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Author: Fujiwara

[KAJI SELIDIK FORUM] Anda SOKONG siapa dalam PRU ke 13?

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 Author| Post time 22-8-2011 02:36 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Fujiwara at 31-8-2011 17:48

Global Potential Net Migration Index 2010 ... lthy-nations.aspx#2

PAP win!PAP 10th Champion)
BN lose!

Singapore has highest concentration of millionaires ... on-of-millionaires/ ... ionaires-next-door/

According to a report from the Boston Consulting Group, a whopping 15.5% of Singapore households had more than $1 million in assets in 2010.
Runner-up Switzerland did not even come close, with less than 10% millionaire households. This means that Singapore has the highest proportion of millionaires among this resident population than any other country in the world.

The number of millionaire households in Singapore jumped about 38.6 percent in 2010, to 170,000, from nearly 123,000 in 2009, according to BCG data.The country has had the largest proportion of millionaire households for several years, and the share continues to grow:Singapore’s millionaire households increased to 15.5percent of total households in 2010 from 11.4percent in 2009.

The rise is due to Singapore’s expanding economy, which has grown mainly on such exports as consumer electronics and pharmaceuticals, as well as financial services. According to the CIA World Factbook,real GDP growth averaged 7.1 percent per year from 2004 to 2007 and reached nearly14.7 percent in 2010—faster than even China’s 10.3percent growth rate.

However,Singapore’s median household income remains at a modest $5,700 per month,according to the Department of Statistics.This starkly illustrates a growing income gap, one of the biggest problems facing the country to day.Singapore already has the second-highest Gini co-efficient in the developed world,behind only Hong Kong. The Gini co-efficient is a measure of income disparity,and it is indeed alarming that income is distributed more unequally in our country than even India or China.

Another problem that comes with having a “wealthy population” is a high cost of living. In a 2010 surveyof214citiesby consulting firm Mercer, Singapore ranked as the11thmostexpensivecity in the world for expatriates, on a par with Oslo and more expensive than New York.

Interestingly, Singapore only ranked tenth in the concentration of“ultra-high net worth”households, defined as those with more than $100million in assets.According to BCG, the country with the highest proportion of super-rich households is Saudi Arabia, with 18 per 100,000 households.

Proportion of millionaire household by market
1. Singapore         15.5%
2. Switzerland        9.9%
3. Qatar                   8.9%
4. Hong Kong         8.7%
5. Kuwait                 8.5%
6. UAE                      5%
7. United States    4.5%
8. Taiwan                3.5%
9. Israel                   3.4%
10. Belgium            3.1%
11. Japan                3%
12. Bahrain             2.6%
13. Ireland              2.3%
14. Netherlands    2.3%
15. UK                      2.2%
Source: BCG Global Wealth 2011 Report

PAP win!PAP 11th Champion)
BN lose!


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 Author| Post time 22-8-2011 02:44 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Fujiwara at 31-8-2011 17:52

Malaysia Vs Singapore Forbes 2000 Public Listed Companies Ranking 2011 ...ll_All_All_Malaysia

RankCompanyCountrySalesProfitsAssetsMarket Value
458MaybankMalaysia$5.2 B$1.2 B$103.5 B$21 B
465CIMB Group HoldingsMalaysia$5.3 B$1.1 B$87.4 B$19.5 B
550Tenaga NasionalMalaysia$9.6 B$1 B$23.6 B$11.1 B
649Public BankMalaysia$3.4 B$988.4 M$73.2 B$15.1 B
784GentingMalaysia$4.9 B$714.3 M$15.8 B$12.2 B
858Axiata GroupMalaysia$5.1 B$574 M$12.3 B$13.3 B
910Sime DarbyMalaysia$10.1 B$224 M$11.4 B$17.8 B
1003Petronas ChemicalsMalaysia$3.7 B$674.1 M$8.1 B$17.3 B
1097RHB CapitalMalaysia$2 B$460.5 M$41.9 B$5.6 B
1172IOI GroupMalaysia$3.9 B$627.5 M$5.3 B$12.4 B ... l_All_All_Singapore

RankCompanyCountrySalesProfitsAssetsMarket Value
269Wilmar InternationalSingapore$30.4 B$1.3 B$34 B$26.4 B
314SingTelSingapore$12.1 B$2.8 B$26.5 B$37.2 B
364DBS GroupSingapore$6.6 B$1.3 B$221.4 B$26.1 B
398United Overseas BankSingapore$5.2 B$2.1 B$166.9 B$23 B
403Oversea-Chinese BankingSingapore$5.2 B$1.8 B$178.9 B$24.4 B
577KeppelSingapore$7.6 B$1.3 B$16.4 B$14.8 B
822CapitaLandSingapore$2.6 B$992.3 M$24.7 B$11 B
945Singapore AirlinesSingapore$9.1 B$154.2 M$16.1 B$12.9 B
1014SembCorp IndustriesSingapore$6.8 B$659 M$8.5 B$7 B
1087Golden Agri-ResourcesSingapore$3.7 B$1.5 B$10.1 B$6.2 B

PAP win!PAP 12th Champion)
BN lose!

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 Author| Post time 22-8-2011 02:45 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Fujiwara at 31-8-2011 17:53

2010 Global Press Freedom Index

136        Singapore          47.50--->PAP win!(PAP 13th Champion)
141        Malaysia             50.75--->BN lose!

2010 Global Military Expenditures Ranking ...litary_expenditures

24       Singapore             USD7,651,000,000 --->PAP win!
(PAP 14th Champion)
47       Malaysia                USD3,259,000,000--->BN lose!

2011 Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report Ranking ...Report#2011_Ranking

10  Singapore 5.23--->PAP win!
(PAP 15th Champion)
35  Malaysia    4.59---->BN lose!

2011 Foreign Exchange Reserves Ranking ...n_exchange_reserves

10        Singapore            USD242,524,000,000        Apr2011--->PAP win!
(PAP 16th Champion)
19        Malaysia               USD113,838,000,000        Mar2011--->BN lose!

2011 Official Gold Reserves Ranking

27       Singapore          127.4 tones--->PAP win!
(PAP 17th Champion)
47       Malaysia             36.4 tones--->  BN lose!
2011 Research and Development Spending Ranking ...evelopment_spending

26        Singapore             USD 63 Billion--->PAP win!
(PAP 18th Champion)
37          Malaysia              USD 26 Billion --->BN lose!

2010 Top 300 Worlds Largest Pension Funds ...pension-funds-2010/

11        Central Provident Fund            Singapore         USD122,497,000,000--->PAP win!
(PAP 19th Champion)
19        Employees Provident Fund        Malaysia          USD109,002,000,000--->BN lose!

2010 Global Countries Received FDI Ranking

17        Singapore         USD274,600,000,000 --->PAP win!
(PAP 20th Champion)
44        Malaysia            USD  77,440,000,000 --->BN lose!

2010 Quality Of Living Survey Ranking

28         Singapore      103.5
--->PAP win!
(PAP 21th Champion)
There is NO any malaysian cities listed in Top 50--->BN lose!

2011 Global Financial Centre Index

4    Singapore            Score:722--->
PAP win!
(PAP 22th Champion)
45  Kuala Lumpur      Score:573--->BN lose!


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 Author| Post time 22-8-2011 02:49 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Fujiwara at 30-8-2011 21:56

We Spain Soccer Team(PAP)is the EUROPE(Asia) and WORLD CUP CHAMPION!

We Holland Soccer Team (PR) is the WORLD CUP 1st RUNNER UP!   

We France Soccer Team(BN) is traditional strong team but always lose to UNDERDOG!

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 Author| Post time 22-8-2011 07:10 PM | Show all posts

2011 Asia World Cup Qualified Result!

Singapore(RED DEVILS/Manchester United/Spain) BEAT Malaysia(BLUE LIONS/Chelsea/France)

6 : 4

Its time to change MALAYSIA Soccer Team color to YELLOW(BERSIH)/ORANGE(PR/Holland)!

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 Author| Post time 26-8-2011 02:05 AM | Show all posts





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 Author| Post time 28-8-2011 12:24 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Fujiwara at 28-8-2011 00:47


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 Author| Post time 28-8-2011 08:04 AM | Show all posts

Semangat ahli-ahli Melayu DAP masih kuat

Hi semua,
Sudah berpuluh-puluh tahun UMNO dan kroni mereka cuba menggambarkan DAP sebagai sebuah parti perkauman, walaupun hakikatnya ahli parti DAP adalah daripada semua kaum dan pelbagai agama, manakala UMNO hanya menerima rakyat bumiputera sebagai ahlinya! Sebenarnya, UMNO, termasuk MCA dan MIC, ialah parti perkauman. UMNO juga memainkan politik agamaseolah-olah mereka ialah begitu alim!

Sekarang UMNO lebih terdesak lagi apabila mendapati bahawa pimpinan DAP semakin mendekati diri dengan rakyat Melayu dan juga semakin lebih banyak rakyat Melayu sudi menerima DAP!!

Lebih ramai rakyat Melayu dan bumiputera lain sudah menyedari bahawa UMNOputra yang telah mengambil kesempatan untuk menyelewengkan peruntukan kepada rakyat biasa di bawah NEP dan sekarang pula NEM.UMNOputra dan kroni merekalah yang mengancam kesejahteraan dan kemajuan rakyat Melayu. Rakyat Melayu pada keseluruhannya semakin menderita dalam kehidupan harian manakala kaum UMNOputra yang menjadi semakin kaya. Inilah sebab utama UMNOputra tidak rela merombak semula NEP demi kepentingan rakyat jelata, khususnya golongan Melayu yang miskin!!

Selamat menyambut Aidil Fitri!

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2011 12:33 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Fujiwara at 29-8-2011 00:36


1.Malaysia mengalami belanjawan defisit selama 12 tahun berturut-turut.

2. Selama 10 tahun Malaysia gagal mencapai sasaran pertumbuhan ekonomi.

3. Pertumbuhan ekonomi 2001-2005 4.7% rendah dari sasaran 7.5%.

4. RM325 billion wang Petronas digunakan antara 2007-2010.

5. 3 kali ganda peningkatan perbelanjaan kerajaan yang ditampung oleh wang PETRONAS dan hutang, dari RM68 bilion (1998) kepada RM214 bilion (2010).

6. KDNK lebih kecil dari KDNK Singapura sejak 2009.

7. 2.6% kenaikan gaji 2000-2010 berbanding 3.2% kenaikan gaji dunia (termasuk negara miskin)

8. 34% pekerja mendapat gaji dibawah RM 700 (dibawah paras kemiskinan negara)

9. RM 4 billion subsidi kepada rakyat cuba ditarik balik manakala RM 19 bilion subsidi gas dan RM 4 bilion pampasan dibayar kepada pemegang konsesi lebuh raya.

10. RM 19 bilion subsidi diberi kepada penjana bebas manakala RM 11 bilion subsidi minyak cuba ditarik balik.

11. RM 466 billion hutang peribadi yang ditanggung isirumah, terburuk di Asia.

Selain menggariskan cabaran-cabaran yang dihadapi oleh negara, Buku Jingga turut menggariskan agenda pada 100 hari pertama pentadbiran Persekutuan Pakatan:

   1. Mereformasikan insititusi-institusi penting negara seperti SPR, SPRM, Pejabat Peguam Negara dan PDRM untuk mengembalikan kewibawaan kepada sistem pentadbiran kerajaan.

   2. Memansuhkan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA).

   3. Mengarahkan Khazanah Berhad, Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) dan lain-lain badan milik kerajaan yang memiliki konsesi lebuhraya untuk menyempurnakan ambil alih aset lebuhraya oleh kerajaaan dengan tujuan menghapuskan tol.

   4. Merombak struktur subsidi negara bagi mengurangkan subsidi kepada pihak swasta (seperti subsidi gas sebanyak RM19 bilion kepada penjana bebas) dengan memindahkannya bagi menampung perbelanjaan subsidi rakyat.

   5. Mengiktiraf peranan dan jasa kakitangan awam dengan mengkaji semula struktur gaji bermula dengan menaikkan imbuhan perguruan sebanyak RM500 sebulan setiap seorang guru sebagai penghargaan guru pendidik bangsa.

   6. Menjadikan air sebagai hak rakyat dengan mengembalikan semua konsesi pengurusan air yang diuruskan swasta kepada kerajaan.

   7. Menyediakan perkhidmatan internet Wi-Fi percuma kepada semua rakyat di kawasan bandar dan separa bandar.

   8. Membatalkan Felda Plantations bagi tujuan membuka ladang-ladang yang kini diuruskannya kepada generasi kedua dan ketiga Felda.

   9. Menaikkan royalti minyak kepada Sabah, Sarawak, Terengganu dan Kelantan kepada 20%.

  10. Menubuhkan Suruhanjaya Diraja bagi menyelesaikan kemelut pendatang tanpa izin dan kerakyatan di negeri Sabah

Lebih menarik lagi, Konvensyen yang saya hadiri ini menampilkan perbahasan yang didominasi pimpinan muda Pakatan.

Untuk membaca Buku Jingga penuh boleh ke laman web Pakatan atau muat turun versi PDF.

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Post time 1-9-2011 07:46 PM | Show all posts
selingan dengan teka teki.....
siapakah yg mengatakan Buku Jingga ini sebagai "too good to be true".....?.....

malangnya rakyat bilamana perkara perkara asas yang sepatutnya dilaksanakan sepertimana yang termaktub dalam buku jingga pon dikatakan sebagai "too good to be true"....

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Post time 1-9-2011 08:19 PM | Show all posts
aku tgk politik malaysia ni.....macam x stable jek

x mustahil pemerintah yg same jek nanti

sbbnya terdapat la sekor dua yg pembangkang tu agak bodo aku tgk

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 Author| Post time 3-9-2011 01:15 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Fujiwara at 3-9-2011 03:08


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 Author| Post time 3-9-2011 03:43 AM | Show all posts ... to-vote-out-bn.html

Monday, August 1, 2011
GE-13: Only one chance to vote out BN
By Kenny Gan | Malaysia Chronicle

Despite the popularity of Pakatan Rakyat the 13th general election is still a David vs. Goliah contest on an unlevel playing field where the incumbent has colossal advantages in media, money and machinery. BN controls all the levers of power including the most crucial one, the Election Commission and is not ashamed to use whatever means - fair or foul - to beat off the PR challenge, mostly foul.

Given the unevenness of the contest I venture to say that the 13th G.E. will be more of a contest on whether BN can regain its two-thirds majority rather than a frenzied fight for Putrajaya. The two most crucial states to the campaign, namely Sarawak and Sabah which together contribute 25% of the parliamentary seats still remain BN’s fixed deposit to a large degree. In Sabah the illegal immigrants absorbed into the electoral rolls have undermined the right to self-determination of native Sabahans.

However all is not doom and gloom and there still remains a thin wedge of chance that PR can overcome the odds to unseat the juggernaut BN. It all hinges on that ever recurring political event in Umno – a power struggle – coupled with a serious underestimation of civil society by the corridors of power.

Pakatan’s Last Stand

But first of all, let us consider what happens if PR fails to unseat BN from Federal power. The signs are already clear that BN will take certain steps to ensure it will never have to face the threat of losing power again. This will be achieved not by increasing BN’s popularity but by underhanded methods to compromise the electoral process so that BN can rule without fear of losing power, short of a street revolution.

Already the Election Commission is in collusion with an enthusiastic BN to implement an opaque biometric verification system which will allow BN greater scope to cheat using phantom voters and illegal immigrants issued with MyKads. Co-incidentally or maybe not, the biometric data of 2 million foreign workers are being collected. This expensive system which is largely useless for preventing multiple voting is favoured instead of the much cheaper and simpler indelible ink which would put the brakes on phantom voters.

Even more ominous, the government is establishing Territorial Army companies in all 222 parliamentary constituencies and there are rumblings that they will eventually be given postal votes. When army companies are established by parliamentary constituencies instead of more appropriate criteria one can infer that their main purpose is not the defence of the country.

Both the biometric system and the Territorial army companies are not expected to be implemented in time for the 13th G.E. but will be firmly in place for the 14th G.E. We should also not forget that gerrymandering will be another BN weapon in the 14th G.E. as the present delineation of electoral boundaries is not expected to be completed in time for the 13th G.E.

What this means is that the 13th G.E. may well be the last window of opportunity left for the people to choose their government before the regime entrench itself through a severely compromised electoral system. The 13th G.E. will be Pakatan's last stand before Malaysia becomes a full-fledged dictatorship with false trappings of democracy.

Najib’s Last Stand

But if the 13th GE is Pakatan’s last stand it is also Najib’s last stand. The writing on the wall is clear. Get back BN’s two-third majority or be pulled down.

Throughout most of Najib’s troubled premiership he has been dogged with odd acts of sabotage by his subordinates especially with regards to his 1Malaysia concept. Things have come to a head now and it is no longer possible to ignore the rumblings of a power struggle in Umno.

Recent events point to this tumult in the corridors of power. The police’s heavy oppression of the Bersih rally bordering on the ludicrous as if to enrage civil society, the flip-flop by Najib on the stadium offer to Bersih (probably forced by hardliners), the leakage to the media of Rosmah’s RM24 million diamond ring, the formation of Amanah and Najib’s cutting short his family holiday to rush back to Malaysia are symptoms of this struggle.

The unjust and illogical detention of the PSM-6 for frivolous reasons can only be intended to weaken Najib politically. Although they have released the damage has already been done. When a deputy Minister starts criticizing the handling of the Bersih rally the fight has shifted to the public arena.

The anti-Najib faction cannot allow him to win two-thirds majority in the next general election or his job will be safe. The conspirators have to weaken him politically and limit the extent of cheating in the polls to give PR a chance.

But they walk a fine line as there is a danger of overdoing things. The 13th G.E. is a David vs. Goliath battle but when two giants battle David may sneak in and run away with the crown.

Civil Society Strikes Back

On his first day as Prime Minister, Najib Razak said:

“Economic progress and better education have directly resulted in the birth of a class of voters who are better informed, very demanding and highly critical. If we do not heed this message, their seething anger will become hatred and in the end this may cause them to abandon us altogether.”

Unfortunately Najib did not follow his own advice nor did he impose this on his subordinates or the instruments of government. The intelligence of Malaysians are being insulted on an almost daily basis as if our society exists in the time warp of the 1970s when access to information was limited and the word of the government was trusted. Whether it is the imaginative reasons manufactured to demonize the Bersih rally, Anwar’s shaky sodomy trial held together by a compliant judge or the speculative suicide verdict of the Teoh RCI, Malaysians are being treated as gullible simpletons.

Civil society is frustrated and infuriated at the government’s lack of respect for them. The government is behaving like a dictatorship and not a democracy. They have taken their frustration to cyberspace and the social media and will find an outlet in the next general election. BN has completely lost the urban middle class. They have also lost the Chinese, the Indians, Christian, the fence sitters and the young voters.

But the people who talk down to others are themselves not smart enough to realize the effect they are causing. There is a sharp disconnect between state and society fostered no doubt by a sycophantic press which deprives the government of valuable feedback. The stage is set for a swing of anti-BN votes to PR by those who want an alternative to an abusive and corrupt government, any alternative as long as it is not BN.

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 Author| Post time 3-9-2011 03:43 AM | Show all posts
Pakatan’s Strategies

However PR should not celebrate yet because it takes a lot to displace BN. It is not enough to be a little more popular than BN, it takes overwhelming support to overwhelm BN’s cheating.

To level the playing field a little PR should push for implementation of at least three essential election reforms, namely proper conduct of postal votes, use of indelible ink and allowing all overseas Malaysians to vote.

There should not be any more public dissent within the group. PR must present a united front and a cohesive group. All arguments should be behind closed doors and no party or individual should go to the press to settle any argument.

For the first time ever the opposition front can claim to be able to displace BN with a high degree of credibility. This changes the dynamics completely from merely trying to be a strong opposition to being a government in waiting. PR is now able to make wide sweeping promises of what it intends to do it if it wins the election.

Promises such as reducing the price of oil and electricity to relieve the burden of the people can be made with good effect. Even BN traditional strongholds like Felda can be breached by promising a better deal for them. However populist measures such as distributing cash should not be made. The intelligence of Malaysians should be respected and the public knows what is sustainable and what is not.

The later the election is held the more favourable for PR with more young voters joining the rolls, more BN scandals emerging and the economy biting deeper. If it is to be held this year it will probably be November and we should know by October when Najib presents the budget. If an election budget is presented and should the Election Commission be as stubborn as it is now, Bersih 3.0 should be called and this time it should be held in every major town. The EC may still not act but it will deal BN a few body blows or even buy more time for PR if the election is postponed to next year.

The People’s Last Stand

The 13th G.E. may be the one and only time that Malaysians have any chance of replacing BN with another government. Such a chance may never come again as the goalposts will be moved after the 13th G.E. It should be noted that the present level of cheating will not work if Malaysians come out in large numbers and vote against BN.

We should not waste any votes on so-called third force parties like MCLM, HRM and KITA. Such split voting will only help to BN retain its power. There is no such thing as a third force unless there is a two party system in place. Although the level of support for PR is high enough to be considered a two party system in theory this is only true if both parties respect the rules of democracy. If the ruling party continues to oppress the opposition, abuse its power and corrupts all the institutions of democracy to perpetuate its rule while depending on a compromised election system to win, it is still a one party totalitarian rule in practice. A two party a system will only be in place if BN loses power at least once.

There are some who do not like BN but think that PR is not good enough to get their votes. They are missing the point because it is not about voting angels to parliament but creating a two party system. What can angels do in Parliament if BN is still the Federal power? MCLM which prides itself on selecting sterling candidates should answer this question. If PR does not perform we can easily vote them out but the same cannot be said of BN.

Another type of voters fear change and prefer to maintain the status quo. “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t” is their adage. But they fail to understand that the status quo cannot be maintained if BN continues to rule. There is only so much economic plunder and uncompetitive racial policies that one country can take. Economic decline has a way of accelerating exponentially. When we become a maid exporting country everybody will suffer except the Umnoputras.

The 13th general election represents a nexus of conducive factors which may just work together to push out BN. A united opposition, a power struggle in Umno, an alienated civil society and most important of all, an election system which isn’t totally corrupted yet. This is not only Pakatan’s last stand but also the People’s last stand against tyranny and economic mismanagement. The chance may never come again.

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 Author| Post time 5-9-2011 02:10 AM | Show all posts

Frontbench Committees
On 2 July 2009, Pakatan Rakyat announced a list of its Members ofParliament who would shadow individual ministries. DAP Member ofParliament Tony Pua stated that this front bench would explicitly not be a Shadow Cabinet because the Malaysian Parliament does not recognise the institution of a Shadow Cabinet.[8]
PortfolioPKR MemberPAS MemberDAP MemberActual Minister
Prime Minister's Department
Anwar Ibrahim (Leader of the Opposition)
Mohamed Azmin Ali
Sivarasa Rasiah
Abdul Khalid Ibrahim
William Leong
Kesavan a/l Shamugom
Fuziah Salleh

Abdul Hadi Awang
Nasharudin Mat Isa
Salahuddin Ayub
Hatta Ramli
Dzulkifli Ahmad
Taib Azamuddin
Khalid Samad

Lim Kit Siang
Ngeh Koo Ham
Hiew King Chiew
John Fernandez

Mohd Najib bin Tun Razak (Prime Minister)
Muhyiddin Yassin (Deputy Prime Minister)
Koh Tsu Koon
Nazri Aziz
Nor Mohamed Yakcop
Jamil Khir Baharom
Idris Jala
Ministry of Home AffairsJohari AbdulSalahuddin AyubKarpal SinghHishammuddin Tun Hussein
Ministry of FinanceMohamed Azmin AliDzulkifli AhmadLim Guan Eng
Mohd Najib bin Tun Razak (Minister of Finance I)
Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah (Minister of Finance II)
Ministry of TransportZahrain Mohamed HashimKhalid SamadTan Kok WaiChan Kong Choy
Ministry of WorksKamarul Bahrin AbbasMahfuz OmarGobind Singh DeoShaziman Abu Mansor
Ministry of Plantation Industries and CommoditiesRashid DinWan Abd Rahim Wan AbdullahEr Teck HwaBernard Dompok
Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and WaterChua Tian ChangMohd Nasir ZakariaCharles Anthony SantiagoPeter Chin Fah Kui
Ministry of International Trade and IndustryWilliam LeongMohd Hatta RamliTeresa KokMustapa Mohamed
Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based IndustryAhmad KassimTaib Azamuddin Md TaibSim Tong HimNoh Omar
Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and ConsumerismAzan IsmailMohd Abdul Wahid EndutJeff OoiIsmail Sabri Yaakob
Ministry of EducationYusmadi YusoffChe Uda Che NikChong EngMuhyiddin Yassin
Ministry of Information, Communications and CultureAmran Abdul GhaniMahfuz OmarTeo Nie ChingRais Yatim
Ministry of Human ResourcesAbdullah Sani Abdul HamidMuhammad HusinM KulasegaranSubramaniam Sathasivam
Ministry of Science, Technology and InnovationNurul Izzah AnwarChe Rosli Che MatChow Kon YeowMaximus Ongkili

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 Author| Post time 5-9-2011 02:11 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 7-9-2011 12:24 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Fujiwara at 7-9-2011 00:30


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Post time 7-9-2011 07:36 PM | Show all posts
oh...bermimpi di siang hari rupanya....

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 Author| Post time 8-9-2011 12:17 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 8-9-2011 03:09 AM | Show all posts
Fujiwara Post at 8-9-2011 00:17

    Dalam proses pendaftaran untuk berjuta pengundi adalah sukar untuk mendapat kesempurnaan 100% , memang ada berlaku kesilapan, kesalahan, tidak dikemaskini bukan saja melibatkan pihak SPR, tetapi juga melibatkan pihak pengundi dan waris.

Jangan gunakan cara yang tak elok, cara kotor, cara yang tak bermaruah untuk mendapatkan undi dan sokongan dengan membuat fitnah, dengan meletakkan kesilapan tersebut keatas BN.

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