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Author: dani-rox

[UNSOLVED MYSTERIES] Empat Kes Misteri Oleh KILL_NANCY #1611-#1614 (21 Januari

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Post time 5-2-2018 09:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
esteryen replied at 5-2-2018 05:07 PM
khabarnya Canny ambil duit boss tu.
Kan her famili jenis okok aje tapi boleh pula she pi overs ...

Tq sis...Sian arwah najib jd kmbing itam

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Post time 6-2-2018 03:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by esteryen at 6-2-2018 04:15 AM
Ipo replied at 5-2-2018 09:11 PM
oh gitu kisahnya..
kalau betullah, kesian la dikambinghitamkan tertuduh tu

Kesian juga. Semuanya demi $$
Boss besar rasa malu bila dipermainkan, sbb tu sejak Canny ke oversea, bertahun2 lamanya, dah graduate, siap kerja kat sana n nak kahwin or any CNY ke apa2 celebrations, dia x pernah nak balik Msia, tapi time tu sbb bapa dia kononnya nazak, so she came back. Balik je terus kiok.
Kalau ada yg ikuti time perbicaraan tu mmg byk yg hmmmmmmmm...nampak sgt! Dari peguam bela yg amboiii 7 orang tu dah ????? Siapa yg bayar??!!!
Yg dikambing hitam tu, semestinya keluarga miskin, dah diberi duit ratus ribu ataupun haishhh ribu je utk "mati"
Sama la kat negara China, mmg ramai yg sanggup jadi kambing hitam walaupun tau hukuman mati semata-mata utk dptkan duit yg x seberapa utk famili

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Post time 6-2-2018 04:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
jahcomel replied at 5-2-2018 09:32 PM
Tq sis...Sian arwah najib jd kmbing itam

kalau ikutkan "logic", haisshhh, bukan nak salahkan pihak berkuasa tapi kita yg rakyat biasa pun akan fikir tertuduh tu cuma pekerja am/cleaner, mana la mampu nak hired 7 peguam tu?
kenapa x di-interview pula 7 lawyers tu siapa yg bayar utk bela tertuduh tu.
Mmg kes ini dilaporkan secara biiiggg biggg kat media chinese, tapi i tgk kat newspaper malay adoiiii asyikkkk artis je yg jadi the front page =.=!!
Entah le, thats why kalau u all banding kan newspaper chinese ngan newspaper malay+english, u all can see the huge difference laporannya

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Post time 6-2-2018 09:10 AM | Show all posts
esteryen replied at 6-2-2018 03:59 AM
Kesian juga. Semuanya demi $$
Boss besar rasa malu bila dipermainkan, sbb tu sejak Canny ke  ...

bru ingat pnah jg baca y paper melayu ada tulis y mndiang canny ni pnh jd perempuan simpanan x silap gitu lh,paper pe x ingat dh...

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Post time 6-2-2018 05:13 PM | Show all posts
Maknanya yg bunuh, rogol, bakar smue tu bukan tertuduh tu ke buat? Habistu cc tv tu semua. Cerita yg kita tau tu x benarlah? OH MY baru tau ni...

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Post time 9-2-2018 11:48 AM | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 29-1-2018 02:14 AM

Pengakuan Pertama:

thanks TT for the update

bila baca sakitnyaaa hati sebab byk case yg unsloved sebab kecuaian penyiasat ie. polis and forensik..
yang pi basuh mayat2 tu buat apa? xpenah lg  dengar forensik basuh mayat before ambik bahan2 bukti dr badan mayat..

pastu mmg dulu2 mmg crime scene x dijaga ka? byk kali dah baca org ramai siap pegi tgk2 dekat2 lgi pulak tu crime scene

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Post time 9-2-2018 12:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Isk...tak sangkanya kisah Canny Ong macam tu.

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Post time 9-2-2018 03:23 PM | Show all posts
Thread yg very informative...

Thanks a lot TT

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Post time 10-2-2018 09:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by tumpanglalu74 at 10-2-2018 09:37 PM

Mak Canny namenye Pearly.  Cekgu STAR sama mak aku..  Sedih..

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 Author| Post time 11-2-2018 08:33 PM | Show all posts
Teori konspirasi Canny Ong adalah spekulasi yg ditimbulkan oleh peguam bela Ahmad Najib utk mencemarkan kredibiliti mangsa... dan dakwaan itu tak pernah terbukti pun dlm mahkamah. Lg pun kalaulah lawyer tu semua diupah oleh tangan2 ghaib, buat apa dia org buat teori yg akan menunding ke arah tangan2 ghaib itu sendiri.

DNA mani dlm faraj Canny adalah kepunyaan Najib dan percikan tompokan darah Canny dijumpai pada pakaian lelaki tu. Digandingkan dgn pengakuan Najib sendiri, wpun sedaya upaya cuba mengurangkan peranan jahatnya pd mlm kejadian. ai rasa nih open and shut case.

RIP utk Canny Ong dan burn in hell utk Ahmad Najib.

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 Author| Post time 11-2-2018 08:40 PM | Show all posts
primadonia replied at 9-2-2018 11:48 AM
thanks TT for the update

bila baca sakitnyaaa hati sebab byk case yg unsloved sebab ke ...

kan, belum lg part dia org pi kerat2 mayat budak2 pompuan tu.
kalau baca kebanyakan kes yg unsolved nih temanya sama... kelemahan pihak berkuasa, kekurangan dr segi kepakaran forensik terutamanya zaman dulu2, tempat kejadian yg dianggap tapak pesta oleh org ramai etc


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 Author| Post time 12-2-2018 04:46 AM | Show all posts
artikel ni berkenaan tayangan doku kes canny ong kat channel CI thn 2011 dulu... sama la mcm kisah aarushi talwar, akhbar suka memanjangkan cerita2 sensasi psl mangsa utk menarik perhatian pembaca. ahmad najib bukan kambing hitam, dia memang berniat jahat dgn canny. kalau dibaca latar belakang jenayah, tak mustahil dia boleh upgrade jd serial killer/rapist.

Laid to rest

This compelling documentary brings to light the truth behind one of Malaysia’s most notorious and gruesome murders — that of Canny Ong.

FEW tragedies have inspired the same curiosity, horror and astonishment as Canny Ong’s murder. When news of the sadistic attack first surfaced in 2003, a trail of wild, speculative and half-baked conspiracy theories followed in its wake. Almost every Malaysian had an opinion about it.

“She had a chance to escape,” people blogged. “She was a black belt in taekwondo, why didn’t she call for help?” others asked.

When you get a case where the evidence is just so clear cut, the only question remaining at the end of it is ... why? Why such brutality?

To make sense out of the seemingly senseless crime, people began to come up with answers of their own.

Chris Humphrey, executive producer for AETN All Asia Networks, thinks the “why” question is what made Canny Ong’s one of the most-talked-about murders in Malaysia.

“Girl goes to car, girl gets abducted, murdered and then disposed of – all, for absolutely no reason. How can you understand it? You can’t right? It’s completely senseless,” he says.

The stories have come and gone full circle.

Some say the victim knew her abductor and had a personal relationship with him. Others speculate that she was ridden with debt, and her demise was at the hands of a disgruntled loan shark.

Humphrey adds: “The press, of course, look at a story and feel the need to make something of it.

“But when one can’t make sense of it, people try to do the understanding for you. And that’s when you start to get opinions, non-truths, theories and ideas.”

The story of how an attractive 28-year-old IT analyst was abducted, brutally raped, murdered and left to die before her charred remains were discovered three days later in a manhole along Jalan Klang Lama in Kuala Lumpur hasn’t just haunted the Malaysian public. Its impact manifested in civilian efforts to initiate anti-rape rallies and calls by the Government for shopping malls to beef up car park security.

But perhaps the most potent after-effect was felt by the family she left behind.

Insensitive rumours and sensational media reports have over the years left Ong’s family wary, suspicious and tired of the constant intrusions and “irrelevant” probes into her private life.

This is partly why, after eight years of silence, the decision by Ong’s mother Pearly Visvanathan Ong to finally come out and tell her side of the story is of such great interest.

After all these years, an honest, straight forward account, free from sensationalist theories, seems very much in order. Hopefully this will provide closure, not just for her family who have had to endure so much, but also, the memory of Canny Ong.

Setting the record straight

Plain facts, backed by documentation, are what make up the back bone to The Murder Of Canny Ong – a documentary by director Ahmad Yazid, co-directed by Rob Nevis and produced by Lydia Lubon.

The show, commissioned by AETN All Asia Networks exclusively for the Crime and Investigation Network, aims to shed light on the mysterious circumstances surrounding her death, and lay to rest the many half truths which continue to circulate around this unfortunate tragedy.

Premiering tomorrow at 10pm, the documentary features exclusive interviews with Ong’s family and friends, as well as top investigators directly involved in the case.

It has been eight years since her murder. The night after it happened, Ong was due to return home to a loving husband in America, having travelled to Malaysia to visit her cancer-stricken father who was, ironically, finally on the road to recovery.

Abu Bakar Mustafa was, at the time, the Selangor State Police crime chief.

One of the show’s interviewees, Abu Bakar recalls how he put all his best men on the case.

He had, in the past, encountered several other equally brutal cases, but none had been highlighted to such an extent as this. The murder of Ong was of high public interest.

He says: “Speculation abounded. For the public, this was just a guessing game. We had to filter numerous theories, but based on our investigations, we found most of those assumptions carried no weight.”

It wasn’t an easy ride.

There were twists and turns in the search for the truth, and one of the greatest challenges was staying on track in the face of misleading information.

“No investigation is straightforward,” says Abu Bakar, now retired and an intelligence advisor for the Malaysian Crime Prevention Association.

Thanks to the case’s top team of investigators, however, the final stack of evidence used to convict 27-year-old aircraft cabin cleaner Ahmad Najib Aris, was about as straightforward as it gets.

Amidon Anan was, at the time, head of Crime Scene Investigation Malaysia. He remembers the Canny Ong murder as a landmark case.

It was the use of a comprehensive forensic science-based approach in documenting and recovering evidence that resulted in a case that was strong enough for conviction.

The team implemented skills gained from overseas training in applied forensic science.

Instead of just one or two persons doing everything, as per a normal investigation, they had an entire team of forensically-trained specialists.

“We had a photographer, a sketcher, an exhibit collector and an exhibit packager,” says Amidon, explaining the latter is crucial to prevent cross-contamination events, which could lead to crucial evidence becoming inadmissible in court.

Thanks to precise details recorded during the first visit to the crime scene, an accurate reconstruction (with the suspect on site) was made possible.

This was key, as it led to the retrieval of important evidence that had been overlooked the first time round – a pair of the victim’s earings, for example.

This evidence, combined with DNA samples extracted from Ong’s severely charred remains, led to what Amidon describes as an “almost perfect” case.

Had forensic science not been used in approaching the crime scene from the outset, Amidon believes the chances of securing a conviction would have been signficantly reduced.

Still, Ong’s murder remains surrounded by questions. Why would anyone murder a complete stranger, and in such a brutal manner? For Amidon, seeing the body was a gruesome experience. He turned to criminal psychologist Dr Geshina Ayu Mat Saat to gain insight into the kind of person capable of such a crime.

Understanding the ‘why?’

Initially consulted unofficially, Dr Geshina went on to study the case in detail, based on information furnished by the police reports.

“Based on the symptoms, (Ahmad Najib’s) behaviour, mannerisms and relationships with others ... it is typical of people, especially men, in possession of similar characteristics, to behave in a like manner,” she says, recounting her findings.

“Sometimes they start small, with sexual harassment, and gradually, they may move on to murder. That is typical.”

Ahmad Najib, it was later discovered, had a history of sexual harassment, though this was not played up in the media out of respect for his victims’ privacy.

At least three other women had come forward, having recognised his face, according to reports.

This was all truly perplexing for Rosal Azimin Ahmad, who was Ahmad Najib’s solicitor and previously the suspect’s football coach.

He knew the man and thought him normal, helpful, in fact, and always willing to help out at the mosque.

Beneath this wholesome facade, however, Dr Geshina says she suspects Ahmad Najib suffered from a hyper-sexual dysfunction.

“He had very strong deviant sexual fantasies involving not just the sexual act, but also the destruction of the person.”

In cases such as this, perpetrators often tend to see their victims not as people but as objects.

“It is cognitive distortion, (they) justify the act. To him, what he did was not wrong.”

Dr Geshina thinks the reason why he risked committing the crime was simple – he thought he could get away with it.

Another question about the case has popped up, time and time again: There were two police officers on crime prevention patrol duty that night. Why did these officers not give a sustained chase after Ahmad Najib, having been stopped by them, sped off with his victim, leaving his and Ong’s identity cards behind?

The documentary addresses this question at length through interviews with Abu Bakar and lance corporal S. Ravichandran, one of two police officers on duty that night.

As for the final question, the one at the root of so many half-baked conspiracy theories: why, upon being confronted by the police, did Ong not signal for help? No one will ever know the answer to that question for certain, but the documentary does try to offer some insight.

In fact, it was the experiences of co-director (and researcher) Nevis that may finally have convinced Ong’s mother to take part in making this documentary in the first place.

From Sri Lanka, a country replete with historical violence, Nevis was in a good position to explain to her what it was the filmmakers and channel wanted the documentary to portray.

In a strange way, his personal experiences enabled him to empathise with Ong. He was able to superimpose his own feelings of what it means to be completely frozen with fear in that sort of situation.

“In 1998, in Sri Lanka during the Civil War, I was held at gun point for half an hour,” he explains. “A handgun on my head, with the safety off. I’ll tell you, the fear that you go through – I couldn’t speak. And I knew that Canny must have gone through the same thing.”

Perhaps there is a hope that this documentary may help people finally understand what it was that caused Ong, when faced with seemingly numerous opportunities to escape, not to move.

Ahmad Najib was sentenced to death for murder in February 2005.

He received a further 20-year jail sentence for the rape of Canny Ong Lay Kian, and lost his final appeal in March 2009 after the Federal Court reached a unanimous decision that there was enough circumstantial evidence to conclude that he, and no one else, was responsible for what happened to Ong that night.

He is inches away from the gallows, and the conclusion of his sentence hangs on a single last resort – the request for a royal pardon. It is only a matter of time before the fate of someone whom everyone once thought to be a helpful, unassuming young man goes down in history. ... 12/11/laid-to-rest/

Pengakuan Ahmad Najib yg cuba minimize kejahatannya masa kejadian

IT WAS about 11pm to 11.15pm on Friday, June 13, 2003. I had gone to the Bangsar Shopping Complex to seek someone whom I had wanted to take revenge on.

Once I reached there, I walked from the first to the third floor. At about 11.30pm, on the second floor, I bumped into the person whom I suspected was the one I was looking for.

I tailed the Chinese woman for about 20m while she was heading to her Proton Tiara. She opened the door next to the driver’s seat and took something from the front passenger seat.

I pushed her and she fell onto the seat. I entered the car and sat on the driver’s seat and verbally threatened her to be quiet.

She was trembling with fear but obeyed my instructions. I drove the car from the second to the first floor and through the parking boom bar and headed towards Subang airport near Saujana.

I stopped the car at a bright spot where many cars were passing.

I struck a conversation with her and tried to refresh her memory to find out if she could remember me. She told me she did not know me.

I then checked her passport and found out that she was residing in America. I became confused as I had abducted the wrong person, but who looked very much like my target.

I talked with her with the intention of letting her go, but a motorcyclist came near our car and started knocking at the door.

The Indian man flashed his so-called authority card and ordered me to hand over my identity card and that of the woman.

I asked him to show me his authority card again so that I could see it clearly. When he refused, it struck me that he might be an impostor.  

When he ordered us to get out of the car, I feared something might happen, and when I asked the man to return the identity cards, he refused, and I drove off.

Before I drove away, the Indian man managed to puncture the front right tyre of the car. I drove towards Subang Jaya with the woman. I stopped at Subang Jaya Shopping Complex and got out of the car to find that the tyre was punctured.

I continued towards Sunway Pyramid and finally parked the car at a construction site near the Taman Datuk Harun KTM Komuter station where the woman and I had a quarrel. At that moment, I felt that our relationship was like that of close friends.

We sat in the car for about five minutes before I jokingly asked her if she wanted to have sex with me. She became very quiet. I then took a knife out from below my seat and put it on the speedometer without making any threats against her.

She then agreed to have sex with me. I told her to climb over to the back seat and I followed.

We engaged in a sexual relationship which I thought was with the woman’s consent because she did not cry or show her anger. But shortly after having sex with her, I felt scared. I reached for the knife that I had placed on my foot. It was not my intention to stab her. She was wiping her lips with a piece of tissue paper and suddenly put up a struggle. I got a shock and stabbed her twice in the stomach.

I was stunned. I realised that she was still alive. Suddenly, I saw a man with a piece of wood in his hand coming towards the car. I climbed back to the driver’s seat and drove to another spot nearby. There I helped the woman put on her pants and blouse.  

I told her not to move a lot because she was bleeding profusely. We spent 20 minutes in the car. Fearing that I would be spotted by passing patrol cars, I carried the woman to a barricade next to the car. The (height of the) barricade reached me above my chest.

I placed her on top of the barricade and I sat resting with her. She was still alive then, and I told her that I planned to send her to a hospital.  

Before I went back to the car, I tied her hands and feet and gagged her mouth so that she could not move or scream.  

Just before that, I saw a van and a red car stopping beside the Tiara. I leapt into a manhole and peeped at the two men while they ransacked the Tiara.

About five to seven minutes later, the two men drove their vehicles away and I went to the Tiara. I saw that they had taken the woman’s belongings such as her handphone and handbag, in which I suspected all her valuables were kept.

I was disappointed as I had intended to use her money to send her to the hospital.

Now, without the money, I could only keep her company where she was lying. I could not do anything except ask for her forgiveness.

I told her to go to heaven and pulled her down from the wall (barricade). She was almost lifeless (nyawa-nyawa ikan) by the time I shoved her into the manhole.

Before leaving her, I held her hand and apologised again. I told her I would burn her remains. She stared at me and just then the cloth which gagged her mouth came off. She told me to leave her alone. She said she would rather be left there as she was going to heaven.

I left her and covered the hole with a plank. She did not show any reaction. She did not scream or struggle.

I then drove the car about three kilometres and hid the car there. I walked towards a petrol station and threw the knife away.

I stopped a taxi and went home to Pantai Dalam. It was already about 6am to 6.10am on Saturday.

The next day, I bought two bottles of petrol and at about 11.30pm to midnight, I returned to the spot and removed the plank covering the manhole. I wept. I held her legs and hands and asked to be forgiven. I then sought permission to burn the corpse before leaving the scene.

Kambing hitamlah sangat.

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Post time 12-2-2018 12:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 12-2-2018 04:46 AM
artikel ni berkenaan tayangan doku kes canny ong kat channel CI thn 2011 dulu... sama la mcm kisah a ...

Nasib baik mampus.. kalau x jadi serial killer kalau terlepas... otak x betul..

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 Author| Post time 12-2-2018 05:59 PM | Show all posts
umbut replied at 12-2-2018 12:00 PM
Nasib baik mampus.. kalau x jadi serial killer kalau terlepas... otak x betul..

kan, umbut... dia dah prektis dari awal lg. mangsa cabul dia yg dulu2 enggan tampil ke depan, sbb mengenangkan maruah keluarga dan pandangan masyarakat. padahal yg patut malu dan dipandang hina adalah najib. memandangkan mangsa tak berani report, tu yg dia konfiden buat kat canny.

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Post time 15-2-2018 10:29 AM | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 12-2-2018 05:59 PM
kan, umbut... dia dah prektis dari awal lg. mangsa cabul dia yg dulu2 enggan tampil ke depan, sbb  ...

Setuju.. kalaula smua magsa ni tampil buat aduan pasti dah tertagkap awal lagi dan x kan berlaku kisah tragis Canny Ong ni.. sedih..

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Post time 15-2-2018 12:27 PM | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 12-2-2018 04:46 AM
artikel ni berkenaan tayangan doku kes canny ong kat channel CI thn 2011 dulu... sama la mcm kisah a ...

Baik punya putar belit. Salah culik mangsa, lakukan seks suka sama suka, tetiba tikam, nak hantar ke hospital tapi takder duit, siap minta ampun maaf lagi. Selamat dah berkurang sorang orang gila kat dunia ni. Selamat mereput!

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Post time 15-2-2018 06:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 12-2-2018 04:46 AM
artikel ni berkenaan tayangan doku kes canny ong kat channel CI thn 2011 dulu... sama la mcm kisah a ...

That story was too good to be xkan side sapa2,tp najib tu mmg salah,sesuka hati raped n murdered mendiang..baguslah dia sy tertarik jgk nak taw,psl y foremer ada ckp psl being scapegoat,n involvement mendiang with gangster..everyone could make thousands stories to justify the action,and to save their own dignity..ada kemungkinan x mendiang betul2 terlibat dgn gangster tu?tp utk gain sympathy,the members create one story utk divert siasatan from that kind of thingy?and berkaitan 7 lawyers hired by saspek,anything y boleh justify kemampuan dia utk hired those lawyers?idc about who being a scapegoat,that's his own choice tp selain drpd his weird sexual orientation,i mmg nk taw hal sebenar,betul ke x ada someone pulling the strings behind,n the real truth..tanpa ada fairy tales di sebalik pengakuan to mendiang..

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 Author| Post time 16-2-2018 12:56 AM | Show all posts
Edited by dani-rox at 16-2-2018 01:22 AM
salmon-suki replied at 15-2-2018 06:28 PM
That story was too good to be xkan side sapa2,tp najib tu mmg salah,sesuka hati raped n m ...

Mungkin family dia berkemampuan utk upah lawyer, sedangkan kes pompuan yg dipenjara di oz dulu famili dia yg kerja kpg pun dpt kumpul duit dekat sejuta dollar. Kes yg membawa hukuman mati kot, tak mustahil keluarga Najib akan cari jalan membiayai khidmat peguambela.

Anyhoo... Oleh kerana psikopat nih jenis arrogant dan control freak, Najib takmo cakap dgn polis biasa... dia nak bercakap dgn ketua jabatan siasatan jenayah masa tu, Abu Bakar Mustafa. Bila disoalsiasat dan ditunjukkan dua ic (najib dan canny) dan pakaiannya yg ada kesan darah, dia terus mengaku takda dolak dalih lg. Lepas tu family dia mintak tolong kat bekas jiran dia org, seorg peguam bernama Rozal Azimin. Rozal ni pon cepat2 jumpa Najib, tanya khabar etc. Bila dpt tahu Najib nak mengaku salah, dia tak bagi tp sbbkan pengakuan awal dah direkodkan depan majistret PJ... Jadi Rozal jumpa Hanif Khatri Abdullah, peguambela yg hebat utk mendapatkan bantuan.

Najib sendiri bersetuju utk reconstruct semula setiap langkah dlm kejadian itu. Dialah yg first tunjukkan tempat letak kereta Canny Ong di BSC, dia ceritakan dgn detail - bagaimana dia ternampak Canny sedang terbongkok2 kat tepi ketanya utk cari sesuatu. Najib bg tahu mcm mana dia tolak Canny masuk keta, drive dgn laju dan langgar penghadang, spt yg polis lihat dlm cctv. Pakar CSI, Superintendan Amidon Anan pon dengar pengakuan Najib tuh. Dalam masa bbrp jam, Najib terangkan semuanya tanpa menimbulkan keraguan, siap tunjuk semua tempat yg dilalui hinggalah ke lubang konkrit tempat dia bakar mayat Canny. He was definitely not a scapegoat. Bak kata polis, hanya pelaku itu sendiri yg benar2 tahu every nook and cranny kejadian mlm tu. Bahan bukti dari tempat2 yg dilawati itu pun digunakan utk perbicaraan.

Boleh baca keseluruhan kisahnya kat SINI. Tulisan forumer Cari gak @Santeira @Sant


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 Author| Post time 16-2-2018 02:14 AM | Show all posts
Edited by dani-rox at 16-2-2018 02:17 AM
salmon-suki replied at 15-2-2018 06:28 PM
That story was too good to be xkan side sapa2,tp najib tu mmg salah,sesuka hati raped n m ...

tang sugar daddy/gangster/along angle... it was brought up by the defense. sugar daddy tu lawyer kaya katanya tapi nama dan identiti pun takda. pastuh kaitkan pulak dgn kerja mak Canny sbg remisier... hutang keliling pinggang dsb. kenapa tak suruh private investigator korek abis2an background mak dan apak canny? sampai ke sudah tak tahu siapa, kalau betol la teori tuh. sekadar hearsay jah and the media had a field day... disensasikan terus. pengakuan dan keterangan najib tetap sama, hinggalah ke tali gantung.

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Post time 16-2-2018 10:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 16-2-2018 02:14 AM
tang sugar daddy/gangster/along angle... it was brought up by the defense. sugar daddy tu lawyer k ...

Najib ni ada ciri psycopath kan..
Muka pun tersengih sengih mcm org xda perasaan.. dah buat tetiba rasa bersalah, tetiba tikam.. gila

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