berjanggut nak tunggu gambr eally (w'pun aku dah tgk kat mp!)
gambar & stories Prelude AIM 08
[size=130%]Showcase Prelude AIM 2008
[size=130%]Planet Hollywood, KL
This showcase was held last Friday at Planet Hollywood.. it's for the Prelude AIM 2008 showcase which is shown on TV every Thursday if i'm not mistaken.. so for weeks to come, they will air this show up to the inaugural Anugerah Industri Muzik 2008 prbbly to be held by end of the1st quarter of 2008..
Normally the showcase will be aired live.. however, that wasn't the case for Dayang & Fazli Zainal's session.. the show was recorded and will beaired on TV on Valentine's Day.. that's several more weeks to go.. so meanwhile, tgk lah gambar2 ni dulu ya..!!
Sape2yg minat these 2 artistes, mmng satu kerugian tak dapat pegi.. 1st ofall, they both displayed amazing vocal performances.. 2nd, bila lagi nak merasa tgk show Dayang (and Fazli as well) kat Planet Hollywood free of charge..?? hehe..
Anyway, as i mentioned earlier on, both gave their very best showmanship.. Dayang opened the show with Hilang.. Dayang sounds better and bettereach day singing the song.. and i love it more and more i hear it.. Fazli continued with Sejuta Nafas Cinta.. he really does hv an amazing vocal pipes.. susah gile nak nynyi lagu tu but he managed and did some improvisations.. and since the recording was for Valentine's Day, Fazli sang a love song called L.O.V.E.. Dayang continued with Bahagia, a song from a 2nd album and gotthe crowd (especially the fans) all hyped up.. Fazli took over and sang his hit song Harapan before Dayang closed the show with the song that established her name in the recording music industry - Seandainya Masih Ada Cinta..
Overall, the show was really2 good.. altho' sekejap je duration dia, but it's short and sweet.. very well coordinated.. and afterwards, seperti biasa got to snap here and there.. luckily i've already got myself a new camera so i'm back to being my own self of snapping here & there which i love..!!! haha..
Dayang stayed on agak lama jugak borak2 ngan fans.. almost one hour i think..? owh, that's another reason fans Dayang & Fazli kerugian besar bg yg x dtg coz they spent a lot of times borak2, bergelak ketawa melayan fans.. coz obviously they don't do that that often kan..?! Dayang will hv her time off the next day from any singing jobs, so that's why she could stay back a bit late.. and while myself, Hamdi & Max treat ourselves with some fine meals from PH, Dayang & her fans tak abis2 lagi borak.. haha..!
* xperlah ek terselit gambar solo fazli zainal.. malas nak edit2.. ni aku copy terus drp blog..