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Author: leon_mclaren78


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Post time 26-5-2012 12:47 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 26-5-2012 12:48 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 30-5-2012 07:48 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1641# put3reen

pic nih aku guna sebagai fb cover n wallpaper hp skali...mmg terbaekkkkkkkk

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Post time 30-5-2012 08:31 PM | Show all posts
Reply  put3reen

pic nih aku guna sebagai fb cover n wallpaper hp skali...mmg terbaekkkkkkkk
afira Post at 30-5-2012 07:48

ada jah yg versi mcm jacob tu..jap aku tepek

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Post time 30-5-2012 08:37 PM | Show all posts
xjumpa lak cari...nah..yg ni dlu la...u yg minat bella

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Post time 30-5-2012 08:37 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by put3reen at 30-5-2012 20:38


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Post time 31-5-2012 08:11 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1646# put3reen

uihhhhh terbaek!!!!!!!!!!!! nak lagiiiiiiiiiiii nak lagiiiiiiiiiii hahahaha

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Post time 31-5-2012 06:07 PM | Show all posts
put3reen Post at 26-5-2012 00:47

    sudah jd wallpaper pc di opis.....

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Post time 31-5-2012 10:45 PM | Show all posts
korang dh tgk vid promosi breaking dawn 2?

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 Author| Post time 1-6-2012 10:14 AM | Show all posts
Hai geng! pagi ni ai x brape bz sbb boss kuar main golf pagi ni... lama gak x jenguk sini..
Midnight Sun punya translation tu...sat nooo... aku tgh gigih amik mood... hehehe... sbb nowadays tgh melayan marathon siri Charmed... Bila dh masuk season 2, rasa mcm kisah  love triangle Piper-Leo-Dan ala2 Bella-Edward-Jacob plak! Sian Leo taw... Piper sama tamak mcm Bella... dedua dia mau... :@ But end up lebih kurang jah sbb Bella pilih Edward, then dpt Nessie... Piper pilih Leo, then dpt Wyatt & Chris - walopun diaorg penah divorce skali, tp rujuk balik!

eh... sowi aku offtopic plak... demam Charmed... heheheh...

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Post time 6-6-2012 08:50 PM | Show all posts
Pattinson belum cukup sasa
Oleh Murshid Eunos
[email protected]
MESKIPUN gadis seluruh dunia menjerit akan namanya, mengagungkan susuk tubuhnya yang dianggap seksi lagi menggoda, bagi Robert Douglas Thomas Pattinson atau Robert Pattinson, dia pelakon yang masih belum sempurna.

Pattinson yang mencetus fenomena menerusi saga Twilight menyifatkan tubuhnya itu belum cukup mantap untuk melakonkan filem aksi lasak.
Walaupun aksi Pattinson dalam siri filem pontianak Twilight nampak hebat bersama aktres jelita Kristen Stewart, jauh di lubuk hati apa yang ditunjukkan itu belum lagi sempurna dan meyakinkan.

Jelas aktor yang kini berusia 26 tahun itu dalam satu media antarabangsa, baru-baru ini, tubuh beliau itu sebenarnya masih kurus.

“Saya merasakan tubuh saya terlalu kurus dan tidak sasa sebagaimana pelakon-pelakon lelaki Hollywood yang lain. Bentuk fizikal saya kurang menarik dan sememangnya tidak sesuai untuk melakonkan watak berat, terutamanya untuk filem aksi atau superhero walaupun ramai yang mengatakan saya sudah mampu melakonkan watak sebegitu.

“Lagipun saya tidaklah lasak mana untuk menghidupkan filem seperti itu termasuk yang bercorak robotik,” katanya.

Tambahnya, jika diberikan tawaran untuk filem lasak dan aksi, dia perlu mempersiapkan dirinya dulu.

“Kita lihat di Hollywood, pelakon yang berjaya melakonkan peranan lasak, superhero atau robot, kesemua mereka punya ketinggian, susuk tubuh dan karisma yang hebat,” katanya.

Pattinson yang awalnya memegang watak Cedric Diggory dalam filem Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire pada 2005 kini dilihat sebagai antara pelakon pelapis yang punya pesona dan kredibiliti tersendiri untuk melakonkan watak utama dalam sesebuah karya besar.

Selepas berjaya melonjakkan nama sebagai watak Edward Cullen dalam filem Twilight yang juga terjemahan daripada novel terlaris karya Stephenie Meyer itu, aktor kelahiran London ini terus dihujani tawaran lain namun kesemuanya lebih banyak cenderung kepada filem remaja dan karya romantis.

Bersandarkan wajah kacak dan senyuman menariknya itu, Pattinson sekali lagi mendapat perhatian peminat menerusi filem Remember Me pada 2010.

Mengikut jadual, bahagian akhir saga Twilight, Breaking Dawn: Part 2 akan muncul di pawagam seluruh dunia pada November ini. Filem fantasi seram dan cinta arahan Bill Condon ini akan merungkai kesudahan hubungan cinta tiga segi antara Bella, Edward dan Jacob dari kalangan spesies pontianak dan serigala jadian.


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Post time 11-6-2012 09:29 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1651# chaoyunjie

he's good enuff for me.....

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 Author| Post time 11-6-2012 05:46 PM | Show all posts
Reply  chaoyunjie

he's good enuff for me.....
afira Post at 11-6-2012 09:29



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Post time 12-6-2012 09:08 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1653# leon_mclaren78

hahahahah yela maksud aku edward laaaa rob aku pn x nak kihkihkihkih

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Post time 13-6-2012 01:52 PM | Show all posts
Hai geng! pagi ni ai x brape bz sbb boss kuar main golf pagi ni...  lama gak x jenguk sini..
Midn ...
leon_mclaren78 Post at 1-6-2012 10:14

    aku tetap sabar menunggu midnight sun ko leon.....

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Post time 13-6-2012 10:59 PM | Show all posts
First Edward, Bella and Renesmee promo picture ^^

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 Author| Post time 14-6-2012 08:21 PM | Show all posts
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Talk Having Renesmee in 'Breaking Dawn II'
June 14, 2012 06:08:13 GMT

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have an exciting experience when filming "The Twilight Saga's Breaking Dawn Part II" with Mackenzie Foy, who stars as their on-screen daughter Renesmee. While Rob admits that he must behave on set, Kristen gushes that she and Mackenzie have some things in common.

"[The Twilight cast is] all around the same age and we're really not polite to each other anymore," the Edward Cullen depicter says in an interview for the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly magazine. "You'd have to tone it down when Mackenzie was around... She had a little swear jar, and I think she made 850 bucks or something."

As for Kristen, the Bella depicter opens up that she developed chemistry with the young star since both of them have physical similarities. The 22-year-old actress gushes that their "hands [even] look similar. It was kind of strange. But it's funny how it actually helps. It's like, 'Oh, hey, you look like me, kid! Come on!' "

Rob, Kristen and Mackenzie grace the cover of the June 22 issue of EW. They appear in a family portrait-like picture as Edward, Bella and Renesmee. Additionally, the magazine unveils some new photos of Taylor Lautner's Jacob, Kellan Lutz's Emmett, and other characters in the final installment of the vampire movie series.

Weighing in on Mckenzie's debut in the film franchise, director Bill Condon says, "It's hugely important part. They were amazing with her. It really brought something paternal out in Rob, and Kristen was especially protective. I'd have to interrupt them when they were in deep conversation to get going with a scene."

"Breaking Dawn II" follows a perilous chain of events after Bella gives birth to Renesmee. Along with her husband Edward and his family, she now must face an all-out battle against the Volturi, which is the fearsome council of vampire leaders. The movie is slated for a November 16 release in cinemas across the United States.


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 Author| Post time 14-6-2012 08:23 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by leon_mclaren78 at 14-6-2012 20:32

‘Breaking Dawn – Part 2’s’ First Family: Meet Renesmee Cullen

Unveiled on the cover of Entertainment Weekly today, that other “First Family” – The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2′s “Edward, Bella and Renesmee Cullen” – stare resolutely into the mid-distance.

The saga’s denouement won’t hit theaters until November 16, but when a beloved, multi-billion dollar franchise is involved – there’s no time like the present.

Yesterday, images of a partially hidden, 11-year-old Mackenzie Foy, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were released on EW’s official Facebook, triggering huge excitement among fans eager for a first, proper look at the “family.”

Introduced as a baby (after a harrowing birth scene) in Breaking Dawn – Part 1, Renesmee’s half-vampire/ half human genetics endow her with supernatural growth, so this time audiences will meet a young girl looking somewhere around 6 or 7 – although in the movie she might be aged younger.

A slew of new Breaking Dawn – Part 2 stills and extensive quotes from the film’s leads and director in EW, revealed more than a few gems about what audiences can expect later this year.

“Stranger than all the other films put together,” is how Pattinson describes the final installment.

Stewart agrees. “Let me tell you, this movie is so weird. It. Is. Bizarre.”

Referring to Stewart’s vamp transformation,Taylor Lautner said, “That’s kind of the huge thing that the fans are waiting for – to see the clumsy teenage Bella that Kristen did so well, suddenly become this super-sexy vampire who’s athletic and graceful.”

Lautner isn’t wrong.

Midnight Release parties held in February to mark the roll out of Breaking Dawn – Part 1 on DVD and Blu-Ray were sell-outs. The big draw being a heavily publicized first sneak peek of ‘vamp Bella.’

Director Bill Condon (Gods and Monsters, DreamGirls, Chicago) who helmed both Breaking Dawn installments told EW,

“[Stewart’s] transformation from high school girl to fierce warrior is amazing. She’s a different species now.”

And it seems Kristen was competitive about ‘vamp Bella’. “I know every single version of vampire and I took a little bit from everyone”, said the 22 year-old. “But I wanted her to be the best one.”

It sounds as if she really got into character too. Recalling a scene where Bella hunts a (foam) mountain lion, the actress reveals she, “ripped that mother to the ground!”

On how it felt acting maternally with her 11 year-old co-star:

“It’s a really cool relationship. I hope it comes across” Stewart said. Asked about resembling Foy the actress said, “Even our hands look similar. It was kind of strange. But it’s funny how it actually helps.”

Revealing the decision to choose Foy for the role of Renesmee was pretty simple in the auditions, Condon said,

“There were a lot of kids. But this was kind of obvious. It was one of those rare times when you see something – like with an apartment or house – and it feels good and you just need to take it. I felt that way, like, ‘Oh, this is good.’”

Possibly gleefully, Pattinson revisited the sore (excuse the pun) subject of the red contact lenses.

“Kristen complained about 500 times more than I have,” the actor told EW. “She condensed four years of complaining into a few months.”

There’s loads more good stuff in EW’s exclusive, especially about the swear jar Foy was given on set to curb the worst of the cast’s more colorful moments. Suffice it to say, Pattinson said Foy made around $ 850 during the shoot.

Much of the plot of Breaking Dawn – Part 2 centers on the Cullen clan’s attempts to protect Renesmee from the Volturi, (first seen in The Twilight Saga: New Moon). This last installment will also see a roll call of vampire covens from around the world descend on Forks to help the Cullens defend Renesmee.

It’s going to be interesting seeing Stewart – who looks every bit the fierce, strong mother in the new stills – work with that dynamic. As for Lautner, his new role as Renesmee’s ‘protector’ will give him a chance to bring a different dimension to Jacob.

Far more action-centric than previous movies in the series, BD2 promises to be a climatic ending to Stephenie Meyer’s epic saga. If you can’t wait until then to see the Twilight cast together again, they’ll be appearing at this year’s Comic-Con (held in San Diego from July 12-15).

EW reports the last scenes of the movie work as a kind of “visual valentine.” Fans will know exactly what that means. For everyone else, all will become clear on November 16.

The last word goes to Robert Pattinson.

“The end is so sweet. There’s this nice finality to it. Everyone who was watching started crying. It does a serious justice to the series.”

The Inquisitr

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 Author| Post time 14-6-2012 09:01 PM | Show all posts
aku tetap sabar menunggu midnight sun ko leon.....
honeybee80 Post at 13-6-2012 13:52

ai tgh gigih marathon siri Charmed ni... dh masuk season 4...
mmg x de masa nk translate buat masa ni.. huhu... sbr ye..

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Post time 14-6-2012 09:47 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1658# leon_mclaren78

watak apa yg bergusti lengan ngan bella tu???

wahhhh...gmbr promo....menarikkkk

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