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Author: hdcyng

Siape percaya pengurus bank kata Lu Gua, 'Lu apa kuasa ambil gua punya IC?'

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Post time 13-6-2011 12:15 AM | Show all posts
lu langsi, lu masuk lokap 4 hari liao...

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Post time 13-6-2011 12:18 AM | Show all posts
aku kalau nampak ada roadblock aku dah siap2 on lampu dalam keta...sediakan lesen...bukan susah pun...

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Post time 13-6-2011 12:43 AM | Show all posts
Polis pun pernah mintak lesen, pun takde apa2.  Si mamat ni mungkin sebab ingat dia ni ahli DAP, lepas tu kerja dgn OCBC (company Singapore), baru dia berani buat hal camtu.  Kalau polis confirm dakwa dia dan dia bersalah, confirm kena pecat nanti.

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Post time 13-6-2011 12:45 AM | Show all posts
kalau cina... malayu memang pantang

ketuanan tercabar katanya

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Post time 13-6-2011 12:46 AM | Show all posts
Bos cakap:
"Kau memalukan kompeni! Pecat!"

Ketua cakap:
"Kau memalukan DAP! Pecat!"

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Post time 13-6-2011 01:15 AM | Show all posts
aiya inchik, u talak pakai tali pinggang lu punya pasat la. sula nmpak roadblock dpn, kasi pakai la itu tali pinggang.

1 lagi aa inchik, u talak tau ka, polis merehsia sama level itu gangster. ayat "menghalang polis dari menjalankan tnggungjawab" itu sula biasa guna punya.

tapi inchik, 5 hinggit sula cukup jadi kawan la inchik.talak susa maa.

merehsia boleh!


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Post time 13-6-2011 02:53 AM | Show all posts
kat cinjapork ada berani ke cina cakap mcm tu kat Polis

napa tak tembak je cina tu

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Post time 13-6-2011 02:55 AM | Show all posts
kat cinjapork ada berani ke cina cakap mcm tu kat Polis

napa tak tembak je cina tu
bizsari Post at 13-6-2011 02:53
PRDM hanya tembak indon, melayu & india saja.......

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Post time 13-6-2011 02:56 AM | Show all posts
Lobai2 bodo PIS tak boleh cakap apa. Ni geng mrk.

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Post time 13-6-2011 06:53 AM | Show all posts
polis takat nie tak pernah minta IC dgn aku........ hanya lesen je....... mmg bahalol sekoq nie nak  ...
Acong Post at 12-6-2011 23:54


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Post time 13-6-2011 08:02 AM | Show all posts
hari awek cina mana kata polis bodoh?... kena bayar saman rm50.

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Post time 13-6-2011 08:07 AM | Show all posts
Bulan lepas drive ke Kota Bharu. Ada roadblock. Orang depan lepas jer. sampai kat saya, roll down wi ...
truly Post at 12-6-2011 17:15

    mana ko tau polis tu tahan pemandu wanita je.... ko ddk kt roadblock tu smpai abis ke....

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Post time 13-6-2011 08:17 AM | Show all posts
lu apa kuasa ambil wa punya ic??? wadefak la cina lahanat ni..
betol la...cina2 bukit ni mmg xde adap la.
nk tunjuk kuasa jugak dgn melayu..
diaorg ing dorg ni bangsa paling bagus la??? macam bodoh aje..
gampang sungguh!!!!
siap nk amik2 gambar apahal???? kan ke bangang? konon2 nk masukkan dlm yutube la konon?? pegi la mamposssssssssssss cina oii

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Post time 13-6-2011 08:29 AM | Show all posts
Jadi Ahli DAP Jika Anda Mahu Lesen Besar Langgar Undang-undang!

8:00 PM  MymassaVoice
Mentang-mentanglah dalam DAP ada banyak peguam, maka setiap pelanggaran undang-undang yang dibuat oleh ahli DAP akan dapat pengecualian daripada dikenakan tindakan.

Cara DAP mudah. Apabila ada di antara mereka yang ditangkap polis, maka MALAYSIAKINI akan sensasikan isu ini. Mereka akan reka cerita seolah-olah polis yang bersalah manakala penjenayah DAP adalah malaikat.

Mari kita bongkar kelahanatan DAP men'spin' isu yang melibatkan penjenayah dari kalangan ahli mereka.

Cuba baca cerita sebenar....

State police chief answers bank manager

Posted by admin on June 11th, 2011
A bank manager was arrested for refusing to produce his identity card and driving licence and not because he was not wearing a seat belt, Malacca police chief SAC I Chua Ghee Lye said today.He said that police did not abuse their power when they detained the bank manager, Edmund Hiew Kok Ming, who is also a DAP member.

“The incident occurred on Jalan Laksamana Cheng Hong at about 9pm on May 28. The manager together with three other persons were in a Toyota Avanza when a traffic officer noticed that the driver was not wearing a seat-belt,” Chua told.

He said that when the police officer tried to flag down the car, the driver at first refused to halt. He only stopped after some 150 metres down the road.

“When the officer asked the driver for his IC and licence, he refused to give. He even told my officer he had no authority to ask for his licence. The officer explained to the bank manager that he was only doing his duty.

“After several attempts, the man surrendered his IC but still refused to hand over his licence. He only gave a receipt of his renewed licence. He even started scolding my officer in Chinese,” said Chua.

He said the officer then warned Hiew that he was obstructing the law by not producing his document. It was only when the officer called for back-up that the driver relented and produced his licence.

“Yes, he did take a photograph of the policeman but that’s not an issue. There’s nothing wrong with taking a picture; we did not arrest him for that,” said Chua.

He said that Hiew’s case had been submitted to the deputy public prosecutor to decide if there is a case, adding that the police would also be taking down a few more statements.

Sufficient grounds

On the allegation that the police did not inform Hiew of his offence, Chua said it was done as it was part of the standard procedures.

“However, I am told that he was informed of his rights to a lawyer but I cannot confirm it,” he added.

“The DAP wants to bring up this issue and I cannot fault them. It is doing its job as an opposition party,” he said.

“But as far as we’re concerned, the manager had committed an offence by questioning police’s authority… The public should be aware that whenever a policeman asks for your identity card, you are legally bound to hand it over,” he said.

When asked why Hiew was held for three days, Chua said the remand order was sought to record all the necessary statements.

“The magistrate must have been satisfied that there are sufficient grounds to hold him longer… perhaps he was hostile or uncooperative,” said Chua. ... swers-bank-manager/

Memang cilaka DAP ni. Ingat negara ni bapak kau yang punya!

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Post time 13-6-2011 08:30 AM | Show all posts
Ni le satu contoh Cina bangang kat Msia nih............

Die hengat dier sorang je duk lam dunia nih............

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Post time 13-6-2011 08:33 AM | Show all posts
Ni le satu contoh Cina bangang kat Msia nih............

Die hengat dier sorang je duk lam dunia n ...
mjla Post at 13-6-2011 08:30

    merasalah 3 hari kena lokap..kat Ganu itu hari kena denda naik court, sebab DAP komunis nie..maka jadi sensasilah dibawa oleh malaysiakini...

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Post time 13-6-2011 08:38 AM | Show all posts
racist btol la org2 di sini...hal sebenarnya mcm mane pon tak tau, tp asek nk kutuk si cina tu je.

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Post time 13-6-2011 08:42 AM | Show all posts
tertawa sendiri melihat kebodohan yang melanda rakyat mesia..........tingtong noks......

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Post time 13-6-2011 08:46 AM | Show all posts
Polis buat road block dan mintak IC dan lesen bagi je la. Bukannya ada apa2 pun. Ni sengaja nak carik isu ataupun ada kesalalahan lain yg cuba disembunyi.

Kalau ada kes dakwa je...

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Post time 13-6-2011 08:49 AM | Show all posts
bodo nye  Hiew Kok Ming...tak baca ke metro minggu lepas, ada budak kena saman RM 50 pasal ckp polis bodoh, ni msti kategori cina bongkak ni..padan muka, harap2 kena hukuman maksimum

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