Fatwa Dr Yusuf Al-Qaradawi mengenai makanan yang dicampur dengan Red Wine.
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macam mana kau nak detect dia mabuk ke tidak ? Just because dia minum tak semestinya dia mabuk .
blastoff Post at 4-7-2010 19:16 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
good question. in your opinion, how should we detect that? |
Cuba compare ini:
1. meminum sedikit arak haram hukumnya.
2. air wine yg tercampur dlm sebaldi air selagi tak berubah rasa dan warna masih boleh digunakan utk berwuduk, air itu sifatnya suci lagi menyucikan. |
tobby Post at 5-7-2010 02:13 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Hukum halal haram dalam Islam berjalan di alam nyata, makna nya perkara tu kena boleh berlaku di dunia nyata or else kita hanya membebankan minda kita memikirkan perkara yg takkan berlaku .
So perlu kita bertanya macam mana air wine boleh nak tercampur dalam sebaldi air untuk di buat wuduk ? Orang Islam memang takkan pi beli wine , so air wine tak mungkin akan masuk dalam baldi air di rumah orang Islam .
Rumah orang kafir pula tak mungkin dia nak masukkan wine dalam sebaldi air biasa , sebab dia beli wine untuk tujuan meminumnya. Kalau ada di campur wine pun adalah pada air minuman aje ... dan air minuman bukan boleh dibuat ambil wuduk.
Kilang wine yang ada baldi air yang bercampur wine , mana ada orang Islam yang bersembahyang yang sanggup pi kerja kat kilang wine !
So impossible untuk wujud keadaan di mana air wine boleh bercampur dalam sebaldi air yang nak di guna buat wuduk . |
Hukum halal haram dalam Islam berjalan di alam nyata, makna nya perkara tu kena boleh berlaku di d ...
blastoff Post at 5-7-2010 11:39 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
you are right. benda ni susah nak berlaku. melainkan ada org mabuk terjatuh di fountain bersama botol araknya. then air fountain tu tetap sah utk dibuat air wuduk. dan arak bukanlah najis. arak cuma tak boleh diminum ajer. |
dan arak bukanlah najis. arak cuma tak boleh diminum ajer.
tobby Post at 4-7-2010 23:01 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
eh, bukan arak najis ke? |
eh, bukan arak najis ke?
kucingblue Post at 5-7-2010 15:25 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
klu najis kenapa bila dah jadi cuka tiba2 jd tak nak najis pula. malah boleh diguna dlm makanan pula. |
begitu juga babi. babi haram dimakan tapi bukan najis. |
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 6-7-2010 09:39
tau tak satu perkataan tu boleh ade lebih satu makna? penah bace kamus tak?
kucingblue Post at 5-7-2010 11:28 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Google aje "alcoholic drink" or "alcoholic beverage" nescaya yang keluar di kamus dan ensaiklopedia adalah definasi air arak yang memabukkan saja dan tak ada yang lebih dari makna tu .
So dah tu minuman yang ada glycerin kita nak panggil apa ?
Penggunaan word "soft" pada minuman as in 'soft drink' adalah untuk menunjukkan penggunaan glycerin dalamnya . Soft ...blastoff ....bunyinya hampir sama la pulak .....
Yang dalam makmal masih dok bertegas kata alkohol terdiri dari bahan memabukan dan tak memabukkan , tapi kat dunia luar semua did tukar nama untuk membezakan antara minuman yang mengandungi unsur ethanol sebagai 'alcoholic drink' dengan yang mengandungi glycerin sebagai 'soft drink' ....
Istilah tu di guna tak ada kena mengena dengan nak jaga profit ka atau nak jaga hati orang Islam , kerana kamus dan ensaiklopedia hanya peduli tentang definasi yg betul mengenai sesuatu perkara dan bukan untuk nak jaga profit or jaga hati .
Food Industry
Glycerin is used to make extracts of tea, coffee, ginger and other vegetable substances, which are crushed, moisturize and treat glycerol, heated water and distilling to obtain an extract containing about 30% glycerol. Glycerin is widely used in the manufacture of soft drinks. Large companies spend more than 450 tons of glycerine a year the highest quality to make an extract, which in diluted condition attached drinks "softness." Glycerin is used in obtaining mustard, jelly and vinegar.
Nih saya memudahkan kau, siap dengan link sekali bawah ni .
http://www.thefreedictionary.com/alcoholic+drink Noun | 1. | alcoholic drink - a liquor or brew containing alcohol as the active agent; "alcohol (or drink) ruined him" |
Britannica Concise Encyclopedia: alcoholic beverage
Any fermented liquor, such as wine, beer, or distilled liquor, that contains ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, as an intoxicating agent. When an alcoholic beverage is ingested, the alcohol is rapidly absorbed in the stomach and intestines because it does not undergo any digestive processes. It is distributed to the rest of the body through the blood and has a pronounced depressant action on the brain. Under the influence of alcohol, the drinker is less alert, less able to discern objects in the environment, slower in reacting to stimuli, and generally prone to sleep.
Food and Nutrition: alcoholic beverages
Drinks made by fermenting fruit juices, sugars, and fermentable carbohydrates with yeast to form alcohol. These include beer, cider, and perry, 4-6% alcohol by volume; wines, 9-13% alcohol; spirits (e.g. brandy, gin, rum, vodka, whisky) made by distilling fermented liquor, 38-45% alcohol; liqueurs made from distilled spirits, sweetened and flavoured, 20-40% alcohol; and fortified wines (aperitif wines, madeira, port, sherry) made by adding spirit to wine, 18-25% alcohol. See also alcohol; proof spirit. |
begitu juga babi. babi haram dimakan tapi bukan najis.
tobby Post at 5-7-2010 22:21 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Tangan basah kalau pi pegang babi or terkena najis / air kencingnya kan kena samak.... tu maknanya najis berat . |
Post Last Edit by kucingblue at 5-7-2010 17:50
Reply 89# blastoff
dah ko search "alcoholic drink" memang la!!!
cuba ko search kat kamus or wikipedia, "Alcohol" jek. You'll see both definitions. Gee, tak tau nak cakap ape lagi.
again, if you wanna narrow the definition of alcohol, I don't give a damn. it doesn't change Chemistry as we know it. |
Reply blastoff
dah ko search "alcoholic drink" memang la!!!
cuba ko search kat kamus or wikip ...
kucingblue Post at 6-7-2010 09:47 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Pasai apa pulak saya nak search alcoholic ? We are talking about minuman right ? Kenapa soft drink orang tak gelar alcoholic drink , dan kenapa hanya wine todi arak saja orang gelar alcoholic drink ..... kau panggil minuman memabukkan sebagai alcoholic drink atau 'alcoholic' saja ? |
Tangan basah kalau pi pegang babi or terkena najis / air kencingnya kan kena samak.... tu maknan ...
blastoff Post at 6-7-2010 09:42 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
air liur anjing saja yg kena samak. babi haram di makan tapi tdk najis. tapi klu mazhab syafie ia najis. mazhab lain mengatakan babi tak najis berpandukan dalil masing2. |
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 6-7-2010 10:13
Tobby, air dalam fountain yang dijemur tengah panas day in day out walau tak masuk apa pun kalau bukan dalam bekas yang buat dari emas atau perak adalah makruh untuk di guna pada badan.
http://jaipk.perak.gov.my/index.php/Solat/Jenis-Air.html c) Air Musyammas:
Iaitu air yang suci lagi menyucikan tetapi makruh menggunakannya.
Air yang suci lagi menyucikan yang lain tetapi makruh digunakan pada tubuh badan tidak pada pakaian. Air Musyammas bermaksud air yang panas yang terdedah kepada cahaya matahari iaitu pada negeri-negeri yang beriklim panas yang mana ia boleh mendatangkan karat seperti besi, tin dan lain-lain yang mana ia memberi mudharat apabila terkena kulit atau tubuih badan menyebabkan ianya sopak, kusta dan sebagainya. Sebagaimana Sabda Rasullah s.a.w. yang bermaksud: "Dari Aisyah sesungguhnya ia telah memanaskan air pada cahaya matahari maka telah bersabda Rasullah s.a.w kepadanya janganlah engkau berbuat demikian wahai Aisyah sesungguhnya air yang dijemur itu dapat menimbulkan penyakit sopak." (Riwayat Baihaqi) |
air liur anjing saja yg kena samak. babi haram di makan tapi tdk najis. tapi klu mazhab syafie ...
tobby Post at 6-7-2010 10:05 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
kenapa air liur anjing berlainan dengan air liur babi status najisnya ? |
Pasai apa pulak saya nak search alcoholic ? We are talking about minuman right ? Kenapa soft drink orang tak gelar alcoholic drink , dan kenapa hanya wine todi arak saja orang gelar alcoholic drink ..... kau panggil minuman memabukkan sebagai alcoholic drink atau 'alcoholic' saja ?
blastoff Post at 5-7-2010 18:00 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
if you're talking about alcoholic drinks, why bother what scientists consider as alcohol?
They don't call soft drinks alcoholic drinks, because I think people would think that it is intoxicating. Not everybody learns chemistry. And in fact "alcoholic drinks" is so synonymous with arak already. If I try to sell soft drinks, why would I want to call it alcoholic beverage and make the product less attractive to Muslims or people buying soda for their children?
Really, ape masalahnya scientist consider methanol or propanol sebagai alcohol? Terpesong ke aqidah orang Islam? Ape nanti umat Islam ingat semua alcohol halal diminum? |
Cuba compare ini:
1. meminum sedikit arak haram hukumnya.
2. air wine yg tercampur dlm sebaldi air selagi tak berubah rasa dan warna masih boleh digunakan utk berwuduk, air itu sifatnya suci lagi menyucikan.
tobby Post at 5-7-2010 02:13 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Saya rasa soalan ini lebih sesuai : Kenapa Islam mengharamkan kandungan arak yang sedikit dalam minuman/makanan sedangkan ia tidak memabukkan ?
Arak yang sedikit yang di campur dalam minuman atau makanan memang tak memabukkan , tapi arak tu walaupun sedikit tetap memberi makna pembuat arak dan penjual arak perlu wujud untuk membolehkan arak tu ada in the first place .
Jadi apabila kita makan atau minumnya dalam makanan/minuman kita walaupun sedikit , akan bermakna kita memberi ruang untuk pembuat arak berterusan wujud dalam masyarakat .
Sedangkan Hadis sahih bawah ni jelas melarang apa saja bentuk sokongan secara langsung atau tak langsung pada apa-apa saja yang membolehkan kewujudan arak berlaku dalam masyarakat .
(Abu Dawud ) Book 26, Number 3666:
Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar:
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Allah has cursed wine, its drinker, its server, its seller, its buyer, its presser, the one for whom it is pressed, the one who conveys it, and the one to whom it is conveyed.
They don't call soft drinks alcoholic drinks, because I think people would think that it is intoxicating. Not everybody learns chemistry. And in fact "alcoholic drinks" is so synonymous with arak already. If I try to sell soft drinks, why would I want to call it alcoholic beverage and make the product less attractive to Muslims or people buying soda for their children?kucingblue Post at 6-7-2010 10:20 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
So kau rumuskan sebagai apabila guna istilah alcoholic pada soft drink akan mengelirukan orang dan menhadkan pasarannya di kalangan orang Islam ....
Really, ape masalahnya scientist consider methanol or propanol sebagai alcohol? Terpesong ke aqidah orang Islam? Ape nanti umat Islam ingat semua alcohol halal diminum? kucingblue Post at 6-7-2010 10:20 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Aik, kau sendiri kan merumuskan kat atas ni istilah alcoholic kalau guna kat soft drink yang tak memabukkan tu boleh kelirukan orang untuk menyangka bahan tu memabukkan dan boleh menimbulkan masaalah profit ..... Kau masih tanya lagi kenapa istilah alkohol tak patut di guna pada bahan yang tak memabukkan seperti glycerin , methanol etc ?
Kenapa yang nu kau kata boleh mengelirukan dan mendatangkan masaalah tapi yang ni kau kata ok pula? Dua standard berbeza gitu kenapa ? |
satu fatwa yg aku baru tau. contoh lain: arak bila menjadi cuka boleh diguna krn berubah sifatnya? ...
tobby Post at 2-7-2010 09:11 ![](http://mforum3.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Macam mana pulak aceto-balsamico -(Wine Venigar)
Selalaunya di masukkan dalam steak bagi sedap...
Boleh tak
Aadakah aceto-balsamico halal.... |
Kau masih tanya lagi kenapa istilah alkohol tak patut di guna pada bahan yang tak memabukkan seperti glycerin , methanol etc ?blastoff Post at 5-7-2010 19:18 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
yeah, the general public probably understand alcohol as intoxicating agent, while people in the science community have a wider definition. so wha? musnah ke Islam? |
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 6-7-2010 16:06
yeah, the general public probably understand alcohol as intoxicating agent, while people in th ...
kucingblue Post at 6-7-2010 12:32 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
People in the science world masih terkial-kial tak faham mekanisma biokimia dalam ethanol yang menyebabkan kesan memabukkannya tu ....
Richard W. Gross, M.D., Ph.D., professor of medicine and of molecular biology and pharmacology: "Despite the structural simplicity of ethanol, nobody understands the biochemical mechanisms that are responsible for its neurologic effects." http://wupa.wustl.edu/record_archive/1997/02-27-97/9555.html
So dari sini kita fahamlah bahwa mereka buat judgement untuk lamsamkan sekali ethanol dengan bahan yang tak memabukkan seperti glycerin tu bukan berdasarkan ilmu tapi berdasarkan kejahilan mereka .
Apa yang mereka tak faham maka mereka tak iktiraf sebagai wujud , tak nampak maka tak dak walaupun mereka boleh lihat kesan memabukkan yang ada pada ethanol di dunia luar .....tapi di peringkat mekanisma biokimia mereka masih tak nampak, sebab tu mereka tak mahu bezakan antara ethanol dan glycerin lalu mereka satukan keduanya dalam satu kumpulan alkohol .
Sound familiar ? Mereka tak nampak Allah lalu mereka kata Allah tak wujud , walaupun mereka boleh lihat kesan2 di alam ni yang memperlihatkan kewujudan Allah . Dan Allah menyembunyikan mekanisma biokimia ethanol dari mereka untuk mendedahkan kejahilan mereka pada manusia ....
Mereka jahil mengenai ethanol , tapi mereka masih anggap rumusan mereka mengenainya tetap tepat dan jitu , dan ramai pula tu manusia yang sanggup menerima bulat2 apa yang mereka formulate kan mengenainya !
This page is from an archive of Record articles from 1995-2003. For the most recent news, please visit news.wustl.edu
Researchers study alcohol's intoxicating effectsSchool of Medicine researchers might have answered a question that has lingered since humans started squashing grapes: Why does alcohol make people drunk? The researchers discovered that a compound produced by alcohol-soaked brain cells potentially can inhibit the release of neurotransmitters, which is what happens in real-life brains after five or six beers. A slowdown in neurotransmitter release could lead to slurred speech, clumsiness, slow reflexes and a loss of inhibitions. "I'm hopeful that we can now figure out a thousand-year-old mystery," said Richard W. Gross, M.D., Ph.D., professor of medicine and of molecular biology and pharmacology. "Despite the structural simplicity of ethanol, nobody understands the biochemical mechanisms that are responsible for its neurologic effects." In a study published last December in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, Gross and Rose Gubitosi-Klug, an M.D./Ph.D. student, link potentially intoxicating changes in brain chemistry to a group of compounds called fatty acid ethyl esters. The compounds, which are lipid molecules that cells manufacture by combining ethanol and fatty acids, apparently speed up the release of potassium ions from brain cells. In the brain, an increased flow of potassium would inhibit the release of neurotransmitters, Gubitosi-Klug said. The study might explain a paradox that has frustrated researchers for years, said Gross, who also is a professor of chemistry in Arts and Sciences. Many laboratory studies have shown that brain cells in cultures simply don't respond to ethanol unless the concentration is high enough to kill a human. Gross said brain cells growing in a laboratory often lack normal amounts of fatty acids and thus can't efficiently manufacture fatty acid ethyl esters. The Washington University researchers achieved their results with a concentration of alcohol relevant to real-life drinkers. They treated hippocampal rat cells and insect cells that were genetically engineered to carry potassium channels with either 0.1 percent alcohol, the alcohol plus some fatty acids, or ready-made fatty acid ethyl esters. The straight alcohol solution had no effect on the cells, but the combination of alcohol and fatty acids and the ready-made fatty acid ethyl esters greatly stimulated the flow of potassium from each type of cell. An increased flow of potassium would interfere with communication between brain cells by making it difficult for cells to absorb enough calcium to trigger the release of neurotransmitters. In the hippocampus, curbing the release of neurotransmitters could lead to short-term memory loss, a common complication of drunkenness. Gross and Gubitosi-Klug don't know why fatty acid ethyl esters stimulate the flow of potassium in hippocampal cells or how the compounds might affect different parts of the brain. They are actively researching these questions in their current studies. Understanding the biochemical pathway of intoxication eventually might lead to new treatments for alcohol addiction, Gubitosi-Klug said. The research springs from the work of Louis Lange, M.D., Ph.D., a former Washington University researcher now working for a biotechnology company in San Francisco. Lange discovered in the 1980s that fatty acid ethyl esters accumulate in the pancreas, heart and brain of heavy drinkers. Lange speculated that fatty acid ethyl esters might be responsible for alcohol-related damage to these organs. -- Chris Woolston
http://wupa.wustl.edu/record_archive/1997/02-27-97/9555.html |
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