Post time 30-4-2018 04:34 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
annehuda replied at 30-4-2018 02:39 PM
bc ada duckies masuk thread ni, sis sempat gak skodeng posting duckies tu. wth la ko asyik ulang an ...
Tu la i ckp kt prev reply. Mcm xde gaya ank dato pon. Mgkin apaknya jenis atok sepesen dgn fizz atau boy belon? Ank dato ni kdg2 xperlu pkai brg mhal pon tp “look” tu ada
Post time 30-4-2018 04:39 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
beeeee replied at 30-4-2018 04:32 PM
uolls try la urban decay baru ni siap blusher and highlighter. UD Backtalk palette berbaloi la jug ...
Pallete biskut tu mmg i x pandang trus td baca feedback kat sephora ckp xbest pulak yg liquid eyeshadow. I kalau dah bkuntum dekat web sephora tu mula start gatal tgn
Post time 30-4-2018 04:41 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
beeeee replied at 30-4-2018 04:32 PM
uolls try la urban decay baru ni siap blusher and highlighter. UD Backtalk palette berbaloi la jug ...
Ok dah tgk. Cantik jugak kaler dia. Tp nk beli mcm membazir sb blusher tu i dah ada yg tarte yg byk2 tu. Cuma UD tu mcm senang nak bawak gi mana2 sb in 1 box.
Utk x OT, mati2 sebelum ni i ingat cookie box tu duck jual biskut
Post time 30-4-2018 04:43 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
pinksarah replied at 30-4-2018 02:15 PM
Tu la..
X kemas tu 1..
I takut jd mcm klcc swarosvki je. Sbb tu i rasa x ramai sgt yg beli kali ni. Mungkin insap kes klcc pink berlian2. Kalau i kena, mmg sakit hati sgt sb tinvy janji xde yg version biasa keluar. Dah la mahal yg tu. 800 kan? Tmbah lg 200 dpt yg mono ni
ada try lancome yg teint tu tak....mcm best ja cepat tk pyh nk tepek bedak....i rs duck cokis cosmetic ni pn sejenis timbang kilo jgk la...rebrand nama sendiri..erkkk
sorry baik pki yg mmg establish cosmetic product..bkn timbang kati
Post time 30-4-2018 05:43 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
I think it is an insult to and degrading for Hermes that duck uses them as comparison. They are not even in the same league. I get that duck aspires to establish themselves as on par with these luxury brands but duck is just not there yet. The comparison is distasteful to say the least
Post time 30-4-2018 06:54 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Pardon my frankness but why do I feel this luxe collection looks so
I can't take the kilat2 material la like made in kamdar or doesn't look like silk at all.. Looks so stiff with that monogram..eww
Cantik lg shawl silk Vietnam kat Benh Thanh market itiew