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Pelik dengan sikap org melayu.. sexual knowledge/awareness
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aku pelik. tapi tak hairan pon. tadi aku saje saje la browse kat sini, pastu aku aku nampak topic ni.. aku pon bacalah
"korang nie berapa kali main dalam seminggu?"
tapi aku rasa poster tu dah ubah la ayat ayat dia masa aku baca.. from the replies, i can assume he or she is asking about how many times do you have sex with prostitute...
what amaze me is how so many people stright away condemn him asking that question... and at the end the topic got closed...
i think this is the typical malaysian (especially) malay mentality about sexual awareness... we just dont wanna know if the issue is bad...even if it is acually happening is our everyday life, how bad/hard is it to say/reponse to the question like this
- never
- 0
- nil
- going to prostitute will get u aids
- sex with protitue is haram
and if there are people confessed, we can try to give advises.. and from this question maybe we can get a picture how severe is the problem in malaysia too...
sorry to say it again, this is very typical malay attitude.. for example many of our young ones have sex nowdays.. but most of us just shrugged it off.. we dont wanna know about it.. until it happen to your son/daugther/love one
[ Last edited by Lordraziel at 27-2-2009 02:28 AM ] |
Balas #2 atomicman\ catat
Panjang ni <~~~~~~~> ![](static/image/smiley/default/cry.gif) |
Originally posted by atomicman at 27-2-2009 10:44 AM ![](
well said
benda ni la aku dok ckp dr dulu lg...bila org tnya sikit,atau cthnya pompuan tu terpregnent n mintak nasihat kat kompem2 ada la dua 3 ekoq forumer kt sini..keja nk ko ...
ko nak org beri komen positif macam mana? cuba ko bagi contoh.. aku cabar ko buat satu karangan esei nasihat positif bernas ko kat sini..
berdasarkan dari permasalahan org2 yg berzina ni.. then we will complaint ur complaint...
before u start complaining other malays complaints... |
Reply #1 Lordraziel's post
i am very agree with this...this is Malay attitudes....
always find something to be blamed but not find the way to solve the problem...
aku pon perasan gak...
bile org nak luahkan problem dier..especially berkaitan sex problem or sex orientation problem or etc...
mesti ade forumer akan cakap camnih..."itu awak ker???mengaku jer lah...tak payah la cakap itu kawan awak..."
betol tak...![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif) |
Reply #5 far-risk's post
Nak buat cmne...tu lah environment Melayu kita ni bukan la untuk sbb2 tertentu...bila hal2 yg berkaitan dgn isu zina/sex ni...taboo sgt...aku admit la...aku sendiri pun tak setuju perbuatan seks luar nikah ni...n aku sendiri pun rasa tak mampu nk terima pasangan dr golongan mcm kalau org datang minta pandangan/nasihat n luah kn cerita peribadi or cerita kawan2...aku sgt2 tak setuju bila ada suara2 kutuk or hina diorg ni...
Ape yg buat kita rasa kita ni mulia dr dia ?? mane kita tau solat kita diterima semua nya ?? n solat org tu Tuhan tolak 100%...kalau diorg da insaf bertaubat semua...mungkin diorg lg mulia dr kita...kita bukan Tuhan nk jatuhkn hukuman pada org lain...lg teruk...kita mungkin tak sedar ape yg kita ckp tu mungkin buat dia lagi jauh dr agama n masyarakat...mungkin org tu dah insaf nk minta panduan apa nk buat, nk bertaubat mcm mane, nak atasi masalah ketagihan seks cm ne atau ape saje lah masalah diorg...dan diorg tak tahu mcm mane nk mulakan penghidupan baru sbb sifat segelintir yg sibuk nk komen mcm2...kutuk lg...hina lg...diorg ni jadi lagi hanyut...bagi aku cukup tu dah sedar dia salah...dah tau pun perbuatan tu berdosa ape semua...jgn la kita terus nk beban kn dia lg...kita ni sama je la teruk nya kalau kita buat mcm tu...umpama nye kita nampak org jatuh tepi jalan...kita pergi pijak dia n gelak2 kn dia sambil kutuk dia sbb dia dah jatuh...
Yang terbaik bagi aku...kita bagi panduan...jgn biar diorg ni sorg2...diorg perlu bantuan...bila diorg da post kt forum ni ceritakn hal masalah peribadi...cukup la kita tanye sket2 ttg background problem dia...pastu try la bimbing dgn cara yg berhikmah...stengah org dlm situasi cm ni mental dia dlm state yg sgt fragile...jgn hancurkn sedikit harapan pada diri diorg ni...pastu kalo kita nmpk ada yg sibuk nk kutuk2 ape sume kita jgn lupa la back up org bermasalah ni...bkn pertahankn perbuatan tak betul diorg pertahankn la diorg as someone yg perlukn bantuan untuk restart balik life to lead to something new...
[ Last edited by digitalgunner at 28-2-2009 01:50 AM ] |
Reply #1 Lordraziel's post
betul betul. Orang melayu banyak taboo pasal kelamin. |
we don't ask more on sexual stuffs and sexual transmitted disease, we become ignorant of the current problem.
we start asking around and creating awareness, they say we're promoting sex especially premarital and free sex.
how? ![](static/image/smiley/default/sweat.gif) |
Originally posted by far-risk at 28-2-2009 12:45 AM ![](
i am very agree with this...this is Malay attitudes....
always find something to be blamed but not find the way to solve the problem...
aku pon perasan gak...
bile org nak luahkan problem dier ...
macam aper yg pernah ko tanya ari tu ker ....
besa la budak2 .... explore ...
... not all comments given are bad ... some may give good guidance / opinion base on own experience ...
other than education ... probably this is the board U can find funny and irreleven question and answer ...
and the other thing.. this sex education board .... not 18 SX board ... |
Originally posted by digitalgunner at 28-2-2009 01:49 AM ![](
Nak buat cmne...tu lah environment Melayu kita ni bukan la untuk sbb2 tertentu...bila hal2 yg berkaitan dgn isu zina/sex ni...taboo sgt...aku admit la...aku sendiri pun tak ...
again..well said! :handshake:
dan tunggu la..nanti ada la org terhina sana ready...;) |
Originally posted by Jesse_Mccartney at 28-2-2009 02:05 PM ![](
macam aper yg pernah ko tanya ari tu ker ....
besa la budak2 .... explore ...
... not all comments given are bad ... some may give good guidance / opinion base on own experience ...
other t ...
yg merapu tu mmg patut kena mrh..mcm thread ubat kuat,dan benda2 yg lain yg kita tau merapu... tp kalu thread tnya cmna nk atasi onani,pregnent,apa patut dilakukan,etc...yg tu tlg la...betul atau x tu lain janji kita a good citizen...![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Rilex ah...
Kalo xde komen2 yg bersifat kondem kat dlm any forum,x meriah la..
Tul dak Mod??![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif)
BTW, Ignorance is bliss..WHY?
Ignorance is bliss because if you don't know something, it can't hurtyou. As children, people are themselves and get along much better. Themore we age, the farther we lose who we are and begin to restrainourselves for fear of others. As we grow older, we become increasinglyaware of pain and suffering, and the more we know about everythingwrong in the world, the more we lose our innocence and become less'blissful'. I read once that when we lose the innocence of childhood,we become compassionate. That's the start of adulthood. We loose ourignorance and bliss with innocence, but we gain knowledge, compassion,and understanding. |
Kalau pasal kes 'ter' tu mmg aku kurang setuju la terus nak kondem si tukang tanya tu.....walaupun memang apa dia buat tu salah. Kalau nak 'marah' pun buat la cara berhemah dan terhormat. Tapi kita takleh pulak buat 100% sikap 'tak apa' sebab nampak macam kita menggalakkan pulak....
Dan pasal thread berapa kali main dengan pelacur tu...baca pesanan penaja ni dah cukup la kan.....
Any other postings which are non-educational and or personalinterest will be deleted How educational would that thread be? |
Habislah ketuanan Melayu macam ni.
Oops silap kawasan. Ingatkat kat Isu Semasa. |
kebanyakan forumer2 kat dalam ni kurang menggunakan psychology approach... |
Originally posted by Urban_Iz at 1-3-2009 10:10 PM ![](
kebanyakan forumer2 kat dalam ni kurang menggunakan psychology approach...
yup..setuju...byk guna direct n negative approach... |
Reply #19 atomicman's post
aku bukan nak tunjuk pandai atau merendahkan sesapa, tapi kengkadang aku tengok mereka yang lebih tahu tentang ilmu agama pon buat benda yang sama...
lagi satu, kalau orang mula mintak pendapat untuk bertaubat, ada yang terus condemn plak...sepanjang aku hidup, aku baru terjumpa 2 orang ustaz yang mempunyai pendekatan yang berbeza dalam menangani isu sebegini...ustaz2 ni la yang patut dicontohi... |
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