wa'alaikum mussalam....try yg ni..saya dah banyak donload dan letak kat pc kat surau saya..
ada banyak qari..preview dulu.... http://english.islamway. ...
monorail Post at 8-2-2010 09:35
Salam ... link yg atas tu cam tak leh nak donlod .. link kat bawah tu boleh ... niway terima kasih kerana sharing ....
"Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file" ngape ek ...
"Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not ...
kabintang Post at 10-2-2010 11:22
yg tu semua mp3 file......kabintang ada winamp tak? kalau takde donload winamp dulu....kalau dah ada...cuba right click pas tu open with / choose program....select winamp..insyaAllah boleh
love abd rahman as sudais. teringat time pegi umrah 10 years ago.
yg make it special is because my father passes away masa pegi haji december 2009. so i suka masjidil haram punya imam's bacaan. especially my mother la sbb she went with him together but came home alone.