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Author: menatang

~MERGED~ Judgment Day, Future Disaster & Pole Shift 2012

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Post time 22-9-2008 01:16 AM | Show all posts

Reply #80 demonagirl6's post

before la..bila dah ada tanda2 ni..makna nya pole shift akan bermula..

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Post time 22-9-2008 03:19 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tarabas1976 at 21-9-2008 09:32

Mari berpindah ke Kenya dan Republik Gabon


-The Horn of Africa, Somali, is war-lord prone, given to the battle craze for many long years and will not give this stance up going into times of hardship.

-They will become mercenaries, on the rove. This will force their neighbors in Ethiopia and Kenya to defend themselves, and not in a polite manner.

-The outcome of these types of battles, in normal times, depends upon how well supplied an army is, but in lean times migrating mercenaries do not fare well.

-They are used to living on looting, what they can commandeer with guns and by being ruthless brutes, their reputation pressing all who hear them coming to lay out the goods before confrontations emerge. But in lean times, where death is the outcome for those about to be looted, something else emerges - resistance. Communities and their livestock disappear, and the marauders find little to feed themselves and fall to infighting among themselves.

-Thus weakened, they are picked at from the bushes along roadsides, until the remnants falter and fall. Such a process may take years, even decades, but the outcome is certain.


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Post time 22-9-2008 03:20 AM | Show all posts

South Africa

-South Africa will fare well after the pole shift, due to it's close location to the new equator and high ground. Being relatively remote as an industrialized country, it may also fare well in retaining some of its technology, being used to relying upon itself rather than others.

-Some electricity will most likely be generated, and road repairs done. Imported food stuffs will stop after the shift, but with an improved climate and distance from volcanoes, some crop growing will succeed. South Africa's largest problem will be during the shift itself, as it lies between the Atlantic and Indian Ocean. During India's subduction, an actual suction will occur there, drawing water.

-When the Atlantic widens, a similar situation will occur. During the week when rotation stops, the waters of the earth will drift toward the poles, so during the shift will have a tendency to rush to fill the gaps in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Water on the move is unpredictable and forceful, and South Africa will stick out into this maelstrom unprotected.

-Those wanting to survive the shift should move well inland and return only after water sloshing has stopped, a period of several days, to be safe.

[ Last edited by  razhar at 22-9-2008 03:21 AM ]

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Post time 22-9-2008 03:24 AM | Show all posts


--Russia, which is in the main in frozen northlands, will be pleasantly surprised to find itself in a warmer climate. In the center of a plate, the earthquakes will not be as long lasting as along faults, and the aftershocks minimal. Thereafter, the real threat for Russia will creep up upon the survivors.

--Siberia is low land, and the melting poles will swallow this land within months. Russia, in the main, is lowland which will shortly be flooded after the shift. Those hapless Russians who have not heard of the pending pole shift, and the melting of the poles to shortly follow the shift, will find themselves getting soggy, then flooded, with rain waters and overflowing rivers and streams that simply do not drain any longer.

--At first, in the lowlands, residents will move to hill tops, then tree tops, and then fashion boats out of anything that can float. However, given the broad expanse that will be inundated, there will be nowhere to go! Survivors will step away from the rising water into higher and higher ground, but find themselves eventually stranded on a diminishing island, with no land in sight! Without a sense of direction, and with north and south now west and east, compasses will be no guide, and the stars will not be visible in the main due to volcanic dust.

--Those who would survive for the long term are advised to position themselves near high land. We would advise those who are not near mountains or highland, such as the Urals, to fashion boats early and plot a course, sighting familiar landmarks as the move on houseboat or whatever they have devised prior to a full flooding of the lowlands.

--Being afloat, they can move from community to community, if compatibility is not established, until they arrive at a site where they are welcome and the land is clearly going to remain above ground. The waters can be expected to rise for 2 years after the shift, but during this time, a floating group can fish or harvest from the sea.

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Post time 22-9-2008 03:27 AM | Show all posts


--The coastline along the volatile Atlantic will find itself well positioned for trade inland. Fishing along the coast will provide a source of food, when dried and salted, to be taken inland.

--Migrations from Europe, perpetually seeking to find the better life that must be somewhere around the bend, will migrate down the coastline all the way to S Africa, and thus will pass through. This will bring an multi-cultural aura to the area, making the seacoast communities a delight for the young, who will learn from their visitors, many of whom will settle.

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Post time 22-9-2008 03:30 AM | Show all posts

Ural Mountains

--The Ural Mountains are the sanctuary to which the elite of Russia will rush, when the time comes. Just as the US elite have dug bunkers in the mountains of Colorado and New Mexico, well stocked and hidden from the populace that financed with taxpayer dollars what the elite presume to be a safe spot for survival, in like manner the elite of Russia have prepared in the Urals.

--As these beautiful mountains will become an island, surrounded by the rising waters which will engulf the lowlands of Russia within two years after the shift, anyone other than the elite seeking sanctuary there will find themselves with demanding and arrogant neighbors.

--Fishing in the waters that will lap the shores of this Ural island will be good, but it will take some decades for the arrogant elite to die off or kill themselves off in pecking order battles, and thus any survivors of good heart in the area are advised to avoid the elite, and stay well hidden.


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Post time 22-9-2008 03:34 AM | Show all posts


--Egypt will find itself in demand as a traffic lane in the days before the shift, as many fearful of the earthquakes and increasingly exploding volcanoes in lands to the east and north will attempt to travel to lands in Africa known to be stable.

--Crossing Arabia is not viable, due to the desert, and the Red Sea has its obvious land bridge at Egypt, thus migration will focus there.

--Attempting to stop the human horde will only cause it to flow like water, around barriers. After the shift, the bridge will be broken, but due to the water wash that will occur between the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, and the River Nile, there will be little left of coastal areas to salvage.

--Those in Egypt who hope to survive should move inland from the coastal areas well before the week of rotation stoppage, out of the traffic lane, ideally.

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Post time 22-9-2008 03:36 AM | Show all posts


--Israel will suffer during the coming pole shift, but no more than what other countries fringing the Mediterranean suffer. As during the prior pole shift, when the Jewish Exodus occurred, Israel will be on the side of the Earth facing the sun and directly in the path of the 12th Planet's tail as it lashes the Earth - hail, red dust, and the terrifying view of a passing object, slightly glowing.

--Those portions of Israel well above sea level will keep terrified survivors above the sloshing Mediterranean, but the volcanic dust from volcanoes in the area will roll over Israel's territory as well as all the other countries within hundreds of miles of the volcanoes.

--Just as Moses found himself wandering for decades in the Valley of the Shadow of Death after the last pole shift, those survivors in Israel will find growing crops or finding food difficult in a desert area beset with the extra burden of gloom and dust.

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Post time 22-9-2008 03:38 AM | Show all posts


--Brazil suffers during and after the coming pole shift, because of its proximity to the new North Pole but also due to inundation from the south as a new land mass situated between the tip of South American and Africa emerges from under the waves.

--All that water must go somewhere, and will rush north into every low lying ravine that lies in its path. This massive wave will run up and over bluffs along the seashore, pouring water into low lands thought protected from the sea, which will then become an inland sea for a time.

-- Those along these bluffs should anticipate water rushing inland from the sea to this extent, and to escape tidal bore be inland and seeking shelter out of the wind along the highest points, staying out of the ravines normally draining to the sea, as this is the course that inbound waves will take during the hour of the shift, and out of the ravines normally draining inland, as this is the course that the water will take to escape back into the sea.

--During the hour of the shift, survivors will find themselves in a terrifying position, with water rushing up and over the bluffs, coursing through the ravines on its way inland to pour back out via the inland rivers and marshes. The bluffs and highlands of southern Brazil will remain above sea level after the polar melt, and will not be subject to mountain building during the shift. As with the Salt Flats in Utah, old and highly stabile rock such as found in the Parana province will likewise resist shattering during the quakes.

--Used to the tropics, those survivors living close to the Bulge of Brazil will be shocked to find themselves shivering, as their homeland moves from a subtropical land to land within a polar region. Those well inland, in lands well above the backwash that the Amazon might experience during torrid rains and sloshing seas, will find their climate more moderate, hardly changing at all from what they experienced in the past.

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Post time 22-9-2008 03:42 AM | Show all posts

New Zealand

--Where New Zealand will remain well above sea level after the shift and polar melts, it will be subject to the same forces during the shift as all other lands. Tidal waves will assault its coastlines, and where cliffs or mountain ranges lie along a coastline, tidal bore can occur, bringing rushing water to a height not expected.

--As New Zealand is a land of mountain ranges, stay well inland during the shift, returning to the coastlines only some days after the shift has occurred and the sloshing oceans and high tides have settled. Where New Zealand lies along a fault line, and thus has active volcanoes and geothermal area, due to the tipping up of the plate New Zealand lies on, pressure will be reduced during the hour of the shift, not increased, and the incidence of exploding volcanoes and the like lessened for this reason. In essence, there will be a new space under the tipped plate for lava to fill during the shift, which will reduce the press of lava upward.

--Where New Zealand rests primarily on the plate shared with Australia, a fault line runs to the east and to some degree under the land, and this will separate. When the Pacific shortens, the plate to the east of New Zealand will drop below the tipping plate shared with India, bolstering the tip up that New Zealand will experience.

--Tipping a plate that plunges, on one end, under a mountain range, will be in the main a continuation of what is already happening. However, for the several hundred feet that Indian will drop below its current sea level, there will be a commensurate raise at the far end of the plate shared with Australia and New Zealand, with the major benefit of this raise at the New Zealand end.

--New Zealand can expect, after all the sloshing about has stopped, to find itself 500 feet above the current sea level. With the melting poles expected to raise the sea level between 650 and 700 feet, this gain will disappear, but what the raised land does mean for New Zealand is that more of it's land will be above water after the poles melt, than elsewhere in the world.

*N.Z pun kira salah satu tempat2 yg selamat...tak terjejas sangat..

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Post time 22-9-2008 03:43 AM | Show all posts


--Norway has the same high ground advantage as Sweden, but by bordering the coastline will be assaulted with both tidal waves from the Atlantic's sloshing and higher tides at the poles while the Earth stops rotation for a week. This higher tide makes the tidal waves more forceful, such that they wash farther inland before dissipating.

--Thus, those in Norway must seek higher ground than their counterparts in Sweden, during the shift. The fjords in Norway will find the water level dropping at first, during the week of rotation stoppage. Then during the shift, as the Atlantic rips, this will not create an increase in water level. As we have described for the bay for Sweden and Estonia, sloshing will occur, with water rushing into and out of the bay to and from the Atlantic.

--The fjords are deep, and the cliffs along them steep, and in particular narrow. Thus, there may be tides running along them, but sloshing from side to side is unlikely to be much. Those at the ends of the fjords may need to worry about water rushing inland a bit.

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Post time 22-9-2008 03:47 AM | Show all posts


--Greenland will become a more temperate land after the pole shift, being moved into a position equivalent to the border between Canada and the US today.

--The glaciers and the massive amount of ice still remaining on Greenland from its days as a former pole will melt, steadily, but will take some decades to completely melt.

--Meanwhile, the force of rushing water will make habitation there tenuous, but coastal settlements such as fishing villages, high above the rushing rivers and with access to the sea, will fare well.

*juga satu tempat yg selamat....kalu tak mao jadi warga afrika la ..meh g duk greenland yg akan punyai cuaca yg panas cam kita sekarang..*

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Post time 22-9-2008 03:48 AM | Show all posts


--Chile rises high along the coast of South America, but it is precisely because of these steep cliffs that tidal waves will be unexpectedly large during the pole shift.

--The water will have nowhere to go, so the press of water behind the lip of the wave will press the water up along the cliffs. This is short lived, lasting for a few hours only, but lasts long enough that valleys along the coast may find themselves flooded.

--The water in any given valley may be there not because the mountain barrier protecting the valley is low, but because the water has been forced inland at another weak further down along the coast, and once inland is moves about, finding its lowest level.

--Thus, the water may even appear to come from an inland direction. For best results, where living along a coastline where all the surrounding area gives the water no escape but up, be several thousand feet high and wait a day or so before returning to your homes. In this way your home may be flooded, but you will not drown.

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Post time 22-9-2008 03:51 AM | Show all posts


--Alaska will fare well during the coming geological changes for a number of reasons. Where it is now in a cold climate, it will move to a very temperate location. The volcanic eruptions anticipated where Alaska's active volcanoes now exist should blow out across the water, not inland, under the influence of the new prevailing westerlies, so the land should be spared. And since it is scarcely populated, there will not be the problem of masses of starving humans to contend with, which can create destructive riots.

--In selecting locations in Alaska, one should consider the possibility of tidal waves along the coast, but the key consideration should be the volcanoes, which are already active, and which will increase their activity to the point of exploding during the pole shift.

--The Alaskan Pipeline will inevitably be fractures along its course during the pole shift and will thus drain dry. What oil does not soak into the ground will be lit and burned during the lightning storms that occur during the pole shift, a burning that might start at only one place but will spark burning along the entire course. Oil that does not drain out of the pipeline will burn at the ends, creating a torch that may burn for months.

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Post time 22-9-2008 03:52 AM | Show all posts


--The Philippines are in an unfortunate position for the forthcoming pole shift. They are riddled with active and inactive volcanoes which will erupt simultaneously when the Pacific shortens.

--Being a series of islands, they will be subject to overwash when the oceans slosh back and forth. Since the land is mostly low lying, it will disappear under the rising waters from melting poles so that only the mountain tops are sticking out of the water.

--Unfortunately, many of these mountain tops will also be oozing lava. The effect of the tipping of the plate shared by both India and Australia is that eastern Australia and New Zealand will pop up a bit out of the water.

--This raising plate will encourage the press from the plates the Philippines rest upon to subduct or crumple. No altogether a promising place to be during the coming cataclysms.

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Post time 22-9-2008 03:54 AM | Show all posts

Hong Kong

--Hong Kong is an ideal place to live at present due to its many bays and inlets - a city on the water.

--However, during the coming cataclysms this city will not fare well, as the shortening Pacific will force the water up rather than down the shores, and with the melting poles following only months later, this city will soon be unlivable.

--High land is advised, for safety sake, but plans for long term living in Hong Kong, unless in a boat, will be met with repeated short term emergencies.

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Post time 22-9-2008 03:56 AM | Show all posts


--Hurricanes and monsoons develop along the Equator for a reason, this being not only the warm ocean currents but also the effect the turning Earth has on water and air along the Equator, where it is pulled outward due to centrifugal force, and curled round back to areas to the north and south of the Equator where there is less pressure. During the hour of the shift, the splitting Atlantic will create a draw, pulling the cold water from the south pole up toward the lands of Equatorial Africa which jut out creating a barrier.

--The land will slide first east, while the Atlantic rips, then north somewhat as the globe tips, then south as the Pacific compresses and the Atlantic rips freely. This will cause the atmosphere, dry from the deserts inland, to rush first out into the Atlantic Ocean, where they will pick up an immense amount of moisture, being super heated from the inland deserts, thence encounter cold air coming from the north during the brief drag north, where the supermoist air will start to condense, then be driven at hurricane force over the lands jutting out into this mix, such as Ghana, where the water will dump.

--In the Atlantic Ocean, likewise, the water will first be drawn toward the South Pole as rotation stops for a week, thence to pulled back into the void formed by the ripping Atlantic, causing great swirls and down drafts that will take down any hapless boats afloat.

--The combination of swirling water and air will create more of a deluge inland, washing all along the rivers out to sea and a quick drowning. Survivors are advised to go well inland, several hundred miles from the coast, to avoid such a fate. Afterwards, due to Africa's relatively high land and advantageous position stretched out along the new Equator, those living near the coast will find living temperate and ocean fishing a good source of food.

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Post time 22-9-2008 03:58 AM | Show all posts

Ireland & Scotland!!!!!!!!!!!

--Ireland, as Scotland, will be dragged down during the land stretch that precedes the pole shift, when the Atlantic is put under tension before the Atlantic Rift splits further. As this first occurs when the waters have moved toward the poles, during the rotation stoppage, the degree to which the land has dropped will not at first be apparent.

--Then, during the shift itself, when the water that has flowed to the poles returns to the new equator and sloshes about, the impact of tidal waves will be worse than expected.

--After the Atlantic Rift has widened, the shore lines, already below their former level, will have less structure to hold them up as they are fringed along the rift edge, and will drop below the waves for that reason. All in all, Ireland will drown, and those wishing to survive are advised to seek safety inland on the mainland of Europe, by boat, when rotation stops.

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Post time 22-9-2008 06:26 AM | Show all posts
wah...rajin gak engko razhar...

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Post time 22-9-2008 06:44 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by demonagirl6 at 22-9-2008 06:26
wah...rajin gak engko razhar...

sekadar memberi peringatan dan menyebarkan berita kepada warga donia tentang bahaya2 yg sedang menunggu manusia..sama ada mao caya atau tidak..terserah la pada anda2 semua...sekurang2 nya kalu ianya benar2 terjadi..anda2 semua dah tahu dan tak mati bodo je..

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