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Author: xyla73

[JTBC/Netflix] Sisyphus : The Myth - Cho Seung Woo, Park Shin Hye

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 Author| Post time 26-2-2021 10:09 PM | Show all posts
pasal cgi utk creature yg baru sampai dlm epi 3, mula2 iols pikir apalah teruk benar production team yg buat cgi ni...mcm tak cukup finishing touch gitu...
tapi lepas dengar penjelasan Mr. Park, baru iols terpikir maybe it is intentional...
sebab dia kata cuma 10% je yg berjaya...tu pun kalau tak kena tangkap dgn biro tu...
macam downloading error...belum sempurna lagi, tak macam rupa asal..
tu sebab dia tanya Tae San cukup ke tak anggota badan masa Tae Sul angkat call dia tu...

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 Author| Post time 26-2-2021 10:17 PM | Show all posts
lonso replied at 26-2-2021 10:05 PM
yekan.. sbb kertaskan fiat money.. kalau ekonomi runtuh atau perang x bernilai pun duit kertas

yup...dulu kan ada ura2 nak tukar matawang ke dinar emas...sebab bila jadi krisis duit kertas ni dah xde nilai...

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 Author| Post time 26-2-2021 10:36 PM | Show all posts
Rahah replied at 26-2-2021 10:06 PM
Scene propa tu iols tak kisah sangat sebab fantasy kan... tapi betullah cgi masa lari2 & flying fo ...

mula2 iols agak skeptikal dgn Cho Seung Woo & Park Shin Hye punya pairing...
tapi tukar fikiran lepas tgk bts & gambar2 photoshoot diorg utk majalah Elle..
they have great chemistry..

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Post time 26-2-2021 11:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Rahah at 26-2-2021 11:08 PM
xyla73 replied at 26-2-2021 10:09 PM
pasal cgi utk creature yg baru sampai dlm epi 3, mula2 iols pikir apalah teruk benar production team ...

Masa mula2 muncul iols ingatkan tu creature lain tau... ingatkan alien... rupanya tak... bila Mr Park citer tu baru faham... tapi yang rupa alien ni semua jahat... dah 2kali nak bunuh orang... taesul & polis tu...

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Post time 26-2-2021 11:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Rahah at 26-2-2021 11:29 PM
xyla73 replied at 26-2-2021 10:36 PM
mula2 iols agak skeptikal dgn Cho Seung Woo & Park Shin Hye punya pairing...
tapi tukar fikiran l ...

Boleh tak iols nak kata sebab Cho seung woo pandai built chemistry... hehe... kelakar tengok dia bebel2 dengan Park shin hye masa scene diorang berdua...

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Post time 26-2-2021 11:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 26-2-2021 09:22 PM
ni dialog antara Tae Sul (TS) dgn org suruhan Mr. Park..iols rasa dialog ni penting utk kita faham t ...

No wonder la immigrant tak boleh bawak byk barang kan... teleport machine yang taesul tunjuk kat conference tu pun mampu teleport kiub gula kecik tu je...

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 Author| Post time 27-2-2021 09:47 AM | Show all posts
lonso replied at 26-2-2021 10:06 PM
yg abg dia tu mcm mn pulak ye.. mmg dh mati

pasal abang dia iols rasa kena tunggu byk epi lagi to reveal..sebab hubungan antara Tae Sul & abang dia ni antara main plot dlm citer ni...
tapi abang dia memang belum confirm mati...sebab mayat org lain yg diorg guna tu...

lagi satu, polis tu bagi alamat chairman bila Tae Sul suruh bgtau Tae San kat mana...
dia siap bagi warning yg Tae Sul takkan suka apa yg dia akan nampak nanti..
so there's something going on between the chairman & Tae San...


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 Author| Post time 27-2-2021 09:53 AM | Show all posts
ok sambung lagi perbincangan mlm tadi...
walaupun byk komplen pasal CGI kat epi 3 tapi ada byk jugak healthy discussion pasal teori2 plot citer ni including kat soompi...
iols try bwk sini mana2 yg penting utk kita faham sama2...

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 Author| Post time 27-2-2021 10:09 AM | Show all posts
pertama sekali pasal tajuk 'Sisyphus The Myth'
menurut wikipedia :
Sisyphus was the king of Ephyra (now known as Corinth). He was punished for his self-aggrandizing craftiness and deceitfulness by being forced to roll an immense boulder up a hill only for it to roll down every time it neared the top, repeating this action for eternity.

Sisyphus ni raja dari mitos Greek purba yg dihukum oleh dewa utk bawak batu besar naik atas bukit...tapi tiap kali dah nak sampai atas, batu tu jatuh balik ke bawah...dlm konteks citer ni ia merujuk pada event yg berlaku berulang2 kali...

Ni komen drpd production staff :

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 Author| Post time 27-2-2021 10:41 AM | Show all posts
Rahah replied at 26-2-2021 09:56 PM
Rupanya machine tu Taesul dah invent year 2001...

Iols curious macam mana polis tu pergi future  ...

ok ni apa yg kita tau setakat ni...
1) polis tu kena tangkap/kuarantin dgn control bureau lepas dia encounter one of the immigrants...sebab dikhuatiri dia kena radiasi...kita belum tau lagi apa jadi lepas tu tapi based on the preview biro ni cuba twist bgtau kat dia yg mak dia mati sebab Seo Hae...motif rompakan sebab kereta dia sekali hilang...
2) his future self jumpa Tae Sul & Seo Hae...dia kena ambush dgn control bureau kat rumah dia lepas fulfill his wish utk habiskan masa dgn mak dia...dia kena tembak tapi sempat bgtau Seo Hae supaya maafkan dia & dgn cara tu je Seo Hae boleh menang...

kita tak tau event mana yg berlaku dulu tapi in this case ada berlaku time paradox sebab ada 2 versi polis tu...versi dia yg ori yg kena tangkap dgn biro tu & versi future...ikut hukum time paradox cuma ada salah satu drpd 2 versi wujud dlm satu2 masa...iols punya teori, his future self mati n versi dia yg ori yg kita tgk kat preview...

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 Author| Post time 27-2-2021 11:23 AM | Show all posts
jumpa posting kat twitter dari twitter handle @boyfrientae yg explain Tae Sul punya teleport machine based on quantum mechanics dlm bentuk yg mudah utk difahami...sapa2 belajar fizik dulu taulah yg subjek ni memang susah :

posting beliau yg selanjutnya :
Why it should be divided into pieces in a very very small size just to be teleported?
It's because the weight of the particles that want to be teleported can't be bigger than the wave itself. So, the solid sugar bar should transform into a small molecular size.

The wave is helping object to move.

And why the small pieces sugar became a solid sugar bar again?
It's because there's a thing called superposition that became the main effect of the quantum theories. The small pieces sugar is brought by wave, and there must be a boundaries of how long the wave would be projected. That can be shown the boundaries is above Taesul's cup. The sugar that turned into a pieces that brought by the wave, is finding their earlier position eventho it's not the same place as before.
The sugar pieces knew their position by knowing their other pieces place. But before they knew their position, they tried out SOOOOOO~ many place and positions to comfortably sit, until they found their way to match their own pieces. Interesting right?
After such a long journey to finally reach their right position, then they became one again because finally all of the pieces all together reach their own destiny to became a solid. And then the sugar bar became solid once again yeayy...

dlm bahasa yg lebih mudah, gula tu melalui proses penguraian utk jadi zarah supaya gelombang boleh bawak ke destinasi yg seterusnya...lepas tu bila dah sampai ke destinasi baru bertukar bentuk jadi jisim semula..

tapi macam yg Tae Sul cakap utk benda kecik bolehlah buat gini...tapi utk benda2 yg lagi kompleks lagi2 manusia yg bernyawa it's not possible..tapi menurut Seo Hae uploader tu first muncul tahun iols rasa there will be something yg akan trigger Tae Sul utk invent the uploader...his intention could be genuine tapi ada org yg salahguna...

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Post time 27-2-2021 04:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 27-2-2021 10:41 AM
ok ni apa yg kita tau setakat ni...
1) polis tu kena tangkap/kuarantin dgn control bureau lepas d ...

Oh... so yang akan muncul next episode versi ori sebab yang versi future tu dah mati... tu mula2 macam pelik mustahil pulak dia ada semula... tapi seohae ada cakap pasal fotostat tu... seolah2 dia maksudkan macam boleh wujud lagi orang yang sama...

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 Author| Post time 27-2-2021 06:42 PM | Show all posts
Rahah replied at 27-2-2021 04:21 PM
Oh... so yang akan muncul next episode versi ori sebab yang versi future tu dah mati... tu mula2 ...

ok...iols taip balik conversation Tae Sul & Seo Hae kat sini..
TS : Hey you...are you really from the future?
SH : Yes
TS : Is that how you predicted the shooting in Busan?
SH : Yes
TS : And what's with the downloader? I code that in 2001.
SH : There are uploaders in the future. I don't know how it works, but it's like a copy machine.
TS : They copy stuff and send it to the other side.
SH : They go inside a huge machine.
TS : It's a quantum teleporter. It teleports objects by controlling the time value. That's what I demonstrated at the conference.
But controlling the time of humans or other objects with huge amount of information is technically impossible.
SH : I'm not sure. But it was around 2021 when the uploaders appeared.
TS : What the heck? Why are they coming here? The success rate is only about 5 percent. And what's with the radiation detector or something? Are they getting exposed to radiation on the way? Hey, stay away from me. Stick to that side.

so far yg kita nampak diorg datang dari future balik ke past...belum nampak lagi dari past ke ada yg iols terlepas pandang?
polis tu mungkin tak teleport ke future..dia go thru normal timeline tapi after certain period dia dah muhasabah diri & menyesal pastu decide utk revisit the past...tapi tengok pada rupa dia yg xde beza dgn current timeline, mungkin jangkamasa yg dia ambik tu tak lama...1-2 tahun mungkin..

apa2 pun persoalan ni mungkin terjawab kat epi 5...


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 Author| Post time 28-2-2021 02:27 PM | Show all posts
#SisyphusTheMyth ensaiklopedia
translated from
kena faham term2 ni dulu kalau nak tau jln cerita..kalau tak nanti confuse yg mana baik yg mana jahat...

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Post time 28-2-2021 07:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Rahah at 28-2-2021 07:06 PM
xyla73 replied at 28-2-2021 02:27 PM
#SisyphusTheMyth ensaiklopedia
translated from
kena faham term2 ni dulu kalau nak tau j ...

Rules baggage tu sama macam naik flight... can't exceed 30kg... explosive material prohibited...

Oh... president park tu pun sama macam seohae...

Tak sabar nak tau sape sigma tu... Prof Cha ke...

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Post time 28-2-2021 07:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Betul la present & future...
Iols confuse dengan komen sendiri...

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 Author| Post time 28-2-2021 07:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Rahah replied at 28-2-2021 07:02 PM
Rules baggage tu sama macam naik flight... can't exceed 30kg... explosive material prohibited... ...

Iols pun rasa dia org kuat sigma...sigma ni misteri sikit...blm tunjuk pun lagi sapa diorg sbnrnya...

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Post time 28-2-2021 07:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 28-2-2021 07:11 PM
Iols pun rasa dia org kuat sigma...sigma ni misteri sikit...blm tunjuk pun lagi sapa diorg sbnrnya ...

Instinct iols rasanya dia... sebab watak ni rasanya penting...

Bila iols baca synopsis encyclopedia atas tu kan uols... iols rasa macam bureau tu penting pulak... sebab nak control smugglers... kalau people from the future asyik datang to present macam tak terkawal... ni untuk episode skang la... later xtau macam mana kan...

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Post time 3-3-2021 08:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kelakar tul tengok cho seung woo... park shin hye layan je...


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 Author| Post time 3-3-2021 08:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Rahah replied at 3-3-2021 08:10 PM
Kelakar tul tengok cho seung woo... park shin hye layan je...

Tulah tgk bts diorg ni rasa fun sgt diorg shoot...x sangka cho seung woo ni gila2 jugak orgnya...

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