Edited by CikBersahaja at 4-5-2018 07:46 PM
What I wrote for Allahyarham Zulfarhan Osman. The way he smiled, the way his smile is contracted is akin to my darling brother's smile. The resemblance in the smiles is so striking, causing me to feel so deeply for this young man. I wrote this, as if I'm that sister who mourns the death of a little brother, regardless if I don't personally know him.
You're loved and so deeply missed, Zulfarhan. How our hearts are still aching.
Dear young man,
I feel so so so sorry for you.
For everything you've had to go through.
When they wildly accuse you.
When they inexorably taunted you.
When they monstrously beaten you.
When they shamelessly call for help; finally by law, after being total vigilante on you. I am so so so sorry for the pain, numbness, confusion and humiliation they've caused you.
Dear young man,
The news of your untimely passing caused my heart to shatter.
Boy, you're as young as my brother!
Couldn't they atleast be listening to what you mutter?
But heck no, they chose to let you suffer!
Weren't they thinking how much pain have they caused your mother?
And your father?
The family altogether?
Wouldn't they know that amount of pain shall haunt your loved ones forever?
But heck no, they chose to instead let your suffer!
How selfish of them to deny you from everything life could offer.
Well now the game is over.
It's finally time to face the hot water.
Dear young Sir,
In your name, justice is what we chase.
Rest in peace, now you're in a better place.
Me, a sister.
170606![](https://www.google.com/search?q=kes+zulfarhan+osman+terkini&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi3qoXH3-vaAhWKL48KHcAxD_MQ_AUICigB&biw=1440&bih=794#imgrc=7e8RBkJ7xod5FM:) ![](http://border=0)