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Author: hakimi87

FREEMASON dan kaitan dengan Bank Negara

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Post time 18-10-2012 02:10 PM | Show all posts
burungantu posted on 18-10-2012 02:00 PM
Untuk mudahkan Tuan Uneks & Tuan Tuan semua...saya copypaste drp wiki...

Reka bentuk terakhir dip ...


let say.. King Goerge luluskan bendera melesia gune lambang tengkorak.. ape effectnye pada ko????? perkembangan minda ko terencat???

Dr Yeoh doesn't have nothing to do with legislation..dia duduk dalam panel sebab2 medical opinion dia jee..  and so lawyer tu.. law was already set by Parliament.. and senators is law maker.. bukan lawyer.. lawyer cume carry law set by law maker in cabinet ministries... kalau ko tak tau laaaa...

Freemason takde bawak effect ape2 pade aku.. tapi.. kebodohan bangsa aku yg bawa effect kpd aku.. bile semua kecelakan dikatekan freemason yg buat, mcm dah takde bende lain nak blame.

Same mcm kes atas tu... dorang is nothing, they come up with fancy symbol.. then korang pulak kagum2 x tentu arah


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Post time 18-10-2012 03:07 PM | Show all posts
mane pegi pulak burunghantu ni.. kate ketua freemason kt melesia tu kawan dia.. pegi tanye sendiri kot

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Post time 18-10-2012 03:10 PM | Show all posts
unekspekted_XII posted on 18-10-2012 02:10 PM

let say.. King Goerge luluskan bendera melesia gune lambang tengkorak.. ape ef ...


Hehhee...Baguslah macam tu..

Kalau Tuan Uneks iklas mempertahankan kepentingan bangsa macam tu...

Saya tabikk springg...

Saya pun sebenarnya malas nak ambil pusing hal Freemason ni...just sebab dah terrr kenai kenai gitu gitu jlah...haha..

O.K lah Tuan Unek...I salute u...... Kep pup d good work...   

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Post time 18-10-2012 03:10 PM | Show all posts
bestlah topik benang ni....

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Post time 18-10-2012 03:25 PM | Show all posts
burungantu posted on 18-10-2012 03:10 PM

Hehhee...Baguslah macam tu..

sini aku bukti.. kenape aku cakap sangkaa ko tu sume bullshit :

Bendera Melesia dah lame digune pakai.... oleh negeri Johor... a hybrid flag tanda setiakawan Johor dgn Amerika...

Meh sini tengok dekat2.. gambar ni diambil 40 tahun sebelum merdeka.. :

Nampak beendera ape tu?????

So.. Dato' Onn yang incharge mase tu.. then, dia balik, dia tubuhkan UMNO and fight untuk kemerdekaan.. dia gubal constitution, dia yg gubal undang2.. sampaikan bendera pun dtang dari orang2 Dato' Onn yg berkhidmat dalam kerajaan Johor..

And.. orang2 British dalam Colonial Office and yang reside over the bench at House of COmmon semua kenalan2 Dato' Onn dan Sultan Johor.. So takde masalah bagi dorang utk gunekan Bendera Johor sebagai Bendera Melesia. Klu aku bukak untold cerite ni mesti ramai yang sentap, sebab x disangka2 rupenye mereka semua berade didalam jajahan negeri johor

Takde nyeee kait mengait dengan cerite freemason2 ni... hahahhaaaa..

See?? Freemason buat ko jadik dungu..... x nampak fact dgn illusi.


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Post time 18-10-2012 03:49 PM | Show all posts

Wah ...bagus Tuan Uneks byk maklumat Johor..

Bolehlah Tuan Uneks sah kan samada artikel yg ditulis oleh Freemason sendiri ini betoi ke fitnah...

Thanking u in advance..

(maklumat ni boleh jumpa kat Freemason Jurnal seluruh dunia...sampaikan Lebnon Lodge pun ada tulis....)

H.R.H. The Sultan of Johor.
The first member of the Malaysian royalty to become a
Freemason is undoubtedly HRH Colonel Sir Ibrahim, The Sultan
of Johore. His Royal Highness was initiated into Freemasonry
on 11th April 1906 in Empire Lodge No. 2108 in London and on
a subsequent visit was passed to the second degree in the
same Lodge.

After his passing he succeeded to the throne of Johore which
prevented him from returning to England as he took his new
duties and responsibilities very seriously and played a very
active role in the administration and development of the
state . So he remained a Fellow Craft for fourteen years.
Fortunately for Freemasonry, a new Lodge was formed in Johor
Bahru and when His Royal Highness came to know about it he
immediately supported it enthusiastically.

On 5th June 1920 the ceremony of his raising was conducted
by the acting Deputy District Grand Master W.Bro.
W.Makepeace for whom W.Bro. Lodger had vacated the Chair.
It is recorded in the Pentagram that the District Grand
Master was also present. In July 1920 he accepted the
office of Senior Warden when W.Bro. A.J. Shelley Thompson
was the W. Master.

W.Bro. Shelley - Thompson also had the distinct honour and
pleasure of installing His Royal Highness as W. Master in
July 1921 . The Mastership of the Sultan lasted two years
and three months as during this period the Installation
meeting was altered from the 3rd Saturday in July to the
third Saturday in October.

As provided for in the Book of Constitutions His Royal
Highness appointed a Deputy Master and W.Bro. Shelley -
Thompson performed very ably in this position . Although the
Sultan was not regular in his attendance at Lodge Meetings
his contributions to Freemasonry in general and Johore Royal
Lodge in particular were remarkable.

H.R.H. produced a 70 page book which he called "By Laws and
History of Johore Royal Lodge" which was beautifully printed
on art paper . This book contained general information as
well as 54 By - Laws which must have been the most
comprehensive of any Lodge By - Laws anywhere in the Masonic
world. At the top and bottom of each page was a quotation
from the Koran, each of which reflected the principles and
tenets of Freemasonry.

One can imagine how much time and energy must have been
spent in selecting the most suitable verses from the Koran .
In examining this book one has to come to the conclusion
that His Royal Highness believed that the teaching of
Freemasonry are compatible and in conformity with those of
the Koran . Every member of the Lodge was presented with a
copy of this beautiful book and we are fortunate to have one
of the original copies preserved in the Library at
Freemasons Hall London . The Sultan was so keen on
Freemasonry that while he was the Senior Warden his two sons
(Tunku Ismail the Tunku Mahkota and Tunku Abu Bakar the
Tunku Aris Bendahara) were initiated into Freemasonry on
19th March 1921.

His third son Tunku Ahmed was initiated, passed and raised
in Empire Lodge No. 21 08, London and became a Joining
Member of Johore Royal Lodge in the following year. During
his Mastership X His Royal Highness and his three sons were
all officers of the Lodge which must be a unique occurrence
in Masonic history anywhere in the world.

His Royal Highness The Sultan was a most generous benefactor
of the Lodge. He made sure that the Lodge was well housed
and equipped in every sense of the word with an excellent
charity record. Many expenses which should be paid for by
the Lodge were in fact paid by The Sultan himself. At the
end of his two year term of office in the Chair, the Lodge
Reference Committee thought it a splendid idea to mark the
occasion by purchasing its own crockery and cutlery with the
Lodge crest painted or engraved on each piece which even in
those days were not inexpensive. When the bills for these
items arrived the Lodge Committee presumed that HH The
Sultan would be pleased to pay them.

This was a very serious miscalculation, for The Sultan was
furious at having been taken for granted and also for not
having been consulted about this large expenditure in the
first place. Not only did he refuse to pay the bills but
with characteristic swiftness he resigned from the Lodge and
ordered his three sons and all government servants who were
members of the Lodge to do likewise.

This was a sad chapter in the history of the Lodge and
illustrates the fallibility of human nature. The membership
slumped to around 45 and the Lodge even lost the Army Drill
Hall as its regular meeting place and had to move to a room
above a coffee shop in Jalan Lumba Kuda. There is no doubt
that the blame for the above events lay squarely on the
Lodge Committee who should have been more sensitive to the
feelings of The Sultan.

There is evidence that The Sultan may have regretted his
quick temper and subsequent actions although he did not
rejoin the Lodge. This would have been a big loss of face.
The Sultan kept himself informed of all the activities of
the Lodge and when in 1925 he heard that the Lodge was
looking for a suitable site to build its own Lodge building
he made a generous offer to the Lodge. He would provide the
land if the members of the Lodge would erect the building.
The present Lodge building in Jalan Abu Bakar, Johor Bahru
is the result of The Sultan's challenge to the members of
Johore Royal Lodge.

Another item from Johor which is of interest is that the
Honourable Dato Abdul Rahman C.M.G. was installed as W.
Master of Empire Lodge No. 2108, London on 23rd May 1922
which it may be recalled is the mother Lodge of The Sultan
and his third son. He was the first and possibly the only
Malay to occupy the Chair of a London Lodge. It was a
remarkable and pleasing coincidence that His Highness The
Sultan and the Hon. Dato Abdul Rahman should be Masters of
English Lodges at different ends of the world during the
same year, some 74 years ago.

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Post time 18-10-2012 04:06 PM | Show all posts

Nampak "Matching" artikel Tuan Unek 65#  dgn yg saya ambil drp freemason jurnal ni...   


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Post time 18-10-2012 04:10 PM | Show all posts
burungantu posted on 18-10-2012 03:49 PM

Wah ...bagus Tuan Uneks byk maklumat Johor..

he's a member of 'rockstar band'. so what?? same jagak mcm :

Grand Mufti Hj Al Amin Al Husseini

Dia jugak mentor General Khairallah Talfah, Yasser Arafat.. dan dia jugak yang membentuk Hamas, Hezbollah etc.


Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al Jazairi

Hardcore fighter yang menentang pendudukan French Invasion di Algeria.  Banyak menang. Dihormati oleh France Generals and Army.  Kawan baik kepada Imam Shamil of Russia.  

So.. ape kate ko pulak kalau dorang ni... tokoh2 islam yang hebat mcm dorang ni Freemason jugak???

Pade aku simple jee.. these are great and powerful men.. they want to belong for something befitted their rank and status.. takkan orang2 mcm ni nk jadik anggota PIBG jee kan??


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Post time 18-10-2012 04:19 PM | Show all posts
Thanks again....I just want to know....Betoi ke tak...

Thanks for the confirmation  

Satu lagi Dr Yoh tu kata..Ketua Hakim kita yg dulu dulu pun ada yg mason...Harap Tuan Uneks boleh tolong konfirmkan..   

& satu lagi...

Sebelum Tun M batalkan ...dulu...Mahkamah Tertinggi Malaysia ialah Prvy Court,England...Mason jugak..DAH PULOHAN TAHUN MERDEKA...Masih bagi mahkamah Prvy!....Tun M yg tukar...Kita buat mahkamah Rayuan sendiri ...tak bagi ke Prvy Court dah.....

So...memang ada involved const'..hehee..

BTW...Thank a lot! Last edited by burungantu on 18-10-2012 04:21 PM


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Post time 18-10-2012 04:37 PM | Show all posts
burungantu posted on 18-10-2012 04:19 PM
Thanks again....I just want to know....Betoi ke tak...

Thanks for the confirmation  

aku ulang lagi sekali.. maybe ko tak faham2..

so what???

even kalu nenek ko freemsaon pun.. what it has to do with you??? tumbesaran ko terencat??? gaji ko kene potong?? hidup ko susah???

it does not bring any effect.. see???

tapi bagi puak2 mcm ni... dorang selalu menyangka bendera laaa... buku laa bende2 yg 'freemason' buat has 'something' to do.. padehal takde pun

aku tanye lagi sekali soalan yg ko refuse nak jawab = ape musibahnye pade ko klu bendera tu freemason yg buat??????

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Post time 18-10-2012 04:55 PM | Show all posts
unekspekted_XII posted on 18-10-2012 04:37 PM
aku ulang lagi sekali.. maybe ko tak faham2..

so what???


Thanks Tuan Uneks....

Mana ada I refuse nak jawab....Tak perasan kot...hehee...

"aku tanye lagi sekali soalan yg ko refuse nak jawab = ape musibahnye pade ko klu bendera tu freemason yg buat??????"

O.K...O.K saya jawab...

TAK ADA APA MUSIBAH!.In Fact...I AM VERY HAPPY!....I LIKE! (spt kata SY..hehe)....


Wah....jutaan terima ksih Tuan Unels sebab bagi byk pencerahan dalam isu ini..

Honestly...I memang tak berapa percaya bila depa (Freemason) claim itu ini...TAPI.....Tuan Uneks punya Fact saya percaya!

O.k   ...harap dah jawab ya....


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Post time 31-10-2012 08:08 PM | Show all posts
Likeeeee.....menarik ni...pasal bendera johor tu smua...

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Post time 31-10-2012 11:28 PM | Show all posts
kenapa sultan ibrahim masuk geng sama dengan mufti hj al amin dengan syekh abdul qadir... freemason tu kan orang putih punya kelab... islam tak kelab ke masa tuh... Last edited by sahamboi on 31-10-2012 11:29 PM


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