Assalam nak tanye, saya 1st time nak naik flight guna qatar airlines. Sy x paham bab transit tu. If sejam stgh smpt ke? Takut flight lambat ke.. Beg sume tu mcm mana ye? |
Casper999 posted on 21-6-2014 10:22 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Assalam nak tanye, saya 1st time nak naik flight guna qatar airlines. Sy x paham bab transit tu. If ...
Naek qatar airways ke?aritu sy naek qatar airways jgk....transit kt doha kjap je...kire mcm tukar plane...luggage diorg settlekan semua
awk transit brape jam??g paris kan
rimau_belang posted on 22-6-2014 08:54 AM
Naek qatar airways ke?aritu sy naek qatar airways jgk....transit kt doha kjap je...kire mcm tukar ...
Aah qatar airways . 1 jam 15 minit je..aah ke paris.. Smpt ek?
If flight kl ke doha delay mcm mn yg doha ke paris tu, riso lak
U book guna website qatar airways ke?
Last edited by Casper999 on 22-6-2014 03:19 PM
Casper999 posted on 22-6-2014 03:13 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Aah qatar airways . 1 jam 15 minit je..aah ke paris.. Smpt ek?
If flight kl ke doha delay mcm ...
Kalau airport lama sempat
cuma agak rush la..
tapi skrg dah airport baru
sy xsure layout dia mcm mana..
just make sure u beli travel insurance ye..
Last edited by bvsf06 on 22-6-2014 05:10 PM
bvsf06 posted on 22-6-2014 05:08 PM
Kalau airport lama sempat
cuma agak rush la..
Selalu paling elok amik brp jam ye? Transit dlm 3 jam ok x?
Last edited by Casper999 on 22-6-2014 05:50 PM
Casper999 posted on 22-6-2014 03:13 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Aah qatar airways . 1 jam 15 minit je..aah ke paris.. Smpt ek?
If flight kl ke doha delay mcm ...
yup guna website qatar airways tu...i dlu pun sejam 15mins jgk,insya Allah xde pape..
sbb bkn u je yg kena tuka flight tu,whole flight kot hehe,after qatar ikut destinasi masing2..mcm i dlu p london
Casper999 posted on 22-6-2014 05:49 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Selalu paling elok amik brp jam ye? Transit dlm 3 jam ok x?
xperlu tukar kot
kalau connecting flight same airline 1 jam setngah tu ok la..
tapi doable je within ~ an hour
xpayah tgk kedai2 semua..
and harap security screening tu x lama la..
tapi kalau connecting flight different airline tu kena allow masa lebih sikit..
rimau_belang posted on 22-6-2014 09:07 PM
yup guna website qatar airways tu...i dlu pun sejam 15mins jgk,insya Allah xde pape..
sbb bkn u j ...
Oh tq ye riso i hehe |
bvsf06 posted on 23-6-2014 12:55 PM
xperlu tukar kot
kalau connecting flight same airline 1 jam setngah tu ok la..
tapi doable je wi ...
Ok br paham.. Thanks ye
baru terjumpa thread ni. bestnya parisss. both time saya pegi time winter. teringin nak pergi time summer sebab tengok kekawan pegi langit cerah ada awan. kalau winter agak gloomy sebab langit mendung. gambar pun macam gelap je...so kalau nak pergi better pergi selain winter. summer maybe ok cuma crowded sikit la sebab mat saleh kan suka pi time summer. so pegi la spring or autumnnnn
inshaallah next timeeee. kumpul duittt
www.kau5ar.com |
Tolong advise ye. Kami sekeluarga ke Paris pada 30 Nov depan sampai kesana 1 dec. Cadang nak pgi London dulu guna Eurorail and duduk London 4 malam then come back to Paris, terus ke Amsterdam 2 malam and back to Paris for another 4 nites. Pelan ni ok ke? How to get to Gard Du Nord to catch Eurorail from Charles De Gaulle? Ada ke Bed & Breakfast dekat Gard Du nord or Paris city centre yang affordable? |
sayawifenikmie posted on 19-6-2014 02:10 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
... waalaikumsalam yunkkk ...
.. yuppp ... kesian .. kak lid kesiankan suami n anak kak lid ... ...
Kak Lid,
MAS selalu buat Enrich promo you can travel business class at 'half points' sampai lebih kurang sama if not cheaper, than normal economy. And I'm NOT talking about upgrade. You only have to pay the surchages and tax. I have benefited from this twice myself.
The only catch is the tax when paying with points tetiba higher than if you pay with money. Tapi MAS pun dah warnig benda ni somewhere in the fine print, orang berniaga lah kan but it is still more than worth it.
This is one of those deals yang saya rasa paling tidak menipu. They will let us know of the promotion.
Last edited by Decaffeinated on 24-6-2014 08:22 PM
Casper999 posted on 21-6-2014 10:22 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Assalam nak tanye, saya 1st time nak naik flight guna qatar airlines. Sy x paham bab transit tu. If ...
From my experience, if the connecting flights are both in a single booking, the system will not allow you to proceed kalau masa transit tak cukup. (you can try this with MAS, cuma MAS requires 2 hrs if I'm not mistaken)
Secondly, if you travel by the same airlines means they are fully aware of your whereabout, normally they will wait. In some airports, the ground staff will even wait for you with a buggy I have known about MAS sengaja delaying a flight to Europe sbb tunggu their own pax connecting at KLIA from Australia.
Thirdly, a full service airline ticket normally comes with insurance against lost baggage and missed connection among other things. Make sure you have that.
About the luggage, as far as possible they will check your bag to your final destination unless tak boleh for whatever reasons. e.g. the last airport tak ada customs so you may need to collect your bag earlier, clear custom and check-in again. The check-in counter personnel will tell you where to collect your bag or you can read it yourself on the sticker tag (biasanya dorang tampal di belakang boarding pass)
Hope I have made it simple.
mattj posted on 23-6-2014 05:39 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Tolong advise ye. Kami sekeluarga ke Paris pada 30 Nov depan sampai kesana 1 dec. Cadang n ...
Salam mattj,
keluar dari arrival hall, look for 'Paris par train' sign.
the direction will lead you to a train line - naik tren ni (free ja) tapi bukan ke Paris tapi melalui airport hotels dan parking lot to the real train station (where to alight ada dia tulis)
Di sini lah you beli tiket ke Paris harga dalam Euro 9.75 (kalau tak silap). Tren ni akan singgah di Gare du Nord.
ada di page belakang2 if you need the details.
sayawifenikmie posted on 24-6-2014 09:50 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
..maksudnya ... promo yang sebahagiannya kita bayar ngan real money dan sebahagian guna enric ...
kita bayar using miles in full. cuma bayar tax guna real money.
yang miles+cash tu kalau tak cukup miles then ada lah T&C dia...
miles yang nak expired to boleh tukar voucher.
dah ke laut plak kita ni.... ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
Decaffeinated posted on 24-6-2014 10:23 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
kita bayar using miles in full. cuma bayar tax guna real money.
..mana lak ke laut ... , masih bercakap pasal paris .... ticket to paris .... ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
i bet .. misti banyak ratus ribu miles yg diperlukan ... kan?
sayawifenikmie posted on 24-6-2014 10:29 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
..mana lak ke laut ... , masih bercakap pasal paris .... ticket to paris ....
i bet .. ...
tak banyak, you'll be surprised. Tahun lepas ada beberapa kali promo, sayangnya saya dah lupa lah....
dia publish dalam newsletter yang dia hantar ke kita tu...
Decaffeinated posted on 24-6-2014 10:35 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
tak banyak, you'll be surprised. Tahun lepas ada beberapa kali promo, sayangnya saya dah lupa lah. ...
..i seeee ... noted .. noted .... thanks bang for the info ... ![](static/image/smiley/default/flower.gif)
Decaffeinated posted on 24-6-2014 09:09 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Salam mattj,
keluar dari arrival hall, look for 'Paris par train' sign.
Terima kasih bro.
Boleh tau kat mana tempat yang ada snow paling dekat dgn Paris you can take a train for overnight or 2 nites trip, budak2 teringin nak tengok snow.
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