Elisa is a mute, isolated woman who works as a cleaning lady in a hidden, high-security government laboratory in 1962 Baltimore. Her life changes forever when she discovers the lab's classified secret -- a mysterious, scaled creature from South America that lives in a water tank. As Elisa develops a unique bond with her new friend, she soon learns that its fate and very survival lies in the hands of a hostile government agent and a marine biologist.
Post time 8-10-2017 12:38 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Actually iols dah lama terpikir nak buka benang ni tapi asyik tertangguh niat itu.
Thanks tt tapi kenapa letak nama Michael Shannon sorang aje dlm tajuk thread..actually kak Sally Hawkins punya watak la yg paling memberi impak tau dalam filem ni.
malas nk spoiler lebih2, tp sis rasa citer ni idakla sefairytale mana. tema movie ni adalah kesepian. kegagalan seseorang utk jumpa the one. sbb tu kawan2 si elsa ni, Giles si jobless gay tua dan zelda, kawan sekerja die yg dh kawen dgn sorg lelaki yg tak sayangkan dia, termasukla dr helfapebendantah perisik rusia yg menyamar jd org us tu sanggup amek risiko tolong elsa. sbb diorg paham elsa dah jumpe her one true love. sis paling terkesan dgn dialog zelda, masa tu si jahat colonel strickland tu ugut nk bunuh zelda kalau tak beritau mana lokasi zelda dan makhluk air tu, tp laki die plak yg gi bocor rahsia. 'you don't understand. you will never understand'.
and another thing, citer ni sbnrnye flashback yg diceritakan oleh giles. so you'll never know if elisa actually survived and live happily ever after ataupun tak. and that poem. omg, sis memang terbuai-buai sungguh.
“Unable to perceive the shape of You, I find You all around me. Your presence fills my eyes with Your love, It humbles my heart, For You are everywhere.”
and the villain tu memang, eh geram tak terkata la jugak.
pd pendpt sis, mmg movie ni takkan masuk malaysia kot. sbb the sex and masturbation scenes tu pd pendpt sis mmg diperlukan utk menunjukkan yg elisa ni takdela senaif mana pun.
sis kasi 5 out of 5 utk movie ni. del toro is back lepas kegagalan crimson peak hari tu.
1. I suka sebab cerita yang tak berat, senang faham, watak pun tak banyak.
2. Gambaran tahun 60s yang memang menepati sangat apa yang I nak tengok, the outfits, set, building, music, tak over & just nice.
3. Ada elemen sastera yang tak membosankan, the poem, painting.
My rate: 4.5
(Meant to give 5 but how I wish to see more scenes masa Elisa berkawan dengan creature tu dekat lab & macam mana hidup diorang lepas diorang lari ke laut - biarlah tak masuk akal pun.)
masa manja tgk trailer movie ni nampak menarik..good cast, ade creature mcm dlm hellboy tu..laa..director same rupenye
hellboy pun i tgk sekerat je..x sampai habis cause byk sgt creatures..buat semak & sakit mata je..
& kebetulan tgk Pan's Labyrinth punye trailer..& the dark side behind this movie, sinopsis skali..too creepy & freaky for me so mmg x tgk
then terjumpe youtuber yg mengupas about this movie, quite interesting sbb masa i bukak thread ni x terfikir pun ke arah tu he said that the main theme of this movie kisah percintaan antara manusia & binatang...same like Beauty & the Beast in other words it promotes "Beastiallity" = is a word describing sex between a human and an animal. so i was like nyesal pulak bukak thread ni.
anywho antara filem fav i arahan Del Toro "acific Rim 2013" & "Blade 2"...
ah ai like ur point..
memang pelik kan mat salleh nih promote crita seksual antara manusia & binatang, or wateva it is..
so kekadang trailer memang nampak ok, but keep a lookout on storyline or parents guide..
cause not all movie is for everyone, esp kita orang asia nih
mmg pelik u. 4 me mmg interesting pandangan & pendpt youtubers ni tentang isi sesuatu filem tu yg tersirat & tersurat semua ada & mmg open minded & outspoken...the best part mmg ape yg die org kata tu betul on point!..
zaman budak2 dulu masa i tgk Beauty & The Beast versi kartun...i was thinking mesti...moral of the story is "love is blind" gituww....
terima la si die seadanye..walaupun x ensem mana
omg! how wrong was i?? ..if your bf rupenye mcm kerbau..then there is something really wrong with u...that is the moral of the story ahahah
kita tgk movies ni as entertainment.
xsangka plak maksud tersirat movie omputeh ni pelik2 n deep.
pasni nk tgk movie cartoon pn kena tapis takot nti ada tsirat tsurat pelik2.