Saving life and limb (3G SAF Pt 1)
All in the name of increasing the wounded soldier's chances of survival, the Singapore Armed Forces
launch the 3rd generation medical support system. Find out how the system enhances medical care with
better trained and equipped medical staff.
Saving life and limb (3G SAF Pt 2)
A mobile operating theatre and increased training are among the tactics of the Army Medical Service
to boost medical care for wounded soldiers. Find out what else is on the cards to improve a casualty's
The 3G combat medic (3G SAF Pt 3)
Better trained and better equipped. The 3G combat medic goes beyond just providing first aid.
Find out more about what they can do.
3G medical team in Afghanistan (3G SAF Pt 4)
Bringing along their 3G medical gear, the SAF's 39-strong medical team had gone to Afghanistan
to help provide medical support. RazorTV speaks to one medic who had been there for six months.
http://www.razortv.com.sg/site/servlet/segment/main/news/local/DefenceChannel/32930.html |
Post Last Edit by spiderweb6969 at 1-11-2009 21:17
24-hourDART selection test (part 1)
**TheDisaster Assistance & Rescue Team (DART) is an elite team ofrescue operations specialists within the Singapore Civil DefenceForce (SCDF)**
Forpleasure or pain? (TheElite Challenge Ep 1.1)
18people signed up for this challenge. Are they crazy or just a bunchof sadomasochists? You decide...
Gotpain no gain? (TheElite Challenge Ep 1.2)
Imagineundergoing 24 hours of physical and mental tests, passing, and yetnot getting selected.
That'sthe reality 18 candidates who signed up to join the elite DisasterAssistance & Rescue Team (DART) in the Singapore Civil DefenceForce (SCDF) will face. What more do they have to do, when a passdoesn't necessarily guarantee selection?
Luckynumber 8? (The EliteChallenge Ep 1.3)
8may not always be a lucky number. Unless you enjoy these 8 levels ofpain...
Besharp, or else... (The Elite Challenge Ep 1.4)
You'rein intense physical pain and under extreme mental pressure. Yetyou're expected to be disciplined, responsive, have your wits aboutyou, and seek permission everytime you want to do something.
Youwant to be on this team? Well, that's what you gotta do.
Invirginterritory (The Elite Challenge Ep 2.1)
Noneof these guys have done it before, nor the one female among them…
Throughthe City of The Dead (The Elite Challenge Ep 2.2)
Ifyou’re going to be running among the dead, you might wanna do it alittle faster…
ConquestofNecropolis (The Elite Challenge Ep 2.3)
Thereare no dead men walking, only 18 people running through treacherousterrain.
Especiallyif you're the superstitious sort...
18kg heavier (The Elite Challenge Ep 3.1)
That'sthe extra weight you'll have to pack if you want to take this test.The good thing is, you can drop the weight immediately once you'vefinished!
Who'snumber one? (The Elite Challenge Ep 3.2)
Who'sthe first man out? ...Or it is a woman? We get the first sign thatthis test is going to be trouble for some.
Hosehell(The Elite Challenge Ep 3.3)
Itseems these hoses are proving to be a hell lot of trouble for some...
Anotheronebites the dust (The Elite Challenge Ep 3.4)
We'vebarely started, yet the tally on the board is piling up as anotherone calls it quits.
Whosays it's a man's job (The Elite Challenge Ep 3.5)
Anythinga man can do, a woman can do better. One woman proves it righthere...
Areyou man enough? (The Elite Challenge Ep 3.6)
Apparentlyit's not a man's game. The girl's made it through, but why are someguys still not getting it?
Acethe Maze (The Elite Challenge Ep 3.7)
Youace the Maze, you get through. But 6 out of 18 fail, proving it'smorethan just raw brawn that works.
Couldthis be the end for some so early in the game?
24-hourDART selection test (part 2)
That'sall you get for lunch (The Elite Challenge Ep 4.1)
Howwould you like your beef curry? Mushy and squeezed from a packet?Well, that's all you get for lunch.
Sinkor swim (The Elite Challenge Ep 4.2)
It'snot over till the DART Commander says so. That's good news for thesix candidates who dropped out after Test 2 of the DART selectionprocess.
Theyget a reprieve - they'll do Test 3, but they MUST pass oreliminationthis time is certain.
Timeto get wet (The Elite Challenge Ep 4.3)
Thecandidates are looking forward to a cool dip in the pool, but forsome it could be a daunting 250 metres to get through to the nexttest.
Awet end (The Elite Challenge Ep 4.4)
Thingsdon't end swimmingly, as the DART selection process records its firstofficial elimination...
It'sgetting hot in here! (The Elite Challenge Ep 5.1)
Thingsare heating up, as this year's DART selection test drags on intoits7th hour - and the hot afternoon sun! Not to mention the steamysurprise awaiting the candidates in the sauna room...
Meet"Big John" (The Elite Challenge Ep 5.2)
He'sa solid 90 kilos, and he's about to get you all hot under the collar.
"Thisis not a funeral" (The Elite Challenge Ep 5.3)
Ifyou're not already half dead from 7 straight hours of physicalexertion, trying to complete the tasks in this Test may surely finishyou off.
Dramain the sauna (The Elite Challenge Ep 5.4)
Gettingall hot and steamy in the sauna may not necessarily be on the top ofeveryone's list of places to be stuck in.
Passthe dummy (The Elite Challenge Ep 5.5)
Everyonehas a go at "Big John" -- you have to get past the big guyif you want to get to the good stuff!
Forgetthe sauna, we quit! (The Elite Challenge Ep 5.6)
Twomore candidates drop out midway through Test 4, and they haven't eventried the sauna yet!
TheDirty Dozen (The Elite Challenge Ep 5.7)
They'retired, they've been up to all sorts of physical exercises in the hotsun all day and frankly, they're starting to smell a littlefunky.We're down to 12 men, as evening hits day one of the 24-hourDART selection test.
Post Last Edit by spiderweb6969 at 1-11-2009 21:23
24-hourDART selection test (part 3)
"We're not looking for heroes" (The Elite Challenge Ep 6.1)
Findout what's most important to make it to DART team, as DART commanderscall a tehcnical time out to take a dinner break.
Backto the cemetery (The Elite Challenge Ep 6.2)
A90kg dead weight, 21 kilometres, 4 hours.
It'sback to the cemetery for Test 5 for the remaining 12 candidates intheDART selection process.
"Ilove to suffer..." (The Elite Challenge Ep 6.3)
Findout which candidate appreciates the sacrifice needed to reach thefinal objective.
Nightat the cemetery (The Elite Challenge Ep 6.4)
Asdarkness falls, real fear sets in...Will the candidates be able tocover the 21km? Will they be able to do it in 4 hours? We also seetwo consecutive dropouts within the space of 5 minutes.
Theirjourney begins here (The Elite Challenge Ep 6.5)
Moreoften than not, rescue teams encounter the dead rather than theliving, hence the start point of their journey is of utmostimportance...
Shallwe all quit together? (The Elite Challenge Ep 6.6)
DARTcommanders throw down the gauntlet as the night wears on and fatigueand exhaustion is visible among the remaining candidates.
Theultimatum (The Elite Challenge Ep 6.7)
Thecandidates are issued an ultimatum - complete one lap in one hour, orelse...
"Thiscasualty is dying!" (The Elite Challenge Ep 6.8)
DARTcommanders reinforce a sense of urgency, as the hours take their tollon the candidates...
Enjoythe agony (The Elite Challenge Ep 6.9)
Thecandidates are pushed to the limit physically, but their mentalresilience is sorely tested as they are goaded with images of comfortand home.
Letthe mind games begin! (The Elite Challenge Ep 6.10)
Forpride and honour, for the love of the job, because it's the bestteam...The candidates' reasons for wanting to be on the DART teamvaried, as DART commanders tried to break their resolve...
24-hour DART selection test (part 4)
Theseitems will save your life (The Elite Challenge Ep 7.1)
Ahammer, a chisel and a torchlight. Simple everyday tools, but theywill save a life when you're up against a wall.
Alonein the dark (The Elite Challenge Ep 7.2)
Aftertwo tests involving team work, the remaining 8 candidates are now ontheir own to be tested on their solo survival skills.
Anotherbrick in the wall (The Elite Challenge Ep 7.3)
Oneby one, brick by brick... the candidates chisel away at the wall tillthey can fit through it
Emergencyevac (The Elite Challenge Ep 7.4)
It'salmost 4am in the morning. After almost 18 hours and 6 tests, theDART candidates are expected to be alert to emergency sirens and toreact accordingly. Will the 8 make it succesfully to the emergencyevacuation?
Init to win it (The Elite Challenge Ep 7.5)
ShouldI carry on or not? It's all in the mind as the remaining candidatesstart feeling the mental drain.
Awhistle signals the end of the Solo Test. Did all 8 manage to breechthe wall? At this stage of the challenge, these guys have to be in itto win it.
Enoughrope? (The Elite Challenge Ep 8.1)
It'sbeen 12 hours since the candidates started this challenge. Welcometoday two of the DART selection process. Will they get enough rope tosee it through to the last test?
Whatfear of heights? (The Elite Challenge Ep 8.2)
Thistest is not for you if you're faint hearted and afraid of heights.The eight remaining candidates harness up and get ready for the scaleand rappel height confidence test, a skill most essential in suiciderescue missions.
Whatgoes up, must come down (The Elite Challenge Ep 8.3)
DARTCommander Alvin Tan feels that none of the candidates are preparedfor the test. What made him draw that conclusion?
Kingof Heights (The Elite Challenge Ep 8.4)
Whoaces the test, and who flubs it? Find out...
Feelthe rush (The Elite Challenge Ep 8.5)
Needan adrenaline rush? Then go no further than this test. It'sguaranteed to make your pulse race.
Doit again! (The Elite Challenge Ep 8.6)
Theremaining eight candidates breeze through the Height Confidence test,but they're in for a surprise when DART Commander Alvin Tan demandsare-test.
24-hourDART selection test (part 5)
Thisis how you do it (The Elite Challenge Ep 9.1)
It'sback to the BA Maze for 5 of the 8 candidates, as DART CommanderAlvin Tan demands a re-test at the endurance circuit. DART InstructorCapt Jason Chua plays good guy and shows them just how it's supposedto be done.
Take2 (The Elite Challenge Ep 9.2)
It'stake two for those who failed the time limit for the BA test firsttime around. Will it be second time lucky for these five guys?
Willthey make it? (The Elite Challenge Ep 9.3)
Saidmade record time on his re-test for the BA Maze, so how will Razifand Nazmin do?
Almostthere (The Elite Challenge Ep 9.4)
Isthe end almost in sight for our 8 candidates? Are they all clear toproceed to the last and final test in the challenge?
Proveyou are worth it (The Elite Challenge Ep 10.1)
Aftermore than 24 hours, 7 physically and mentally demanding tests and onere-test, 8 candidates remain to take on the finalchallenge.Two-by-two, their ability to operate in a confined spacewill be tested when they enter 'The Tunnel'.
TunnelRats: Team 1 (The Elite Challenge Ep 10.2)
Fazlyand Kelvin are the guinea pigs, as the first team of two attempt theTunnel Simulator.
TunnelRats: Team 2 (The Elite Challenge Ep 10.3)
Nazminand Shahafashah are next to enter the tunnel, as DART Commander ColAlvin Tan gives his assessment of the candidates...
TunnelRats: Team 3 (The Elite Challenge Ep 10.4)
DARTInstructor Capt Jason Chua reminds all that this is only thebeginning for any successful candidate, as Zulhaidi and Said taketheir turn in the Tunnel Simulator.
TunnelRats: Team 4 (The Elite Challenge Ep 10.5)
Ganiand Razif take up the tail of the Tunnel challenge. So, do these guyshave what it takes to be a DART specialist?
TheFinish Line (The Elite Challenge Ep 10.6)
It'sfinally over for the 8 remaining candidates as they hit the finishline with the completion of the 8th and final test of the DARTselection process.
AmI a DART specialist now? (The Elite Challenge Ep 10.7)
Whomade it and who didn't? Was all that hard work for nothing? DARTCommander Col Alvin Tan gives the debrief, as he stresses theimportant characteristics that will determine which of these guyswill make the DART team and become DART specialists.
It'stougher than you think! (The Elite Challenge Ep 10.8)
Someof the candidates give their take on going through the 24-hour DARTselection test, and offer some advise for future candidates on how totrain for it.
Locally-developed military innovations unveiled
By Dylan Loh, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 30 October 2009 2103 hrs
SINGAPORE: Some of the latest military innovations were unveiled on Friday at the ...
spiderweb6969 Post at 31-10-2009 08:04 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
I can understand the innovation of using one powertrain for the Trailblazer mine clearing vehicle but I don't see any innovation in the Skyblade 3. It would be nice idea to have every combat battalion operating their own UAV squad.
188# Debmey
Skyblade 3 has been superseded by the Birdeye UAV ? I have seen reports showing both are used. |
Post Last Edit by belacan79 at 4-11-2009 21:54
UK could arm its Watchkeeper(Hermes 450) UAVs
The UK could integrate a lightweight weapon with its Thales UK/Elbit Systems Watchkeeper 450 tactical unmanned air vehicles, operations of which should begin from late next year.
"We are conducting analysis to investigate the contribution that an armed Watchkeeper UAV system could make in current and future operations," confirms minister for international defence and security Baroness Taylor. The work is being conducted as part of the Ministry of Defence's "routine capability planning process", she says.
Taylor's comment represents the first time that the MoD has acknowledged the possibility of arming the British Army's future WK450 air vehicles. However, the ministry adds: "We are still at an early stage of considering the benefits, and as yet no decisions regarding which munitions should be used have been made."
One likely candidate for a weaponised version is Thales Air Systems' lightweight multirole missile (LMM), which has previously been shown at exhibitions with a model of the WK450.
Unveiled in mid-2008 and based on elements of Thales's Starstreak ground-based air-defence weapon, the precision-guided LMM has a launch weight of around 13kg (28lb), including a 3kg warhead. Thales has previously said that production deliveries of the up to 8km (4.3nm) range weapon could be made from 2011.
Thales/Elbit joint venture U-TacS is building WK450 air vehicles at its Leicester production facility in the UK. Flight-test activities involving the type, which has already undergone extensive testing in Israel, should start before year-end at the ParcAberporth UAV centre of excellence in west Wales.
Thales UK provides interim tactical UAV services for the UK armed forces in Afghanistan using unarmed Hermes 450s leased from Elbit. The larger WK450 design is derived from the Israeli system.
The WK450 will have a maximum take-off weight of more than 450kg. It has a twin-payload configuration comprising an Elop Compass IV electro-optical/infrared sensor and the Thales I-Master synthetic aperture radar/ground moving target indication payload.
Being acquired under a deal worth around |
Absolutely possible and the advantages are obvious.
I believe ST can even make Hermes 450 size UAVs in the near future. |
179# belacan79
Chinook D models are probably on lease-buy and will stay in Texas for training purposes. Much like how we operate 74 F-16s but 12 of them are permanently based stateside for training. |
Post Last Edit by belacan79 at 8-11-2009 13:41
193# mentosonline
With the new minted agreement with the US to use a new training base in the US and more leased F16s, I think it is likely the 12 are coming back to Singapore(or perhaps they are already here)and we will conduct training from just one base in the US. Be it as it may, we could the use the additional 12 here in Singapore with the changing climate in the region. |
Post Last Edit by belacan79 at 8-11-2009 14:54
GMLRS rockets now reaches 92 km
Click me ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
GMLRS rockets now reaches 92 km. This makes GMLRS rockets more long legged than most conventional MLRS rockets. And the GMRLS rockets are precision guided rockets and not dumb rockets. Last year, they tested the rockets successfully to a range of 85 km.
Tests are ongoing to increase that range further. I think they are simply leveraging on software improvements/updates currently.
GMLRS+ offers even longer range at 100+ km.
Israeli Extra precision rockets go even further at 130-150km.
They are all launched from the same Himars lancher or M270 launchers . |
194# belacan79
Come to think of it, Singapore will probably operate around 94 plus F16s C/D+ in total with the new leased jets; in lieu of the latest basing and training agreement with the US. That is out-standing. That is not even counting the F15SGs and F5S/Ts.
Not only is the RSAF now the biggest air force in our SEA and Oceania(Australia and New Zealand) but the RSAF will possess the largest number of modern combat jets in the region with excellent BVR and WVR capabilities. |
194# belacan79
I thought the currently leased F-16s are actually surplus USAF block 50/52 units. They don't come with certain modifications ie. DASH, Elbit EW suite and Derby/Python integration which come standard across the block 52 models in Singapore. (Block 52+ is different)
There is no real need for more F-16s as I see it. We already have 4 squadrons and anymore would be over reliance. These squadrons alone already outnumber TNI AF and RMAF fighter aircraft. Even more if you consider that most of TNI AF is grounded thanks to lack of spares and Mig-29s are going to be retired.
Coming forth, one of the A-4SU squadrons has yet to be replaced. (either 142 or 145 sqn, F-15SG to fill one of these) That will probably be filled by another batch of F-15SG for Strike purposes. Within the next 10 years the F-5s will be at the end of their service life. By then JSF should be ready, delivery circa 2014. |
197# mentosonline
They are probably already upgraded likewise with right of purchased already exercised or they will be. Otherwise, we would not need to lease any more new F16s. That being the case, it is very likely the 12 continental US based Singapore owned F16s will be coming back to Singapore. Why I say this is because of the recent proliferation of newer modern Suks in the area. Hainan in particular is turning into China`s Gibraltar with bases with plausibly more jets and surge capacity for more jets. I am looking at a much larger picture here. There is a need for more leverage.
I`d agree with you that our current forces are enough in case our neighbours become belligerent for some bizzare reason.
I suspect that the RSAF will use the leased jets which are capable jets in thier current forms as attrition loses and surge forces from the US;meaning that they will fly to Singapore in the advent of any conflict.
Also, it is possible that the RSAF is preparing for a possible delay in the delivery of F35s. F5 S/Ts will be de-commissioned in 2014-2015. If we can`t get F35s then, we can fall back on the F16s for the time being.
Yes sir, there will be another batch of F15SGs. I think around 26 more. So, there will be around 48-50 F15SGs in total.
At any rate, the currrently Singapore owned 74 F16 Blk 52/52+ plus the latest leased jets(say around 12-18) will push the total number of F16s operated by Singapore to somewhere in the region of 86-90 plus F16s.
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198# belacan79
If you want to bring in PRC into the big picture then all the more we shouldn't get more F-16s. Instead we should bring in more F-15s and support them with another batch of refuelling tankers and shore up our logistics to meet the added strain. For the sole purposes of maintaining a layered and comprehensive BARCAP around Singapore the RSAF has 2-3 times more combat aircraft than it really needs. But yes if we were to take air defence as per FPDA/ASEAN responsibilities then RSAF will never be 'too' big.
More important is to work on sortie generation and maintaining flyable aircraft capabilities, which have been the focus of the RSAF these past 10 years and has raised the effectiveness of RSAF as a cohesive force several times.
Yes JSF may be delayed and that's very possible. If that happens and F-5 replacement cannot wait then we may consider on Gripen (for point defence and STOL) or Eurofighter (longer range for Spratleys/Paracels). It all depends on what Mindef really wants. |
On top of that, if RMAF already has a shortage of pilots for the number of aircraft they operate (dual seat MKMs and all), then I'd imagine our shortages are even greater... |
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