At the moment, im doing it from home. Insyaallah dah sampai target no. of students nanti, i'll find a proper place either shophouse or house.
Setakat ni, other centre operators yang dah buat, sambutan boleh tahan ler...sebab program ni baru in the market, but then the support from GG HQ is there, such as we arrange to have parenting talk, they will come and conduct it and also we have monthly gathering for our centre operators to get more new knowledge and info.
I think this program can be a success cuma makan masa and depends on centre operator yang buat ni...
U dah pernah pergi BOSS training dia ker?...why dont you give richard a call and see what he can come with...the only thing we facing now is the communication breakdown with their staff...tu yang sometime haru tu... |
ada aritu dia offer kat I suh i buat kat around my place. susah sket coz kawasan I nie kawasan yg agak 'tua' dimana family baru kurang. okaylah u bleh buat kat umah. takyah risau pasal sewa. i penah pegi training dia, yg join masa tu 2nd batch of centre operator. mende nie nampak bagus cuma nak convince org2 kita susah sket. lain le kita partner ngan chinese, bleh tarik orang2 dia.
bab communication breakdown tu memang normal le. dulu ada gak si Michael tu call2...la nie habuk. kira dah takde apa2 le kot. ntah, serik le nak business ngan dorang nie. hard to trust after what I have experienced. tengok le, kalau jadi my plan nak buat pusat tuisyen sendiri, i bleh absorb mende nie pelan2. besides, accelerated learning nye tools banyak dlm market. senang nak dapat and since I dah penah attend training, it's not hard to practice.
camne dorang nye marketing site? jalan ke? dulu siap kata nak iklan dlm suratkhabar, including Utusan utk market segment org melayu. buat ke tak? |
Marketing dia orang thru newspaper tu memang dia orang "kata"lah most of the time in chinese paper every month but now since dah banyak sambutan from non chinese, they decidecide to rotate all 3 paper - malay, chinese, star. setakat ni last month was 1st time add keluar kat star paper...this month is chinese coz they said they have a deal with the chinese paper so i guess the following month will be in malay paper (which one, i tak tau lagi).
and now they plan to go school to school to do the parent talk...tapi we as the centre operator have to approach the school first to get their consent for this parent talk. we are giving free trial for this program and also offering money back guarantee.
my area also 70% chinese... so ive not really go all out yet...since nak dekat puasa...lagi buat kat rmh....
any idea how to advertise more effectively? |
GG tu apa?....mcm best jer....citerlah bagi terang sikit. |
make sure dorang kotakan janji pasal nak masuk paper Utusan tu. dorang slalu berat kat chinese.
bout marketing, slain mouth to mouth which works the best, u bleh upkan poster2 di shopping complex yg ada info board (biasanya kene bayar. Giant slalunya ada), iklan di newspaper bahagian education (the star and malay mail paling best, yg kecik2 tu dalam 100 or 200 ringgit), buh banner depan umah, distribute flyers dr umah ke umah (upah company distribution, bout 4 cent per flyer) or advertise dlm majalah iklan yg slalu dihantar dr umah ke umah for free (but kita as advertiser kene bayar le).
so far 100% money back to berfungsi ke tak? dah ada yg mintak refund ke? mesti ada syarat2 kan? ur student purchase set GG ke or pakai u punye? I tgk dorang charge set tu punye le mahal. |
Originally posted by ilham_ryana at 7-9-2005 05:19 PM
GG tu apa?....mcm best jer....citerlah bagi terang sikit.
GG tu Genius Gym....details referlah kat earlier posting... |
Tq for the advert advice....hmhm tak terpikirlak nak letak kat Giant ker hypermarket memana...good idea...pasal distribution of flyers tu, insyaallah dalam perancangan.
100% money back guarantee tu memang ada and so far yang tahu they will pay.
Pasal advertisement in Malay paper tu...we will push Richard for it..as mentioned earlier more than 70% in klang valley currently are Malay centre operators. Cuma tu lah nak convince kan orang Melayu bukan senang unless they are the one looking for it...coz orang kita ni jenis tengok dulu...doesnt want to be the pioneer or experiment...want 100% full proof...but we must remembered this is new program in market, im sure there will be mistakes or problems along the way... |
betul tu. just make sure Richard buat seperti yg dijanjikan. bagi saya, saya dah hilang sikit kepercayaan pada kreadibiliti dorang. just make sure dorang tak buat perkara yg sama dengan u and other GG centre operators. |
thanks for your word of caution. I will let the others know also. |
UPSR dah selesai - Lega
PMR-tengah bertarung
SPM-coming soon....
saja nak upkan topik!! |
grandprice This user has been deleted
menarik la nih, i love this kind of things sebenarnya, tapi tak de peluang lagi, but for those yang tgh cari shareholders , maybe i could do something about it. let say saya minat nak invest on this line, boleh sesapa bagi suggestion?. sebab skang ni ,ni saja saya boleh buat. pm me sherrina or kaypo or anyone. tq |
wahh...grand nak bagi modal ke? :bgrin: |
grandprice This user has been deleted
Originally posted by sherrina at 5-10-2005 07:56 PM
wahh...grand nak bagi modal ke? :bgrin:
hai sherrina, bunyi mcm byk duit plak kan? ish takla camtu, cuma tgh cari2 something utk investment.
minat jugak sebenarnya nak buat mcm kaypo tu, start kat rumah, tapi my current condition tak mengizinkan.
i will keep it in mind sambil tambah2 lagi knowledge. someday....kalau umur ni pjg... |
takpe grand, kalau u sungguh2 minat tak perlu start direct ke proper tuition centre. boleh mula dari umah dulu. home tuition ke, atau keje di pusat tuition secara part time. can get idea how the business work. dah yakin, baru on kan business sendiri.
aiyahh....bulan posa nie plak tuition freeze coz budak2 skolah rendah dah abis exam. secondary pon abis minggu depan. sangkut sekejap income tuition sampai lepas raya. aiseh..... |
Originally posted by sherrina at 8-10-2005 12:02 AM
takpe grand, kalau u sungguh2 minat tak perlu start direct ke proper tuition centre. boleh mula dari umah dulu. home tuition ke, atau keje di pusat tuition secara part time. can get idea how the bu ...
tak pe le sherrina...lepas raya ni kencang le balik....:cak: |
harap2 gitu le...lagipun student2 tu thn depan nak peksa besar. mak dorang pun kata lepas raya nie nak pulun balek...hehe |
emm maybe tak berkaitan ngan pusat tuisyen.. tp kalau nak bukak cam computer learning center... nak ajar programming.... ade kene ada apa2 lesen gak ke cam lesen pusat tuisyen tu... memang kiranya student belajar just for getting knowledge.... rasanya saya nak kuarkan certificate yang diakui pun takde kut..except portfolio project and source code... |
Originally posted by boyan at 12-3-2006 12:29 PM
emm maybe tak berkaitan ngan pusat tuisyen.. tp kalau nak bukak cam computer learning center... nak ajar programming.... ade kene ada apa2 lesen gak ke cam lesen pusat tuisyen tu... memang kiranya ...
ikut pengalaman saya...x perlu lesen dari mana2 kementerian mcm tuisyen tu..
masa apply lesen dgn majlis perbandaran...cakap nak buat pusat kemahiran ngajar komputer..
so..procedures tak cerewet sgt... |
Originally posted by ilham_ryana at 13-3-2006 09:05 PM
ikut pengalaman saya...x perlu lesen dari mana2 kementerian mcm tuisyen tu..
masa apply lesen dgn majlis perbandaran...cakap nak buat pusat kemahiran ngajar komputer..
so..procedures tak ce ...
yo...ilham _ryana...guano tuisyen sekrang ni? kencamg lagi ke???
sherrina????? kabare? |
Originally posted by ilham_ryana at 13-3-2006 09:05 PM
ikut pengalaman saya...x perlu lesen dari mana2 kementerian mcm tuisyen tu..
masa apply lesen dgn majlis perbandaran...cakap nak buat pusat kemahiran ngajar komputer..
so..procedures tak ce ...
hehehe tq tq sbb reply... em... tadi baca yang digest tuisyen ni.. yang first page... gabanzack ada post.. pasal nak tubuh institusi pendidikan swasta dan jenis2nye... dan salah satu..
* Pusat-pusat bahasa, pusat latihan komputer, pusat kemahiran/ perdagangan, sekolah gaya pos dan lain-lain
jeng jeng... adakah bisnes saya termasuk gak dalam ni?
saya punya idea simple je.
10 - 15 computers. murah2 je. tak yah high end. hehehe bukan nak buat cybercafe counterstrike.
install linux/debian and semua programming modules (java, c, php, perl, phyton etc etc).. heheh tak yah beli2 lesen... hidup open source yahoooo...
buat courses untuk ajar org (pecahkan kelas pada budak2 remaja, and dewasa)... ramai org takut programming.. tp ngan programming sebenarnya mcm mcm mcm mcm kita leh buat.. lagipun... keje sekarang saya tak banyak buat programming padahal suka. so kalau bole nak pastikan ilmu tu berkembang dan disalurkan.
saya memang suka mengajar. puas tgk bile kita berjaya tolong develop org.
baca2 post2 yang lama... terbaca idea sewa rumah and buat centre kat situ.. tul gak kan?.... instead of susah2 rumah kedai.. cam betul gak.. sure besar kan.. pastu murah pun murah... takde bayar commercial utility rates lagi... tp dari legality cane ye.. guna residential untuk bisnes?
lagi satu ryana... yang apply lesen majlis perbandaran tu pulak.. tu kenapa lak ye... bole tolong terangkan? saya blur... :stp: |
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Category: Belia & Informasi