Shopping for Ladies & Gentlemen - Apa2 Yang Korang Beli
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Reply #979 luntur's post
sabar donggggg  |
Reply #962 midori88's post
Mi, the movie based on the Shopaholic series coming soon....besh.... |
Reply #977 skgerl's post
SK, kedai mana u beli pinafore dress tu? I'm looking for one la. Cantik tak?
Tempek ah gambar....  |
Reply #978 skgerl's post
memang betul sk.. adakalanyer very temptinglah.
u happen to see something nice, omg, u mcm nak grab asap.
the best way, jgn sopping tiap2 bulan.. mayb this mth save.. lagi 2-3 mths baru sopping mopping lah. |
Reply #985 skgerl's post
post ah apa lagi..hehee
tadi i passby zara boutique @ vivo.. dorang punya sweater lawa2. baru last mth dah sopping.. mayb just browsing ajelah..hehe |
Reply #985 skgerl's post
Chicsee & SK, skrg ngah in the in of the pinafore dress.. ala2 japan pop or taiwanese singer .. mcm Ah-Mei. Very nice & cute.. |
hish! hilang lak gambo ni  |
Reply #989 Hane's post
gambo amende lak?  |
tu ari kat Suria tv...Rapsodi remix...
berkenan betul tgk penari/artis pompuan Brunei pakai boots...very class...
mana agak nya dorang beli ek..??? 
[ Last edited by miezarra_27 at 4-1-2008 10:38 AM ] |
My shopping during my 2week-absence

Shampoo hijau tu, I dgn my adik beli to share for trip since kita akan tinggal sebilik. Murah $4.80 and bau Honeydew very nice! The bath foam on the right from Marks & Spencers, $8.90 je, also bought for my trip. Yang tengah tu is Garnier body lotion, my colleague belikan masa dia pegi India 3weeks ago.

My sis shopped for her son. Baju baby tak ingat brape, baby wipes tu on sale kat KKH pharmacy. Dia pon ada borong diapers baby yg murah dari Giant tapi besau sgt kalau nak letak sini Sandals tu also on sale, satu size je tinggal. Sib baik muat...

But as you can see, the boy tak biasa pakai sandals..dia nak makan tu sandal..chehh..

Ni kasut Guess dah lama I nak beli..tunggu tunang belikan tapi last2 tak sabar, aku beli jua akhirnya Plak tu isetan tgh sale, so dari 189 jadi 151.20. I love how it looks..cuma I pakai on NYE party and imagine lah dari kul 6 petang sampai kul 2 pagi the next day i was on my feet with these shoes, sakiiiiittt ya amat...

Feather boa I beli kat Mphosis for 47.90...let this budak tecit be the model...

The Zara pinafore I bought for 89.90...sukaaaaa skali pakai baju ni, very cute

And I love the buckles on the pinafore - heart shaped |
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Reply #983 chicsee's post
wow! ada dgr gak..bestnyaaa....agak2 saper lah jadi becky bloomwood tuh...hehe
aiseh takleh log in forum plak...kena register baru..hmmm... |
Reply #996 Hane's post
wah hane..I heart tis one... infact chi ialmost bali this pochette masa di dubai.. tapi masa atu chi dah kafihunnn.. arab ladies pun berabut2 dlm kadai.. tau tunjuk n bali saja..cis.. mcm bukan kadai high end bah usulnya.. panuh dgn org.. unlike di sydney.. LV store sentiasa lengang..
[ Last edited by chichi at 4-1-2008 11:28 PM ] |
Hane.. nyaman tah baunya VS atu?? Oz nada Victoria's Secret wah  |
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Category: Negeri & Negara