagepoint, whereas it was sighted in our neighbouring country. In the olddays, a number of Bruneians would ignore the official announcement andwould prefer to follow our neighbouring country with regard to thestart and end of Ramadhan. This practice carried on until the 1970s _there would be a number of Bruneians who would not be fasting if HariRaya was being celebrated in Malaysia.

Today Imsak (the ten minutes' gap before Subuh), the time forMuslims to stop consuming food is clearly indicated in the calendar.

However, before calendars were available, Bruneians guessedwhen imsak was. Some held that one could still consume food until thefirst light of day could be seen. Some waited until day had dawned.There are also some who believed that as long as the sun was notsighted, one could still consume food. This led to the practice ofkeeping the window shutters closed so that the sun remained invisible.The shutters were wooden and kept out the sunshine without muchproblem.

There are also others who relied on the cockcrow. If therooster has not crowed, then it was not dawn yet. Thoughscientifically, it has been proven that cockerels do crow at dawn andare fairly accurate. But they do crow at other times of the day too.

During the day, Bruneians who worked in farms or paddy fieldsor out in the sea in the open sun would be struggling to continue theirfast. Today, many Bruneians worke in air-conditioned buildings, andthose in the government service even have shortened working hours.Fasting is less of a challenge.

Today, the breaking of the fast has become a big business.Many people go out to restaurants where they can partake in a sungkaibuffet with a range of foods. Some do it at fast food restaurants withtheir meal in front of them, waiting for the time to sungkai. Some goout and buy delicious food at food stalls popping up at almost everycorner around the country.

In the old days, Bruneians broke their fast in a simpler way.There was no restaurant to go to. There were no stalls either. Peoplecould not afford to buy food. But they were generous. Most peopleliving in villages would cook extra food and give some to theirneighbours. One would end up with a number of dishes given by fellowneighbours.

Guessing the actual time of breaking fast could be quiteprimitive. It was said that some look at the leaves of the pechola orlabu which are said to curl up in the evening. Some look at the hair onone's arm and if it is no longer visible, then you can break the fast.Some even listen out for the sound of a kind of worm. Whoever hasdetermined the time, will usually shout out to their fellow neighboursto tell them it is time for sungkai.

Some villages had badok or drums which were beaten by thevillage folks. In Brunei, the traditional badok sound is still playedon the radio to indicate that it is time to break the fast.

Today most go to the mosques for their isyak and tarawihprayers. In the old days, tarawih was not as widely practiced. Moreoften, it was the tahlil ceremonies which were held especially to breakthe fast, dominated.

The payments of the tithes or zakat too are now regulated.Nowadays, Muslims go to the mosques to pay their zakat to the Imams.These Amils are appointed by the government. In the earlier days, onetrusted person in the village would be chosen as the Amil and everyonewould pay him. It was up to this Amil to distribute whatever he hadreceived.

Hari Raya was not celebrated lavishly. Today, the curtainmakers and tailors work non-stop during Ramadhan. Shops have latetrading hours and roads are be gridlocked with cars. Decoration lightsabound and some houses look as if they own the power stations judgingby the amount of lights.

In the 1950s, everything would be done sparingly. Lightsplaced around the house would be made up of bamboo with a wick and asmall holder for kerosene. The wick would be lighted up and would lastas long as the kerosene lasted.

Life was simpler then. Some say that fulfilling the fastingrequirement was much easier. But both then and now, fasting bring uscloser to Allah spiritually. By weakening the body through fasting, weare strengthening our souls. We are more aware of evil deeds and areable to resist temptation, making us think of Allah and hence becomingobedient to Allah's will.

The author runs a website on Brunei at

The Brunei Times

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 Author| Post time 23-9-2007 02:57 AM | Show all posts
First burial registered at Berambang Island
By Huraizah Ahmad            
              Religious officials and friends of the late Abdul Aziz carrying               his body to the grave site. - HURAIZAH AHMAD
The government of Brunei Darussalam has recorded the first registered burial at Berambang Island in MukimKota Batu.The body of 38-year-old Indian citizen Abdul Aziz Abdul Qader was the first to be buried on Tuesday underthe Administration Authority Unit of the Islamic Burial Grounds, Burial and Maintenance Department of theMinistry of Religious Affairs.
The ministry covered the burial costs, which included motorboat transportation fees to get to the island.
Present at the burial was Buildings and Maintenance Head Pengiran Alli Pengiran Haji Mohammad, officersand personnel from the department, as well as friends of the deceased.
The first registered burial - under the registration number TA01 - will provide greater convenience to thosewho wish to visit the late Abdul Aziz's gravesite in the future.
According to Islamic Burial Grounds Senior Organiser Haji Ibrahim Haji Ratu, all burials at registered Islamicburial grounds will be given a registration number.
The registration number will be handed over to the family of the deceased after they submit the burialregistration form, which is available at the Islamic Burial Ground Unit.
The form will be stored in the department's database and it will include personal details of the deceased,including the cause of death, date of burial, burial registration date, name of informant and the location of thegrave.
Berambang Island - which can be reached using water taxis from the Kg Pintu Malim jetty - is the largestisland in the Brunei-Muara District with seven villages.

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 Author| Post time 23-9-2007 02:58 AM | Show all posts
Delectable Sungkai dishes on offer at Polo Restaurant
By Lyna Mohamad            
                     Line-up of buffet, noodles selection, desserts and main courses.
The Polo Restaurant of the Royal Brunei Polo and Riding Club in Jerudong Park has joined otherrestaurants and eateries in offering Sungkai Buffet Promotion throughout the holy month of Ramadhanserving a wide-range of delectable dishes from tempting appetisers, main courses to satisfying deserts.Priced at $18.80 for adults and $10.80 for children, its line-up features hot plate grill, curry selection,shawarma and Indonesian Nasi Ambeng every Tuesdays and Lamb Quzi every Thursdays.
According to Chef Rezal Othman, a Singaporean chef who has been in Brunei for the past seven years andan expert in 17 culinary fields, apart from the buffet line, the restaurant also provides nine food stalls withMalay and traditional concepts.
A daily in the buffet line-up is the local "Ambuyat" served with its condiments, Gado-Gado and NoodlesStation offering the likes of Soto, Laksa Sarawak and Mee Rebus while the food stalls offer tempting hotplates station, fritters and the popular Roti Jala accompanied with a choice of chicken or beef curry as wellas its chicken shawarma stall.
Chef Rezal said that the restaurant provides a seven-food cycle daily throughout the week with 110 dishesprepared.
The restaurant encourages reservations to be made prior to dining in. The restaurant also provides externalcatering throughout Ramadhan.
A prayer room is also available for patrons who wish to perform their prayers before continuing with theirdinner as the Sungkai Buffet runs from 6pm to 9.30pm.

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 Author| Post time 23-9-2007 02:59 AM | Show all posts
Preparing students for real world
By James Kon            

                    Awang Hj Md Daud cutting the ribbon to the new Mock training                     room.

                    Pg Hj Md Sufri Pg Ali speaks at the event.

                    Deputy Permanent Secretary (Planning and Policy) speaking                     to some of the students.

                    Mock training room, which is identical to a room at Orchid                     Garden Hotel.

                    Touring the new mock training room.

                    Awang Hj Md Daud (R) receiving the mock key from Datin Hjh                     Masnah binti Hj Tuah.

                    Awang Hj Md Daud (R) presenting the mock key to Cikgu Hjh                     Aisah.
Sixteen students of National Diploma in Hotel Catering Management and another 13 students from NationalTrade Certificates in Accommodation of Sultan Saiful Rijal Technical College (MTSSR) will be betterprepared in providing hospitality services for the front desk and housekeeping following the handing over ofMock Training Room equipment in a ceremony yesterday.Orchid Garden Hotel provides the supplies, amenities and furniture for the Mock Training Room, which isidentical to a room at the hotel for the students to practise their skills in housekeeping and front deskservices.
Highlighting the future of the Department of Hospitality and Tourism, Pg Hj Md Sufri Pg Ali, the chairpersonof the organising committee, in his welcoming speech said, "The challenge of the department is to keep upwith the pace of hospitality and tourism development both regionally and globally. Nowadays, tourists havebecome more sophisticated and hold higher expectations with regards to the delivery of quality hospitalityand tourism service."
He added that with the provision of the National Education System forthe 21st Century, the Ministry ofEducation through MTSSR, Department of Technical Education hascommitted itself to developing high-quality tourism manpower resourcesin order to become more competitive and to emerge as a world-classtourism destination.
"The present establishment of dedicated hospitality facilities such as the Asean kitchen by the Ministry ofEducation and with the department's strong linkages with the private sector has ensured that our studentsare equipped with the right skills and training to closely match the industry's needs at world-class standards."
The Head of Department for Hospitality and Tourism also said, "The evidence is shown with positivefeedback from the industries, as well as the great achievement in last year's 6th Asean Skills Competitionwhere Brunei Darussalam won both gold and silver medals and was also awarded with the Best of NationAward for Cookery."
During the ceremony, Datin Hjh Masnah binti Hj Tuah, the chairperson of the Board of Directors of OrchidGarden Hotel, presented the key to the Mock Training Room to the guest of honour, Awang Awang Hj MdDaud bin Hj Mahmud, Deputy Permanent Secretary (Planning and Policy), Ministry of Education.
The guest of honour later handed over the mock key to Cikgu Hjh Aisah binti Hj Mohd Ali, the ActingPrincipal of MTSSR.
After the handing over ceremony, Awang Hj Md Daud toured the new Mock Training Room.
According to Dayang Norvianty Izwah binti Hj Yahya, the teacher in charge of Housekeeping, "The newmock training room does help students in the preparation for housekeeping and front desk services througha real situation. Previously, there wasn't a room that was a replica of a real hotel room to help students getready for their career in the hotel industry."
She also encouraged more youths to join the courses offered by the Department of Hospitality and Tourism.Application forms can be obtained in February next year.

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 Author| Post time 23-9-2007 03:01 AM | Show all posts
The iPhone now available in Brunei
By Yazdi Yahya            
              The iPhone. - YAZDI YAHYA
The iPhone has finally arrived in Brunei.The iPhone is a revolutionary new mobile phone that comes with a built-in 2.0 megapixel camera and an8GB flash drive, which lets you control everything at a touch of your fingertips thanks to its large multi-touchdisplay and innovative new software.
It also lets users type using the predictive keyboard, scroll through photos with a flick, as well as zoom in andout on pictures and web pages.
iPhones were unavailable to users outside the United States and Europe. However, tech-savvy Bruneianscan now buy the 'unlocked' version, according to Lee Siaw Boon, Sales and Marketing Manager of Dee JayTeleshop.
"Sixty days after the iPhone was launched, programmes have been developed to unlock the iPhone so that itmay be used anywhere around the world."
Initially the iPhone was scheduled to be launched in Asia in 2008, but now eager buyers will not have to waitany longer.
The display consists of a 3.5-inch diagonal widescreen multi-touch display with 480-by-320-pixel resolution.
It also supports display of multiple languages and characters simultaneously.
Weighing only 4.8 ounces and 0.46 inch thin, the iPhone also has Wi-Fi , supports EDGE and built-inBluetooth.
The rechargeable lithium ion battery is also built-in reaching eight hours of talk time and a massive 250hours of standby time.
After purchasing the iPhone, users will also get a stereo headset, a dock, dock connector to USB cable, aUSB power adapter and cleaning/polishing cloth.

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 Author| Post time 30-9-2007 03:10 AM | Show all posts
Brunei-style cendol proves popular in Doha
By NAJ            
              Brunei station offering visitors a cold, thirst-quenching 'cendol'.               - NAJ
The people of Doha, Qatar recently got a taste of Brunei's favourite dessert during a Ramadhan bazaar heldat the Malaysian Embassy in Doha.Officers from the Brunei Embassy in Doha made available the popular dessert 'cendol,' which were sold outwithin an hour.
The Brunei officers were led by Brunei Darussalam Temporary Charge' D' Affairs to Qatar Hj Ali Hassan binHj Mohd Salleh, who was accompanied by his family.
Also participating at the event were officers from the Philippines, Thai and Indonesian embassies in Qatar.
The bazaar was an initiative by several embassies to introduce Asean delicacies to the people of Doha. Theevent appealed to over 1,000 customers, which included African and Arab visitors.
A similar event will again be held on October 5.

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 Author| Post time 30-9-2007 03:12 AM | Show all posts
Pitcher plants attract scholars
By NAJ            
            Brunei Darussalam is well known for its lush greeneries. Evidently, there have been a number of foreignacademics coming into the country to pursue scientific studies of the flora and fauna of the country.
One such place of interest is the white sandy stretch along Telisai on the Tutong dual carriageways. The siteis well known for its pitcher plants
There are three species of pitcher plants, also known scientifically as Nepenthes, found at the site. This siteis one of the many tourists attractions, especially for scholars who are doing research (photo above).
Hence, it is timely for the relevant authorities to gazette this site as a forest reserve as illegal poaching of theplants were found of late.

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 Author| Post time 30-9-2007 03:17 AM | Show all posts
Ministry sends five govt scholars to study overseas

                    Scholars under the Ministry of Religious Affairs' 'KHEU Special                     Scheme'. - PHOTOS: MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS

                    Ten students who passed STPUB 2006 left for Egypt for further                     studies under scholarships from the Ministry of Defence.
Five students from Sekolah Menengah Arab were sent to United Kingdom for further studies under thegovernment scholarships sponsored by the Ministry of Religious Affairs, according to a press release.The Ministry of Religious Affairs said for the first time, it granted the scholarships to students who hadachieved academic excellence in 2006 to specialise in educational areas.
The students who received 'KHEU Special Scheme' scholarships this year are: Dayang Nur Ayuni binti Hj AliAmat, who will be studying at Headington School; Dayang Hadijah binti Haji Shukri, Dayang Hjh Nur Majdinabinti Haji Md Lot, Dayang Norhanisah binti Haji Abd Rani, registered at Oswestry School; and AwangMuhammad Nurul Haq bin Haji Johar, who is at Bedford School in London.
The Ministry of Religious Affairs said the 'KHEU Special Scheme' scholarship is different from the schemeoffered by the Ministry of Education to science students who excel in their studies in Sijil Pelajaran UgamaBrunei (SPUB) and Brunei Cambridge General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (BC GCE 'O' Level).
The scholarship is part of the Ministry of Religious Affairs' aims and interests to give a challengingopportunity for students of the Arabic schools Sekolah Menengah Arab and Institut Tahfiz Al-Quran SultanHaji Hassanal Bolkiah (ITQSHHB) to study at an advance level abroad.
The ministry said it hopes that there will be more specialists especially in subjects like the English Language,Mathematics, Economics, Accounting, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography and History.
The scholarship supports His Majesty's titah, which stated " make students especially from SekolahMenengah Arab and Ma'had Islam not only to become experts in the fields of religious studies but also insciences, medicines and other Islamic-oriented fields".
For Arabic school students to receive the scholarship, they should have a minimum of seven credits in 'O'Level. Those with an aggregate of not more than 16 from six best subjects will also be considered.
Students from ITQSHHB are required to memorise 15 Chapters (Juzuk) from the Holy Quran at the institutelevel.
These students will be studying at the respective schools based on their chosen subjects for two years,starting from September 2007 before taking their 'A' Level examination.
Ten students who had passed STPUB 2006 left for Egypt for further studies under the scholarship fromMinDef (Ministry of Defence). Six are holding posts as the Supreme Commander of Royal Brunei ArmedForces and four are appointed as Army officers.
Sixteen students who had passed STPUB have also left Brunei for further studies in Egypt.
One is a Sultan's Scholar. Fifteen were granted scholarships under the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
One student from Sekolah Menengah Arab with excellent 'A' Level results was given a scholarship for furtherstudies in United Kingdom.
Sekolah Menengah Arab offers religious and general subjects.
The school follows two types of board examinations: Sijil Pelajaran Ugama Brunei (SPUB) / BruneiCambridge General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (BC GCE 'O' Level) and Sijil Tinggi PelajaranUgama Brunei (STPUB) / Brunei Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advance Level (BC GCE 'A'Level).

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 Author| Post time 30-9-2007 03:22 AM | Show all posts
Teacher's Day celebrates noble profession
By Yazdi Yahya            

                    Siti Nurbazilah and Dk Noor Nadhirah. - PHOTOS: YAZDI YAHYA

                    Cikgu Hjh Asimah Pengarah Hj Haman, SM SMJA teacher for 23                     years.

                    Cikgu Mikah binti OKPD Lukan, MSPSBS teacher for 26 years.

                    Mrs Florence Cheong, MSPSBS teacher for 26 years.
Henry Brooks Adams once wrote that a teacher affects eternity because he can never tell where hisinfluence stops.The responsibilities entrusted to a teacher are great and their efforts in fulfilling that responsibility should notbe forgotten nor should they be ignored.
To celebrate a teacher's efforts, World Teachers Day is celebrated in most countries around the world onOctober 5. In Brunei, Teacher's Day is celebrated on Sept 23.
However, celebrations this year have been postponed because of the ongoing fasting month.
Kevin Lim, a Form 5 student from SOAS said, "It is important for us to celebrate Teacher's Day because it isa chance for us students to show how much we appreciate our teachers."
On the role of teachers, Kevin Lim said that teachers are not only there to teach but they are also willing tohear their students' problems.
Siti Nurbazilah binti Junaidi from SM SMJA said, "Not only do we celebrate our teacher's efforts but it is alsoa time to ask for forgiveness, and to remind ourselves of their hard work."
Dk Noor Nadhirah, from SM SMJA, said teachers are always there for her.
Apart from teaching normal classes, they put in extra hours for extra classes. "I would like to say thank youto all my teachers. Your efforts and contributions will always be remembered," she said.
Cikgu Hjh Asimah Pengarah Hj Haman, who has been teaching Economics at SM SMJA for 23 years, is oneof its longest serving teachers. "So many teachers have left since I have been here and since then, so muchhas changed.
"Discipline-wise, it is very different from when I was a student. Back then, students would come up toteachers and greet them.
"Nowadays, students and teachers don't have that special bond, which we used to have," she said.
When asked about what has changed since she started teaching, Cikgu Mikah binti OKPD Lukan said, "As aPhysical Education teacher, I notice that back then students were more active in sports compared to now.Every afternoon, students would join in playing football, netball, and hockey."
One of the longest serving teachers in Maktab Sains Paduka Seri Begawan Sultan, Cikgu Mikah will beretiring soon.
Mrs Florence Cheong has been teaching at the Science College for the last 26 years. She touched on thechange in student's attitudes in terms of their studies.
"The number of students entering to the school has increased over the years, speaking highly of oureducation system. Nowadays, the school has a population of around 1,000. I remember that it used to be600 only. When I see my former students and how successful they have become, it makes the last 26 yearsworth every minute," she said.
Pg Haji Zahari Pg Hj Ahmad, Principal of Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien College said, "We should celebrateTeacher's Day as a sign of respect to all teachers, including those who have retired."
He reminded the younger generation of teachers to remember their roles and responsibilities in guiding theyounger generation to achieve success.
"At the same time, it is also important for teachers to always upgrade their skills and improve the quality oftheir teaching, which are in line with the country's development, especially in areas of ICT," he said.

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 Author| Post time 30-9-2007 03:24 AM | Show all posts
Three-car collision kills one
By NAJ            
            An Indian national died in a three-car accident near Kg Telamba, Telisai in the Tutong District yesterday.Three others were injured. The police received a call at 4.15pm and rushed to the scene along with Fire andRescue personnel. The injured were sent to Tutong Hospital. Police are investigating the cause of theaccident.

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 Author| Post time 30-9-2007 03:27 AM | Show all posts
Italian beauties on cultural mission
By Liza Mohd, Lyna Mohamad & Aemy Azlena            

                    Arriving at Sungai Tujoh border. - LIZA MOHD

                    Donnavventura women showing their dancing skills to the Dusun                     community. - AZROL AZMI

                    At the Billionth Barrel Monument in Seria. - LIZA MOHD

                    Pehin Dato Paduka Goh King Chin presenting a souvenir to one                     of the Donnavventura members. - AZROL AZMI

                    Having lunch with the Dusun community. - AEMY AZLENA

                    Donnavventura team with the locals of Kg Merimbun. - AZROL                     AZMI

                    Donnavventura team members posing with children at GHK. -                     AZROL AZMI

                    Warm welcome by GHK staff. - AEMY AZLENA
Six Italian beauties from the highly-rated Italian reality TV series "Donnavventura" (Adventure Ladies) arrivedin the country for a three-day visit through the Sungai Tujoh border yesterday morning.The team, travelling in Mitsubishi Motors-sponsored Tritons, were given a warm welcome by therepresentatives from the joint organisers, Brunei Tourism and Goh Hock Kee Motors.
The women, who were selected from 40,000 applicants to share their travelling experiences with the show'sviewers, are keen to learn about the local culture and tradition, particularly the MIB concept. Silvia Spalvieri,Elena Papuzzo, Stefania Donati, Chiara Babilani, Elisa Grazzini and Benedetta Delogu, aged 24 to 31, arehappy to be in Brunei, according to Silvia.
The show documents the life of the six women during their 100-day journey across Asean. TheDonnavventura team has already visited Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia and EastMalaysia.
In Belait District yesterday morning, the Adventure Ladies made a quick stop at the Billionth BarrelMonument in Seria, which was constructed in 1991 to mark the billionth barrel production of oil in the Seriaoilfields.
Later the ladies stopped at the largest lake in Brunei, Tasek Merimbun, in the Tutong District. After a boatride at Lake Merimbun, the women were treated to lunch by traditionally-dressed members of the Dusuncommunity at the Merimbun Village Head's house where they sampled dishes such as chicken curry, localvegetables called "Rabung" and fish caught from the lake. Traditional dances were also performed and theItalian women were invited to dance along with the performers.
Their itinerary continued in Bandar Seri Begawan where another welcoming reception was hosted at theGHK Showroom in Beribi. They were greeted by Managing Director of GHK, Pehin Dato Paduka Goh KingChin, and Brunei Tourism Director, Sheikh Jamaluddin, and Chairman of GHK Pg Dato Hj Shariffudin.
Pehin Dato Paduka Goh King Chin presented souvenirs to the Italian beauties who were swarmed bycustomers and staff of GHK who did not want to miss the opportunity to take photos with the lovely ladies.
At a press conference, the girls expressed their wish to meet people, see the environment and learn moreabout the local culture. They found Bruneians to be friendly and the country to be beautiful.
The girls are set to visit places of interest, including the Royal Regalia, Kg Ayer and Temburong NationalPark before departing tomorrow.

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 Author| Post time 30-9-2007 03:31 AM | Show all posts
Ministry collects funds for orphans
By Huraizah Ahmad            
              Hjh Suriani presenting the donation to Datin Hjh Adina.
The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports collected donations from various groups for the National OrphansFund and Welfare Body Fund of the Community Development Department yesterday.Present to receive the donations for the fund was Community Development Department Director, Datin HjhAdina Othman. Also present was its Acting Deputy Director, Md Husaini Abdullah, as well as other officialsand personnel from the ministry.
The donations were received from Learning Tree School, Sayidina Hassan Secondary School, SyarikatPerdana, Abbasly Marketing Sdn Bhd and Womens Institute (WI).
Noryati Hj Abd Rahman presented B$1,500 of donation for the National Orphans Fund on behalf of theprincipal of Learning Tree School. According to Noryati, the school and the parents of students of the schoolcontributed towards the donation.
Sayidina Hassan Secondary School Principal, Hjh Suriani Hj Noor Hashim presented a B$2,000 donation forthe National Orphans Fund.
The donations were part of the proceeds from the school's walkathon that was held in April this year, shesaid.
Meanwhile, Irene Chiew, Director of Abbasly Marketing Sdn Bhd, presented a B$1,000 cash contributiontowards the National Orphans Fund as part of the community's annual contribution to the fund in conjunctionwith the Hari Raya celebrations.
Honorary Secretary of WI, Hjh Shamsiah bte Abd Latif presented a B$2,000 donation for the NationalOrphans Fund. According to a WI representative, the donation by WI was collected from the Hari Raya cakesales last year.
A contribution of B$3,000 for the Welfare Body Fund of the Community Development Department waspresented by Hj Momin Hj Salleh, Manager of Syarikat Perdana.
The contributions by Syarikat Perdana were collected from the recent International Expo that was held at theCommercial Centre building in Bandar Seri Begawan in August.
According to the Community Development Department, at the moment, the total number of orphansregistered with the department is about 2,050. The number includes 1,195 in Brunei Muara district, 438 inTutong, 324 in Belait and 93 in Temburong.

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 Author| Post time 30-9-2007 03:33 AM | Show all posts
'We must adapt to the changes'
By Za'im Zaini            
              Deputy minister greeting the UNISSA lecturers.
We need to adapt ourselves in this time of change... in other words, we need to adapt or adopt the latesteducation development to assist our children and the coming generations in facing the challenges of life inthe future.This was yesterday said by Deputy Minister of Education Pengiran Dato Seri Setia Dr Haji Mohammad binPengiran Haji Abd Rahman - in his capacity as rector of Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (UNISSA) -during a workshop on the effective methods of teaching, which was held at the UBD Chancellor Hall.
"What has changed is knowledge on the methods of teaching... using the latest technology so that it is madeeasier to understand and more effective, benefiting both the lecturer and the student," he added.
In the past, the old method was able to generate quality individuals. Hence, the middle path combines thebest of the old methods with the new, creating excellence in teaching towards the learning of Islam andArabic language.
An excellent university is seen based on a number of aspects, among them: the students and lecturers,practised methods of effective learning and teaching; lecturers and students conducting research andproducing academic publications.
The Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University is a quality university, where lecturers and students practise gooddiscipline, good morals and are knowledgeable.
These factors, among others, will become points of attractions for students from inside and outside thecountry to choose this university in order to attain knowledge and thus gain recognition from inside thecountry, the region and internationally.
Earlier, the deputy minister also spoke of the objectives of the workshop, which includes - exposing lecturersto the importance of making a shift in teaching strategies to fulfill current demands in order to generatemarketable and knowledgeable students.
It is also to expose lecturers to the current methods of teachings, introduce the method of problem-baselearning to lecturers in teaching Islamic and Arabic language, and, introduce to lecturers the use of computerand Internet in the teaching of Islam and Arabic language.
The day also saw a speech delivered by Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University Deputy Rector Dr Mohd Yusopbin Hj Awg Damit, who said, "Students' achievement in their studies depends largely on the methods ofteaching used by lecturers.
"Methods that are uninteresting will bore the students, thus they will lose interest in what they have learnt. Aproper method will make it easier for students to understand what they are learning, and subsequentlygenerate quality graduates," he said.
Several lecturers in a number of universities have moved from the traditional method of teacher-centered toa more student-centred teaching. In the student-centred method, the pupil plays the main role in the processof learning and lecturers serve as guides.
Growing popular at a number of universities is the method of problem-base learning. This new methodencourages students to think critically and analytically, using suitable sources of learning.
This approach is more relevant to real life or the real world and can prepare students for the workingenvironment once they finish their studies.
Participating in the two-day workshop are some 40 lecturers from UNISSA.
The workshop will see lecturers discussing and learning topics such as the Learner Centre Approach versusTeacher Centre Approach, problem base learning approach, evaluation and examination, sources of baseinformation in PBL/CBL, methods of teaching as well as current education technology, and application ofmultimedia in teaching.
The workshop is facilitated by Dr Hj Wan Mat bin Sulaiman of the Language Education Department and DrHj Su'aidi bin Dato Haji Safei of the Arts and Social Science Education Department of the Sultan HassanalBolkiah Institute of Education, UBD.

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 Author| Post time 30-9-2007 03:36 AM | Show all posts
Holiday reminder on road accidents
By Rosli Abidin YahyaA saloon car turned turtle after hitting the road divider yesterday morning along the Berakas Muara Highway.Police advise drivers to drive carefully especially at this time nearing the festive season.
Road mishaps and fatalities rise during the festive season despite the constant reminder to the people toadhere to traffic rules when driving.
According to research, speeding and reckless driving are the main causes of fatal accidents, followed byovertaking and trailing closely the car in front.
There are 160,000 registered vehicles on Brunei roads for its population of 300,000.
The ratio of car ownership in Brunei is one vehicle per every two persons, which is comparable to that inmany developed countries.
On a regional basis, road deaths take the greatest toll in the Asia and Pacific region, where 44 per cent ofthe world's road deaths occur, and where only 16 per cent of the total motor vehicles are found.
Brunei Darussalam has the fourth highest road fatalities in Asia Pacific after Malaysia, Thailand andRepublic of Korea, with 22.4 deaths per 100,000 people as per statistics for 1996.
Observers said it would take a long time to change a person's attitude on the road but believed that acontinued programme at a young age could change their mindset in the future, which would work to reduceroad accidents and fatalities.
With the projected increase in population, the nation can expect 60,000 new drivers on the roads within thenext 10 years, especially with no sign of reduced dependence on cars as the primary means oftransportation within the country.

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 Author| Post time 30-9-2007 03:38 AM | Show all posts
Hari Raya cheer for Brunei-Muara orphans
By P Marilyn            

                    Guest of honour Dato Paduka Awang Haji Md Yussop bin Bakar                     with invited guests and contributors.

                    An orphan with her mother. - PHOTOS: H MEGA

                    Orphans from the Brunei-Muara district receiving the donation.
Some 1,210 orphans from the Brunei- Muara District yesterday received donations during a presentationceremony at Dewan Muhibbah in the Old Airport in Berakas.Guest of honour was Brunei-Muara District Officer Dato Paduka Awang Haji Md Yussop bin Bakar.
The annual charity aimed to help the orphans and brighten up their Hari Raya celebrations.
Donations were collected from contributors, individuals and members of the community.
The contributors included Pehin Kapitan Lela Diraja Dato Paduka Awang Goh King Chin, Pehin KapitanChina Kornia Diraja Dato Paduka Awang Lau Ah Kok, Pengarah Awang Haji Ismit bin Pengarah Mukim HajiNaim, Awang Nazeer Ahmed bin Mohamed Zackiriah and the spouse of Nazmi Textile Mall owner.
The guest of honour thanked the organising committee for carrying out the charitable acts, particularly duringthe fasting month of Ramadhan, and for the contributors' help for the less fortunate children in the Brunei-Muara District.
He advised the orphans to respect their surviving parent or guardian, and not to retaliate or fight with them,as they are fortunate to have somebody left to care for them.
Haji Suhaimin Haji Abas presented yesterday a donation for the Brunei-Muara District Orphans Fund.
Also at the event were the Assistant Brunei-Muara District Officer cum Chairman of the OrganisingCommittee, Haji Haris bin Othman, penghulus and heads of villages, and guardians.

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 Author| Post time 30-9-2007 03:40 AM | Show all posts
Chung Hwa Middle School shines in Explo-Maths competition

                    CHMS's first runner-up secondary section team with School                     Principal Mdm Kho Guik Lan, centre, and teachers.

                    Second runner-up primary section team with Mdm Kho Guik Lan                     and teachers from CHMS.
Chung Hwa School BSB is a shining example of excellence when its students snatched the first runner-uptitle in the Explo-Maths Secondary Section and second runner-up title in the Explo-Maths Primary Section.The competition, sponsored by Brunei Shell Petroleum, was organised recently by Ministry of Education.
Representing the school's secondary section included Wong Kuo Hong from F5 Science, Yau Yee Hui fromF4 Science, George Wong Weng Seng from F3A and Lim Jia Xin from F2A.
In the individual round, Lim Jia Xin emerged as champion in the Form 2 Category with an outstanding scoreof 91 points, while George Wong Weng Seng was named the second runner-up in the Form 3 Category andWong Kuo Hong won third place in the Form 5 Category.
Meanwhile, representing the school in primary section included Jessica Kok, Koh Pi Wang, Lim Chee Mingand Han Tzuen Chour.
Koh Pi Wang from P5 Red was one of the Junior Top 10, while Lim Chee Ming from P6 Red and Han TzuenChour from P6 Yellow were in the Senior Top 10.
In a different event, four students from Chung Hwa Middle School BSB - Shelby Goh Shao May from P6Red, Lau Wang Jing and Loh Ben Yang from P5 Red and Shirley Wong Chee Eng from P4 Red - wereawarded with high distinctions in the University of New South Wales International Competitions andAssessments for Schools. Nineteen students were also awarded with distinctions in the said assessments.

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 Author| Post time 30-9-2007 03:40 AM | Show all posts
Chung Hwa Middle School shines in Explo-Maths competition

                    CHMS's first runner-up secondary section team with School                     Principal Mdm Kho Guik Lan, centre, and teachers.

                    Second runner-up primary section team with Mdm Kho Guik Lan                     and teachers from CHMS.
Chung Hwa School BSB is a shining example of excellence when its students snatched the first runner-uptitle in the Explo-Maths Secondary Section and second runner-up title in the Explo-Maths Primary Section.The competition, sponsored by Brunei Shell Petroleum, was organised recently by Ministry of Education.
Representing the school's secondary section included Wong Kuo Hong from F5 Science, Yau Yee Hui fromF4 Science, George Wong Weng Seng from F3A and Lim Jia Xin from F2A.
In the individual round, Lim Jia Xin emerged as champion in the Form 2 Category with an outstanding scoreof 91 points, while George Wong Weng Seng was named the second runner-up in the Form 3 Category andWong Kuo Hong won third place in the Form 5 Category.
Meanwhile, representing the school in primary section included Jessica Kok, Koh Pi Wang, Lim Chee Mingand Han Tzuen Chour.
Koh Pi Wang from P5 Red was one of the Junior Top 10, while Lim Chee Ming from P6 Red and Han TzuenChour from P6 Yellow were in the Senior Top 10.
In a different event, four students from Chung Hwa Middle School BSB - Shelby Goh Shao May from P6Red, Lau Wang Jing and Loh Ben Yang from P5 Red and Shirley Wong Chee Eng from P4 Red - wereawarded with high distinctions in the University of New South Wales International Competitions andAssessments for Schools. Nineteen students were also awarded with distinctions in the said assessments.

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