[THE BRF] Istana Bawang 13: Megxit and Other Stories
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234126 replied at 11-3-2020 09:20 AM
right? Tapi yang peliknya si harry tu dulu tapak kasut dah worn out, coat pun he pilih from fabr ...
betul tu sis.. kalau dia teliti takkan jd hal hal mcm sis sebut.
anyway kisah sebenarnya.. Hanat minta nasihat dgn Camilla kisah rumahtangga dia.. Camilla cuba la bg nasihat.. and u know what smeg buat kat camilla. Camilla sepatutnya bg speech about Domestic Violence on the International Woman Day tu dan akan kena broadcast worldwide, si Smeg spoilkan dia punya acara dgn keluarkan gmbr dia ke National Theater yg dia pakai baju putih dan skirt putih tu.
Mmg calculative act utk buat onar dgn Camilla. Lagi satu topic camilla adalah "Domestic Violence" which sgt berkait dgn rumahtangga hanat dan meggot. |
kuchenta_81 replied at 11-3-2020 09:25 AM
Thank you sister memang tak pernah tengok scene ni omgg cutenya PW, seiras George.Que ...
mmg Queen jaga sangat dia ni dr kecil. Mmg caring dan very loving kat nenek dia. Byk2 cucu nampak sgt William nie sgt rapat dgn QE.
comey kan William.. so cute. |
pjade replied at 11-3-2020 10:10 AM
Baju ni bukan da ...
ok tq tq.. ingatkan betul la yg kat twitter tu ckp..
thank you very much..
woow dia nak designer kate jugak ke?gila ketat baju tu .. |
cikyahvogue replied at 11-3-2020 10:37 AM
tulah i rasa kalau dia tak kecilkan hidung mesti comel sikit huhu
kembang gitewww hahhaha |
cikyahvogue replied at 11-3-2020 10:38 AM
kannn lepas ni mana dapat
lagi satu..kat US dorg bukan A listers |
eva replied at 11-3-2020 10:52 AM
betul tu sis.. kalau dia teliti takkan jd hal hal mcm sis sebut.
anyway kisah sebenarnya.. Ha ...
Domestic violence? I guess dimwit kena pukul dgn gung ho trashy smeg? Kesian
But wait, iol xnak kesian. He brought it to himself |
Bye bitch, dont ever come back! 
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Smeg nye MUA & BFF ni kuat sentap betul, euwwwww 
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semua org suspicious tahap paranoia 
I rasa Smeg pakai strapless corset yg salah size, tu pasal tak fitted well...
if dia nak record etc, dia boleh je guna her hp or small hidden camera, it will be too obvious if she strapped that kinda device to her own body, maunya kantoi besar-besaran, knowing her as a bad actress, for sure kantoi punyaa 
lelaki yg mana?
I baca replies kat twitter kata pompuan ni keje dgn Abbey...
if she was there on working capacity, kenapa her dressing tu cincai nau? tak nampak professional lgsg..
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ehhhh the bespoke green dress tu bukan drpd Givency, tapi drpd Kate punye go-to designer - Emilia Wickstead, est cost of £1,450.
dan her hat was a bespoke piece by William Chambers, est. cost at £630.
tapi sayangnya Smeg ruined the look, just by being Smeg 
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That is why waktu Commonwealth Day aritu, jenglot tu pandang Charles ajer. Mana dia berani tengok Camilla. Camilla pun interact dengan hanat jer.
Bespoke? Jenglot tak pegi fitting ke? Habis kedut lipat baju tu macam one size too big. Dengan cape tu lagi, kalau sangkut mana-man tu mau tercekik terus. Takut orang tepuk tangan je time tu, bukan tolong selamatkan
Pelik gila cara diaorg pegang tangan 
kenapa dlm kereta pun nak berpegangan tgn? aiyoooo 
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ehhh ye ke, nampak mcm still guna darker shade of foundation/bronzer... ada close-up pic yg lain tak?
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ohh Willy Willy boo... it's been a loooooooong time, me so horny!!! 
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Edited by 234126 at 11-3-2020 08:39 PM
pic GIF bwh sekali tu smeg mcm ckp hai hao hawo menyeringai tak tentu hala sampai kering gigi verneer dia tu melekat bibir sampai pelat 
dalam excited gedik dia terkedu termalu pw pandang sekilas je pastu terus pw nod to dimwit |
ramai yg tuduh CWT pic ni has been photoshopped based on some abnormalities...
B&W pic originally posted with Harry behaving like a toddler!
cropped from the original pic, some said something is off dgn bayang tgn kat coffee table tu, I pun tak tahu nak describe cemana tapi mmg nampak pelik!
Cropped & zoomed - the shadow
Cropped, zoomed & reversed - the shadow...
cropped from the original pic & lighten it...
shadow pic zoomed from original position...
the reversed image...
belakang mamat ni patutnya ada cushions...
Darker image - bad angle atau sebhg drpd tgn Harry hilang?
Darker image - bahu/lengan bergerigi?
pics credit to various tumblrs, the zoomed & reversed images tu I buat sendiri!
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