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APakaH mkNE MimPI nI??
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sorg member aku tnye ape mkne mimpi dia...aku xdpt jwpn
nk tnye korg2 kt cni kalau ade yg prnh tdengar ke?! {:1_122:}
dia mimpi suasana org meninggal..bkn mimpi org yg meninggal
cnth nye ada org kampung dia meninggal (tp xtau sape)..
selalu yg aku dgr kalau mimpi org meninggal mkne nye umur org yg kite mimpi 2 insya allah umur ni dia mimpi SUASANA org2 kampung urus kn kematian... huhu
bila aku dgr pn agk menginsaf kn lah jugak diri aku ni...{:1_126:} |
mainan tido je tu kot..mimpi2 ni xpayah nak ambik berat sangat kot...huhu |
walau pn da berulang kali dia mimpi bnde yg sme?? |
TT,g tanya tokmanting..dia tau... |
sila la keluar waha tok manting ku
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mimpi bkn mainan tidur, ada mimpi merupakan signal dan ada mimpi merupakan gangguan syaitan, bergantung kpd tidur kita. kalau kita tidur dlm keadaan bersih dan berwuduk, jika mimpi yg sama berulang2, maybe itu adalah 'signal'. ustaz dr darussyifa ajar aku, kalau mimpi benda yg tak baik spt kematian, kebakaran dll, bila kita sedar atau tersedar, ludah 3X sebelah kiri dan tidur kembali mengiring ke sebelah kanan. ini adalah cara yg rasulullah ajar bg mengelak drp mimpi buruk itu terjd benar2 kpd kita. |
dulu ada sekali berlaku kebakaran dahsyat di rmh setinggan, x silap aku kt jln klang lama, seluruh kwsan terbakar, salah sorang mangsa, makcik 40an ckp sebelum kejadian dia sudah beberapa kali bermimpi melihat suasana kebakaran itu, benda yg sama berulang2....sebenarnye itu adalah petanda, tp oleh krn ramai diantara kita ni kurang 'ilmu', tak tahu cara yg rasulullah ajar utk mengelak dr mimpi menjd benar, kita biarkn aje mimpi itu ibarat dia itu mainan tidur |
mimpi bkn mainan tidur, ada mimpi merupakan signal dan ada mimpi merupakan gangguan syaitan, bergantung kpd tidur kita. kalau kita tidur dlm keadaan bersih dan berwuduk, jika mimpi yg sama berulang2, ...
apa2jelah Post at 24-2-2010 11:18 AM ![](
owhh..kene ludah ek...abih busuk la tilam aku...
tp cane ek klo org tuh realitinye tngah koma dlm mimpi die sihat cam biase....anybody knows...?? |
i have no answer for you. but just wanted to say that aku tersenyum tengok thread ni. I've been waiting for one for a few weeks, I knew there's one coming soon. A friend of mine pointed out last year that board ni banyak tol thread pasal mimpi. She's right, I just searched and there must be over 30 open threads on mimpi here. We sure love this subject.
Aku ade 3 soklan kepada ahli-ahli board ni.
1) Apekah hukum menafsir mimpi and mempercayai tafsiran mimpi?
2) Bolehkah tafsiran mimpi itu dibuktikan kebenarannya?
3) Rugi ke kalau tak tau makna mimpi kita? |
mimpi bkn mainan tidur, ada mimpi merupakan signal dan ada mimpi merupakan gangguan syaitan, bergantung kpd tidur kita. kalau kita tidur dlm keadaan bersih dan berwuduk, jika mimpi yg sama berulang2, ...
apa2jelah Post at 24-2-2010 10:18 ![](
ooo kne ludah ke..?
tp ludah btol2 smpi kuaq ayq liuq ka ludah pki hujung lidah ja??
kalau btol2 hbs bsh la tilam mber aku 2..huhu
anyway tq 4 da information |
9# kucingblue
Aku ade 3 soklan kepada ahli-ahli board ni.
1) Apekah hukum menafsir mimpi and mempercayai tafsiran mimpi?
setahu aku hukum nye mmg bdosa la kalau kite pcye mimpi klu xblh mentafsir mimpi,cmner lak blh smpi ada buku tntg tafsiran mimpi??
2) Bolehkah tafsiran mimpi itu dibuktikan kebenarannya?
blm blh dikenal pasti lg
3) Rugi ke kalau tak tau makna mimpi kita?
xrugi tp xslh klu kite nk tau kbnrn mimpi 2 |
11# apa2jelah
kalau dpt post skli hadis mengenai tfsrn mimpi 2 |
Hadith - Bukhari 2:468, Narrated Samura bin Jundab
Whenever the Prophet finished the (morning) prayer, he would face us and ask, "Who amongst you had a dream last night?" So if anyone had seen a dream he would narrate it. The Prophet would say: "Ma sha'a-llah"
Hadith - Bukhari 9:119, Narrated AbuHuraira
I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "Nothing is left of the prophetism except Al-Mubashshirat." They asked, "What are Al-Mubashshirat?" He replied, "The true good dreams (that conveys glad tidings)."
Hadith - Bukhari 9:168, Narrated Abu Salama
I used to see a dream which would make me sick till I heard Abu Qatada saying, "I too, used to see a dream which would make me sick till I heard the Prophet saying, "A good dream is from Allah, so if anyone of you saw a dream which he liked, he should not tell it to anybody except to the one whom he loves, and if he saw a dream which he disliked, then he should seek refuge with Allah from its evil and from the evil of Satan, and spit three times (on his left) and should not tell it to anybody, for it will not harm him."
Hadith -Sahih Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 87, Number 115: Narrated Abu Qatada
The Prophet said, "A good dream that comes true is from Allah, and a bad dream is from Satan, so if anyone of you sees a bad dream, he should seek refuge with Allah from Satan and should spit on the left, for the bad dream will not harm him." |
ooo kne ludah ke..?
tp ludah btol2 smpi kuaq ayq liuq ka ludah pki hujung lidah ja??
kalau btol2 hbs bsh la tilam mber aku 2..huhu
anyway tq 4 da information
sAKuRa_204 Post at 24-2-2010 11:28 AM ![](
ludah lor ngan kahak2 sklai.. huhuhu.... |
so, jelas dr hadith2 di atas bila mimpi buruk kita kena ludah 3X belah kiri agar mimpi2 tu tak jd realiti ("and should spit on the left, for the bad dream will not harm him.") |
Post Last Edit by apa2jelah at 24-2-2010 11:45
Some examples of symbolism in the Prophet's or companion's dreams:
1) Cow : Symbolized the believers (who were martyred) on the Day of Uhud in a dream of the Prophet (from Bukhari 4:818, 5:407)
2) Dates, Fresh : good in religion (from Abu Dawud, Narrated Anas ibn Malik)
3) Garden with a pillar in the middle : the garden of Islam (from Bukhari 9:142, Narrated 'Abdullah bin Salam)
4) Milk protruding out of nails or limbs after drinking it : (Religious) knowledge (from Bukhari 9:134, 135, Narrated Ibn 'Umar)
5) Prophet Muhammad : Whoever sees me in a dream then surely he has seen me for Satan cannot impersonate me (from Bukhari 1:110, Narrated Abu Huraira)
6) Shirts, covering various lengths on body on different people : The religion (from Bukhari 9:137, Narrated Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri)
7) Spring, freshwater : ...and he said, "That flowing spring symbolizes his good deeds." (from Bukhair 9:132, Narrated Az-Zuhri)
8) Sword whose blade was broken : the defeat which the Muslims suffered from, the casualities, on the Day of Uhud (from Bukhari 4:818, 5:407)
9) Sword becoming unbroken : victory (conquest of Mecca) and gathering together of Muslims (fromBukhari 4:818, 5:407)
Ini semua antara mimpi2 yg dialami oleh rasulullah dan para sahabat bersama makna mimpi2 tersebut spt yg telah diriwayatkan |
owh...da berkali2..ingat bru sekali mimpi macam 2..dapat jugak ilmu hari ni..![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
owh...da berkali2..ingat bru sekali mimpi macam 2..dapat jugak ilmu hari ni..![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
lana~yana~ Post at 24-2-2010 11:49 ![](
kalau mimpi yg kita dapat tu mimpi buruk, wpun sekali je mimpi, elok kita ikut apa yg rasulullah ajar, wallahua'lam |
1 ilmu pengetahuan lg dpt ri ni |
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