Originally posted by blackmore at 21-9-2005 12:15 PM
...yes...sama benefitsnya...
...C is for circulation...u check for signs of circulation...normal breathing, coughing or movement or pulse...
Alhamdulillah..tak sabo aku nak nambah lagik kalo gini.hehehe...
tina,kalo kwn ko akt spital lagik suh lactation kaunselor ajar dia..midwife pun leh gak.kalo kat umah...mintak tolong mak ka..kalo takleh gak...ko print blackmore nyer lecture nih.ko bc dia praktik la..ahaks...good luck...
ija,ko senasib rupernyer ngan aku.jahil.skang kurang skit ler...hehe... |
Originally posted by ijazahri at 21-9-2005 12:35 PM
kenapalah masa saya mengandungkan anak yg pertama tak jumpa dgn forum nie. mmg betul2 jahil saya pasal BF nie. over confident lak tu bleh BF. so... tak pernah lah buat search ke ape ke.....
dar ...
aalahai kesiannya ..takpe..next baby bole kasi FD.
Masa saya baru mengandung mmg saya dah tanya2 mak mak org kat opis ni dan kebyakkannya mmg ramai yg kasi formula sbb susah kalo dah kerja..nak pam lagi..nak simpan lagi.. takut baju basah lagi..mcm2 la reason yg remeh temeh dorang cakap ..tp saya mmg dah lama berhajat nak kasi FD lebih2 lagi mak saya semua anak2nya kasi FD, dia yg banyk kasi sokongan..pastu saya jln2 tgk baby punya item kat shopping complex ada terjumpa breast pum..mula2 dok pikir gak camana kegunaan benda ni..tanya punya tanya, sales girl tuh pun explain campur pulak me beli buku pregnancy ttg penjagaan dr dlm kandungan sampai anak umor 3 - 5 tahun camtu.... so tak byk sedikit me tahu kegunaanya. |
Originally posted by tina^^ at 21-9-2005 12:15 PM
blakmore leh la aku print input ko kasik tue utk panduan aku bersalin taon depan.
aku vist kwn aku yg baru gave brith (first time mother gaklah cam aku nie) dier cerita mcm nak nangis...dah bebe ...
...tina...print lah seberapa banyak ko suka..:cak:
..ok...tang your fren tu...eerr...u can try giving her these tips...
1...firstly...make sure that she is in a comfortable position...kalau dia tak selesa...baby can sense this...and baby pon akan rasa tak selesa...
2...cleanse and massage her breasts well...
3...recommend to her the football hold position...this position is very easy...comfortable and she will have good support and control over her baby..
4...ask her to squeeze her areola till she can see the milk at her nipple and tease her nipples to her baby's lips...eerr...u show her the rest of the techniques of breastfeeding like what ive posted earlier...
5...remember...make sure that her baby grasps as much of the areola as possible...and not the nipple...sucking the nipple will cause a lot of pain and will lead to sore and crack nipples...if her baby sucks her nipple and not the areola...then...ask her to gently break release her baby's suction and try latching on again...
...breastfeeding nie is actually not that difficult...however...i do agree that proper guidance and adequate information for mothers, esp first time mothers are very important to make breastfeeding a success..support from family members is vital too....u need to have lots of patience and determination when it comes to breastfeeding...however...once u get the hang of it...breastfeeding is the most wonderful experience that i can never be able to describe it... |
erm..one more question..leh tak terangkan about relactation.is it possible to do it naturally? |
trisyianizaq This user has been deleted
blackmore, boleh tau spital mana u masuk tu? bagusnya siap bg handout lagi.
I dulu masuk spital kat tmn melawati, mmg hampeh. baby keluar je terus bagi susu botol. pastu dia takkan hantar baby kat kita dlm ward tu kalau dia nampak kita ni masih ada visitor. Kononnya taknak ada jangkitan kat baby. mmg bila hubby mintak baby dihantar ke ward utk I susukan, nurse siap ckp camtu. ada ka patut. dah la kat spital tu takde nursing room, so sepanjang kat spital, mmg I tak berpeluang susukan anak I. Bila balik umah, anak I totally taknak BF. Dah la dia ada colic, asyk nangis je. klw try suakan breast kat dia, mmg cari pasal la jawabnya. nangis tak berenti2. Ya Allah, sedih sgt masa tu. Mcm2 dah try, tak jalan gak. Breast pun bengkak smp demam. walaupun I pump, tapi lama2 susu tu habis camtu je.
Pastu bila baby I demam, kitorang bawak la gi 1 klinik ni. Doktor tu siap marahkan I lagi sbb tak BF baby. Dia ckp sbb tak BF la baby cepat sakit. Tau tak pekdah BF ni? The way dia ckp tu mmg la I ni mmg taknak BF. Dah la doktor pompan lak tu. Mmg I trus nangis bila kuar klinik tu. Smp skang tak pegi dah.
Cikedee, I mmg paham sgt perasaan U. Mmg kita senasib. Sekali lagi kalau pregnant, I nak carik spital yg mmg support BF ni. Aku takkan sekali2 pegi ke Damai Service Hospital lagi. Mmg hampehhhh. |
yeah..setuju ngan pendapat ramai forumer kat sini..kempen nie gagal sebab semua bakal2 ibu takde ilmu pengetahuan...infact saya sendiri explore sendiri..masa tu mmg tak confident so beli ajer breast pump yang murah je...bila dah start kerja saya invest pump medela...selesa sikit...alhamdulilah saya 100% breast feed anak saya till now..hopefully until 1 tahun....sekarang nie ahli keluarga saya yang lain pun dah mula tanya saya bagaimana nak simpan susu yg telah diperah....
Untuk ibu2 yang kasi susu formula : Ingatlah susu ibu tu adalah hak anak kita...diwajibkan jika kita tidak ada susu ibu, si bapa hendaklah mencari ibu susuan kepada anak tersebut. Bak kata wardina...menyusu ibu nie jgn nak mengelat... |
hmmm... aku gi hospital cam HUKM tu siap bagi talk free lagi.....
tak yah nak gi hospital mahal2 pon |
Originally posted by trisyianizaq at 21-9-2005 03:01 PM
blackmore, boleh tau spital mana u masuk tu? bagusnya siap bg handout lagi.
I dulu masuk spital kat tmn melawati, mmg hampeh. baby keluar je terus bagi susu botol. pastu dia takkan hantar baby ... ...trisyianizaq...im not a malaysian...so...hmmm...
...anyway...i think all hospitals yang ada unit O&G nie mesti ada handouts on breastfeeding...and mesti encourage mothers to breastfeed...cuma...mungkin tak dipraktiskan ngan full pledge jer... |
hospital tempat nashra bersalin tu pun ada handout cam yang blackmore cakapkan tu..
siap ada lakaran bergambar cam yang blackmore tunjukkan tu..nak kasik ibu2 faham betul2 konsep bf ni..
lagi siap kasik gifts kat baby...
tak cukup dgn itu, midwife selalu datang ke bilik nashra utk check sama ada nashra ada masalah dgn bf ni..
kiranya kalau anak tu sihat and tak kena tahan kat nursery, memang dia kasik kat ibu je..
kalau baby nangis kat nursery pun nurse bawak ke bilik ibu utk disusukan..
kecuali kalau ibu atau baby tu sakit...tu citer lain la kan..
masa nashra kat ward bersalinkananak sulung, hospital kempen guna video tentang kebaikan menyusu badan..
pas tu siap letak breast pump...hehehehe...
[ Last edited by nashra at 21-9-2005 08:20 PM ] |
Originally posted by honeybee1802 at 21-9-2005 02:38 PM
erm..one more question..leh tak terangkan about relactation.is it possible to do it naturally?
...sis...relactation is possible after weaning...most women want to resume breastfeeding becos of the nutritional and emotional benefits that it offers to their babies...not to mention the feeling of closeness or bonding between mother and child...
...u can actually established full milk supply within a month after relactation...but...do remember...relactation will take up alot of your time...and energy esp during the first few weeks...so...before u decide to relactate...do consider this issue with your husband and family members so that they will understand and able to support u better...
...in order to relactate...u should make sure that...
...u teach your baby to nurse effectively at the breast (if he isn't already)
...stimulate your breasts to produce milk
...make sure your baby receives adequate nourishment while you are increasing your milk supply
...arrange for necessary help and support for the entire family during the process.
...your baby is the most effective way of stimulating milk production...and because milk supply is based on supply and demand the more often your baby nurses...the more milk there will be...
...if you still have some milk and your baby is willing to nurse for comfort as well as for nourishment put your baby to the breast at least every two to three hours for at least fifteen to twenty minutes per breast and gradually decreasing the amount of supplement your baby receives....
...if however your baby won't nurse often or long enough or he is not sucking well...what u can do is to use a breast pump to stimulate milk production...this often leads to a baby staying at the breast longer because the milk supply is more plentiful....
...to ensure that u would have a successful relactation...avoid giving your baby a pacifier or bottle which can satisfy his need to suck for comfort....instead...use a spoon..cup...or eyedropper so he'll be more likely to accept the breast for comfort which will further stimulate your milk supply...and to encourage your baby to nurse as much as possible offer him the breast before, after and in between supplementary feedings... |
gue pun nak share experience BF baby. selama ni gue ingat senangje nak BF..baby lahir sumbat je mesti baby boleh dpt susu..tapi for first time mother takle sesenang yg disangka...sebelum bersalin study gegiler cara2 nak bagi baby BF...bila sampai waktunye almost nak give up..dpt lak cracked nipple..sakitnye ..isk...
so my health visitor kata...BF is a skill which need to be developed both by mother and baby..so jgnle sedih kalau awal2 tu tak berjaya..ada some mothers take about 6 weeks to master this skill. In my case it takes about 3 weeks.
yg penting jgn give up..positioning tu sgt penting...jgn bagi baby hisap nipple..but hisap area areolar...kalau tak sakit wo. masa gue dpt cracked nipple tu gue restkan and pump breast milk..once dah okay baru bagi balik.Support dari famili sesgtle appreciated.
so sekarang my baby dah 9 months so far so good...but just found out i pregnant lagi..teringin lak nak try tandem nursing..ada sesiapa yg ada experience? mari le share |
...tandem nursing??...errr..never had the opportunity...cos jarak usia yang jauh antara my 2 kids...but...it is an interesting idea...go ahead if u think u can cope with it...good for u sis... |
harap2,topic ni dpt le sedikit sebyk memberi pengetahuan kat semua kaum ibu @ bakal ibu kat sini ,kan? saya rasa patutnye semua hospital,clinic ibu & anak kat mesia bg info ttg BF ni...bukan hanya setengah2 hospital aje.. |
yg ironi nye, dlm kerajaan dok kempen pasal BF nie, masih byk hospital swasta yg beri susu formula (mahal lak tu) as a 'gift'. ni seakan2 memberi gambaran yg susu formula tu better than ur milk.
saya takde pengalaman bersalin dihospital kerajaan. di sana diorang ade beri handout/talk abt BF tak? kalo takde... sia2 jer la kempen. kempen tinggal kempen |
STATEMENT FROM CEKODOK : "Untuk ibu2 yang kasi susu formula : Ingatlah susu ibu tu adalah hak anak kita...diwajibkan jika kita tidak ada susu ibu, si bapa hendaklah mencari ibu susuan kepada anak tersebut. Bak kata wardina...menyusu ibu nie jgn nak mengelat... "
hai cekodok, fakta mana awak dapat ni? bab hukum hakam agama wajib tak wajib jgn ckp ikut suke!!
awak bernasib baik dpt 100% BF, kalau dah nasib ibu tu xdpt nak bg susu bdn, susu kering ke apa ke... tak pasal2 laki sendiri kena cari ibu susuan lain? ckp biar guna akal! jgn ikut sedap mulut je!nf: |
diharap member2 forumer katsini, kalo bleh jgn lah berhujah tanpa memikirkan perasaan kawan2 yg ade. respect skit, jgn cuba nak generalize dan melebel org. buat statement tu jgn mcm mengecam org yg tak buat ape yg kite buat. elok2 org nak insaf jadi beng lak.....
board yg selalunyer penuh ngan kasih syg nie nampaknyer dah penuh ngan perasaan amarah..... tak best la camnie.....
cidkedee, saya paham perasaan awak.... but be cool ek.... :love: |
sorry ka kengkawan sume kalau saya terover tadi...
tapi memang berapi la bila baca statement camtu. apa plak DIWAJIBKAN laki kita pegi cari IBU SUSUAN LAIN kalau kita tak boleh bg susu badan! patut ke??? |
ooppsss..sabar seme....mungkin cekodok ms dia type tuh dia terexcited agaknyer.kalo igt balik zaman nabi s.a.w,ms tuh rsnyer maknyer tak berupaya nak menyusukan dia.so halimatus saadiah jd ibu susuannya.tp rsnyer...nak carik ibu susu tuh pun ader kriterianyer.dan takleh dianggap remeh.biler dah title ibu susu,anaknyer dah jd adik badik susuan,takleh kawin tuh...n kalo ngk sirah nabi nih,dia begitu menghormati ibu susuannya,mcm maknyer gak.
so dlm konteks masayarakt kite skang..kengkdg,jiran pun bkn kite kenal sgt.katakanlah kite jdkan jiran umah sebelah kite ibu susuan,pehtu dia pindah,kita lost contact lamer ngan dia..kena lak 20taun lps tuh anak kite kebetulan bercintan lak ngan anak dia..naya gak.maaf ye...bukan saya kater ibu susuan tuh tak relevan...tp sekiranya kite serius utk mencari ibu susuan,pastikan relationship tuh akan berterusan, sb mmg hakikattnyer dah mcm bersaudara...
:coolOOOOL BABE....kite bincang utk kebaikan....brg yg lps..jdkan pengajaran... |
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Originally posted by blackmore at 21-9-2005 08:47 PM
...sis...relactation is possible after weaning...most women want to resume breastfeeding becos of the nutritional and emotional benefits that it offers to their babies... ...
geezz...i think i can't be that committed la....duration weaning tuh pun dah lamer banget....anyway i hope this will benefits others... |
betol kate honey tu.... bukan sng bila masuk bab2 ibu susuan nie. pasal hukum wajib tu den tak tau la plak. kut2 ade bijak pandai yg bleh terangkan. tapi bila dah jadi ibu susuan..... ramai jadik mahram dia nie.... so kene byk berhati2. sila baca link nie
dlm ni dia ade citer.....
p/s kenapa bile nak carik rujukan agama kat internet nie, M'sia nyer takde....... balik2 Brunei & Indonesia. ke aku tak reti nak carik.... |
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