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Bapa Zina Halal Kahwin Anak Zina?

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Post time 3-6-2015 09:14 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
(Part 2) For The Attention Of The Federal Court : Bapak Zina Kahwin Anak Zina, Hudud & Shariah Shafie

On Monday I attended a talk organised by the G25. The guest speaker was the Mufti of Perlis Dato Dr Mohd Asri Zainal Abidin or Dr Maza. It was interesting and of course very predictable too. The gist of it is that "the scholars differ".

Dr Asri said things that I have been saying now for decades. There is no uniformity of opinion among the religious folks. Plus what they tell us about their religion is sectarian or mazhab based.

Dr Asri mentioned what I have said before many, many times - the understanding of hudud and shariah in Malaysia is based on the Shafie sect. What does this mean?

For example the Shafie sect says that a man can marry his own biological daughter if the child was born out of wedlock or 'anak haram'.  What Dr Asri termed 'bapak zina kahwin anak zina'. I will visit this point again later.

He also explained that the State of Perlis does not favour any one particular sect among the FOUR major Sunni sects ie Shafie, Hanafi, Maliki and Hanbali. In Perlis they follow whatever suits them from all the four sects.

Did you know that Perlis is the only State in Malaysia where a Muslim man can marry a non Muslim woman (ahli kitab, ie Jewish or Christian) and the wife need not convert to Islam? According to Dr Maza this is a gazetted fatwa in Perlis done during the time of Dr Juanda Jaya, the previous mufti of Perlis.

So all you mixed marriage couples (guy must be Muslim though) who wish to tie the knot without too much hassle or requiring the wife to convert  can get married in Perlis.  It appears that religion is defined by geography. Perlis lain, Selangor lain, Kelantan lain etc.

Perlis is different because (according to Dr Maza) since 1948 the state was influenced by the progressive reform movement of Muhammad Abduh and Rashid Rida (both Egyptians).   

Well I would like to declare that I am not a follower of Rashid Rida or Muhammad Abduh.  I just follow the Quran which is an extremely progressive and contemporary book (despite being 1400 years old).

In the case of custody over children in the event of divorce among mixed marriages (where one parent is not Muslim) Dr Maza said that he favours an opinion in the Hanafi sect which determines custody according to which parent can provide better care for the child - and not based on the religion of the parent.  

So as I have said many, many times before - the scholars differ. This is the constant among the religious scholars ie they always differ.  One person says like this and another person will say like that. So how can what they say be deemed as 'hukum Allah' or 'Allah's law'?

Now back to the 'bapak zina kahwin anak zina' thingy - it is the view of the Shafiee sect that a man can marry his own biological daughter as long as she was born out of wedlock.

You do not have to have modern science to know that this is very wrong.

As I have blogged it before the Chinese people have it in their traditions that two people with the same Chinese surname cannot get married. So a Lim cannot marry a Lim, Wong cannot marry Wong etc. I think they still follow this rule.

From ancient times, thousands of years ago,  the Chinese people have worked out the genetical dangers of inbreeding (not to mention incest).  Maybe that is why they are so clever and numerous on the Earth - because their genetic pool is 'strengthened' by a more diverse DNA.  

Here is something about incest :
Incest is sexual activity between family members or close relatives. This typically includes sexual activity between people in a consanguineous relationship (blood relations).
The incest taboo is and has been one of the most widespread of all cultural taboos, both in present and in many past societies. Most modern societies have laws regarding incest or social restrictions on closely consanguineous marriages.
Some cultures extend the incest taboo to relatives with no consanguinity such as milk-siblings, step-siblings, and adoptive siblings. A common justification given for the incest taboo is the impact inbreeding may have on children of incestuous sex. Children whose biological parents have a close genetic relationship have an increased risk of congenital disorders, death, and disability due at least in part to genetic diseases caused by the inbreeding."

Long before children of inbreeding develop genetic diseases, they tend to become dim witted as well. Kalau cakap Melayu - depa boleh jadi lagi bodoh.  

So imagine centuries of close breeding or inbreeding within family groups. The DNA is not strengthened with new blood (like the Chinese) instead it gets concentrated and the gene pool becomes smaller.  Genetically, subsequent generations become more and more bodoh.

Now to my fellow Muslim readers and to the Judges of the Federal Court, the Appeals Court, High Court and other courts I hope you are reading this.

The Quran has already spoken against inbreeding and incestuous marriages from over 1400 years ago.

Surah 4:23. Prohibited to you are:- Your mothers, daughters, sisters; father's sisters, Mother's sisters; brother's daughters, sister's daughters; foster-mothers (Who gave you suck), foster-sisters; your wives' mothers; your step-daughters under your guardianship, born of your wives to whom ye have gone in, no prohibition if ye have not gone in; wives of your sons proceeding from your loins; and two sisters in wedlock at one and the same time, except for what is past; for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful

So these are the women whom you cannot marry, including women who suckled from the same woman as you. All of these 'prohibitions' refer blood relations or other biological relationships ("your step-daughters under your guardianship, born of your wives to whom ye have gone in") .  These are deemed "incestuous" marriages.

The Quran is so crystal clear.  You cannot marry your mothers or your daughters.

Now these incestuous marriages are 'prohibited' not just because the Quran says so.

The Quran says so because these types of incestuous marriages are bad for the human race.   Because it is the wrong thing to do - biologically and genetically. It is bad for the human race.

So how did the Shafie sect come to say  bapak zina kahwin anak zina ?? It totally contradicts the Quran.  

How can you say that just because you did not have a valid marriage certificate from the pejabat kadi Tanjong Malim (for example) and you gave birth to illegitimate daughters then you can marry your own illegitimate daughters !!

Despite the passage of almost 1200 years since Shafie, this strange ruling has been part of the jurisprudence (fiqah) in the Shafiee sect.  No one until today has said that this teaching in the Shafie sect should be expunged.  

So I hope the Judges of the Federal Court will be aware that when the religious people come to you and present the case for their religious laws, please make a full and sincere effort to understand the reality and the history of their laws.

I can assure you their laws have very little to do with the Quran. They are just sectarian laws, the ideas of fallible humans and often from a misguided intellect.  

So do not allow their frail arguments to nail the coffin over this beautiful country.  History will not judge you kindly at all.


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Post time 3-6-2015 09:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Di saat bangsa lain berlumba lumba mencipta teknologi modern, ummah melayu islam masih lagi duduk berbahas soal bapak berzina nak kawen dgn anak zina nya... itu je ke kerja ummah islam..?

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Post time 3-6-2015 09:20 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Modngengadee at 3-6-2015 09:22 AM

Ahli kitab sekarang sama x mcm ahli kitab zaman dulu?

Ahli kitab skrg mencekik babi......

Cuma mampu tersenyum sinis dgn ostaz wahabi ni

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Post time 3-6-2015 09:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Dia dapat wahyu dari langit sempena bulan syaaban ni. Nothing extraordinary nowadays. Setiap hari ada je hukum baru dicipta manusia

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Post time 3-6-2015 09:40 AM | Show all posts
org yindia, pakcik boleh kahwin dgn anak kpd adik beradik.....

adalah satu taboo utk cina DAPig kahwin dgn anak kpd adik beradik dan mereka yg mempunyai nama keluarga yg sama


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Post time 3-6-2015 09:41 AM | Show all posts
Perbincangan maza...

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Post time 3-6-2015 09:55 AM | Show all posts
ermmmm......kekadang dalam ada yang tahu...ado lagi yang buta hurup

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Post time 3-6-2015 10:13 AM | Show all posts
dulu ada sorang lobai bodoh kata kita tak boleh pilih2 mazhab ikut yang mana mudah...hehehehehehe..

lkick~hanya mampu tahan diri dari menampar tau meludah muka lobai tersebut.

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Post time 3-6-2015 10:18 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Org isle je berminat nak kawen anak zina pelbagai..walhal org barat Takde pon terpikir arah ITU.....teda faedah..tetap layan anak mcm biological child

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Post time 3-6-2015 11:14 AM | Show all posts
walaupun halal katanya, ada ke korang pernah dengar bapak kawin anak dengan sengaja??
poyo benar nak agungkan orang barat tu..
pong pang pong pang, masih juga tersadai kat negara islam..


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Post time 3-6-2015 11:21 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 3-6-2015 11:44 AM | Show all posts
Soalan; Minta pandangan, bolehkah anak luar nikah bernikah dgn ayahnya sendiri?


Di kalangan ulamak terdapat khilaf dalam masalah tersebut;

Pandangan pertama; ulamak-ulamak mazhab Syafi'ie berpendapat harus kerana nasab di antara dia dan anak zinanya tidak diakui Syariat (yakni seolah-olah tiada hubungan nasab). Perkahwinan antara seorang lelaki dan wanita diharamkan apabila ada halangan Syarak antaranya;
1. Ada hubungan nasab
2. Ada kaitan susuan
3. Berbeza agama
Maka jika tiada mana-mana halangan seperti di atas, ia kembali kepada hukum asal iaitu harus.

Pandangan kedua; iaitu pandangan jumhur ulamak (terdiri dari ulamak mazhab Hanafi, Maliki dan Hanbali); diharamkan perkahwinan antara seorang lelaki dan anak zinanya kerana walaupun nasab antara mereka berdua tidak diiktiraf Syarak namun dari segi hakikat kejadian anak itu tetap anaknya kerana ia datang dari benihnya. Maka anak zina dari segi hokum perkahwinan tetap tertakluk dengan ayat "Diharamkan ke atas kamu mengahwini ibu-ibu kamu dan anak-anak perempuan kamu....." (Surah an-Nisa', ayat 23). Adapun hokum berkenaan perwarisan, pewalian, nafkah, penyusuan dan sebagainya -yang selain dari perkahwinan, maka ia tertakluk dengan hokum nasab. Oleh kerana nasab mereka berdua tidak diakui Syarak, maka tiada hak-hak tersebut bagi si anak. Adapun bagi masalah perkahwinan, ia tidak tertakluk kepada hukum nasab dalam masalah ini tetapi tertakluk kepada hukum kejadian.

Pandangan yang ditarjih oleh para ulamak terkemudian ialah pandangan kedua iaitu pandangan jumhur. Malah semua institusi fatwa yang menjadi sandaran di dunia hari ini (Mesir, alAzhar, Saudi) berpegang dengan pandangan mengharamkannya.

Wallahu a'lam.


1. Al-Mausuah al-Fiqhiyyah al-Kuwaitiyyah.

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 Author| Post time 3-6-2015 11:46 AM | Show all posts
prettyuglybabe replied at 3-6-2015 11:14 AM
walaupun halal katanya, ada ke korang pernah dengar bapak kawin anak dengan sengaja??
poyo benar na ...

Tak dengar org buat sebab org tak sanggup ikut ajaran terlampau tak masuk akal. Betul tak.

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 Author| Post time 3-6-2015 11:48 AM | Show all posts
abbyhoney replied at 3-6-2015 11:44 AM
Soalan; Minta  ...

Adam & Hawa siapa pula yg nikahkan. Ada nikah atau tidak.

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Post time 3-6-2015 11:59 AM | Show all posts
Alion replied at 3-6-2015 03:46 AM
Tak dengar org buat sebab org tak sanggup ikut ajaran terlampau tak masuk akal. Betul tak.[/backco ...

Bila dah terjadi ha, baru ternganga tak tau nak salahkan sapa. Dah shafie kata boleh.

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Post time 3-6-2015 12:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kekdahnyer Ada ke bapak zina nak kawen dgn anak zina heols?jijik okay

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Post time 3-6-2015 12:07 PM | Show all posts
Alion replied at 3-6-2015 11:48 AM
Adam & Hawa siapa pula yg nikahkan. Ada nikah atau tidak.

... yg saya paste kan tu saya pernah dgr dlm ceramah agama kt masjid, surau..
pasal pernikahan adam dan hawa..utk lebih jelas sila bertanya ustaz lagi....

kitab Assabi’yaat fi Mawaidzil Bariyyat, Hamisynya al Majalisussaniyah Hal : 111-112,“Setelah Allah SWT menjadikan Hawa dari tulang rusuk Adam yang sebelah kiri, maka Adam memanggil Hawa dengan ucapannya : “Siapa engkau dan untuk siapa engkau?” Hawa menjawab,“Allah menciptakanku untuk keperluanmu.” Adam memanggil, “kemarilah !” Hawa menolaknya, “Tidak, seharusnya kau yang datang kemari.” Kemudian Adam berdiri dan menghampiri Hawa.Sejak itu menjadi kebiasaan seorang lelaki yang mendatangi perempuan. Setelah Adam mendekat ke Hawa dan tangannya hendak menjamahnya, terdengarlah seruan, “Hai Adam tahan dulu! Sesungguhnya hubunganmu dengan Hawa itu belum halal  kecuali dengan membayar Mas kawin dan  menikah yang sah.”Lalu Allah SWTmemerintahkan penghuni sorga menghiasi dan memajangnya serta menghadirkan segala macam  hidangan juga diperintahkanlah para malaikat berkumpul di bawah pohon ‘Thuba’. Setelah semua berkumpul lalu dimulai acara dengan memuji Allah swt kemudian  Allah swt menikahkan Adam dengan Hawa. Dan Allah berfirman :  “Al Hamdu itu pujiku, keagungan  itulah kain-Ku  kesombongan itulah selendang-Ku dan makhluk semua itu adalah hamba-hamba-Ku. Aku persaksikan kepada malaikat-Ku dan penduduk langit-Ku bahwa Aku telah nikahkan Hawwa dengan Adam makhluk ciptaanku yang baru.”


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 Author| Post time 3-6-2015 12:17 PM | Show all posts
abbyhoney replied at 3-6-2015 12:07 PM
... yg saya paste kan tu saya pernah dgr dlm ceramah agama kt masjid, surau..
pasal pernikahan ad ...

Macamana Allah menikahkan. Adakah Allah melafazkan akad nikah & disambut oleh Adam.

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Post time 3-6-2015 12:29 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 3-6-2015 12:34 PM | Show all posts
primemova replied at 3-6-2015 09:17 AM
Di saat bangsa lain berlumba lumba mencipta teknologi modern, ummah melayu islam masih lagi duduk be ...

setiap orang atau setiap jawatan sudah dibahagi-bahagi tugas masing masing. Mana yang bahagian mencipta teknologi akan melakukan tugas dia dan mana yang bahagian agama akan melakukan tugas dia. kalau semua orang tumpu nak cipta teknologi sapo pulak yang nak jadi ustaz, bankers, guru, doktor dan sebagainya. Ahli keluarga ko semua sedang cipta teknologi ke?

Dalam berjuta umat islam kat malaysia atau manusia ni tak semua tahu tentang hukum hakam yang berat berat. Kebanyakkan hanya tahu yang asas sahaj. kalau tidak diberi penerangan sampai bila mereka takkan tahu.

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