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Siape percaya pengurus bank kata Lu Gua, 'Lu apa kuasa ambil gua punya IC?'

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Post time 12-6-2011 04:19 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by hdcyng at 14-6-2011 13:42

1. Bank Manager tu bukan Hokkien & bukan org Melaka/Johor , Org Hokkien & org Melaka/Johor burulah pakai Lu & Gua di pasar.
Org Cantonese pakai berkataan Ni, Wo atau Nei.

2. Aku tak pernah rasa ini kes racist, org racist baru rasa begitu. I rasa ini kes polis abuse!

3. Kalau bank manager ditembak mati, polis mesti kata dia langgar polis dgn Avanza.

4. Sejak Aminulrasyid mati, masih ramai org melayu di tembak mati oleh polis secara buta! Bukan shj org Cina!
Pengurus Bank tu dah hantar IC, tapi lesen jatuh di bawah kerusi keretanya & masa tu tak dpt cari.
Apabila dia ambik gambar polis, polis naik angin. Nasib baik tak kena tembak!

5. Kalau dia nak lawan polis, tak kan dia hantar IC kpd polis sebelum pergi balai?

6. Nampak tak kes Teoh Beng Hock dgn kes Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed ape beza?
    Org Cina support Teoh tapi org org Melayu tak ade support Ahmad Sarbani!!!
Cuma DAP Lim Kiat Siang kata mau Royal Commission utk siasat kes Ahmad Sarbani!!!

       Org PAS kena shot sebab serang polis ?
Dua ahli PAS, Suwandi Abdul Ghani, 37, cedera di bahagian dada dan terpaksa menjalani perbedahan di Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Kubang Kerian manakala Muhamad Azman Aziz, 21,cedera di leher dan dirawat di Hospital Nur Zahirah, Kuala Terengganu.

Siape blh percaya pengurus bank tak tahu cakap Saya awak tapi kata Lu Gua???????
Yg terpenting pengurus bank ini berkata, dia tak pernah berkata'Lu apa kuasa ambil gua punya IC?'

Cakap begita kena jail 4 hari!
Hidup Umno punya body guard!

Hazlan Zakaria
Jun 11, 11

Pengurus bank Hiew Kok Ming, ditahan, digari dan ditahan tiga hari di lokap ibu pejabat trafik Melaka Tengah akhir bulan lalu hanya kerana tidak memakai tali pinggang keledar ketika memandu.

Bagaimanapun, beliau dituduh menghalang polis daripada menjalankan tanggungjawabnya.

Hiew Kok Ming press conferenceHiew, 26, didakwa mempersoalkan tindakan seorang anggota berpangkat sarjan yang cuba menghentikannya dengan berkata: "Lu apa kuasa mahu ambil gua punya lesen dan IC?"

Kata-kata itu membuatkannya bermalam di lokap.

Hiew (kiri) hari ini bagaimanapun dengan bahasa Melayu yang lancar menafikan dakwaan terhadapnya itu.

Menurutnya, sarjan tersebut naik angin apabila beliau mengambil gambarnya dan dengan segera menghubungi kereta peronda dan empat lagi pegawai untuk menahannya.

Hiew juga mendakwa semasa ditahan, beliau tidak dimaklumkan haknya oleh pihak polis dan tidak membenarkannya memnghubungi keluarha dan kawan-kawannya.

Edmund Hiew (kiri) menunjukkan gambar polis yang dia ambil pada hari dia ditahan kepada Ahli Parlimen Segambut Lim Lip Eng. — Gambar oleh Jack Ooi

“I was accused of obstructing a civil servant from carrying out his duties by uttering to the police sergeant, ‘Lu apa kuasa mau ambik gua punya IC dan lesen’ (What powers do you have to take my IC and licence?),” Hiew reportedly said in an online newsportal, but denied saying those words.
Hiew, who admitted he did not wear his seat belt, said he cooperated with the sergeant and had handed over his identity card and driving licence.
But he alleged that the sergeant became angry when he took pictures of the situation. The officer even allegedly threatened to put Hiew in jail and inform his employer so that he would be fired.



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Post time 12-6-2011 04:21 PM | Show all posts
sapa suh cakap kurang ajar...

dah memang kuasa polis nak tgk ic dan lesen...lain la orang biasa (awam) duk tahan beliau dan mintak ic dan lesennya...

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Post time 12-6-2011 04:24 PM | Show all posts
Tak lancar berbahasa Malaysia: Sendiri punya kebodohan laaa. Duduk kat Tanah Melayu tapi tak mau cakap Melayu.

Suka lawan polis: Mejoriti polis adalah Melayu. Cina ni memang pantang bertuankan Melayu. Dia nak Melayu tunduk kepadanya mcm buruh kasar tunduk kepada tokey boss Cina. Itu pasal selalu gaduh antara polis dan Cina.

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Post time 12-6-2011 04:25 PM | Show all posts
'lu'...adalah bahasa sangat kasar....

tak sekolah ka ambik bahasa malaysia...

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Post time 12-6-2011 04:26 PM | Show all posts
seb baik bukan tongkatwaran yg bukak thread nih..

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Post time 12-6-2011 04:27 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2# noor2

Dari cite kat atas tu, mcm polis tu dah belit sikit cerita asalnya Noor.....
Sbenarnya polis tu marah pemandu tu ambik gambor....terus di panggil anggota lain, tahan mamat ni.....
Tiba kat balai, dia di dakwa kata- "Lu apa kuasa ambil gua punya IC?"....(tak tau yang mana satu betul).....

mmm....mcm2 cite boleh di olah......

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Post time 12-6-2011 04:29 PM | Show all posts
Reply  noor2

Dari cite kat atas tu, mcm polis tu dah belit sikit cerita asalnya Noor.....
Sbena ...
jazaa Post at 12-6-2011 16:27

    tak kira kalau kita sendiri ditahan oleh polis...apa hak kita nak menanya...cakap pun layan baik2..ada sebab la polis tu tahan...tak de maknanya polis nak menahan tetiba...mcm kita juga pernah ke kena tahan selama kita tak buat kesalahan?

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Post time 12-6-2011 04:32 PM | Show all posts
Cerita Sebenar

Police give their take on lock-up row                                                                                                                                        Teoh El Sen |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

PETALING JAYA: A bank manager was arrested for refusing to produce his identity card and driving licence and not because he was not wearing a seat belt, Malacca police chief SAC I Chua Ghee Lye said today.

He said that police did not abuse their power when they detained the bank manager, Edmund Hiew Kok Ming, who is also a DAP member.

“The incident occurred on Jalan Laksamana Cheng Hong at about 9pm on May 28. The manager together with three other persons were in a Toyota Avanza when a traffic officer noticed that the driver was not wearing a seat-belt,” Chua told FMT.

He said that when the police officer tried to flag down the car, the driver at first refused to halt. He only stopped after some 150 metres down the road.

“When the officer asked the driver for his IC and licence, he refused to give. He even told my officer he had no authority to ask for his licence. The officer explained to the bank manager that he was only doing his duty.

“After several attempts, the man surrendered his IC but still refused to hand over his licence. He only gave a receipt of his renewed licence. He even started scolding my officer in Chinese,” said Chua.

He said the officer then warned Hiew that he was obstructing the law by not producing his document. It was only when the officer called for back-up that the driver relented and produced his licence.

“Yes, he did take a photograph of the policeman but that’s not an issue. There’s nothing wrong with taking a picture; we did not arrest him for that,” said Chua.

He said that Hiew’s case had been submitted to the deputy public prosecutor to decide if there is a case, adding that the police would also be taking down a few more statements.

Sufficient grounds

On the allegation that the police did not inform Hiew of his offence, Chua said it was done as it was part of the standard procedures.

“However, I am told that he was informed of his rights to a lawyer but I cannot confirm it,” he added.

“The DAP wants to bring up this issue and I cannot fault them. It is doing its job as an opposition party,” he said.

“But as far as we’re concerned, the manager had committed an offence by questioning police’s authority… The public should be aware that whenever a policeman asks for your identity card, you are legally bound to hand it over,” he said.

When asked why Hiew was held for three days, Chua said the remand order was sought to record all the necessary statements.

“The magistrate must have been satisfied that there are sufficient grounds to hold him longer… perhaps he was hostile or uncooperative,” said Chua.

Earlier today, Hiew, 26, had reportedly accused the Malacca police of arresting, handcuffing and putting him in the lock-up for three nights for merely not wearing a seat-belt while driving with four friends last month.

Hiew, together with DAP leaders, claimed at a press conference today that the police had abused their powers for detaining him after accusing him of allegedly obstructing them from discharging their duties on the night of May 28.

“I was accused of obstructing a civil servant from carrying out his duties by uttering to the police sergeant, ‘Lu apa kuasa mau ambik gua punya IC dan lesen’ (What powers do you have to take my IC and licence?),” Hiew reportedly said in an online newsportal, but denied saying those words.

Hiew, who admitted he did not wear his seat belt, said he cooperated with the sergeant and had handed over his identity card and driving licence.

But he alleged that the sergeant became angry when he took pictures of the situation. The officer even allegedly threatened to put Hiew in jail and inform his employer so that he would be fired.

The police said Hiew’s offence fell under Section 186 of the Penal Code for trying to obstruct policemen from carrying out their duties.

Hiew was held in the Melaka Tengah police station and then transferred to the traffic station before being released on May 31.

He also alleged that the police did not tell him the grounds for his arrest, which, according to lawyer and DAP’s Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng, was the right of a detained person.

Lim also said that police contravened Section 28A of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) by not telling Hiew that he had the right to see a lawyer.

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Post time 12-6-2011 04:32 PM | Show all posts
amek/tengok lesen dan pegang lesen tu benda yg berbeza kan ?kalu tak silap wa cina ni mmg bodoh,,jenis cina bukit yg tak beradab,,,,,

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Post time 12-6-2011 04:36 PM | Show all posts
tindakan2 cina tu kurang ajar dan provok polis

mmg patut kena tahan...

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Post time 12-6-2011 04:36 PM | Show all posts
sory bro    i hnya mnjalnkan tugas

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Post time 12-6-2011 04:37 PM | Show all posts
Cina ni sikit2 ngadu kat DAP ... Sikit2 kat DAP .... DAP itu puppet PAP Singapork. Inilah laknatullah yang bawak masuk Yahudi Zionis ke Singapork untuk membentuk Tentara Singapork a.k.a. Proksi Rejim Zionis di Nusantara. Sila rujuk biografi Lee Kuan Yew.

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Post time 12-6-2011 04:39 PM | Show all posts
sis kabu dah bukak thread pasal nie semalam...

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 Author| Post time 12-6-2011 04:42 PM | Show all posts
Cerita Sebenar

Police give their take on lock-up row                                              ...
TGV Post at 12-6-2011 16:32

    DAP atau MCA tak kira
Lain kali ingat kata,
"Settle sini atau balai?"


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Post time 12-6-2011 04:48 PM | Show all posts
Cina ni sikit2 ngadu kat DAP ... Sikit2 kat DAP .... DAP itu puppet PAP Singapork. Inilah laknatulla ...
cmf_WonBin Post at 12-6-2011 16:37

jgn bagi muka kat cina

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Post time 12-6-2011 04:51 PM | Show all posts
Cina ni sikit2 ngadu kat DAP ... Sikit2 kat DAP .... DAP itu puppet PAP Singapork. Inilah laknatulla ...
cmf_WonBin Post at 12-6-2011 16:37

APCO yahudi kat tanah melayu sape lak bwk msuk

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Post time 12-6-2011 04:51 PM | Show all posts
Jangan lawan beruk-beruk polis ni. Samseng haprak. Tak boleh di bawak berunding.

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Post time 12-6-2011 04:52 PM | Show all posts
cina dap...biasa la...kurang ajag..tu baru dapat kuasa besag kuku...

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Post time 12-6-2011 04:57 PM | Show all posts
Hiew salah. Dasar kegampangan jalanraya ketuanan aku mampo pakai toyota :re:

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Post time 12-6-2011 05:01 PM | Show all posts
Cina ni sikit2 ngadu kat DAP ... Sikit2 kat DAP .... DAP itu puppet PAP Singapork. Inilah laknatulla ...
cmf_WonBin Post at 12-6-2011 16:37

hidup wonbin....

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