congratulation tv3
congrate and thank you very much for showing this beautiful drama....
i love the nora elena drama series a lot
the casting is a perfect combination.
mr macho man aaron aziz
and the gorgeous siti saleha
it is such a lovely drama plot..
my 7 pm to 8pm everyday is the most waited hour of the day
i hope tv3 will next produce the DVD for this series...
meleleh air mataku when i watch the drama...
it is so real..
love it.. love it....
ai nk tanya ckit... camne ek nk copy gambar .gif NE nih?
ai try xleh le plak... help!! hanya gambo ...
nana97 Post at 22-6-2011 14:29
u kena pegi kat gambar .gif tu.... bukan dkt avvy ai tau...
pastu u copy je mcm biasa...
kalo u nak copy .gif tu terus kat avatar diorg2 yg moyan nih memang tak leh....
biasanyer ada kaka yg baik hati letak .gif dlm rumah NE...
tapi u kena selak satu2 lar...
baiknyer setazah intan nih..... anak sape lar ni...
malam ai memang busy....
uols lupa ker, ai kan dah ada baby....
sibuk layan baybi ngan bay ...
intan_pet Post at 22-6-2011 14:28
bukan ke ko semalam baru nak muntah2 .. harini kata dah ada baby lak.. muntah2 tu sebab anak kedua ko ngan seth ke.. sejak dah berbaik ngan seth ni aktip betul korang buat anak