Untuk Mat Slow : When Atheists are Angry at God
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Edited by sam1528 at 14-8-2016 11:43 AM
LOL , memang aku rasa .... oops konfom yg ko ni bangang
Takut sangat nak jawab soalan yg senang.
Kan dah bagi komposisi semen. Jadi paham2 lah tak dtg dari testes .... senang macam ni pon ko nak aku jawab (a) atau (b)?
Soalan aku lagi :
Ko boleh explain the ejeculated fluid dtg dari seminal vesciles atau testes?
Ko masih tak bagi lagi apa benda tu
- sulb
- tara'ib
Bagi bukti & rujukkan sekali
Lets see how good you are
jadi, adik pon tak setuju dengan mufti tu la kan?? nampak tak betapa mengarutnya majlis agama korang ni.. caca merba gile agama korang ni.. orang camni pon boleh dilantik jadi mufti besar agama islam ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
kalau fatwa ni pon mengarut, maksudnya fatwa lain pon mengarut.. fatwa2 dari mufti ni la yang jadi sumber hukum Islam tau tak?? teruknya agama ni ish ish ishhhh..
dan siapa adik nak lawan mufti2 ni.. dorang belajar lagi tinggi dari adik.. nak caya mufti ke, nak caya adik?
adik asyik jual nama qardawi je.. padahal orang Islam sendiri tak iktiraf qardawi ni, siap dijatuhi hukuman mati lagi hahaha.. adik je syok sendiri hahahahha
LOL , aku kutuk ko pasal ko ni bangang sgt.
Ko dah kantoi skg ko nak mengaku yg ko petik dari credible sources ..... macam MEMRI
Ok , skg ko bagi Majils Fatwa Saudi yg konfom katakan sun revolves around earth? Boleh tak?
Aku ulang lagi
Ko jugak yg dok canang kononnya ia fatwa 'mufti besar Saudi'. Soalan aku skg , adakah fatwa tersebut binding? I say no. Reason
- tak ada council ulamak dunia keluarkan fatwa tersebut (Yusuf Qardawi pon tak cakap)
- tak ada dlm Quran kata sun revolves around the earth (nak tafsir apa kalo tak ada ayat Quran tsb)
Ha ha , ko dah kantoi , tu pasal ko dok canang kononnya fatwa tapi ko tak tau apa tu fatwa.
Pssst , tafsir apa ni pasal tak ada dlm Quran yg kata sun revolves around earth
jawab la dik.. a ke b? dah kantoi ke? komposisi semen kunun.. jawab ye, A atau B?
pasal taraib dan sulbi tu, bangkem nak adik jawab dulu.. pada pandangan adik, apa itu:
i) tulang sulbi
ii) tulang taraib
jawab ye dik ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
lol.. kan bangkem dah jawab.. ko asyik ulang2 soalan ni, sebab takleh terima kenyataan ke?? teruknye adik ni..
walaupon jawaban bangkem takleh diterima oleh adik, tapi itulah kenyataannya dik.. MUFTI BERADA DI HIRARKI TERTINGGI DALAM PENENTUAN HUKUM DAN PANDANGAN UMAT ISLAM..
adik jangan lupa pasal tu ye dik.. pandangan adik ni cuma picisan je hahahaha SPM pon tak lepas lagi ada hati nak lawan mufti hahahaha
Ha ha , Islam sendiri tak iktiraf Yusuf Qardawi? Ko ni dari planet mana?
Isu skg ko hanya mampu cakap pasal kononnya fatwa mufti besar Saudi yg katakan sun revolves around earth. Lepas tu .... oooh Islam dah salah , tu pasal aku jadi atheis.
Ini pemikiran bangang.
Aku ulang lagi apa aku cakap :
Ko jugak yg dok canang kononnya ia fatwa 'mufti besar Saudi'. Soalan aku skg , adakah fatwa tersebut binding? I say no. Reason
- tak ada council ulamak dunia keluarkan fatwa tersebut (Yusuf Qardawi pon tak cakap)
- tak ada dlm Quran kata sun revolves around the earth (nak tafsir apa kalo tak ada ayat Quran tsb)
Address my issues , paling penting ada tak dlm Quran yg kata sun revolves aroudn earth. Ko ni takut semacam aje
LOL , aku copy paste klaim ko :
Mana dia kenyataan majils mufti sedunia yg konfom sun revolves around the earth? Sampai skg tak ada apa pon dari ko. Ko hanya berak memlalui mulut ko aje
Ko masih tak jawab lagi : Mana ayat Quran yg kata sun revolves aroudn the earth?
Ha ha , ko dah kantoi lah tambi , yg ko boleh canang hanya kononnya mufti besar saudi kata kononnya fatwa sun revolves around the earth. Ko jenis org yg tak ada critical thinking
hipster macam adik je yang iktiraf qardawi ni dik.. kalau orang islam lain pon iktiraf, takkan la qardawi dipenjarakan dan dihukum mati sebab lawan pemeintah je dik..
dik, adik tau tak, segala statement dari mufti adalah FATWA? adik keluar la dari rumah ye dik.. jangan duduk layan internet je.. ketahui dulu camne agama adik beroperasi sebelum keluarkan pendapat syok sendiri.. setakat jadi keyboard warrior tak guna dik.. adik keluar, pegi jumpa ustaz dan adik cakap kat dorang pasal bigbang ka abiogenesis ka dalam AQ tu ye dik.. pergi le.. takut ke? ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
LOL , see folks .... mamat kemaruk ni dah nak lari dari topik dia bawak ttg semen , sulb & tara'ib
Tak berani jawab langsung
Awal2 punya lah gah nak kononnya expose kecacatan Quran. Skg mentetel nak lari .... ha ha
kan?? adik pon malu nak ngaku mufti tu mewakili pandangan islam sedunia.. camne la orang tua tu boleh jadi mufti.. mufti arab saudi pulak tu.. arab saudi tu dik.. tempat asal agama Islam.. dorang ni lagi hebat tafsir AQ sebab bahasa arab ni bahasa ibunda dorang.. setakat adik nak lawan cakap mufti ni, apa la sangat..
eh nape tanye bangkem pulak.. tanye la mufti tu kat ayat mana dalam AQ yang kata matahari kelilingi bumi.. bukan bangkem yang keluarkan fatwa tu ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
wei tambi, ko takleh terima kenyataan ke? hahaha
eh susah betul nak jawab kan dik? A ke B?
dah sedar ke dik? dah tau kesalahan saintifik ayat tu ke?? hahahahhaha
ayah kau la mengajar macam tu. Mufti tu bukan macam POPE bukan macam Ayatollah Shiah.
Jawatab mufti tu diwujudkan masa zaman Khilafah Raja-raja. Masa zaman Kenabian dan zaman Khalifah mana ada mufti. Bukan dalam hukum Islam jawatan mufti tu.
Kalau kau tak faham jangan nak keluar pendapat sendiri yang kau faham sendiri dari ugama lain. Maksud mufti confirm yang kau sendiri tak tau makna dia.
hahaha malu lettew dengan institusi agama islam..
nak lawan mufti ke? ibnur ni sape nak lawan mufti dan nak canggah fatwa?? setakat pegang jawatan moderator cari ada hati nak lawan mufti hahahha..
tapi takpe, secara tak langsung, ko dah ngaku betapa caca merbanya agama korang ni.. orang camni dilantik jadi penggubal hukum hakam islam hahahahha ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
pokemon go haram hahahaha
kemaruk replied at 14-8-2016 12:22 PM
hahaha malu lettew dengan institusi agama islam..
nak lawan mufti ke? ibnur ni sape nak lawan m ...
Kem, u tk jwb lg le soln sm tu on binding ke tk |
sejarah pendidikan mufti besar arab saudi Saleh Al Fauzan:
Fawzan studied in the state school in ash-Qamariyah when it opened 1948. In 1950 he completed his studies at the Faysaliyyah school in Buraydah and subsequently was appointed a teacher at the school.Fawzan joined the Educational Institute in Buraydah when it opened in 1952, and graduated from it in 1956. He was a student at Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University in Riyadh, where he initially studied at the faculty of Sharia, graduating in 1960, before earning a master's and doctorate in Fiqh.
PhD dalam ilmu fekah tu.. @ibnur pulak dapat kredit dalam SPM pengajian islam ke?? ada hati nak lawan mufti ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
kan bangkem dah kata, statement mufti adalah fatwa..
zaman nabi dulu ada ke binding2 ni ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
lagipon fatwa ini dikeluarkan pada siaran langsung rancangan TV di arab saudi.. rancangan tu berbincang pasal fatwa camni la..
@mbhcsf pon malu nak ngaku kesahihan fatwa ni kan? bangkem paham perasaan umat islam yang paham sains.. tapi sian kat golongan jumud beragama islam yang hangguk-hangguk je fatwa dari mufti ni hahahhaa
senyap dah?? tengah nangis ke tu?? takpe slow2.. biar tahu sekarang, jangan kena hentam depan ustaz macam bangkem kena dulu.. malu tau..
teori bigbang tu jangan tengok pada satu ayat je.. memang surah al anbiya tu ada macam hint pasal bigbang, tapi tu la, jangan lawan ulama tafsir.. ulama tafsir bukan ambik sekerat-sekerat je macam adik yang hipster ni..
kena lihat keseluruhan AQ baru paham konteks..
“He it is Who created for you all that is on earth. Then He Istawa (rose over) towards the heaven and made them seven heavens and He is the All-Knower of everything”
[al-Baqarah 2:29]
“Say (O Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)): Do you verily disbelieve in Him Who created the earth in two Days and you set up rivals (in worship) with Him? That is the Lord of the ‘Alameen (mankind, jinns and all that exists).
He placed therein (i.e. the earth) firm mountains from above it, and He blessed it, and measured therein its sustenance (for its dwellers) in four Days equal (i.e. all these four days were equal in the length of time), for all those who ask (about its creation).
Then He Istawa (rose over) towards the heaven when it was smoke, and said to it and to the earth: ‘Come both of you willingly or unwillingly.’ They both said: ‘We come, willingly’”
[Fussilat 41:9-11].
dalam ayat2 tu jelas bagitau bumi dicipta terlebih dahulu, baru Allah cipta angkasa lepas (heaven).. ini bertentangan dengan teori bigbang.. sebab tu la para ulama reject ketat2 teori bigbang..
kalau setakat ada ilmu sains je tak guna.. kena ada ilmu tafsir AQ sekali..
tafsiran ayat2 tersebut (dari pakar tafsir) boleh dibaca di sini
https://islamqa.info/en/70217 |
lagi tentang bumi dicipta dahulu, baru langit:
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad , is His slave and Messenger.
Many Tafseer scholars mentioned that the earth was created first and then the heaven was created, and then the earth was spread out, and the mountains, rivers, trees, etc. were created in it. Ibn Katheer may Allaah have mercy upon him said in his Tafseer: “This is the norm of Allaah concerning construction: He first begins by constructing what is below and then He creates what is above.”
Then Ibn Katheer said after quoting the verses in Soorah Fussilat [Quran 41] and Soorah An-Naazi‘aat [Quran 79]: “This is evidence that the spreading of the earth took place after the creation of the heaven. As for the creation of the earth, it is evidenced by the revealed text that the earth was created before the creation of the heaven. The response of Ibn ‘Abbaas may Allaah be pleased with him was to the same effect as cited in the Saheeh of Al-Bukhaari about the interpretation of this verse.”
This confirms that the spreading of the earth happened last, and not the original creation of the earth, which was before the creation of the heavens.
The verse in Soorah Al-Baqarah [Quran 2] in which Allaah says (what means): {It is He who created for you all of that which is on the earth. Then He directed Himself to the heaven, [His being above all creation], and made them seven heavens, and He is Knowing of all things.} [Quran 2:29] does not negate that the spreading of the earth took place after the creation of the heavens, because the sequence here is about the creation of the earth; as regards what was created upon the earth, Allaah has mentioned it here as being a favor from Him for His slaves so that they would know His bounty on them and so they would be admonished by it. For more benefit, please refer to Fatwa 262609.
The well-versed scholar Muhammad Al-Ameen Ash-Shanqeeti may Allaah have mercy upon him said in his book Daf‘ Eehaam Al-Idhtiraab ‘an Aay Al-Kitaab: “The words of Allaah (which mean) {It is He who created for you all of that which is on the earth. Then He directed Himself to the heaven…} [Quran 2:29]: this verse proves that the creation of the earth was before the creation of the heaven, as evidenced by His saying {Then}, which is used for sequence and distinction, and the verse in Soorah Fussilat [Quran 41] which also proves that the creation of the earth was before the creation of the heaven, because Allaah says in it (what means): {Say, "Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two days"} until His saying (which means) {…Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke} [Quran 41:9-12], along with the verse in Soorah An-Naazi‘aat [Quran 79] which proves that the earth was spread after the creation of the heaven; Allaah says (what means): {Are you a more difficult creation or is the heaven? Allaah constructed it} [Quran 79:27], and then Allaah says (what means): {And after that He spread the earth.} [Quran 79:30]
Know first that Ibn 'Abbaas may Allaah be pleased with him was asked about reconciling the verse in Soorah Fussilat and the verse in Soorah An-Naazi‘aat, and he answered that Allaah first created the earth without it being spread and then He created the heaven and made them seven heavens in two days, and then He spread the earth after that and created in it mountains and rivers and so forth. So, the origin of the creation of the earth was before the creation of the heaven, but its spreading with its mountains and trees and so forth was after the creation of the heaven. The evidence for this is that Allaah says (what means): {And after that He spread the earth} [Quran 79:30], and He did not say "created it". Then, Allaah explained how He spread the earth, saying (what means) {He extracted from it its water and its pasture.} [Quran 79:31]
There is no ambiguity about this reconciliation between the two verses by Ibn 'Abbaas, and it is understood from the apparent meanings in the Quran. But there is ambiguity in regard to the verse in Soorah Al-Baqarah [Quran 2]. To explain, Ibn 'Abbaas concluded that the creation of the earth was before the creation of the heaven, but the spreading of it along with everything in it occurred after the creation of the heaven, but this verse (in Al-Baqarah) explicitly indicates that everything on earth was created before the creation of the heaven, as Allaah says (what means): {It is He who created for you all of that which is on the earth. Then He directed Himself to the heaven, [His being above all creation], and made them seven heavens, and He is Knowing of all things.} [Quran 2:29].
I stayed at length thinking about how to solve this confusion until Allaah guided me to it one day and I understood it from the Quran. Its explanation is that this confusion is removed in two ways, each of which is indicated by a verse from the Quran:
The first is that what is meant by creating all that is on the earth before the creation of the heaven is the linguistic creation, which is the predestination (or predetermination) and not the actual creation which is the bringing into existence from nonexistence, and the Arabs call predestination creation. The evidence that what is meant by this creation here is the predestination is that Allaah explicitly said this in Soorah Fussilat, as Allaah says (what means): {….and determined therein its [creatures'] sustenance} [Quran 41:10], and then He said (what means): {…Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke.} [Quran 41:12]
The second interpretation is that when He created the earth without it being spread, and it is the origin of everything upon it, it was as if He actually created because of the actual existence of its origin. The evidence from the Quran that it is possible to speak of what is derived from the existence of the origin as creation, even if it did not exist, are the words of Allaah (which mean): {And We have certainly created you, [O Mankind], and given you [human] form. Then, We said to the angels, "Prostrate to Aadam (Adam)".} [Quran 7:11] Thus, Allaah's words (which mean), {And We have certainly created you} means that "We created and shaped your father, Aadam," who is your origin. Some scholars reconciled the verses by saying that the meaning of "after that" in Allaah’s words {And after that He spread the earth} means "along with that" (or moreover); similarly, Allaah says, {Cruel, moreover an illegitimate pretender}, meaning cruel and an illegitimate pretender [Quran 68:13]. Accordingly, there is no ambiguity or confusion about the verse. This is even supported by a Shaath (irregular) recitation of the above verse in which Mujaahid recited {And along with that He spread the earth} (instead of "And after that", as in more common recitations).”
http://www.islamweb.net/emainpag ... twaId&Id=285217
checkmate.. teori bigbang tidak compatible dengan AQ.. sian adik.. mesti tengah kecewa.. |
LOL , ko kentut melalui mulut ko aje.
Skg ko nak paksa kami muslim kononnya wajib ikut apa kononnya mufti besar saudi kata? Sejak bila mufti saudi mewakili umat Islam sedunia?
Aku tanya lagi sekali : Mana dia kenyataan majlis mufti sedunia yg kata sun revolves around the earth.
Sampai skg ko tak mampu jawab , hanya auta aje.
Ko dah desperate. Skg nak main paksa2 pulak ya dgn fantasi ko kononnya dgn kenyataan mufti saudi.
Apa pulak dgn tafsir ini dan itu pasal tak ada dlm Quran yg sun revolves around the earth. Aku tanya ko , pasal apa ko nak deflect pada mufti ini & itu? Ko jugak yg dok bebel pasal tafsir.
Ha ha .... mamat kemaruk dah nak lari
Ha ha , you are desperate aren't you?
Aku yg tanya ko (a) atau (b) siap bagi tau apa komponen semen .... lagi ko nak tanya aku we are talking about semen or sperm?
Seminal vesciles ni kat loins kita. Jadi soalan ko
a) somewhere di antara tulang sulbi dan taraib
b) somewhere dekat pelvic has no meaning. Anatomy pon ko dah salah.
Ha ha , sulb pada ko backbone ke? Macam tu aje ko nak cakap. Pasal apa ko klaim sulb adalah backbone? Mana rujukkan ko?
Pada ko tara'ib tu ribs ke? Mana rujukkan ko?
Ko kena lah tak lama lagi
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