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Author: chibimoon

(18sx) virtual scandal.. stay or chow..

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 Author| Post time 28-2-2016 08:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
stania83 replied at 25-2-2016 05:42 PM
agak kelakar sebenarnya skandal dgn org yg tak pernah jumpa. tak payah la teruskannn.

Hahaha... yup! Mmg mcm unthinkable n funny, right...

I mmg x penah jumpa pon my fon sex partners in real life.. just contact via fon.. share pics via mms n wasap ja n 3g ja.. so, mmg rasa mcm dorg ja my other side of life - alam maya yg ala2 x wujud realitinya tp ada...  

Actually, i mmg dh set n janji dgn my bf that i will never ever jumpa dgn dorang tu... n so far, i have keep the promise...


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 Author| Post time 28-2-2016 09:17 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Dia wasap  me semlm while he is in ng. 9 with his wife.. told me that gaji dia dh masuk n he will transfer the money as usual.. i refuse, of course... but he insists to do so... lps i ugut x nk kwn lg... dia accept... then, ptg td dpt topup transfer from him.. he asked me to accept sbb dia nak i reply his wasap. kira ganti blik  kredit topup i yg dh guna utk berwasap2  dgn dia.. hmm, macam2 lor...

A shocking statement by him... " i rasa dlm tiga2 org yg i pernah main - kak janda, wife n girl opis-... the best is kak janda tu sbb dia byk pengalaman n tau sensitive spots i..." gosh!!!.... imagine lor if the wife baca wasap yg dia bg i tu...   
Hmm, dia siap ckp kalo blh nk cari akak tu lg tp tak dpt... akak tu dh transfer luar kl.. so, skang dia stick to his wife n new girl kt opis tu.. tp seriously lor... mana blh compare2 mcm tu ek...

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Post time 29-2-2016 06:03 AM | Show all posts
chibimoon replied at 28-2-2016 08:51 PM
Hahaha... yup! Mmg mcm unthinkable n funny, right...

I mmg x penah jumpa pon my fon sex part ...

Sesempurna fitrah ciptaan serta anugerah TUHAN kasi hang ber cucuk tanam secara halal dengan jantan.....hang main dgn fon....apa nye haramjad daaaa hang nee??????.

My only advice .....hang jangan get addicted siot...nanti bila finally hang decide nak kawen, bila nak tenggek atau ditenggek laki ..hang suh dia dok one corner of the room...hang on the other on the fon jugak........baru haru.....kaedah baru get pregnant melalui sex contact.......

Manusia manusia...ada ada sajork......


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Post time 1-3-2016 12:13 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by chazey at 1-3-2016 12:25 AM
sunshinesue replied at 26-2-2016 06:04 AM
Kaka chazey, pls bg tips mcmna nk open up ur heart to ur husband after all the chaos... I seriousl ...

Camna ek.

(Ye la ko nak maki hamun marah2 pun tak guna dek - shit happens. So baik terima saja ujian ko dan hadapinya dengan tabah walau ko rasa seluruh organ dalaman termasuk jiwa ko dah hancur lebur.)

(Him and most importantly - yourself.)

Move on.
(Dah2 le tu ngungkit.)

Focus on rekindling the love and passion that you once had.
(Coba dek. Tiap hari kena coba. Kalau fail ari ni, esok terai lagi. N lagi n lagi n lagi sampai la tetiba ko dan pasangan ko rasa macam chuol jatuh centa semula like the first time. Pastu jangan berenti di sana. Keep on going. Menda ni tak memerlukan material things pun - just the both of you having talks about recommitting your hearts pong dah cukup buat uol rasa tergedik2 macam bbnu. Try ah).

Try to see things you failed to see before.
(Coba sedaya upaya untuk tidak fokus pada kelemahan, sebaliknya pada kekuatan - pasangan).

Dan senjata paling ampuh;

Berdoa. Ask God for signs whether you should stay in the marriage or not. I did, and I got the answer. That's the main reason why I stayed. Fizikal sign lagi Allah bagi dek. Terkedu jua aiol taktala terima jawapan tuw. So hadap la dengan what you asked you shall get konsepnya gitu.

Then ask God to lead your husband and you throughout your marriage life. Aio ni nampak jah ala free thinker urbanized bagai bila komen di CI tapi sebenarnya aiol sangat konservatif orangnya. That's why aiol very percaya dengan pimpinan Tuhan. Without God's guidance I don't think we'll be able to make it in this world. Amboi setajah gitu kan ayat.


Btw nasihat ni cuma berguna kalau ada kebaikan walau secebis yang ko boleh lihat dalam diri hubby ko. Dan kalau ko masih sayangkan dia.

Kalau semua ko nampak buruk jah elok la ceraikan saja dia dek Sue.


Kalau fight sorang2 pun tak guna dek.

Keeping a marriage intact requires effort from those who are in it.

If you felt as if you are fighting the battle alone, it's worthless. Better value yourself more than others because no matter what - YOU should come first.

All the best.

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Post time 1-3-2016 12:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
chazey replied at 1-3-2016 12:13 AM
Camna ek.


Waaaa...jelasnya tips yg kaka bg..thanks!

Sbb tu mnta nsht sbb quality dia utk jd good husband dh ada cuma tsilap langkah ckit je hrtu.

Sblm ni sy anggap sy bjuang seorg dri dlm marriage ni sbb tu rsa letih. Tp recently i give him ultimatum and nekad nak cerai sbb letih la sjk ber pjj kjp dia tunjuk effort dia utk ambik hti i blik plus he is a good sex partner.. Opsss!!!! Hahaha.

Tq once again kaka chazey..i will try my best utk lupakan bnda2 negatif tu.

All the best to u n ur hubby k!

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Post time 1-3-2016 12:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sunshinesue replied at 1-3-2016 12:24 AM
Waaaa...jelasnya tips yg kaka bg..thanks!

Sbb tu mnta nsht sbb quality dia utk jd good husband  ...

All the best to you too dek Sue. Bila dia balik jangan tak make love 4-5 round sehari yah. Penting tuw. Sambil uol make love cobalah renung ke mata masing2 dengan penoh kasih sayang gituh. Pasthi ada kelainannya. Btw kalau ada anak dalam 2 round sehari pun ok kwa. Dah la uol PJJ macam aiol so hargai masa yang uol spend berdua tu. Fill it with love - bukan dengan maki hamun dan ungkit mengungkit.

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Post time 1-3-2016 12:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
chazey replied at 1-3-2016 12:29 AM
All the best to you too dek Sue. Bila dia balik jangan tak make love 4-5 round sehari yah. Penting ...

4-5 round sehari mau melecet  nanti..hahahah

Iols pjj kjp je kaka..bln 6 nti dh back to normal balik..harap2 everything will do better after this and iol mengaku sbb pjj ni lah iol rasa nak memberontak n igt bnda2 lama yg dia bt dlu.

Its nice to share something good with u kaka chazey...muah ciked..hahahaha

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Post time 1-3-2016 12:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sori tt iol menumpang benang uol kt sini..hihihi

I hrp u dpt kwl kelaku scandal u tu...entah apa2 dh ada bini pn still cri org lain.u ckp kt dia la, nti suh dia ajr bini dia bnyk2 skill spy dia xboring nti...

Klo ikut pengalaman i, klu sex partner kita bagus, ssh dah kita nak cri org lain sbb feeling tu x sama, its kinda addiction la..mybe dia pn ada ckit ketagih dgn imaginasi2 yg dia bt ngn u..
I hrp u xterlibat dgn mslh yg lg serious..all the best tt

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Post time 1-3-2016 11:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Boleh tak ingat Mati?. Buatnya u mati msa fonsex? Jgn biarkan nafsu kuasai diri. Jgn jd hamba syaitan.

Dari gigih berfonsex lbih baik u dgr ceramah atau hadiri kuliah agama. Masih belum terlewat

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Post time 1-3-2016 11:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sunshinesue replied at 1-3-2016 12:47 AM
4-5 round sehari mau melecet  nanti..hahahah

Iols pjj kjp je kaka..bln 6 nti dh back to norm ...

Aiol PJJ dari 2008 sampai sekarang dek. Coupling, tunang, nikoh - semua PJJ. Memang banyak mashalah. But aiol think if you really love each other you can overcome any challenges. Shuben aiol sebenarnya nice2 jah seblom diuji tuw cuma heol lupa diri kejap bila naik pangkat/duit banyak.

But then, aiol positivitykan diri sometimes a test is being thrown at you not to break you apart but to make your relationship grow stronger. Bila uol rasa down fikir nak minta cerai sebab uol fikir 'eh hello aku masih muda, lawa dan boleh dapat yang lagi baik dari laki aku sekarang so buat hapa aku nak simpan dia' - ingatlah kesah Victoria Beckham supaya uol beroleh semangat untuk bertahan. Again, if you think he's worth it.

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Post time 2-3-2016 12:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
chazey replied at 1-3-2016 11:53 PM
Aiol PJJ dari 2008 sampai sekarang dek. Coupling, tunang, nikoh - semua PJJ. Memang banyak mashala ...

Iol ni pjj xtntu msa kaka since dia navy kan (klu kaka msih igt iols ada buka tred yg dia berskandal dgn awek sbh hrtu)

Kdg2 mmg iol rasa sorg2 sja dlm klu dkt2 dia ok duk jauh ni dia mcm a bit distracted plus masa dia xbnyk nk luang kt iol.

Tp iols stuju apa yg kaka ckp, bila dorg bnyk duit mmg akn jd lupa ingatan kjp..mybe tugas kita utk bt dia kmbali ke pangkal jln kn kaka

Mmg kental sggh kaka chazey duk pjj lma2 gtu..bkn smua org mmpu..hihi

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 Author| Post time 2-3-2016 02:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Wow!!.. hebatnya wanita2 seperti Pn. Chazey n Pn. Sun ni berdepan dgn dugaan berumahtangga espc. the LDR... wanita ni mmg kuat semangat n kental jiwanya... salute...

hmm, adakah LDR tu menjadi punca suami ada skandal bagai mcm my ex fonsex partner tu? Dia penah ckp yg dia mmg addicted to sex. So, if x dpt real, dia blh layan dlm fon gak. Now, bila x dpt yg halal coz bini stay jauh n asing2, dia main dgn girl lain.. he always blame on the fact that LDR is the main reason that he has affair with the girl... siap ckp if wife dia ada stay together, dia tak akan jd mcmni... hmm, tp kdg2 i rasa tu hanya alasan dia utk tutup perangai buaya dia tu..

Hmm, lately the workload pressure really unbearable to deal with... melampau2 plak keja dtg sekali byk. Tahap stress dh semlm.. so, mlm td i date my bf coz nak luahkn perasaan tertekan n penat dgn kerja... then mula lor sesi melepaskn rasa hati n tekanan keja kt dia smpi tahap  tak blh tahan n i cried.. bila dh smpi nangis tu mmg dia tau yg i stress sgt2 lor tu. So he hold me n let me cried on his shoulder.. tiba2 dia ckp "syg, jom kawen... u x payah keja lg... i blh jaga u sampai bila2.." . Bila dgr dia ckp mcmtu, mulut i ringan nk ckp "yes". tp  tak terluah.. keras btol hati i ni... so, i just ignore his words.. n sebagai kekasih hati yg memahami, dia pon drop the subject sbb dia mmg x nk push i bab kawen ni... tp mlm td mmg i almost say the word.. coz kalo pk nk mudah, mmg blh.. benti keja, kawen dgn dia, jaga rumahtangga, start a family n raise my own kids... mmg i tak perlu risau nk keja n cari duit lg sbb dia mmg mampu.. tapi masanya belum tiba lg... hmmm..... once again, i'm sorry...

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Post time 2-3-2016 03:01 PM | Show all posts
chibimoon replied at 2-3-2016 02:53 PM
Wow!!.. hebatnya wanita2 seperti Pn. Chazey n Pn. Sun ni berdepan dgn dugaan berumahtangga espc. the ...

Thread Luahan dah disediakan........Dalam board ini....
You may want to consider???

Atau memang you need respond from deal with your imbalance emotions????

Skandal sorang tak cukup lagik???


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Post time 2-3-2016 03:13 PM | Show all posts
Xabeh2 ayat TT neh im a bad gurl i am bad gurl...sudah2laa jadi bad gal tu TT oii..manusia boleh berubah,cbelah untuk berubah masih belum  terlambat lagi selagi masih diberi nafas di muka bumi ini bertaubatlah...kalau umur 18 tahun aku pahamla jugak tak matang tak reti nak pk masih budak2 ni umur 32 dah takan tak matang n tak leh pk ag TT oii....(terjadi ustazahla plak )

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Post time 2-3-2016 03:32 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Symbiosis3 at 2-3-2016 03:35 PM
iera870 replied at 2-3-2016 03:13 PM
Xabeh2 ayat TT neh im a bad gurl i am bad gurl...sudah2laa jadi bad gal tu TT oii..manusia boleh ber ...

TT masih belum lihat any wrongdoings on her part...

Even if she does, probably she has back up reason...That Hidayah belum datang untuk dia bertaubat.....until then...... she will continue doing and sharing with others what she thinks will fill up her inner emotions......And needs

Kan TT, kan,kan,kan???

Hancus masyarakat DAN bangsa aku hari ini.....

P.S...TT can make a good script writer......fiction......( talk cock sing song)


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 Author| Post time 2-3-2016 05:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Symbiosis3 replied at 2-3-2016 03:01 PM
Thread Luahan dah disediakan........Dalam board ini....
You may want to consider???

Hahaha... tu sesi meluah just sebagai selingan lor... tak baca pon takper... yg nk dihighlight is the first few parts there...

hmm, skandal or more to my fon sex partner tu bukan sorg ja u.. Ada few lg.. dorang mmg bujang, so i dont mind nk layan2 n enjoy2 with... tp bila dh dorg dh kawen, then it's time to ignore n reject.. but with R, the person that cause this thread exist in the first place, it's different.... even dh kawen, dia still nak ngadap kt i sbb LDR dgn wife dia.. that's the problem coz i have my own principle... then, somehow bila baca2 komen di sini, i get some points here n there espc for myself... banyak betol "nasihat" forumers kat sini about my habit tu.. i baca n terima.... adakah sampai tahap i blh let go of my habit n scandals?.... hmm, only God knows...

P.S.. really? i can be a good writer meh? Hahaha... i think it's related to my zodiac lor.. or maybe sbb apa yg i taip tu semuanya benar n telus n transparent.... i jenis tak suka nak pura2 or jadi fake ni... btw, if one day, i dpt write n produce sebuah buku, i will let u know ya...  

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 Author| Post time 2-3-2016 06:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
iera870 replied at 2-3-2016 03:13 PM
Xabeh2 ayat TT neh im a bad gurl i am bad gurl...sudah2laa jadi bad gal tu TT oii..manusia boleh ber ...

Hmm, dh mmg btol i ni bad girl, i ngaku lor.. i tak suka nak pura2 rasa diri baik n sempurna utk harap dipuji org or dipandang mulia... i am not a great pretender... apa yg i taip dlm ni, itu lor diri i yg sebenarnya...

Yup, mmg mudah berkata kn dari melakukan... nak berubah ke arah kebaikan ni mmg ambil masa yg lama lebih2 lg utk org yg dh berumur 32 thn mcm i ni... Dh jadi buluh keras dh compare to 18yrs old yg masih blh dilentur tu... seriously lor u, benda yg dh jd tabiat yg dirasakan membawa keseronokan pd diri sendiri ni mmg sukar nak ditinggalkan.. mungkin blh dibuang tp mmg ambil masa yg lama dan usaha yg sgt2 tinggi.... u just imagine, i dh lyn fon sex ni lebih 10thn, nak stop terus dlm masa 1-2 bln, mmg payah lebih2 lg melibatkan godaan nafsu... so, yg blh i buat is kurangkan habit ni.. dr 3x seminggu, jd twice per week n so on... ni semua ambil masa...

Dulu2 i pikir yg fon sex ni just for fun dgn my partners... coz i just enjoy2 dgn lelaki bujang.. tp bila terjadi mcmni, i rasa bersalah sgt pd wife R tu sbb i yg ajar R bab fon sex or sex as whole... akibatnya, dia mcm addicted dh smpi sanggup mkn luar... so skang, i rasa mcm i dh sakiti his wife indirectly yg mana benda ini yg i mmg elakkan selama ni... kdg2 i rasa, just let go n ignore him... x pyh response n x pyh nasihat2 lg... biarkn dorg hadap sendiri... but then, bila rasa somehow that i might have the chances utk nasihatkn dia supaya tak terbabas jauh sgt sbb manusia ni mmg perlukan org lain utk diingatkan tentang salah silap yg tak disedarinya, i still stay... itu ja niat i... n most of the time, i really hope that they will be together 24/7 ASAP coz thats the best solution for him...

P.S tqvm for your comment... i don't mind apa yg u taip tu.. nak jadi ustazah pon, better kn... tiap org ada sinner n saint dlm diri mereka.. cuma ada yg lebih sinner dari saintnya tu... n vice versa....

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Post time 3-3-2016 05:12 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
chibimoon replied at 2-3-2016 02:53 PM
Wow!!.. hebatnya wanita2 seperti Pn. Chazey n Pn. Sun ni berdepan dgn dugaan berumahtangga espc. the ...

Bg i, LDR ni mmg scra xlgsung akn menyumbang pd kes curang mencurang ni since i pn tlalu bnyk pjj ats faktor apa2 yg blaku pn smuanya ats dri kita..mcmna kita kwl dri kita and i have to admit yg org lelaki mmg ssh nak kwl bab nafsu yg satu ni...dorg lbih suka ikut kepala bwh dr kepala ats yg ada akl fikiran...hahaha

Tp yg i heran, klu dia sex addicted pn, knpa dia msti cri u utk fon sex? Knpa dia xcari wife dia lg baik mcm tu...and bg i fon sex ni ada baiknya jg utk husband n wife yg LDR ni since bnda tu sikit sbnyk akn delay guys ni utk cri cikki2 utk lempiaskn nafsu dia...terkwl la ckit yg slhnya, that guy cri u instead of his own wifey...

Kita ni sbg isteri kna la pndai lyn tuntutan nfsu suami nak2 plk klu pjj kan...pjj ni ssh...bnyk yg nk kna fikir..klu xpndai kwl mmg mudah sgt berantakan.

Seriously, i mmg btol2 jga relationship ktorg time pjj tp tu pn tersasar jgk even bnda tu xdela smpai bcerai berai. So, klu yg bt acuh x acuh mcm that guy, mcmna dia nak survive dgn wife tt, carila solution yg pling baik utk ur problem ni..i know u know urself better than anyone else..good luck for u n ur bf!

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Post time 3-3-2016 05:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Fuhhh..bnyk btol stamina ur scandal kan tt..mcm hri2 nak sex ke?

Mostly klu i, twice a week pn dh ckup klu kita ML scra berkualiti...not rushing, good foreplay and yg pling pnting, effort utk puaskan each other...

Pls sruh ur scandal bljr bnyk lg skill and yg pling pnting, sruh dia bljr control nafsu kuda dia tu ::

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Post time 3-3-2016 10:17 AM | Show all posts
If you are Muslim... then jaga solat.. klu x jaga solat ini lah jadinya...

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