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 Author| Post time 30-9-2007 03:41 AM | Show all posts
Teachers on teaching in Brunei Darussalam
By Zasika MusdiThere is a misconception that teachers go to school to scold their students. There is a high degree ofinvolvement, said Zaiton bte Haji Metussin, an English teacher at STPRI.Zaiton has been a teacher at STPRI since 2005, and enjoys the challenges teaching presents.
"People have high expectations from everyone," she said. "Due to globalisation, everyone needs to havegood English, and this generation faces more challenges, as compared to 30 years ago. This is becausethey have more exposure, and since it's their second language formally, they have to improve theircommand of English. We want to see a large quantity of students passing the subject, but at the same time,we want most of them to get distinctions, or very good credits."
When asked what parents can do at home to complement what is happening in the classroom, Zaiton said,"They need to check up on their children's performances. They can encourage their children to buy books toread, or watch educational programmes such as Discovery Channel, and avoid entertainment channels suchas MTV."
She also emphasised on the importance of the right pronounciation and grammatical structures in Englishwriting. "It's acceptable to say "I wanna" in a conversation, but when it comes to compositions, it shouldalways be "I want to". Also text talk is totally unacceptable in the syllabus, but some of the students get a bittoo used to it, and have applied it in school."
She said the most difficult aspect of being a teacher is behaviour management.
"There was this girl who had behavioural issues, due to her family background. While other teachers scoldedher, I used kindness instead, which she responded to positively. Now, she is one of my hardest workingstudents."
Hajah Rosmahwati bte Awang Besar is a maths teacher, who has been teaching for four years.
As maths takes a while to grasp, she said the most challenging part of the subject is to keep the studentsinterested.
"I love using teaching aids. I use a lot of my students' stuff as my teaching aids, such as their pencil cases,money and water bottles. I think it's good that they can relate the questions to things in the real life," shesaid.
Meanwhile, Stephen Gregory from the United Kingdom, who teaches English and French at STPRI, said, "Istudied law in a university in London, but I went into teaching instead. It's definitely more gratifying."
He likened interacting with students with a way of keeping "your mind young".
He also found local students more adaptable to new languages, compared to those in the UK.
"I'm hoping to teach in Brunei for a couple more years," he added.

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 Author| Post time 30-9-2007 03:43 AM | Show all posts
Colouring book published to promote conservation
By James Kon            
              Copies of the new colouring book by the Brunei Museum. - JAMES KON
The Brunei Museum has taken a new step in educating children on conservation and endangered species bypublishing "The Wildlife Protected in Brunei Darussalam Colouring Books Series One".Currently, only 1,000 copies of the books are available at the National Archives building in Jalan MenteriBesar, with each costing $1.80.
Released this month, the colouring book contains pictures and sketches of 10 endangered species protectedin the country: rhinoceros hornbill, lesser adjuntant stork, rhinoceros, slow loris, orang utan, bulwer'spheasant, green turtle, stork billed kingfisher, proboscis monkey, and tarsier.
The colouring book is aimed at instilling awareness and understanding of the environment among children,especially protected wildlife and at supporting conservation efforts by the authorities.
There are currently 34 species under the protection of the country, including 23 birds, seven mammals andfour reptiles.
Meanwhile, during this month of Ramadhan, the National Archives is open from 8.30 am to noon fromMonday to Thursday, and 8.30-10.45 am on Saturdays.

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 Author| Post time 30-9-2007 03:44 AM | Show all posts
7 locals rounded up in drug raid
By Lyna Mohamad            
              The jetty where the offenders were rounded up. - PHOTO COURTESY               OF NCB
Seven local men, aged between 37 and 45, were rounded up in a drug raid recently at a jetty in the capital,thus making the operation a success for law enforcers at the Narcotics Control Bureau.The seven men detained included two government servants.
Further investigations unearthed straws of syabu and utensils used for the consumption of the drug.
The operation carried out was a continuation of the bureau's previous effort on September 20, where lawenforcers succeeded in apprehending 10 people at the jetty, who were believed to be misusing controlleddrugs.
The bureau, through its press release, noted that the jetty in the capital has been turned into a meeting pointfor drug addicts and pushers.
As part of its effort in making the country a drug-free community, the bureau will leave no stone unturned totrack down drug offenders.
At the same time, the NCB welcomes cooperation from the public who have knowledge of any drugactivities.
The bureau can be reached at 244 8877 during office hours and 877 7444 after office hours.

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 Author| Post time 30-9-2007 03:45 AM | Show all posts
Maths fun is infinite for CCMS students
By James Sim            

                    Primary 6 students' invention.

                    Primary 1 students with their creative work. - PHOTOS: JAMES                     SIM

                    Primary 5 students doing ICT work.
Once again the primary section's Maths Department of Chung Ching Middle School (CCMS) successfullyorganised the Maths Month a.k.a. Maths Discovery 2007 with its inspiring motto, "The Fun is Infinite".Throughout the month, students engaged in indoor and outdoor activities that required Maths knowledge andskills.
This year more challenging and brainstorming competitions were held such as Treasure Hunt, MeasuringGames, Shape Snappers and the inspiring IT savvy E-Basic Facts. Besides that, the primary 1 and 2 pupilsalso participated in the whole month programme through the Four Basic Facts and Mental Mathscompetitions.
The Maths Month programme is one of the means of the Maths Department to attain the goal of encouragingstudents to be fond of mathematics and to profound their interest.
As the highlight of the one-month programme, a Maths Exhibition was held at the CCMS primary section.The exhibition consisted of students' maths project work, activity pictures, maths games and IT MathsCorner, which really captured the attention of students and parents.

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 Author| Post time 30-9-2007 03:46 AM | Show all posts
Royalty among winners in Science BASE contest
By Azaraimy HH            

                    One of the winners from Primary 4.

                    BASE winner YAM Pg Anak Hariisah receiving her trophy.

                    Tausyeh performance by Primary 4 students.

                    One of the winners from Primary 5.

                    Ana Kharunnisa, one of the winners.
The granddaughters of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, YAM Pg AnakHariisah Widadul Bolqiah bte Pengiran Maharaja Setia Laila Diraja Sahibul Irshad Pg Anak Haji Abdul Rahimand YAM Pg Anak Raheeman Sanaul Bolkiah bte Pengiran Maharaja Setia Laila Diraja Sahibul Irshad PgAnak Haji Abdul Rahim were among the recipients of prizes for the Science BASE 2007 competition.The prize and certificate presentation ceremony was held at Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah PrimarySchool for the closing of the school's Malay Language Month 2007 and the Science BASE 2007 competitionyesterday.
Present as the guest of honour was YSHHB Primary School Principal, Cikgu Hjh Zaiton bte Abu Bakar.
The event began with welcoming remarks from Cikgu Asmahwati Hj Yahya, Malay Language UnitCoordinator and Cikgu Hjh Zaiton.
Among the highlights were poetry performance by Primary 5 students, singing performances by Primary 1and 2 students and a Tausyeh performance by Primary 4 students.
The recipients for the prizes and certificates for the Malay Language Month Quiz for Primary 5 and 6 wereAhmad Zakiyamani Hj Yakub, Farah Farhanah bte Sheikh Hj Khalid, Hj Luqmanul Hakim bin Hj Md. ZainulRizal, Siti Nor Hamizah bte Hj Mahadee, Hjh Asqina Nur Aiman bte Hj Md Zainul Rizal, Md Hafizuddin HjRosli and Hj Haziq Hj Mat Limin.
Winners in the Jawi Writing competition for Primary 2 and 4 for Class 2 Pink were Mohammad Syafi bin LtCol Awang Halim, YAM Pg Anak Hariisah Widadul Bolqiah bte HRH Pengiran Maharaja Setia Laila DirajaSahibul Irshad Pg Anak Hj Abdul Rahim and Millana Rushdiana Irshad Mohammad Masruh.
For Class 2 Blue, the winners were Nur Husna Kamilah bte Hj Kasim, Mohammad Zakaria AlmubarakMohammad Aziz and Muhammad Syami bin Roslan.
For Class 2 Yellow, the winners were Ak Syafiq Hamiz bin Pg Shahrudin, Dk Jazmeena Anatasya PgNorasmadi and Muhammad Ari Syahmi Jeffery.
For Class 2 Green, the winners were Nuraqilah Junidi, Amar Hamzah Amir Rahman and Md. Afiq SyazaniJunaidi.
For Primary 4, the winners were Nurfarizah Zafri (4 Pink), Nurhidayatul Haniya Yahya (4 Green), NursyakirahRozanna Rozaimi (4 Blue) and Khoshiibah Kifli (4 Yellow).
The event also saw souvenirs presented to judges for the 'Pidato' competition in the preliminary stage aswell as acknowledgement certificates.

[ Last edited by  holmes at 30-9-2007 03:47 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 07:47 AM | Show all posts
Italian beauties on cultural mission
By Liza Mohd, Lyna Mohamad & Aemy Azlena            

                    Arriving at Sungai Tujoh border. - LIZA MOHD

                    Donnavventura women showing their dancing skills to the Dusun                     community. - AZROL AZMI

                    At the Billionth Barrel Monument in Seria. - LIZA MOHD

                    Pehin Dato Paduka Goh King Chin presenting a souvenir to one                     of the Donnavventura members. - AZROL AZMI

                    Having lunch with the Dusun community. - AEMY AZLENA

                    Donnavventura team with the locals of Kg Merimbun. - AZROL                     AZMI

                    Donnavventura team members posing with children at GHK. -                     AZROL AZMI

                    Warm welcome by GHK staff. - AEMY AZLENA
Six Italian beauties from the highly-rated Italian reality TV series "Donnavventura" (Adventure Ladies) arrivedin the country for a three-day visit through the Sungai Tujoh border yesterday morning.The team, travelling in Mitsubishi Motors-sponsored Tritons, were given a warm welcome by therepresentatives from the joint organisers, Brunei Tourism and Goh Hock Kee Motors.
The women, who were selected from 40,000 applicants to share their travelling experiences with the show'sviewers, are keen to learn about the local culture and tradition, particularly the MIB concept. Silvia Spalvieri,Elena Papuzzo, Stefania Donati, Chiara Babilani, Elisa Grazzini and Benedetta Delogu, aged 24 to 31, arehappy to be in Brunei, according to Silvia.
The show documents the life of the six women during their 100-day journey across Asean. TheDonnavventura team has already visited Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia and EastMalaysia.
In Belait District yesterday morning, the Adventure Ladies made a quick stop at the Billionth BarrelMonument in Seria, which was constructed in 1991 to mark the billionth barrel production of oil in the Seriaoilfields.
Later the ladies stopped at the largest lake in Brunei, Tasek Merimbun, in the Tutong District. After a boatride at Lake Merimbun, the women were treated to lunch by traditionally-dressed members of the Dusuncommunity at the Merimbun Village Head's house where they sampled dishes such as chicken curry, localvegetables called "Rabung" and fish caught from the lake. Traditional dances were also performed and theItalian women were invited to dance along with the performers.
Their itinerary continued in Bandar Seri Begawan where another welcoming reception was hosted at theGHK Showroom in Beribi. They were greeted by Managing Director of GHK, Pehin Dato Paduka Goh KingChin, and Brunei Tourism Director, Sheikh Jamaluddin, and Chairman of GHK Pg Dato Hj Shariffudin.
Pehin Dato Paduka Goh King Chin presented souvenirs to the Italian beauties who were swarmed bycustomers and staff of GHK who did not want to miss the opportunity to take photos with the lovely ladies.
At a press conference, the girls expressed their wish to meet people, see the environment and learn moreabout the local culture. They found Bruneians to be friendly and the country to be beautiful.
The girls are set to visit places of interest, including the Royal Regalia, Kg Ayer and Temburong NationalPark before departing tomorrow.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 07:49 AM | Show all posts
Trip down memory lane
By Hj Mohd Zaide Hj Damit            
              Gathering doubles as reunion. - HJ MOHD ZAIDE HJ DAMIT
It was really a trip down memory lane for the first intake of Pusat Tingkatan Enam (PTE) in 1975, as theyhad their reunion for the first time in over 30 years at the home of Cikgu Hj Mohammad Hj Lamat, KgLambak Kiri in Jalan Pasir Berakas.The gathering was attended by some 15 classmates residing in the Perpindahan Lambak Kanan area, aswell as family members. There was a recitation of the Quran, followed by bertahlil, a breaking of the fast, aswell as a mass Maghrib prayer and a dinner.
The organising chairman, Cikgu Hj Mohammad, an officer from Feeding Scheme, the Ministry of Educationsaid that among its aims were to give members an opportunity to mingle, exchange ideas, strengthenrelationships and make fond recollections.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 07:51 AM | Show all posts
Tribute to teachers
By Zasika MusdiTeacher's Day was officially celebrated last Sunday as a token of appreciation for the 'parents at school' andtheir never-ending efforts of providing knowledge."The idea of influencing the lives of children and guiding them with lessons for life is one that really appealsto me. I fancy a shot at being Sidney Poitier. Yet the responsibilities that come with being an educatoroutweighs that of any other job," said a 25-year old IT manager.
Patience is a virtue, and it is also the most valuable quality that a teacher should possess. Those who wereinterviewed by The Bulletin unanimously stated this.
Dealing with sometimes at least four classrooms a day could be too tedious for some, but with patience, itcould be overcome.
"I don't think I would have the patience to become a teacher," said Reeda Malik, 37, a civil servant.
He recalled his experience with one of his favourite teachers, Mr Gokul, who taught him English, Commerceand PE at St Margaret's in Seria.
"He was young, hip, and on the same wavelength as us kids at the time. He was always joking with us, andthe way he taught was really great. He never spoke down to us, but rather, he taught us like he was tellingus stories around the camp fire."
"Inter-school debating and oratory competitions were great memories with Mr Gokul. He always took the timeto discuss current affairs with us and he would get us to think about the issues. The intense training andpreparation for the competitions, and of course, winning some of them were great memories."
When asked what the impacts his teachers had on him were, Reeda answered, "Creative thinking andcritical thinking were the two significant impacts which I've been fortunate enough to gain from some of thereally good teachers in my past."
"I don't think I could work with the knowledge that I have the responsibility of educating the youths of ournation. I was a kindergarten assistant for a while at JIS, but after that, I knew I couldn't do it," said Suzanna
Rasani, 24, a Kristal FM DJ, while sharing her views on teaching.
However, she truly believed that her teachers were the ones who have moulded her into who she is now. "Ofcourse, there are other people who have contributed, but teachers play a bigger part, as they were therefrom the start."
Teachers also encourage you to never give up. Nadiah Ishak, 27, said, "They taught me how to never giveup when I got bad grades; they kept pushing me to do well in a non-threatening way.
"They always listened to me when I voiced out a concern about the subject or whenever I had otherproblems - they became counsellors as well." She shared a lot of experiences with her teachers, but themost fun, according to her, was when her teachers taught her how to play the guitar.
Hamizah, 22, a biology student from Universiti Brunei Darussalam, is considering the prospect of becominga teacher, like her mother. "I can imagine myself teaching biology to high schoolers, and then promotingconservation among the kids."
She owed her continuous passion for Biology to Mrs Nor Chua from Maktab Sains, who encouraged her tostudy Biology up to 'A' Levels and then continue onto university.
Maurina H A Hamid, 21, is an aspiring teacher who is undertaking BA Education (Teaching English as aSecond Language) at UBD. What inspired her to become a teacher was that it is part and parcel of heridealistic "wanting to change the world" plan.
Maurina, who will be teaching Secondary Level English after she graduates, also shared her teachingobservation experience with the Bulletin: "It was a nice school really, with great students brimming withpotential.
"But the school was severely (with emphasis on severely) understaffed and that is possibly the biggestimpediment to the student's success. Teachers were pressured under too much workload and couldn'tperform their best.
"Students (especially the smart ones) were mostly bored as a result and this further lead to disciplinaryproblems, which were dealt with, but the root of the problem was not resolved, thus it didn't stop."
When asked what qualities she thinks a good teacher should have, she said, "They have to be made like ahard and tough drill sergeant, loud, relentless and straight to the point, but possessing a warm and forgivingheart, while being patient and tolerant towards the most difficult of students.
"They should have a sense of humour so they could laugh even during the most bitter of days, andcompassion to share with the most unfortunate of those under their wings.
"They should be extremely organised because chaos isn't attractive and they must love to seek knowledgeso students could get inspired!"
She also thinks that the students now are luckier due to the improvement of education as compared to some30 years ago.
"There are more facilities, more resources, more fun, and more games in learning and definitely betterteachers. Teachers are luckier as well, the pay is better and though teaching arenas are getting morechallenging, it just makes the job even nobler. Teachers can change the world!"

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 07:52 AM | Show all posts
Vietnam and Cambodia seek Brunei oil and gas expertise
By Azlan Othman            
              Mr Nan Sy, Cambodian Ambassador (R) and Mr Pham Binh Man (L), Vietnam               Ambassador. - AZLAN OTHMAN
Vietnam and Cambodia could cooperate with Brunei on technical expertise on oil and gas exploration, saidthe newly-appointed Vietnamese Ambassador to the country, Mr Pham Binh Man, and Mr Nan Sy,Cambodian Ambassador to the country, after their meeting at the Cambodian Ambassador's Residence inJln Bengkurong yesterday.After they met to enhance the two diplomats' cooperation, Mr Pham told Bulletin that during the recent visitby Vietnam's Prime Minister to Brunei last month, three MoUs were signed on the avoidance of doubletaxation, petroleum and sports cooperation.
The newly-appointed Vietnamese Ambassador said as Vietnam is developing, the country can learn fromBrunei's expertise in oil and gas exploration. "We have to put into practice the action on the recent MoUsigning on petroleum cooperation," he added.
Meanwhile, Mr Nan Sy said Brunei's technical expertise in oil and gas would be valuable in assistingCambodia. He also proposed to the Brunei government the possibility of direct flights between the twocountries to further enhance trade and tourism.
"Brunei could be a hub for visitors from Sarawak who wish to go to Siem Reap or Phnom Penh in Cambodiawhich is also popular for its Angkor Wat," he added.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 07:53 AM | Show all posts
9 foreigners detained in immigration raid
By Yusrin Junaidi
Photos: Immigration and National Registration            

                    Immigration officials speaking with foreigners.

                    Officials checking the immigration details of foreigners.
Nine foreign nationals were temporarily detained at the BSB police station, where some of them were issuedspecial passes, following an operation by the BSB Law Enforcement Section, Department of Immigration andNational Registration on Sunday.The five-hour operation codenamed "Operation Bongkar 114/2007" involved 26 officers and was led byActing Assistant of Immigration Director.
The locations targeted were the workers' quarters of a construction company, three rented houses inKampong Bunut, a rented house at a flat in Gadong, a rented house at Kompleks Syakirin in Kiulap and arented house at Kampong Kiulap.
Two Indonesian men were detained during the operation for having expired immigration passes.
An Indonesia woman was also detained for allegedly running "unhealthy" activities. She allegedly chargedher customers $25 for her services.
According to the statement from the immigration authorities, the Indonesia woman will be deported andblacklisted from re-entering Brunei Darussalam.
Meanwhile, a Filipino man and woman were given special passes in connection with the expiry of their"guarantees". Their case is under investigation.
Meanwhile four Indonesians were also compounded for having expired work passes. They were givenspecial passes and ordered to show their passports to BPGN the next day.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 07:54 AM | Show all posts
Enter Donnavventura

                    The six adventurers take a boat-ride at Tasek Merimbun. -                     AZROL AZMI

                    On arrival in Kuala Belait. - PHOTO: LIZA MOHD
Six vivacious and decidedly adventurous Italian beauties arrived in Brunei yesterday as part of their 100-dayjourney traversing the highway and the less beaten tracks of the Asean countries.They are here on their Brunei segment of the global TV series titled Donnavventura that also features theMitsubishi Triton. These gallant ladies have been selected to do this daring cross-country run from 40,000applicants.
Besides Brunei, their adventure takes them to Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam and Malaysia. Thesix magnificent adventurers comprise Silvia Spalvieri, Elena Pappuzo, Stefani Donati, Chiara Babilai, ElisaGazzzini and Benedetta Delogu.
When they crossed over from Miri via the Sungai Tujoh Control post, they received a rousing welcome.Among those who were there to greet them were representatives of the Brunei Tourism Board and GohHock Kee Motors.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 07:58 AM | Show all posts
Bazaar for Raya on Sept 27 at BSB's Youth Centre
By Achong TanjongThe Youth Section of the Youth and Sports Department in the Brunei-Muara District will be holding a bazaarto sell cakes and biscuits, for the upcoming Hari Raya festivities, on Sept 27 at the Youth Centre in BSBfrom 9am until 10pm.It is being organised for the fourth time as part of the department's annual activities to generate more incomefor its cooking classes. This year, a total of 18 participants will take part - an increase from last year.
The wide variety of food on sale would include Kek Roll, Kek Lapis and other kinds with colourful designsand patterns (with some that are modern) at very reasonable prices.
Meanwhile, the department also encourages more youths, especially school leavers and the unemployed, tojoin its cooking class. Entry forms can be obtained from BSB's Youth Centre for the 2008 session.
Participants should be aged between 15 and 35 years, while entry is free of charge. It is also hoped thatmembers of the public can visit and take part in the upcoming bazaar.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 07:59 AM | Show all posts
British family lost and found at Jalan Bukit Dadap
By Hj Minor Absah            
              Family pictured with their rescuers. - HJ MINOR ABSAH
A British family of four lost their way for at least four hours last night during a trekking outing at Jalan BukitDadap in Kilanas. They are in the country on a visit and braved the darkness around dusk time when theygot lost. Their trekking mates made a distress call around 6.30pm when they failed to return.They were then tracked by several agencies, including a Special Squad, Reserve Units as well as the FireServices and Rescue. They were found two hours after the search for them began.
The Fire Services and Rescue team was led by Special Squad Branch Commander, Pg Shahbuddin Pg HjMetali, and Operasi 'C' Commanding Officer Rani Hj Othman.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:02 AM | Show all posts
GHK hands over 1st China Bus
By Lyna Mohamad            
              Pehin Dato Paduka Goh King Chin presenting the mock key to the representative               of MKLS.
China-made Zonda bus is making its debut into the Brunei Market through its authorised distributor here,Goh Hock Kee Motors, with the introduction of its A7 Series-45-seater bus, which won the award of the BestBus Model of the Year 2006-BAAV Awards in China.The first introductory of the A7 Zonda Bus was purchased by MKLS Enterprise that will be used for charterand interstate runs.
To mark GHK's premier marketing of China-made bus here, the dealer held a hand-over ceremonyyesterday at its showroom in Beribi.
On hand to present the mock key to a representative of MKLS was GHK Managing Director Pehin DatoPaduka Goh King Chin. Witnessing the event were Commercial Manager Loh Min Hock and ManagerCheong Teng Fook of GHK, as well as other representatives of MKLS.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:03 AM | Show all posts
Kg Ayer adventure for Donnavventura
By Lyna Mohamad            

                    Donnavventura team taking a boat tour of the Water Village.                     - AZROL AZMI

                    The Italian women at one of the Kg Ayer houses. - H MEGA

                    Donnavventura team at the Italian restaurant Spaghettini.                     - LYNA MOHAMAD
The Donnavventura team, who arrived last Monday, continued their adventure in the country with visits toplaces of interest yesterday morning prior to their departure to Temburong via Limbang, Malaysia.Their itinerary started at Masjid Jame Asr' in Kiulap for a photo shoot, followed by a boat tour of the WaterVillage.
The Italian women visited one of the houses in Kampong Ayer where they had an opportunity to tastetraditional delicacies such as Kueh Sapit.
They were also brought on a ride down Damuan River for a photo shoot of the Istana Nurul Iman beforereturning to the capital to continue their series of visits, which included a stop at Sultan Omar Ali SaifuddienMosque.
After lunch, the Donnavventura women along with a convoy of Mitsubishi Triton local owners stopped atIstana Nurul Iman for a group photo in front of the palace. They then headed to Kuala Lurah Control Post togo to Batang Duri and Ulu Temburong National Park where they spent the night.
Accompanying the Italian women, who are in the Sultanate as part of their Asian tour to promote 'BruneiEco-tourism' for television audiences in Italy, yesterday were officials from the Brunei Tourism Board.
Meanwhile, the Italian women were hosted to dinner at the Empire Hotel and Country Club's Italianrestaurant, Spaghettini on Monday night.
Among those present were Senior Manager of GHK Motors John Too, and Chris Robles, Director ofMarketing, Brunei Tourism.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:04 AM | Show all posts
RBAF peace monitors leave for Mindanao
By Huraizah Ahmad            

                    Commander of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces, Pehin Datu Lailaraja                     Major General Dato Paduka Haji Awang Halbi, Ambassador of                     the Philippines to Brunei, Virginia H Benavidez, and senior                     officials with the Mindanao-bound six RBAF personnel. - PHOTOS:                     HURAIZAH AHMAD

                    Emotional farewell.

                    Family photo before departure.

                    The six RBAF personnel reciting prayers before their flight                     to Mindanao.

                    Family members waving goodbye as the RBAF plane prepares for                     take-off.
It was an emotional moment for families and friends who bade farewell to six Royal Brunei Armed Forces(RBAF) personnel who are representing the country as the fourth group for the International MonitoringTeam (IMT) to the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).The RBAF personnel departed for Mindanao, southern Philippines yesterday morning from the Rimba AirBase on an RBAF CN235 aircraft. A farewell ceremony was held at the air base, where among those presentwas the Chief Guest, Commander of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces, Pehin Datu Lailaraja Major GeneralDato Paduka Haji Awang Halbi bin Haji Md Yussof.
The fourth contingent will take over duties from the third contingent that is due to return to Brunei tomorrow.
Participating in overseas operations such as the IMT is another milestone in Brunei Darussalam'scontribution to regional cooperation and supporting the peace and stability of neighbouring states.
All six RBAF IMT personnel will be responsible for observing and monitoring the implementation of cessationof hostilities as well as the socio-economic development aspects of agreements signed between theGovernment of the Philippines and the MILF.
The group will form a mobile team and be located at Cotabato City where their monitoring operations willcover the provinces and all cities located there. The personnel will be accorded privileges and immunitiesgiven to resident diplomatic representatives.
The fourth contingent comprises four officers and two warrant officers - 482 Major Haji Rosmandi bin HajiOthman, 452 Captain Haji Hasmin bin Haji Lilah, 623 Captain Sharil Affendi bin Haji Abdullah, 732Lieutenant Mohd Yusra bin Haji Piut, 8381 Warrant Officer 2 (U) Abu Sufyan bin Haji Metassan and 9869Warrant Officer 2 (L) Pg Hj Nordin bin Pg Hj Sulaiman.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:06 AM | Show all posts
Religious ministry ends Bertadarus ceremony
By Yusrin Junaidi

                    Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs at the Bertedarus ceremony.

                    The Bertadarus ceremony conducted by the Ministry of Religious                     Affairs. - PHOTOS: YUSRIN JUNAIDI
The Ministry of Religious Affairs ended its Bertadarus ceremony for this year's holy month of Ramadhan atthe Kampong Pulaie Mosque.Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs Pehin Udana Khatib Dato Paduka Seri Setia Ustaz Hj AwangBadaruddin Bin Pengarah Dato Paduka Hj Othman was the guest of honour.
Also present were Permanent Secretary of Religious Affairs Dato Paduka Awang Hj Abdul Rahman Bin HjMohiddin, Deputy Permanent Secretary Dato Paduka Awang Hj Ishaaq Bin Hj Abdullah, more then 100senior officers, officers, and personnel from the departments under the ministry, and village residents.
Eleven visitors from YADIM (Yayasan Da'wah Islamiah Malaysia were also present at the Bertadarusceremony led by Datuk Hj Mohd Nakhaie bin Hj Ahmad.
The reading of the 30 verses of the holy Al-Quran was completed during the Bertadarus ceremonyyesterday.
While waiting for the bersungkai or breaking of the fast, yesterday an endowment (Wakaf) presentation wasalso held.
Ministry officers and personnel contributed one air conditioning unit which was handed over to Imam HjBurhanuddin bin Hj Damit by the Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs.
The event was co-organised by the Islamic Studies Department, Mosque Affairs Department and the IslamicEminence Development Division of the Ministry of Religious Affairs.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:07 AM | Show all posts
IWB introduced in schools
By Yazdi Yahya            
              Mark Reeves, Senior Vice-President of International Sales, Promethean.               - YAZDI YAHYA
"All government schools in Brunei have at least one Interactive White Board (IWB)", said Mark Reeves,Senior Vice-President of International Sales of Promethean, a British company."There are 1200 teachers in Brunei trained to use the IWB," anaudio-visual device to project a computer-generated display on thescreen.
Col (R) Haji Sabli Osman, Executive Director of Sunstream Technologies, said "we are now in the process oftrying to introduce the IWB to more private schools as well as religious schools."
Today, there will be a demonstration on the use of IWB at the Dato Marsal Primary School in KampongPerpindahan Lambak Kanan.
Since 2003, Promethean together with its local partner, Sunstream Technologies has put a lot of time andeffort in training the local teachers on how to use the IWB.
"I see Brunei as one of the lighthouses of how it should be done. We believe that unless we help the teacherin making the transition, then it will always fail.
"The teachers we have worked with have been highly enthusiastic and immediately see the improvementsafter using the IWB.
"Promethean 10 years ago transformed teaching in classrooms through the use of IWB. The United Kingdomis leading the world in terms of using IWB. Brunei is one of the countries in Asia leading in IWB use.
"In schools, for as long as we can remember, the centre of attention has always been on the teacher, theblackboard and the chalk. What we want to do is make it more interactive," Reeves said.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:08 AM | Show all posts
Economic census in October
By Azaraimy HHQuestionaires for the 2007 Economic Census and a guide for completing them are to be distributed tobusinesses by mail from September 27, the Department of Economic Planning and Development (JPKE),Prime Minister's Office said in a press release yesterday.JPKE said it is conducting the 2007 Economic Census starting this October.
The census covers all businesses, like proprietorship, partnership, public limited company, private limitedcompany, branch of a foreign company, co-operative or other organisations, operating in the country.
The Economic Census aims to collect complete and up-to-date information relating to the economic activitiesundertaken by businesses in the country.
Results from the 2007 Economic Census will give the latest information on the current economic situationand developments to be compared to the results of the previous Economic Census held in 2002.
The 2007 Economic Census results will also be used for planning and formulating social and economicdevelopment government policies.
The private sector can use the results for planning and developing their business activities and strategiesand for market research. The general public will be informed on the current economic developments in thecountry.
The Economic Census is conducted under the Statistics Act, Chapter 81 from the Laws of BruneiDarussalam.
All the information given will treated as confidential and will be used for statistical purposes only. Informationrelating to any individual company or business will not be disclosed.
The 2007 Economic Census will be collecting detailed information for the reference years 2005 and 2006, abrief information for quarterly 2007, and business expectations for quarterly 2008.
The 2007 Economic Census will cover the following economic activities: agriculture and forestry, fishery,mining and quarrying, manufacturing, construction, wholesale and retail trade, hotels and restaurants,transport and communications, financial institutions, real estate and business services, and community,social and personal services.
The information collected in the Economic Census are capital and ownership, employment particulars,revenue, expenditure, inventory/stock, capital expenditure and fixed assets, business expectations and useof information and communication technology (ICT).
Businesses which have not received the questionnaire or require more information may call JPKE at2230251 or e-mail at [email protected].
The questionnaire and the guide can also be downloaded from JPKE's website at
The full support and co-operation from all businesses in giving the needed information is vital in ensuring thesuccess of the 2007 Economic Census to achieve its objective, JPKE said.

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 Author| Post time 1-10-2007 08:10 AM | Show all posts
Economic census in October
By Azaraimy HHQuestionaires for the 2007 Economic Census and a guide for completing them are to be distributed tobusinesses by mail from September 27, the Department of Economic Planning and Development (JPKE),Prime Minister's Office said in a press release yesterday.JPKE said it is conducting the 2007 Economic Census starting this October.
The census covers all businesses, like proprietorship, partnership, public limited company, private limitedcompany, branch of a foreign company, co-operative or other organisations, operating in the country.
The Economic Census aims to collect complete and up-to-date information relating to the economic activitiesundertaken by businesses in the country.
Results from the 2007 Economic Census will give the latest information on the current economic situationand developments to be compared to the results of the previous Economic Census held in 2002.
The 2007 Economic Census results will also be used for planning and formulating social and economicdevelopment government policies.
The private sector can use the results for planning and developing their business activities and strategiesand for market research. The general public will be informed on the current economic developments in thecountry.
The Economic Census is conducted under the Statistics Act, Chapter 81 from the Laws of BruneiDarussalam.
All the information given will treated as confidential and will be used for statistical purposes only. Informationrelating to any individual company or business will not be disclosed.
The 2007 Economic Census will be collecting detailed information for the reference years 2005 and 2006, abrief information for quarterly 2007, and business expectations for quarterly 2008.
The 2007 Economic Census will cover the following economic activities: agriculture and forestry, fishery,mining and quarrying, manufacturing, construction, wholesale and retail trade, hotels and restaurants,transport and communications, financial institutions, real estate and business services, and community,social and personal services.
The information collected in the Economic Census are capital and ownership, employment particulars,revenue, expenditure, inventory/stock, capital expenditure and fixed assets, business expectations and useof information and communication technology (ICT).
Businesses which have not received the questionnaire or require more information may call JPKE at2230251 or e-mail at [email protected].
The questionnaire and the guide can also be downloaded from JPKE's website at
The full support and co-operation from all businesses in giving the needed information is vital in ensuring thesuccess of the 2007 Economic Census to achieve its objective, JPKE said.

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