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Author: menatang

~MERGED~ Judgment Day, Future Disaster & Pole Shift 2012

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Post time 22-12-2008 12:25 AM | Show all posts

Reply #409 JFK's post

sup selipar ok kaaaa? apa perisa ada?

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Post time 22-12-2008 12:56 AM | Show all posts
"Can the Zetas comment on if this is a black hole? [and from another] Mammoth black hole found at heart of Milky Way ... cat/73/Default.aspx [Dec 11] Astronomers have confirmed that at the centre of the Milky Way is the biggest black hole in our entire galaxy. It's four million times heavier than the sun so dense that even light can't escape its huge gravitational pull."

"Mankind does not understand the nature or function of black holes. They assume that a black hole eats everything in the vicinity such that nothing can escape. They assume this because light does not seem to emerge from a black hole. We have explained that we can route our spaceships through black holes and emerge on the other side. Light does not emerge because it has been forced to combine with other elements and is temporarily not free to move about as photons. This is a concept man does not yet understand, so they misinterpret."

-so ikut makluk zeta,manusia masih tidak memahami black hole yg sebenar black hole boleh digunakan sebagai jalan ke masa dimensi lain....

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Post time 22-12-2008 01:31 AM | Show all posts

Signs of the Second Great Depression, December 20, 2008‏

Signs of the Second Great Depression
Although this is being called merely a "recession" at the present time, the Zetas have stated since 1999 that the globe is in fact in a depression, due to all the Earth changes causing devastation and crop failures. Have they been correct? Six circumstances indicate they are on track.

Point One - joblessness is up, and the current figures released by the government don't tell the whole picture.

Unemployment: Worse Than it Looks
December 15, 2008
To be counted as unemployed in this statistic, a worker must not have a job, be currently available for work, and have actively sought employment within the last four weeks. In other words, a lot of the jobless are left out of the government's tally. Fortunately, digging deeper into the labyrinth of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' (BLS) Web site can offer a more complete, if imperfect, picture of joblessness. Since 1993, the BLS has tracked a category of unemployed called U-6, which captures the total unemployed, plus what the agency calls "marginally attached" workers and those employed part-time "for economic reasons." For November 2008, that rate was 12.5%, nearly double the official unemployment rate and the highest since the government started tracking this category. Some self-employed workers are incorporated into other BLS statistics, but not all of them are counted. That means a good portion of this group, which the Government Accountability Office says makes up 10% of the workforce, isn't properly tracked......

And what did the Zetas say about this matter? That the current figures released by the government are not showing the true depth of the problem....

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Post time 22-12-2008 01:34 AM | Show all posts
ZetaTalk Comment 10/18/2008: This will be called a "recession", but if the true unemployment figures were known, it would have to be declared a depression.

Point Two - the DOW pattern looks suspiciously like the DOW during the Great Depression.

Slope of Dopes
December 3, 2008 While the market will no doubt rally early, at least based on the futures, and we have no clue how much of that is really puffed up money to keep up the illusion that 'all's well'. It ain't. Thus, while we're standing on the front end of a major economic depression, the same mistakes of the early 1930's are being repeated in quadraphonic sound and high def. And what have the Zetas been saying about this situation? They have consistently stated that the DOW was artificially maintained, but would start to reflect its true worth at some point when the rats started turning on each other.

ZetaTalk Explanation 11/22/2008: We stated in the past that the Dow was being maintained because the Plunge Protection Team was asking military industrial companies to buy bad stock in order to keep the price up. Then these same corporations would be compensated by the Department of Defense (DOD), which would allow these corporations to raise their prices.

This practice can only continue with cooperation, and when these corporations fear for their own future, they refuse! Likewise, mutual funds and brokerages were leaned on to hold their sell orders until buyers could be lined up, but this practice does not hold if all fear they will lose out. Control of the Dow has obviously been lost. Look to the Great Depression to see what is ahead.


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Post time 22-12-2008 01:36 AM | Show all posts
Point Three - personal bankruptcies are up, as is the debt load forcing individuals into bankruptcy.
                     -Many are carrying a mortgage that is above what their income can handle, as well excessive debton credit cards.
                    -All of this was encouraged by the banking system, while the Bush administration stood passively by. Businesses are failing too, during the downturn, and with a loss of tax revenues, states are likewise suffering.

Downturn Drags More Consumers Into Bankruptcy
November 15, 2008 The economy's deep troubles are pushing a growing number of already struggling consumers into bankruptcy, often with far more debt than those who filed in previous downturns. Plummeting home values, dwindling incomes and the near disappearance of credit have proved a potent mixture. While all the usual reasons that distressed borrowers seek bankruptcy - job loss, medical bills, divorce - play significant roles, new economic forces are changing the calculus of who can ride out the tough times and who cannot.  Schwarzenegger Declares Emergency: California "Is Headed For A Fiscal Disaster"
December 1, 2008 Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a fiscal emergency Monday and called lawmakers into a special session to address California's $11.2 billion deficit. The state's revenue gap is expected to hit $28 billion over the next 19 months without bold action. The emergency declaration authorizes the governor and lawmakers to change the existing budget within 45 days. The state is likely to run out of cash in February. Schwarzenegger enacted the fiscal emergency under a voter-approved initiative. If the Legislature fails to address the current-year budget deficit within 45 days, the initiative prevents them from acting on any other bills until it's resolved.

Per the Zetas, the crash is due to the Bush administration pumping up the economy with the war in Iraq and the housing bubble, all so he could continue his illegal occupation in Iraq, sitting on the oil fields of the Middle East in anticipation of the pole shift when oil would be treated as black gold.


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Post time 22-12-2008 01:38 AM | Show all posts
ZetaTalk Explanation 11/22/2008:
-The depression that we stated was gripping the world's economies has finally become apparent, but has been in place for years.
-What delayed the bankruptcies and job losses was the US national debt, where so much money was being pumped into the housing bubble and the war bubble.
-This has limits. Since the war in Iraq will end, this being the handwriting on the wall, those corporations supplying the Iraq war are more cautious about increasing their inventory.
-Likewise, those corporations that were involved in the housing boom have become cautious, and all this caution affects every other industry.
-The US as an entity is bankrupt, unable to do anything but print money which as anyone with a historical perspective knows will only devalue the dollar. The hot air supporting the supposed US economy is gone, deflated, and the truth is laid out for all to see.

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Post time 22-12-2008 01:41 AM | Show all posts
Point Four - the bank failure rate is up, with some 25 banks failing since the start of the year. Deregulation was part of the problem.

Bush Administration Weakened Lending Rules Before Crash
December 1, 2008 ... weake_n_147311.html
The Bush administration backed off proposed crackdowns on no-money-down, interest-only mortgages years before the economy collapsed, buckling to pressure from some of the same banks that have now failed.

It ignored remarkably prescient warnings that foretold the financial meltdown. Bowing to aggressive lobbying _ along with assurances from banks that the troubled mortgages were OK _ regulators delayed action for nearly one year.
By the time new rules were released late in 2006, the toughest of the proposed provisions were gone and the meltdown was under way. Many of the banks that fought to undermine the proposals by some regulators are now either out of business or accepting billions in federal aid to recover from a mortgage crisis they insisted would never come. Many executives remain in high-paying jobs, even after their assurances were proved false.

-Per the Zetas, the Bush administration deliberately weakened regulation in order to effect the false sense of economic health they needed to continue their quest for control of the oil fields in the Middle East. Faced now with the consequences of those actions, they are desperate to prevent the same failures that occurred during the Great Depression.

ZetaTalk Explanation 11/15/2008:
-Those who are pondering what bailout steps to take as the economy tanks are considering the lessons of the Great Depression.
-Half the banks failed, with consequent loss of savings by all who had utilized the banks' services. Corporate bankruptcies occurred and massive layoffs, so that individuals went bankrupt likewise.
-Everything wound down and until the New Deal arrived there was no hope of change.
-Those in government want to abort such a downturn, and are thus shoring up banks, ensuring that FDIC insurance is in place, and are trying to reduce corporate bankruptcies.

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Post time 22-12-2008 01:43 AM | Show all posts
Point Six - evidence of a depression, such as homelessness and tent cities, is on the increase. Homelessness and hunger are up in most cities surveyed.

Homelessness, Hunger on Rise in US Cities
December 12, 2008 and hunger increased in an overwhelming majority of 25 US cities in the past year, driven by the foreclosure crisis and rising unemployment. Out of 25 cities across the United States surveyed by the US Conference of Mayors, 83 percent said homelessness in general had increased over the past year while 16 cities, or nearly two-thirds of those polled, cited a rise in the number of families who had been forced out of their homes. Meanwhile, the number of people seeking food assistance for the first time was up in all 21 cities with data on the issue.

-Per the Zetas, this is not altogether grim. Many live in large empty houses, the extended family spread far and wide so that retirees hold homes, young families have homes, single individuals have homes - and all are often lonely and in need of communal living! Such a change is, per the Zetas, not altogether a bad thing!

[ Last edited by  razhar at 22-12-2008 01:48 AM ]

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Post time 22-12-2008 01:45 AM | Show all posts
ZetaTalk Prediction 11/22/2008:

-The distress of the downturn is the number of people becoming homeless or without the funds to maintain a household. Thus, people move in together, and homes that were bleak and lonely suddenly have lots of life!

-People learn to make do, be more resourceful, and discover that junk is useful. They feel creative. They work on the barter system, exchanging services for food, for instance, and all this is so much more real.

-More home gardens, more hands to help on small farms emerge. More home entertainment instead of video games and travel to resorts. All to the good, and a good practice for what is coming after the pole shift.

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Post time 22-12-2008 01:46 AM | Show all posts
Magnetic Breach

Planet X is between the Earth and the Sun, trapping the Earth in its orbit so like a deer in the headlights it cannot escape the approach of Planet X.

Planet X is shrouded by a dust cloud that reflect sunlight back toward the Sun, making it difficult if not impossible to see this planet standing between the Earth and the Sun.

In photos, it looks like a dim fuzzball, if visible at all. The Earth's wobble is one piece of evidence that the Earth is being tugged daily by a magnetic giant, some 4 times the diameter of Earth.

This wobble appeared in early 2004, after Planet X arrived in the inner solar system in 2003. But lately NASA is revealing other clues. One is a breach in the Earth's magnetic field.


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Post time 26-12-2008 03:27 AM | Show all posts


aku ingin menjemput sapa2 yg mempercayai polarshift supaya download video dari leader nancy ni..dan fikir2 lah ek,video ni dlm bentuk vcd/mpeg..aku dah convert dari format asal sebab aku mmg wat koleksi ucapan2 dia..burn kat cd..tq..

[ Last edited by  razhar at 26-12-2008 03:32 AM ]

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Post time 26-12-2008 10:24 AM | Show all posts
yang penting..tanda3 kiamat tuh byk sgt!!!!!!!!!!

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Post time 26-12-2008 11:30 AM | Show all posts

new zealand selamat..

Where New Zealand will remain well above sea level after the shift and polar melts, it will be subject to the same forces during the shift as all other lands. Tidal waves will assault its coastlines, and where cliffs or mountain ranges lie along a coastline, tidal bore can occur, bringing rushing water to a height not expected.

As New Zealand is a land of mountain ranges, stay well inland during the shift, returning to the coastlines only some days after the shift has occurred and the sloshing oceans and high tides have settled. Where New Zealand lies along a fault line, and thus has active volcanoes and geothermal area, due to the tipping up of the plate New Zealand lies on, pressure will be reduced during the hour of the shift, not increased, and the incidence of exploding volcanoes and the like lessened for this reason. In essence, there will be a new space under the tipped plate for lava to fill during the shift, which will reduce the press of lava upward.

Where New Zealand rests primarily on the plate shared with Australia, a fault line runs to the east and to some degree under the land, and this will separate. When the Pacific shortens, the plate to the east of New Zealand will drop below the tipping plate shared with India, bolstering the tip up that New Zealand will experience.

Tipping a plate that plunges, on one end, under a mountain range, will be in the main a continuation of what is already happening. However, for the several hundred feet that Indian will drop below its current sea level, there will be a commensurate raise at the far end of the plate shared with Australia and New Zealand, with the major benefit of this raise at the New Zealand end.

New Zealand can expect, after all the sloshing about has stopped, to find itself 500 feet above the current sea level. With the melting poles expected to raise the sea level between 650 and 700 feet, this gain will disappear, but what the raised land does mean for New Zealand is that more of it's land will be above water after the poles melt, than elsewhere in the world.

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Post time 26-12-2008 01:13 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by blackpearl at 22-9-2008 12:57 PM

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Post time 31-12-2008 10:29 PM | Show all posts
aku rase aku dh leh trimer dah
x guna lari kalo dh sampai masa aku
kalo umo panjang syukur la..
kalo x nk wat camna, bykkan amal

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Post time 1-1-2009 12:08 AM | Show all posts

Reply #422 trebadoure7's post

semenanjung tanah melayu ni mmg tak selamat..kalu kita tak lemas pasal mega tsunami yg ombak nya mengjangkau 100m tinggi ombak..kita akan dihentam dgn suhu sejuk melampau kerana kutub baru terletak di india...

[ Last edited by  razhar at 1-1-2009 10:55 AM ]

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Post time 1-1-2009 12:09 AM | Show all posts
tapi mati lemas ni tak sesakit mati cara lain kot....

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Post time 1-1-2009 09:50 AM | Show all posts

Balas #424 razhar\ catat

wah...aku anggap semua cara mati tu sakit.....

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Post time 1-1-2009 12:20 PM | Show all posts

Gempa Bumi menyebabkan Masa di bumi Lebih Cepat?

Forces less powerful than quake can disrupt Earth's rotation
By Michael Stroh | Sun Staff
January 7, 2005

In the hours after last month's Sumatra earthquake, an astonishing report began to circulate: So potent was the undersea jolt that it disrupted the planet's rotation, causing the day to shorten ever so slightly.

But did it?

"The answer to this question is a definite yes," write NASA scientists Richard Gross and Benjamin Chao in an article published Tuesday in Eos, the weekly newspaper of the American Geophysical Union. After plugging measurements of the Sumatra quake into a computer model, the scientists calculated that the quake sped up the planet's rotation - thus shortening the length of the day - by as much as 2.68 millionths of a second.

They also determined that the quake nudged the North Pole an inch closer to Northern Japan. Perhaps the most surprising thing about these numbers is not their impact on daily life - essentially zilch, the scientists acknowledge - but that a single geophysical event like an earthquake can throw off an entire planet.

It turns out earthquakes are just the beginning. Chao and Gross, who have spent years cataloging and quantifying forces that affect the Earth's rotation and orientation, say that forces ranging from seasonal snowfall to the filling of China's Three Gorges Dam to the surging currents of the Earth's oceans exert a subtle, yet often measurable, influence on the twirl and tilt of the planet.

Theoretically, even an event as mundane as "a bus driving around town," they note, can have planetwide effect. "Anything that moves on the Earth will affect it," says Chao, a geophysicist at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt.

Some forces are more powerful than others, of course. The Sumatra quake was what geologists call a "megathrust" event, which occurs when one massive crustal plate dives beneath another. In this case, the India plate subducted beneath the overriding Burma plate.

When the crustal plates curled together, they unleashed a lethal tsunami and a huge burst of energy. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the magnitude 9.0 Sumatra quake was equivalent to the detonation of 75 million tons of TNT, or 23,000 atomic bombs. They also made the planet more compact, and thus caused it to rotate faster.

"Just like a spinning ice skater who pulls her arms in," says Thomas O'Brian, head of the time and frequency division of the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, Colo.

Gross and Chao may never know if their prediction about the Sumatra quake's impact on the length of the day is correct.

Scientists today measure the Earth's rotation using Global Positioning System satellites and a radio astronomy technique called very long baseline interferometry, or VLBI. However, these techniques are accurate to a mere 20 millionths of a second, not nearly sensitive enough to measure the subtle effect of the Sumatra quake, says Chao. Even if the prediction did turn out to be true, it wouldn't matter much: The quake was small potatoes compared to all the other forces that constantly jostle the planet.

The movement within the Earth's molten core, for example, can torque the planet's rotation by several thousandths of a second.

Weather has a similar influence. A few years ago, Goddard scientists showed that El Nino - a recurring tropical air and water disturbance in the Pacific - could slow the Earth's rotation and shorten the day. The reason: The event causes global air masses to swirl faster. The laws of physics dictate that the planet's rotational speed must slow in response.

As snow blankets the mountains each winter, it shifts enormous weight away from the Earth's core, causing the planet to rotate more slowly. (Think of the spinning ice skater spreading her arms.)

Even the filling of the Three Gorges Dam in China will have an effect: According to Chao's and Gross' calculations, it will lengthen the day by 60 billionths of a second.

All of these influences, however, are dwarfed by the moon's impact on the length of the day.

The moon's gravitational influence is so powerful that it has resulted in a net lengthening of the day over the ages. The effect - known as "tidal braking" - reduces the planet's rotation by a little more than two thousandths of a second per day every century.

It may not sound like much, but consider: Thanks to tidal braking, a clock in 1905 would have read 42 seconds behind a clock today. The phenomenon also explains the occasional need for a "leap second"- to help official atomic clocks keep pace with the planet's slowing rotation.

Chao and Gross, who works at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, say that while their work appears esoteric, it has practical import for NASA.

To know the precise location of all the agency's far-flung spacecraft, it must know the precise location of the antennae it uses to track them. And that, in turn, requires knowing the Earth's rotation and orientation.

NIST's O'Brian says the NASA scientists' work in pinpointing the impact of events like the Sumatra quake on the planet's rotation also offers a lesson.

"It's good for all of us to remember that we live, in some senses, on a really small planet," he says.


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Post time 1-1-2009 12:25 PM | Show all posts
kalau dah mcm tu tak guna nak lari...sampai bila nak lari dari bencana.persiapan diri je dan berdoa tu je mampu bagi aku

[ Last edited by  nazraku at 1-1-2009 12:26 PM ]

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