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Author: sinbad05

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Post time 5-3-2009 07:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by karim_pin at 5-3-2009 14:53
Tuan Dr, Untuk support lutut aku, aku ambik glucosamine sulfate + zinc/iron/magnesium. Ok tak ni? SIla beri advice.


Kau kena faham, apa fungsi Glucosamine sulphate ni..
Ia digunakan utk menambahkan SYNOVIAL FLUID..iaitu cecair/minyak/gris (apa apa lah kau nak panggil) dlm sendi lutut..

So, siapa yg mengalami kekurangan synovilal fluid ni?
Semestinya the elderly...yg dah masuk umur >50..
Ini mmg physiological changes..takleh nak buat apa...condition ni dipanggil Osteoarthritis(OA)..

Bila patient mengalami OA, simptom sakit lutut keluar la..
Sebab minyak/gris dah kurang, so end of joint(hujang tulang femur(femur) dah bergesel dgn tulang keting(tibia)..
Langkah pertama kenalah makan glucosamine sulphate ni...tapi kena ambik dlm long term..usually 6months..then review knee x-ray..

Jadinya, aku assume kau muda lagi..
So synovial fluid kau masih byk..
Buat apa kau nak makan glucosamine sulphate??
Ia membazir...

Unless, unless...kau pernah mengalami kecederaan yg teruk pada, eksiden, or injured main bola ke..
So patient dlm kategori mcm ni(yg ada history old injury pada lutut, yg  serious), boleh mengalami OA pada usia yg awal..usually area 40an...

As for ZINC, MAGNESIUM, IRON = ni semua dipanggil minerals..(garam galian)
Body kita perlukan minerals, but in small quantity...
Usually kalau kau makan balance diet, cukup buah, sayur...Insya-Allah cukup minerals kau...
Kena igt, bahaya kalau ter-over dose minreal ni byk...
Complication nya boleh dpt kidney failure, batu karang, etc..
So, kalau kau nak ambik pun, make sure ikut dosage yg dianjurkan oleh US FDA..
Tgk pada bottle supplement mineral kau ni, berapa berat each minerals tu..then kau compare dgn US FDA daily recommendation..

Setakat amik zinc, Mg, Iron ni..ia tak akan menguatkan knee joint kau..
Nak kuat kan joints(apa apa joint)..senang aje...REGULAR EXERCISE, especially strength/resistance exercise...
sebab dgn excercise, muscle bulk keliling joint akan bertambah, joint kau susah injured..
tu sebab for PRO athelete, salah satu proses rahabilitation post injury mereka ialah to build ups muscle strength..contohnya kalau knee injury, kenalah kuatkan main muscle, ie Quadriceps(quad), calf muscle..

Kalau lutut kau mmg 'lemah' sekarang ni, kena tengok few things:

1. umur kau
2. any old injury related to your knee joints
3. is it the bone which cause the instability/pain??
4. or is it the tendon?
5. or is it the meniscus?



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Post time 6-3-2009 08:31 AM | Show all posts

Balas #1241 RedDevils\ catat

wah bestnya ada doktor kat thread ni..

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Post time 6-3-2009 03:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by RedDevils at 5-3-2009 19:54
Jadinya, aku assume kau muda lagi..
So synovial fluid kau masih byk..
Buat apa kau nak makan glucosamine sulphate??
Ia membazir...

since the advice came directly from a qualified personnel... selamat duit aku... baru plan nak beli satu set yg slalu promote kat dalam paper tu...huhu

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Post time 6-3-2009 03:34 PM | Show all posts

Balas #1243 audydotnet\ catat

nk beli product kena check betul2... kalu x seksa kemudian hari..

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Post time 8-3-2009 05:13 PM | Show all posts
klo utk atlet yg selalu squat tiap2 mgu over 100kg, adakah perlu glucosamine?
aku tkde prob kt lutut, tp bahu cam ada tk selesa sgt
kt sini plak tkde doktor yg tahu sgt psl spots injury ni... plg kuat bg ubat thn sakit...hermm


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Post time 9-3-2009 04:29 PM | Show all posts
jap aku suh kawan aku terangkan pasal ubat2 ni...

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Post time 10-3-2009 08:21 AM | Show all posts

Balas #1245 batabaka\ catat

glucosamine ikutkan recent study takde evidence yg glucosamine boleh kurangkan sakit and definitely tak alter disease progression dalam osteoarthritis, untuk using as preventative don't think other study lagi tapi theoretically sakit sendi cam osteo tu sebab wear and tear and dalam kes ni memang ikut genetic make up u le, so kalau u lucky enough to get good genes yg tak easily worn out, good for u but certain people have the tendency develop condition ni.

it's multifactorial but one thing for sure if u eat healthily, exercise regularly u can have good quality of life, reduced risk of developing other diseases and u will look great physically, so bottomline these good lifestyles will benefit u, if it happens it happens for this degenerative diseases a.k.a aging is inevitable, we can only do so much to delay it but certain conditions taking preventative measures certainly will pay off

by the way, for soreness and aching especially after working out, takde ubat but to rest it and painkiller, biasala kalau u read in  men's health magazines ada banyak recurring articles explaining the pathophysiology sakit tu, u overuse, it gets injured, inflamed and then recover with extra ability to withstand those weights u used hence the bigger muscle mass and it gets stronger. overtime u will notice that the period of pain will get shorter and it will recover quicker, that's the beauty of human body. dont be afraid to take painkiller as long as u healthy, no liver or kidney problem and u take the meds according to directed dose u should be fine.

so keep up the good exercise habit and well done for u effort



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Post time 10-3-2009 08:24 AM | Show all posts
panjang lebarnya ko menjawap... sib baik 4 perenggan ajer.. thanx dude..

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Post time 10-3-2009 06:01 PM | Show all posts
aku boleh bezakan muscle sore dan joints pain.
psl athritis tu.....ermm....aku bukannye dah tua dah..loll....
aku cuma nak tau adakah glucosamine boleh membantu kalau joint aku ada bunyik dan sakit. contohnye bile wat push-ups mmg dkt sendi siku aku sakit dan berbunyik.
aku pon tk pasti adakah aku kurang synovial fluid?


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Post time 11-3-2009 08:58 AM | Show all posts
owh nanti ku tyakan lagik.. dia ketiduran kat umah lagik...

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Post time 12-3-2009 09:31 PM | Show all posts

Balas #1249 batabaka\ catat

bila u work out esp weightlifting etc u put ur joints under lot of stress, more than usual and sometimes this can cause pain, biasalah sama macam bila berlari or berjalan yg agak lama daripada biasa, bukan setakat muscles betis and peha yg sakit lutut or maybe ur hip pun boleh sakit, the same applied.

bila sendi berbunyi2 tu tak specific, doesn't mean u have any joint diseases, in clinical practice we look for symptoms and signs namely, joint pain, swelling, redness, limited function, recent history of trauma and tenderness on examination, setakat berbunyi tu samalah cam u breaking ur knuckles tak semestinya benda tu tanda joint problem, besides usually joint berbunyi tu occur when u do excessive movement or under lot of pressure.

to answer whether taking glucosamine would help with the cracking or painful joints, as i mentioned earlier, no evidence that it would help, u young and in the absence of any joint diseases or other connective tissue disorders taking it would be a waste of money and time, better for u to take painkiller instead for the pain, start with paracetamol a.k.a panadol or uphamol, or if it too painful u can get non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs by prescription from ur doctor like diclofenac sodium, arcoxia or mobic, ponstan etc provided u dont have coexisting asthma or peptic ulcer disease a.k.a gastric by our general population. taking multivitamins is better then again if u have well balance diet u dont even need those, i'm sure u r very careful with ur diet right. so far not that i know of if there is study going around where athletes taking glucosamines to treat joint pain as a results of exercise

with regards of synovial fluid question, clinically we dont measure those in fact there is no such test in clinical practice the only thing we do would be aspiration of the fluid for suspected infection or trauma. what we do is as mentioned before, depending on the history, examination than we can conclude what might have caused the problem, whether u have reduced amount of synovial fluid that's very unlikely. if u have painful joints most likely u've been stressing ur joints a little way too much without leaving those to recover before ur next session. if these measures don't help and the problem just getting worse i guess u have those checked out properly. hope that helps



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Post time 12-3-2009 09:42 PM | Show all posts
betul karangan u buat ni.. so kalau ada sapa2 nk tya lagi suh je dandansetia ni jawap...

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Post time 17-3-2009 03:58 PM | Show all posts
dandansetia doktor ke? good....
ni nak tnye, wrist aku ni terkehel dua2 belah sbb weightlifting.
wpun skrg dah tak sakit sgt, tapi dah tak fleksibel mcm dlu.
tgn belah kiri ni bila buat forearms exercise, akan jadi mcm numb, cpt sgt pump(filled with blood),
ada org kata pinched nerve...betul ke


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Post time 17-3-2009 04:53 PM | Show all posts
yer dia doctor...

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Post time 18-3-2009 11:33 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by batabaka at 17-3-2009 15:58
dandansetia doktor ke? good....
ni nak tnye, wrist aku ni terkehel dua2 belah sbb weightlifting.
wpun skrg dah tak sakit sgt, tapi dah tak fleksibel mcm dlu.
tgn belah kiri ni bila buat forea ...

All the nerves berselirat dkt joints, termasuklah wrist joint kau tu..
So once terkehel, ada possibility it interrupts the nerve...
Benda dah dikacau dlm badan, to make it simple to u to understand..
Numbness mmg very common..
In term of flexibility, aku rasa its more probably due to lack of physio post injury..



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Post time 18-3-2009 12:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by RedDevils at 5-3-2009 19:54


Kau kena faham, apa fungsi Glucosamine sulphate ni..
Ia digunakan utk menambahkan SYNOVIAL FLUID..iaitu cecair/minyak/gris (apa apa lah kau nak panggil) dlm sendi lutut..

So, si ...

Situasi aku.

Dulu berat badan mencecah 90+ kg. Time ni aku dah tak bersukan, sebab focus on carier. So, 3 tahun lepas, aku decide untuk kembali aktif bersukan. Dan aku kembali aktif bermain tennis. Satu hari aku main, lutut kiri aku mengeluarkan bunyi sebab aku tak dapat nak balancekan badan dengan cermat. Bermula dari hari tulah, lutut kiri aku akan menjadi "sore" setiap kali lepas bermain tennis. Selepas main, masa aku nak solat, aku akan susah untuk lipat kaki aku untuk duduk antara 2 sujud/tahiyat. Rawatan aku ialah RICE. (rest + ice + compression + elevate).  Dan sebagai tambahan aku ambik glucosamine + calcium/maginisium/zinc.

Untuk kuatkan muscle, aku buat benda-benda seperti:


curl/calf raise/squat (dgn knee support) dan plyometric seperti melompat melepasi rintangan setinggi betis.
Sila Nasihat Dr RedDevils.



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Post time 18-3-2009 03:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by karim_pin at 18-3-2009 12:09

Situasi aku.

Dulu berat badan mencecah 90+ kg. Time ni aku dah tak bersukan, sebab focus on carier. So, 3 tahun lepas, aku decide untuk kembali aktif bersukan. Dan aku kembali aktif bermai ...

RICE to dah OK..

And all the exercise should be OK...

Glucosamine tu, aku nasihatkan stop dulu...check your ligament/meniscus

Just kalau kau cakap lutut tak boleh lipat abis masa duduk antara dua sujud, tu kena further investigations.

Just to rule out kau takde meniscus tear..

Meniscus ni ada lateral, ada medial..

Confirmation is by MRI..

B4 MRI, jumpa doc, mintak dia buat test for menisceal and ligament integrity(knee joint)..
Ni physical test aja, atas katil dlm klinik boleh buat..
Kalau resultnya suggestive of menisceal injury, doc kau refer lah kat mana mana Orthopaedic Surgeon, usually for MRI.

p/s: tapi aku nak ingatkan, tak semua doc kat klinik tu ingat/tahu pasal test ni, sebab it's Orthopaedic physical examination...especially kalau lady doc...
nak confirm, terus pi medical center jumpa Ortho Specialist.



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Post time 24-3-2009 03:20 PM | Show all posts
2009 IOI Mall Strongmen Competition.

sadly Singaporean win this comp.  
come on Malaysian strongmen, where did all you guys hiding  

i didnt go so credits to Hakim Suria Gym for pictures




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Post time 24-3-2009 08:47 PM | Show all posts

Balas #1258 batabaka\ catat

awat la masuk Strongmen, tapi dressing hampas...
pakai jeans koyak rabak..

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Post time 24-3-2009 11:38 PM | Show all posts
takkan nak pakai lawa2 buat kerja berat? koyak gak nnti


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