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Puasa Ramadhan- Ibadat atau Adat?

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Post time 5-9-2008 11:43 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Renung2kan kenapa:

1) Pada bulan Ramadhan masjid penuh tapi bulan lain tak berapa ramai kat masjid.

2) Kenapa masih berlaku maksiat pada bulan ini sedangkan "Apabila tiba Ramadhan, maka pintu rahmat akan dibuka, pintu neraka Jahannam akan ditutup, dan syaitan akan ditambat”

Meh kita share citer apa amalan pada bulan Ramadhan yg ada potensi sekadar jadi adat dan bukannya ibadat. Silakan...

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Post time 5-9-2008 11:48 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 jadree00's post

1) kerana kita masih beribadah kerana nak kan ganjaran, bukan beribadah semata2 kerana Allah..

2) kerana manusia itu ada nafsu.. kalau takda nafsu, dah jadi malaikat.. kalau ada nafsu semata2 tapi takda akal, dah jadi binatang @ syaitan..

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 Author| Post time 5-9-2008 12:25 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2 gunblade712's post

Maksud gunblade org tua harapkan ganjaran pahala, bebudak pulak harapkan ganjaran duit raya?

bercakap pasal beribadah semata2 krn Allah atau dgn kata lain keikhlasan beribadat, teringat kata2 sorang ustaz tuh cakap kena didik anak2 spy berpuasa dengan ikhlas krn Allah. Utk didik anak2 capai keikhlasan berposa krn Allah tuh caranya dgn suruh anak2 bersolat sejak umur 7 thn. Dgn keyakinan bhw solat  akan nyebabkan budak2 tuh puasa ikhlas krn Allah. Selain itu ustaz tuh cakap(berdasarkan yg saya faham), tiada nas yg membolehkan ibu bapa paksa anak2 kecil puasa. Budak kecil setakat mana tuh tak boleh dipaksa, saya tak pasti. Rationalnya sbb budak2 perlukan makanan utk membesar.

Kalau  nak didik diri sendiri spy istaqamah ibadat macam sms bulan Ramadhan camner pulak erk.?

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Post time 5-9-2008 12:27 PM | Show all posts
Hanya akan jadi badat jika mengikut al-quran dan sunnah.
Jika tidak then it will be adat dan termasuk bidaah saja. Semua bidaah tu sesat.

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 Author| Post time 5-9-2008 12:32 PM | Show all posts

Reply #4 BikerLady's post

Please care to share contoh amalan yg selalu dibuat pada Ramadhan yg bidaah. tk.

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Post time 5-9-2008 02:41 PM | Show all posts

Reply #3 jadree00's post

yes.. itu memang dah di didik daripada dulu lagi..

nak2 masa Ramdhan.. terpampang ganjaran2 terawikh.. malam pertama dapat apa.. malam kedua dapat apa...

last2 orang siap bole pilih lagi.. nak pegi malam ke 13 sbb dapat sekian-sekian nikmat...

padahal, bila berdiri lurus nak solat, apa kita baca?

Sahaja aku menunaikan solat fardhu Zohor KERANA ALLAH TA'ALA.. (amik contoh solat zohor)..

tapi kita solat sbb.. takut bala, takut takde rejeki, takut mak marah, takut macam2 lagi..

itu, bukan menipu Tuhan ker?

nak dapat ikhlas tuh bukan senang.. susah ya amat.. saya cume menegur diri sendiri saje.. jangan cakap saya nih ustaz la itu lah ini lah.. (adat orang2 kita, kalau ada orang lain tegur, tak bole diterima.. mula lah keluar ayat2sindiran...)

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Post time 5-9-2008 04:13 PM | Show all posts
Yang aku tengok memang jadi adat atau ritual je
Maaf cakap , pengisian puasa ni pun ramai tak faham
Tapi tuhan memang sengaja buat camni , bukan dia tak tahu dan tuhan pun tak peduli kau nak puasa betul-betul atau tidak pasal puasa tu tak mengurangkan pun kuasa tuhan kalau ramai yang puasa tak betul , jadi tak kesahlah

Buatlah camane yang kau orang faham dan biasa buat , pasal kebiasaaan biasanya dianggap betul

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Post time 5-9-2008 05:10 PM | Show all posts
Taat jerk ngan suruhanNYA......

Tak terjankau dek akal manusia akan rahmat Allah........

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Post time 6-9-2008 12:39 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by AniSani at 5-9-2008 04:13 PM
Yang aku tengok memang jadi adat atau ritual je
Maaf cakap , pengisian puasa ni pun ramai tak faham
Tapi tuhan memang sengaja buat camni , bukan dia tak tahu dan tuhan pun tak peduli kau nak pu ...

memang tidak menjejaskan kuasa tuhan..tapi tuhan peduli jgak kalau hambanya mengaku dia tuhan tp wat sesuka hati x ikut perintahnya... sebab dia kasih pada hambanya..mak bapak kalau x kasih anak, dia x pedulik apa anak dia lakukan betui atau salah..(tetap mak bapak jugak)

tuhan peduli segala perbuatan manusia :
  • Dia mengutus rasul untuk membimbing manusia melakukan sesuatu dengan betul
  • memberi khabar gembira utk perbuatan baik dan ancaman siksa untuk perbuatan buruk

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 Author| Post time 6-9-2008 08:56 AM | Show all posts

Reply #4 BikerLady's post

Semua bidaah tu sesat kah? Yang saya faham bidaah ialah something amalan yg bukan dibuat oleh Rasulullah. Bidaah terbahagi kepada dua iaitu dibolehkan dan tidak dibolehkan(sesat). Contoh bidaah yg dibolehkan ialah macam amalan membaca surah yassin beramai2 pada hari Khamis malam Jumaat. Sefahaman saya Rasulullah idak ler jadikkan baca yassin pd mlm jumaat tuh sbg rutin minguan. Rasanya lebih baik baca yassin mlm jumaat drp tak baca Quran langsung kan.

Harap2 forumner lain dapat jelaskan pasal konsep bidaah  nih. Sebabnya saya bukan pakar bab bidaah nih dan harapkan penjelasan. tk

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 Author| Post time 6-9-2008 09:07 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2 gunblade712's post

Kalau tak silap saya, org yg tak mampu berkahwin digalakkan berpuasa utk mengekang nafsunya. Dgn kata lain-puasa sepatutnya dapat mengekang nafsu.

Mengapakah puasa tak dapat mengekang nafsu  hingga terjadinya pembaziran/berlebihan sms membeli belah juadah berbuka(semuanya nampak sodap jer) atau nafsu bershopping berlebihan utk  raya?

[ Last edited by  jadree00 at 6-9-2008 09:22 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 6-9-2008 09:25 AM | Show all posts
ha ah tak terkira rahmat Allah kat kita.

Kehadiran bulan Ramadhan yg penuh dengan rahmat, moga2 menjadikan kita insan yg lebih baik.

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Post time 6-9-2008 02:06 PM | Show all posts

Reply #11 jadree00's post

nafsu tu ada bnyak katogerinya..
puasa mengekang nafsu bg yang lum kahwen..lain maksud nafsunya..
yang bab2 pembaziran ni lain lak nafsunya...
so kena pandai2lah bahagi2kan nafsu ni..

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Post time 6-9-2008 02:12 PM | Show all posts

adat atau ibadat..

puasa ni ibadat..rukun islam ketiga yg wajib ditunaikan..
yang boleh jadi adat ni yang aku perati...ada yang tak sembahyang tapi berpuasa..
so aku rasa diaorg berpuasa cm dah jadi adat lak....
yang lagi satu cara nak didik anak2 kecil berpuasa krn ibadat..
jgnlah janji kata.." kalau puasa penuh..ibu..or rm30"
so nampak jadi cam adat lah..puasa sb ganjaran duit..
so kalau nak di beri pendekatan pd anak2 kecil ttg ibadat puasa n
menggalakkan diaorng berpuasa...kaitkan jer ngan rukun islam..
rukun yang wajib untuk umat islam supaya mereka faham ttg konsep berpuasa yg sebenarnya..
insyaallah..anak2 kita akan terdidik menjadi anak yang soleh n solehah yang dapat membantu kita
di akhirat nanti..aminnnn

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Post time 8-9-2008 03:03 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jadree00 at 5-9-2008 11:43 AM
Renung2kan kenapa:

1) Pada bulan Ramadhan masjid penuh tapi bulan lain tak berapa ramai kat masjid.

2) Kenapa masih berlaku maksiat pada bulan ini sedangkan "Apabila tiba Ramadhan, maka pin ...

bila bulan2 lain selain dari bulan ramadhan kita lihat masjid tidak penuh dan maksiat masih berleluasa, hanya kerana satu sebab.

iaitu kita telah gagal dalam latihan kita semasa bulan ramadhan untuk kita aplikasikannya pada bulan2 yang selepasnya, sehingga datangnya ramadhan sekali lagi. wallahhualam.

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Post time 9-9-2008 10:27 PM | Show all posts
Pendapat saya, terutamanya muda-mudi x berapa nak ambil tahu pasal bulan ramadhan ni. Mungkin pada sesetengah mereka ( bukan kategori yang kuat didikan agamanya ) mcm x ada apa-apa pada bulan ni.
Pakaian masih lagi ketat membalut badan sehingga menonjolkan yang dah sedia berbonggol. Yang lelaki pulak masih lagi melepak dengan fesyen pakaian dan rambut mcm trojan. Sepatutnya hormatlah sikit dengan bulan ramadahan ni, sekiranya x berapa nak menghormati org lain yang terkial-kial nak menjaga puasa.
Kadang-kadang hati saya terdetik..... dimana mak-bapak diorang ini..... jauhkanlah .

So kesimpulan nya.... puasa dah mcm jadi ADAT..... bukan seperti IBADAT yang sepatutnya dijaga sebaik mungkin utk mendapat KEBERKATANNYA.

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Post time 10-9-2008 08:11 AM | Show all posts

Respect those who don't fast during Ramadhan

what do you think about this postRespect those who don't fast during Ramadhan The Jakarta Post ,  Jakarta   |  Mon, 09/25/2006 9:21 AM  |  Opinion
Mohammad Yazid, Jakarta
Though Islam spread without coercion and preaches tolerance, many people have the exact opposite impression of the religion's teachings as a result of deficient law enforcement and the acts of some Muslim groups that try to impose their faith by force.
In order to respect the arrival of Ramadhan, for instance, the Jakarta regional administration -- like several other regions in the country -- conducts raids on nightclubs, discotheques, massage parlors and other such places. These businesses are liable to be closed during the fasting month. Such measures are acceptable in view of the Muslim majority. However, inadequate law enforcement can give rise to the impression that Islam is intolerant. Closing down such businesses, without considering the effect on the people who make their living in these nightspots, is unwise particularly with so many people in the country still having trouble just surviving day to day. People who enjoy a little nighttime entertainment as a way of relaxing after a day's work may certainly disagree with restricting the operations of clubs during the fasting month, because it impedes on their personal freedom. In this case, the need to make available alternative recreation places should be taken into account. The restrictions on nighttime entertainment as a show of respect for the fasting month can also give the impression of mere formality, which is only natural because in reality the legal restrictions are limited to the ban on nightspots. In welcoming Ramadhan, it is no less important to adopt a proper attitude toward various other irregularities which are often ignored during the rest of the year. For example, corruption continues unabated, traffic violations have not decreased in frequency on the eve of Ramadhan, while the spirit and productivity at government offices as well as private businesses are also declining. Ironically, some rules are even breached by Muslims performing the fast, who should be legally obedient especially during the holy month. The image of an intolerant Islam only grows stronger with the anarchic actions taken by mass organizations against nightspots opening during Ramadhan. In 2004, for instance, the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) vandalized Star Deli Cafe in Kemang, South Jakarta, which triggered a clash with the local community. This incident could have been avoided if the relevant parties had understood and properly implemented the existing rules. Muslim figures have warned radical groups against spoiling the holy month of Ramadhan with such violence. People's Consultative Assembly Speaker Hidayat Nur Wahid, who is also the founder of the Prosperous Justice Party, for example, has urged Muslims to promote religious tolerance during Ramadhan. That will require believers of other faiths to respect the fasting month as well. Therefore, the fasting month, Hidayat said, is a test for religious tolerance in the country. With interfaith tolerance taking some blows recently, this fasting month is the right time for Muslims to make corrections. Legal and security authorities should properly execute their jobs, instead of taking advantage of the prevailing regulations. Any failure to observe the rules will cause dissatisfaction, making Muslim groups less tolerant of nightspots because they think that by allowing their operation, their fasting will be disturbed. In fact, this lack of tolerance is against Islam, as indicated in a fasting order contained in Al-Baqarah (2:183): ""O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become self-restrained."" It is very obvious that fasting, as the fourth pillar of Islam, only concerns Muslims if they wish to develop their faith to the level of self-restraint. Islam also respects those who cannot fast for certain reasons or convictions, by prescribing very clear rules as described in Koran and Hadist (Prophet's words and deeds). This means that unless the fasting month is respected by considering the faiths and personal rights of others, it will result in a forced observance of Ramadhan rather than sincere esteem. The respect sought by mass organizations through violence will only produce antipathy toward Islam. Conversely, it will be far wiser to set examples of how to perform the fasting through good deeds. A respectful attitude should be shown not only to those performing the fast but also to others -- fasting or not. In legal terms, violence is opposed to the laws in force. Such actions amount to the takeover of responsibility that should belong to the security apparatus. Therefore, the warning issued by Jakarta Police chief Insp. Gen. Adang Firman against groups or organizations raiding entertainment places should be welcomed in the bid to respect Ramadhan. Still, his warning will be in vain without his personnel's stringent attitude and proper execution of their duties.

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