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Solat jamak bagi wanita?

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Post time 8-5-2010 08:50 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Rhyno ada baca hukum wanita dilarang bermusafir tampa mahram di sisi.

Rhyno nak tanya, kalau pelajar2 wanita macam kat universiti pergi program perkhemahan kat sesuatu tempat yang jarak perjalanannya lebih 2 marhalah (90 KM) selama 3-4 hari tanpa mahram masing2, bolehkah mereka jamak solat ketika dalam perjalan pergi? Ada member cakap wanita tak boleh jamak solat ketika dalam sesuatu perjalanan yg jauh jika tiada mahram bersama mereka.....

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Post time 8-5-2010 10:39 PM | Show all posts
Soalan perenggan ke2 tu mungkin yang dimaksudkan ialah solat musafir atau solat qasar.

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Post time 9-5-2010 01:35 AM | Show all posts
ye selalu jamak jgak, tp mahram mmg tak dpt ikut kan, tp mmg kena travel jer camner tuh

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Post time 9-5-2010 02:54 PM | Show all posts
boleh jer la kan.. mana ada dalam syarat jamak/qasar kata mcm tu..

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Post time 9-5-2010 03:07 PM | Show all posts
Setelah diteliti dari setiap sudut dan aspek, maka Jawatankuasa Fatwa Negeri Johor yang bersidang pada 19 Rabiulawal 1422 bersamaan 11 Jun 2001 telah mengambil keputusan seperti berikut :

Alhamdulillah Fatwanya;

Diharuskan musafir bagi wanita untuk tujuan ziarah tanpa suami atau mahram dengan syarat-syarat yang ketat dan disiplin-disiplin yang tertentu :-

1. Aman perjalanan dan terjamin keselamatannya.

2. Suami atau mahram tiada atau kedua-duanya uzur atau tidak dapat bersama disebabkan oleh sebab yang diharuskan syarak.

3. Telah mendapat keizinan suami atau mahram ( jika ada ).

4. Bersama dalam kenderaan yang menghimpunkan ramai penumpang seperti kapal terbang, keretapi atau bas.

5. Bersama dengan kumpulan perempuan yang thiqah ( boleh dipercayai ) dan solihat.

6. Perjalanannya tidak menimbulkan fitnah dan keraguan.

7. Wanita tersebut dari golongan yang sudah berumur.

8. Tujuannya untuk ziarah mengeratkan silaturrahim, terutama yang ada hubungan nasab ( keturunan ) atau ziarah orang sakit atau memenuhi jemputan.

9. Perjalanannya ada mempunyai matlamat tertentu yang diharuskan oleh syarak, bukan untuk semata-mata melancong, berkelah atau dalam bentuk suka-suka sahaja.

10. Mempunyai perbelanjaan cukup untuk menunaikan ziarah iaitu pergi dan balik, juga mempunyai perbelanjaan yang cukup untuk nafkah dan keperluann hidup selepas kembali dari ziarah tersebut.

11. Kesihatan yang baik, tidak menghidap penyakit kronik yang boleh menyusahkan dirinya dan orang lain bersamanya.

12. Dengan perhiasan yang sederhana.

13. Wanita yang hendak pergi itu mestilah dari golongan zat hishmah ( jati diri dan berakhlak mulia ).

14. Bukan dalam 'iddah kematian suami.

15. Undang-undang membenarkannya.

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 Author| Post time 10-5-2010 06:45 PM | Show all posts
Kiranya boleh la mereka jamak/qasar solat ketika dlm perjalanan....?

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Post time 11-5-2010 02:00 PM | Show all posts
Reply 5# lobo85


    Tapi apa pula hukumnya jika isteri yg dalam iddah terpaksa pergi kerana menjalankan tugas. Adakah termasuk dalam kategori ini juga.

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Post time 12-5-2010 09:44 PM | Show all posts
Reply 6# Rhyno
untuk situasi saudari, saya berpendapat ia dibenarkan..

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Post time 12-5-2010 09:45 PM | Show all posts
A Woman Traveling Without a Mahram

By : Shaikh Sâmî al-Mâjid

The Islamic legal rulings that pertain to the daily affairs of life are always connected to the welfare of the people in their individual lives and in their relationships with each other. Such rulings, therefore, have causes that can be grasped by reason and understood in a clear and precise manner.

These rulings differ from those that pertain to acts of worship, since acts of worship are connected to the benefits of the Hereafter and our direct relationship with Allah. Such matters are generally not discernable to the human intellect. Many great scholars have tried to determine the wisdom behind why we do certain things in prayer and in pilgrimage - and quite often they have failed and said: "This is purely a matter that we must accept on faith. Allah knows best about it."

The ruling that a woman may not travel without her husband or a male escort from her immediate family (a mahram) falls under the first category of rulings. We can appreciate the reason for the prohibition. When we understand that the reason for this prohibition is the fear for her sanctity and honor and the fear that she might be taken advantage of or raped, then we know that the issue is one that needs to be weighed in light of the benefits and harm present in a given situation.

Therefore, we have the opinion in Islamic Law that it is permissible for a woman to travel without a mahram when she is reasonably assured of her safety or when traveling poses no more danger for her than staying at home. The latter situation is often the case in non-Muslim countries where walking down her own street can be more dangerous for her and full of temptation that sitting on board an airplane. The environment of an airplane is quite often safer and more wholesome than that of the neighborhood in which she lives.

From this point of departure, we shall present the evidence and juristic reasoning of the people of knowledge:

`Adî b. Hâtim relates that Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said to him: "O `Adî, have you seen al-Hîrah (a region in Iraq)."

`Adî replied: "I have not seen it, but I have heard of it."

Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: "If you live long enough, you will see a woman departing by camel in a litter and traveling until she reaches the Ka`bah without fearing anyone but Allah."

`Adî informs us that he thought to himself: "Where are the robbers and bandits who run rampant through the land?" Then `Adî says: "I have seen a woman travel by camel litter from al-Hirâh to the Ka`bah fearing no one but Allah." [Sahîh al-Bukhârî]

This hadîth shows us that it is permissible for a woman to travel unescorted if the road is safe. Someone might argue that the statement of the Prophet (peace be upon him) is merely reporting that such a thing would one day take place, not that it is permissible. However, this argument is weak. This statement is made in a context of praising Islam and showing its future ascendancy. Therefore, it must be assumed that what is being used to indicate such praise is permissible in and of itself. Moreover, `Adî b. Hâtim saw this woman and did not condemn her action, nor did anyone else.

Al-Bâjî, in al-Muntaqâ, writes: "Perhaps what some of our scholars have said (regarding prohibition) refers only to cases where the woman is alone or with a small group. As for the great caravans and the secure major thoroughfares, they are to me no different than the places of residence that are filled with markets and merchants. In such cases, her safety is secured without the presence of a mahram or female companions. This opinion has been related to us from al-Awzâ`î."

Qâdî `Iyâd, when discussing the prohibition of a woman traveling without a mahram to escort her, says: "This refers only for a young woman. As for an older woman who is less enticing, she can travel anywhere she wants without her husband or a mahram. Ibn Daqîq al-`Id: considers this a specification of a general ruling in consideration of the meaning behind it."

The great jurists Mâlik and al`Awzâ'î - and also al-Shâfi`î in his more prevalent opinion - rule that a mahram escort is not a condition for a woman to make her obligatory pilgrimage. The only condition is that she will be safe on the journey. Al-Shâfî'î says: "Safety can be achieved by her being chaperoned by her husband or her mahram, or by the company of other trustworthy women."

Some scholars have said that if it is safe enough, she needs no one to accompany her. She can travel alone along with the caravans and be safe. This is indicated by the hadîth of `Adî that we mentioned earlier.

Permissibility is even more certain when a woman cannot find a mahram and her best interests are to be secured by her traveling. Permissibility is indisputable in cases where travel becomes a necessity for her, on account of the principle in Islamic Law that necessity makes unlawful things permissible. This is why the scholars have permitted a woman to travel unescorted to emigrate from a non-Muslim country to a Muslim one. In some situations, they even declare such a journey to be obligatory upon her.

And Allah knows best. And may the peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad

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