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Author: Lady39

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Post time 26-2-2015 10:49 AM | Show all posts
Edited by animcute at 26-2-2015 11:28 AM
koko2 replied at 26-2-2015 10:03 AM
dislexia ni apa? yg tulis angka/huruf terbalik tu ke...? apa simptom awal dislexia nih..? apa kesa ...

dyslexia ni kira learning difficulties in interpreting written letters thus affecting reading and writing (could be left brain and right brain not connected mcm kita orang biasa). banyak terms if u can google the words, akan ada meaning dia.  try this site and . You will see lots of info in there.  tapi dyslexia doesnt affect intelligence. each dyslexic ni different, thats why kita kena have them evaluated so can get the correct way to help them.
saya dulu memang perasan dari kecik dia tak suka baca/tengok buku...tapi paling ingat ie jenis2 kereta, dinosours etc etc (visual cues). dia suka aktiviti yg guna tangan..bertukang, buat science experiment,  tolong saya masak, potong bawang ke etc

masa umur dia 4 tahun, sy masukkan dia kat tadika tp after one year takda perubahan, tak kenal huruf pun. sy rasa ada something wrong jadi sy buat research, kat internet dan tanya pengalaman orang lain. luckily my bff is a special ed teacher so she suggest some sites for me. tu yg sy jumpa website yg list simptom dyslexia ni. my son was tested at dyslexia malaysia center in titiwangsa.

for my son case ni contohnya kita faham a bunyi aa, b bunyi be  etc etc. but for him connection tu mungkin belum sambung so a, b c tu for him meaningless..(this is my son's case, sebab he sees the letters all mirror image ie: letters yg terbalik terbalik tu - huruf b nampak d,  p nampak q, everything is reversed.)

my son performs better w visual cues..contohnya dia suka tengok gambar dan pemahaman lebih dgn gambar rather than reading.
my son also ada attention defisit (focus very short period) so klu ajar dia kena have breaks a lot.
we are v lucky sebab dapat diagnose cepat and i terus masuk kan dia kat dyslexia center to get help. now at 8 years old, dia attend normal school kelas biasa, tapi utk pelajaran matematik, BM and BI dia akan ke kelas for dyslexics (ada individual attention from a special teacher). hopefully dia akan berjayalah.
banyak challenges yg kena lalui..sabar bebanyak...
expectation sy kena tukar sb anak2 sy yg lain excell academically but for him we kind of relax sikit...


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Post time 26-2-2015 01:39 PM | Show all posts
Lady39 replied at 17-2-2015 08:06 AM
Ada lagi saya nak share pasal eham. Mama dia cerita baru-baru ni.

Mama...Eham, look at that car.

Comel jawapan dia..

Sweet,kecik2 dah ada perasaan nak sempurnakan impian mama nya..

Pelajaran eham mcm mana?

Pernah cuba x belajar one to one dgn dia?

I rasa klu eham goes one to one session mesti lagi exciting,boleh tgk kemampuan dia mcm mana..


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Post time 26-2-2015 01:51 PM | Show all posts
animcute replied at 26-2-2015 02:49 AM
dyslexia ni kira learning difficulties in interpreting written letters thus affecting reading and  ...

I x tau lah kenapa,tp i rasa anak u yg ni akan lebih excel dr anak2 u yg lain..
Dr penceritaan u,i rasa dia ni suka berfikir outside of the box..

Sama ada u perasan atau tidak..

Focus ni x boleh blame anak u je,it applies to every children..

Mana ada budak normal yg duk diam dan focus memanjang?

Their mind are full with curiosity and always thinking whats next..whats ahead..

Dorang ni rajin berfikir,full of creativity..

Cuma dlm ruang lingkup pendidikan di malaysia,x ramai terdedah dgn budak2 yg berfikir outside of the box ni..

Bila budak kurang focus mula nak melabel itu ini,tp sebenarnya budak2 ni berfikir,energy byk..hihihi

They might not get straight A's,but their skills can make them success in the working environment,org2 mcm ni mampu berfikir lebih jauh drpd budak2 straight A's...

Tp,you have done a good job doing what you have to do as a parent..for that,congrats..

And i wish u all the best..In Shaa Allah

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Post time 26-2-2015 03:29 PM | Show all posts
pinksarah replied at 26-2-2015 01:51 PM
I x tau lah kenapa,tp i rasa anak u yg ni akan lebih excel dr anak2 u yg lain..
Dr penceritaan u, ...

insyaallah kami memang bercita2 nak jadikan dia somebody who excells in his field.. sekarang ni dia punya cita cita berubah ubah, kejap nak jadi ustaz hafiz, kejap nak jadi engineer,  pastu nak jadi doctor macam kakak eldest dia (first year medical school), then last skrg nak jadi polis CSI (combine doctor & polis)..
we just encourage him...and also buat some education plan for him. since dia bagus dlm pertukangan and dia interested in cooking, mungkin akan hantar dia ke sekolah vokasional and then culinary school, after that mungkin boleh jadi chef having his own restaurant ...who knows? but kami as a family mmg support him all the way.
sekarang ni kakak2 tolong masa dia buat homework, cz dia mmg kena ada supervision... v normal fr dyslexic to lag behind emotionally 1-2 years dari segi nak independent etc etc, compounded pulak dgn manja sb only boy & bongsu

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 Author| Post time 28-2-2015 09:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kami masih tunggu feedbck dari teacher O. blum ada kabo berita

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 Author| Post time 28-2-2015 09:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pinksarah replied at 26-2-2015 01:39 PM
Comel jawapan dia..

Sweet,kecik2 dah ada perasaan nak sempurnakan impian mama nya..

pelajaran eham mcm biasa..dia tak suka sekolah kata dia...too noisy.
saya ckp dengan dia...eleh mcm la eham tak noisy.

untuk pengetahuan, eham mcm budak2 lain juga...ada time nakal, gaduh n buli adik, bossy..kedekut dengan barang2 dia. barang2 orang mcm dia punya!  lagi satu kalau barang games..berhantu! boleh tukar personaliti jadi ganas klau orang ganggu...esp klau adik.

cuma bila sekali sekala berbual dengan dia...tu yg keluar perbualan2 yg menggelikn hati, yg kita tk expect kuar dari mulut budak besar tu

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 Author| Post time 28-2-2015 09:13 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
animcute replied at 26-2-2015 03:29 PM
insyaallah kami memang bercita2 nak jadikan dia somebody who excells in his field.. sekarang ni di ...

saya doakan ...amin

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 Author| Post time 28-2-2015 09:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lady39 replied at 28-2-2015 09:11 AM
pelajaran eham mcm biasa..dia tak suka sekolah kata dia...too noisy.
saya ckp dengan dia...eleh  ...

eham pakai baju ironman jalan dgn pak lang. paklang bergurau dengan merenjis air pada eham.
eham...paklang janganla...
paklang masih terus merenjis air..
eham dgn nada mula tinggi...paklang janganla renjis. ironman mana boleh kena air...short nanti!!!
paklang terus tergelak

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 Author| Post time 23-3-2015 11:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
maaf dah lama saya tak update. saya bz dgn tugas . lagipun belum ada apa2 yg hendak ditulis. tapi minggu ni insyaallah ada byk yg saya nak cerita.

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 Author| Post time 23-3-2015 11:42 PM | Show all posts
Terlebih dahulu saya nak perkenalkan siapa Teacher O sbb saya dah boleh bgtau siapa beliau.
Nama teacher O sebenar Olive Beverly Tan. Beliau adalah Personal Learning Support Advisor,  MA/PGD/PGC Special Needs.

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 Author| Post time 23-3-2015 11:48 PM | Show all posts
Ini adalah salah satu testimonial beliau - anak beliau sendiri.

Captain James Tan: The Young And Fearless 'Engine Whisperer'[size=12.1440000534058px]

Details Published on Tuesday, 04 June 2013 11:47


[size=13.1999998092651px]James Tan, a young man with big dreams. Pic: MDKUALA LUMPUR: If you're a mother, what would you do if your 5-year old son comes home from kindergarten one day and asks you to take him to the doctor so he can have a picture of his brain taken to find out why is he different from the other kids in his class?
[size=13.1999998092651px]For Olive Beverley Tan, that was the moment she knew her son, Captain James Anthony Tan is no ordinary child.

James is Malaysia's solo pilot who flew around the world recently, a feat that earned the 21-year old several records including The Guinness Book of Records, World Record Academy and The Malaysia Book of Records for becoming the youngest Malaysian and Asean pilot to achieve such an endeavor.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, upon James' return from the '1Malaysia Mission Around the World' (1RTW) described his success as a major milestone for the country, adding that when he was at James' age, he was more worried about how to drive a car than fly an aircraft!

James completed his around the world mission in 48 days, after flying 21,000 nautical miles in a Cessna Silver Eagle aircraft across 20 countries.

James at his homecoming ceremony which saw the Prime Minister in attendance. Pic: 1RTWJames was diagnosed with Dyslexia at 8 years old. Despite his initial learning problems, James overcame it and powered through life with so much zest it makes one's heart soar with hope just looking at him.

Sitting down with the young pilot for an interview, it is not difficult to see how passionate he is about the things that excite him.

Having achieved so much at such a young age, he is no where near satisfied and is already looking forward to the next chapter of his life, something which he insists on keeping a secret for now.

"What I can tell you is that it's gonna be big. Even bigger than flying solo around the world," he said with a big smile, followed by his infectious laughter.

If this writer could use one word to describe the interview with James, the word would be 'hopeful'.

James is filled with so much hope and zest for life that it makes all the political fighting and bickering in Malaysia insignificant. If only everyone would just look at this young man and take cue from the passion he has for life, the world would be a much better place.

What Malaysia needs is more people like James.

And that is his hope for his fellow Malaysians too.

"I am just one person and what I want is to leave a legacy behind, one that will encourage others to follow their dreams and not leave anything to chance," he said.

Although he is only 21 years old, James is well-travelled. When asked if he could pick one place, anywhere in the world, that he would like to live in, the answer that came back was a firm resounding, "Malaysia."

"Without a doubt," he added. "This is my country. I was born in Kajang. This is my home."

It is apparent that James is different from the other young adults of his age. Other 21 year olds would be more concern about getting their drivers' license, but James, from a young age knew he wanted to fly first.

"But I do have a driver's license now," he said, when asked which license came first.

"I'm probably the slowest driver on the road though, whenever i do drive," he said.

Getting back to his flying feat, James, the always-smiling, cheeky boy jokingly said he saw Santa Claus and ET while being up in the air, when asked if he encountered any strange sightings when he was piloting the plane alone.

"I saw many beautiful sights, from fire to ice, to magnificent landscapes below me."

James told MD there is nowhere else in the world he would rather live in besides Malaysia"The longest time I was totally alone, cut off from any radio contact was about 2 and a half hours. It is quite scary after a while, being above a frozen ocean."

"There were times I felt like giving up but I continued because I had the prayers and support from the people of my country, and the love of my mother."

Meanwhile, Olive, when asked about how it was when James first mooted the idea of attempting this record said that initially she had to wrap her head around the idea.

"I then figured that I have to help him do this in the best way possible," she said.

"My love for aviation began when I was five years old," James said. "Aviation is my medium. The first time I saw the commercial airliner Boeing 747 in the United Kingdom, the first thing that came to mind was how beautiful she looked."

On how the 1RTW idea came about, James said that it all started when he began contemplating his life, at a grand age of 19.

Smiling, he explained how he was already having a good life, travelling around the world, and one day while he was sitting down and having coffee, he saw a boy with Down-Syndrome.

"The boy looked like he had no dreams, no inspirations. I knew that if I did not have a caring family like I do, I would be just like that boy. So right there and then I knew I wanted to do something big with my life. It's a matter of believing that you can succeed," he said.

James was accompanied by his mother, Oliver Berverley to the interview with MD"He's got lots of plans that's for sure. We're now working on the technicality of it all," his mother chipped in.

When asked about his 'rituals' prior to taking off or landing, James said that it was all in the prayers and support he was getting back home, from the people of Malaysia and from his family.

"Although I do have a special relationship with my rolls royce silver eagle engine," he said.

"We have a spiritual bond, the engine spoke to me. I knew she wasn't going to die on me," he added.

It can be said that this young 'engine whisperer' is passionate about his aircraft and is not just one to leave engine matters to the engineers. He knows his 'Sheila' inside and out.

James and his 'Sheila'. Filepic: NST"The plane I flew in is called The Spirit of Malaysia, but in private, I call her Sheila," he said.

Moving on to other random topics, James said that if he had a time machine, he would travel back to the beginning of time and see everything, especially where it all began.

This lover of history added that he finds the subject interesting because one of his life's motto is that one needs to know history in order to not repeat the same mistakes in the future.

On people he looks up to, James finds billionaire tycoon Sir Richard Branson a remarkable person, someone he admires greatly.

Meanwile, another hero he looks up to is Charles 'Pete' Conrad Jr who was a NASA astronaut and the third man to walk on the moon.

Why he looked up to Conrad is simply because, like him, Conrad too suffered from Dyslexia and he struggled to overcome his disability and eventually realised his dreams of flying and later as an astronaut.

"The most important thing is to dream and to keep on believing that you can achieve anything if you just put your heart and soul into it," he said ending the interview.

Captain James Anthony Tan is like a breath of fresh air amidst all the chaos in the country. He exudes hope and charm, and should be an inspiration not just to the young, but those older than him can also learn a thing or two from this fearless individual.

While he is now planning for the next 'big thing' in his life, it is without a doubt that whatever it is that he has got planned, James will continue to make Malaysia proud.

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 Author| Post time 23-3-2015 11:50 PM | Show all posts
so puan animcute, rupanya potensi anak dyslexia sangat besar.
Contoh pun dah ada

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 Author| Post time 23-3-2015 11:57 PM | Show all posts
nanti esok2 saya cerita tentang result test eham yek

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 Author| Post time 24-3-2015 02:04 PM | Show all posts
Tentang result eham.

Dalam report Olive tulis -Based on the testing percentile rank of 99.6 shows he is Very Superior nonverbal general ability.

Masa dengan parents Olive cakap-  Eham has an ability of eleven years old  category as "very superior".
English standard of 16 years old.

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Post time 24-3-2015 03:01 PM | Show all posts

silent reader je selama ni. pelan pelan ikut citer eham..
so kire nya eham sekarang pemikiran die macam 11 tahun yer?


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 Author| Post time 24-3-2015 07:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
anisania replied at 24-3-2015 03:01 PM
silent reader je selama ni. pelan pelan ikut citer eham..
so kire nya eham sekarang pemikiran di ...

terima kasih anisania.
nampaknya begitu lah.
adik saya tgh pening kepala nak pk mana nak cari duit hantar international school

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 Author| Post time 24-3-2015 07:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Lady39 at 8-4-2015 10:14 PM

semlm pergi shopping kat mesjid india. tiba di satu tempat kami berhenti sebab adik saya berkenankan baju di situ. jadi kami beramai2 tunggu dia kat situ.

Tiba2 adik saya hilang.
Eham...mana mama ni
Papa...tak taulah..tadi ada kat situ
Eham sambil gelak...Papa I think you marry a witch. She can simply disappear...pooffff.
**silap. dia kata socerer...bukan witch!

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Post time 25-3-2015 04:54 PM | Show all posts
tak ada masalah ....itu perkara biasa kalo dah awal2 dah hantar Smart Reader ....lagi bagus waktu masuk tahun 1 berkemunkinan ada rasa bosan disebabkan rakan sebaya tidak begitu bijak sptnya ...kalau tahap IQ dia lebih dri org lain akan timbul masalah waktu itu tetapi jangan risau guru disekolah mmg dah tahu apa yg perlu dilakukan utk anak2 yg terlebih bijak .....dan dia akan tetap berada di kelas pertama tetapi kebosanan akan tiba2 datang dlm pemikiran sianak dan waktu ini peranan ibubapa dirumah adalah paling mustahak ......

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2015 08:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hasmania replied at 25-3-2015 04:54 PM
tak ada masalah ....itu perkara biasa kalo dah awal2 dah hantar Smart Reader ....lagi bagus waktu ma ...

betul. peranan mak ayah penting. puan cikgu ke? klau cikgu mungkin puan boleh suggest sekolah kerajaan yg ada kelas khas untuk budak2 special ni di daerah johor bahru...

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 Author| Post time 25-3-2015 08:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
menurut Olive..basic command dlm otak eham adalah dalam bahasa inggeris. ia adalah gifted bukan keturunan . walau mother tongue dia melayu. sebab itulah eham mengalami kesukaran utk fokus dlm kelas yg menggunakn bahasa melayu dlm semua subjek termasuk english.

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