Thought safely entombed in a crypt deep beneath the unforgiving desert, an ancient queen (Sofia Boutella) whose destiny was unjustly taken from her is awakened in our current day, bringing with her malevolence grown over millennia and terrors that defy human comprehension. From the sweeping sands of the Middle East through hidden labyrinths under modern-day London, The Mummy brings a surprising intensity and balance of wonder and thrills in an imaginative new take that ushers in a new world of gods and monsters.
Post time 19-12-2016 10:15 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
ramai gak yg tak stuju reboot mummy franchise ni kan.. siap ber hash tag notmymummy.. sebab vibe dia berbeza n ramai yg prefer brendan fraser over tom cruise
mummy ni takda kaitan dgn mummy brendan fraser
ni remake classic hollywood
nanti dia nak buat cinematic universe sendiri ala ala marvel cinematic universe, nanti akan ada invisible man, wolf man, dll
Post time 26-12-2016 09:13 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by Levespa at 27-12-2016 10:21 AM
sekngucing replied at 26-12-2016 08:15 PM
mummy ni takda kaitan dgn mummy brendan fraser
ni remake classic hollywood
nanti dia nak buat cine ...
yg mummy trilogy lakonan brendan fraser tu pun remake dari the classic 1930's punya the mummy.. producer utk the mummy trilogy (1999-2008) dan the mummy 2017 pun org yg sama( sean daniel)
cuma yg ni bukan remake.. yg ni reboot.. meaning dia tukar character dan jalan cerita, tapi still franchise yg sama..also distributed by universal studios..
sebab tu till today masih ada peminat brendan fraser yg tak boleh move on..they prefer a sequel with brendan fraser, not a reboot with a whole new character.. but oklah.. layan je la movie ni nanti..