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Author: opahcikcur

ISTANA GAFIM XVIII - Akim calon Artis Baru Lelaki & Penyanyi Lelaki Popular

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Post time 7-2-2010 01:07 AM | Show all posts
x tido lagik~ nk tgok citer patung antuu bunuh2 tuu kt tb3.
aan_sandlerella Post at 7-2-2010 00:58

Citer ape ek? dh start ke belum? nk gak join dindew Aan tgk citer tu...

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Post time 7-2-2010 01:11 AM | Show all posts
Citer ape ek? dh start ke belum? nk gak join dindew Aan tgk citer tu...
UmiFikri Post at 7-2-2010 01:07
citer ney start kul 12.30 tadi, lpas nightline.
citer ney mmg seramm owh! tapiii, alahai ngantoknye mate neyh~..
dinde rase mcm nk tido dah.

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Post time 7-2-2010 01:18 AM | Show all posts
Tgh layan drama Kau & Aku thru utiub.. Tapi byk sgt part2 yg buat sy gelak (gelak nonsense, not gelak funny).. Tu pun dah skip-skip.. rasanya, had to give it a bye-bye la nampaknya..

Spend masa lepak sini ajela rasanya..

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Post time 7-2-2010 01:18 AM | Show all posts
citer ney start kul 12.30 tadi, lpas nightline.
citer ney mmg seramm owh! tapiii, alahai ngantoknye mate neyh~..
dinde rase mcm nk tido dah. ...
aan_sandlerella Post at 7-2-2010 01:11

jk mcm tu..dindew gi tidow dulu ek?
sleep tight and have a sweet dreamzzzz....


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Post time 7-2-2010 01:20 AM | Show all posts
Tgh layan drama Kau & Aku thru utiub.. Tapi byk sgt part2 yg buat sy gelak (gelak nonsense, not gelak funny).. Tu pun dah skip-skip.. rasanya, had to give it a bye-bye la nampaknya..

Spend masa le ...
lily76 Post at 7-2-2010 01:18

hye Lily....wat la ulasan psl kaudanaku yg lily baru tgk td....please....

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Post time 7-2-2010 01:34 AM | Show all posts
Slm semua. Killa here even mata agak sepet dah nak jgk on9 hoho nak tau psl K&A minggu ni x ley tgk live lg away jln2 ngan family. So ape cer eaa?

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Post time 7-2-2010 01:38 AM | Show all posts
hye Lily....wat la ulasan psl kaudanaku yg lily baru tgk td....please....
UmiFikri Post at 7-2-2010 01:20

Plots were so nonsense.. I cant even put them into words.. Acting pun not so good overall... Be it the experienced or inexperienced ones.. U didnt miss anything, dear. Infact, i'm not recommending it to u to watch it..

N guess what? I officially hate the heroin, hence the drama... Any believable drama shall manage to make the viewer like the hero & heroin for their presence n character. But i don't really understand what makes her the centre of the conflicts.. why the hero feels she's that worth.. The hero? I might be bias over the hero cos of the actor.. *sigh*

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Post time 7-2-2010 01:39 AM | Show all posts
kalau dedulu tanye soklan neh harus ku guling2 kat pasir lily
tp truth is mmg ai x terinclude antara penyumbang2 air mata darah itiew
sape2 pn kalo nk bsama akim i tak  ...
aiwa9 Post at 6-2-2010 22:07
Hoho ley tadah air mata wat tasik. Killa pun x terkategori la golongan yg mengeluarkan air mata darah itu same jgk cam kanda aiwa x kisah kalau betul la die ade gf pun kalau dah jodoh die tp kalau bkn jodoh die nnt ngan org lain lak. Tp kalau tu hanya gimmick walls semata2 kui3

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Post time 7-2-2010 01:41 AM | Show all posts
soltan kt FUHHH! tv3!
topik : ckp sal rambott.
aan_sandlerella Post at 6-2-2010 23:04
Psl rambut? mantainance rambut kah?

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Post time 7-2-2010 01:46 AM | Show all posts
Episod 16: Farah Cuba Memikat Akim

Berita tentang bakat dan kebolehan Akim dalam nyanyian telah tersebarluas di kolej. Akim mula menjadi perhatian ramai namun dia masihbersikap rendah diri.

Noni  yang telah kembali ke kolej setelah membuat pertunjukkan di luarkota, terkejut dan sangat marah apabila mendapat tahu yang Akim telahkembali bercinta dengan Mila.

Farish cuba menghiburkan Noni dan memujuknya agar melupakan Akim, namunNoni enggan kerana Akim adalah cinta pertamanya dan sukar baginya untukmelupakan Akim. Farish kemudiannya cuba memberi kiasan bahawa adaseseorang yang sangat mencintai Noni.  Farish berjanji akan sentiasa berusaha untuk membuatkan Noni bahagia.Malangnya Noni tidak berminat untuk mengetahui siapa orangnya dan inimembuatkan Farish kecewa.

Sejak melihat kebolehan Akim menyanyi dengan baik, Farah mula berubahsikap. Dia menjadi ramah dan selalu mencari kesempatan untuk mendekatiAkim. Anita dan Chichi pula seakan tidak percaya apabila Farahmemberitahu yang dia telah terpikat dengan Akim. Bagi mereka, Akimtidak kaya atau setaraf dengan mereka. Farah kemudian mengatakan bahawatujuan dia mendekati Akim adalah untuk membuatkan hati Mila hancur.

Sementara itu, Mila dan Akim semakin mesra dan akrab. Ini membuatkanNoni dan Aril semakin cemburu. Disebabkan terlalu memikirkan merekayang mana mereka memiliki nasib yang sama, Aril mengajak Noni untukbekerjasama untuk membuatkan hubungan  Mila dan Akim putus.

Noni yang pada awalnya ragu-ragu, akhirnya bersetuju menerima tawaran Aril kerana obsesi dia untuk mendapatkan Akim semula.


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Post time 7-2-2010 01:46 AM | Show all posts
Hujan lebat,kilat sabung menyabung kalau tido besh ni. Tp semangat nak ke istana baru jom2 runtuhkan istana lama hoho

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Post time 7-2-2010 01:49 AM | Show all posts
Sy post tadi, synopsis cerita K&A yg mlm ni..

Komen sy dah tulis tadi kan.. I didnt expect much from this TV series.. But, tonite's totally a downer.. Not becos of Akim-Mila dah berbaik, n byk scene diorg.. But, no character or plot that's believable, esp the heroin..

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Post time 7-2-2010 01:50 AM | Show all posts
Plots were so nonsense.. I cant even put them into words.. Acting pun not so good overall... Be it the experienced or inexperienced ones.. U didnt miss anything, dear. Infact, i'm not recommending ...
lily76 Post at 7-2-2010 01:38

actually..I agreed with all your points,dear ..yup! the heroin is not so worth to be the main character in this story...
and I'm only watch this drama just to see our Soltan's face  and try to look into his improvement esp in acting

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Post time 7-2-2010 02:00 AM | Show all posts
Hoho ley tadah air mata wat tasik. Killa pun x terkategori la golongan yg mengeluarkan air mata darah itu same jgk cam kanda aiwa x kisah kalau betul la die ade gf pun kalau dah jodoh die ...
Killa92 Post at 7-2-2010 01:39

Rasanya takde sapa kluarkan air mata darah, even air mata masin yg biasa tu pun takde.. Cos I think org esp his female fans dah expect initially that he'll be linked to a girl really soon.. Dah masuk tahun baru, dah cecah umur 19thn ni, rasanya kalau dia takde gfren, org akan pelik plak instead..

I didnt expect the gorgeous, as to physically fits the second hensem AF alumni ni.. As long as i can understand why people like her, why soltan adore her, as far as her personality's concerned.. Itu dah memadai.. Among gafimmers pun boleh aje.. Kalau brani, u ols leh cuba.. huhuk..

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Post time 7-2-2010 02:06 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Killa92 at 7-2-2010 02:10
Rasanya takde sapa kluarkan air mata darah, even air mata masin yg biasa tu pun takde.. Cos I think org esp his female fans dah expect initially that he'll be linked to a girl really soon.. Dah ma ...
lily76 Post at 7-2-2010 02:00
Wah statement berani mati ni.Tp ramai jgk gaffimers kat cb gaffim yg Killa kenal tu akan sure mencuba kalau diberi peluang haha

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Post time 7-2-2010 02:07 AM | Show all posts
Rasanya takde sapa kluarkan air mata darah, even air mata masin yg biasa tu pun takde.. Cos I think org esp his female fans dah expect initially that he'll be linked to a girl really soon.. Dah ma ...
lily76 Post at 7-2-2010 02:00

mmg dh lumrah jk die dah ada special girlfriend jgn la smpai jd mcm kes sorang artis tu...yg bila dh declare,dh tk boleh nk berenggang langsung sampai fans diepun jd boring dan marah....
harap our soltan tk mcm tu ek?

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Post time 7-2-2010 02:12 AM | Show all posts
mmg dh lumrah jk die dah ada special girlfriend jgn la smpai jd mcm kes sorang artis tu...yg bila dh declare,dh tk boleh nk berenggang langsung sampai fans diepun jd boring dan marah.... ...
UmiFikri Post at 7-2-2010 02:07
Hrp kalau tul la perkhabaran ini Soltan ley la manage jgk x la berkepit je kan cam artis yg Umi ckp tu.

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Post time 7-2-2010 02:15 AM | Show all posts
actually..I agreed with all your points,dear ..yup! the heroin is not so worth to be the main character in this story...
and I'm only watch this drama just to see our Soltan's face  and try to look into his improvement esp in acting UmiFikri Post at 7-2-2010 01:50

Agreed.. Agreed.. Agreed.. Well said.

1. Tak tahu sama ada olahan watak heroin tu, ataupun cara Mila carry watak heroin tu yg bugged me more.. I dont like the heroin, infact rasa heroin tu sooo a selfish snobbish character..

2. At the end of every episod of K&A tu, without bias, the infectious smile, the honest yet adorable look, rambut cucuk2 mata & the emotion showed towards lisa (n hari ni the unpleasant reaction towards watak Farah)  of the 'akim' as the hero yg i kekal ingat..

3. N yup, the progress and improvement afiqhakim acting yg jadi my main concern.. Hari ni, mencari2 & meneliti part2 yg dia ada kemungkinan menunjukkan kekayuan, tapi surprisingly, tak ada langsung in tonite's episode. (or maybe i'm so familiar with org yg takde ekspression di dunia realiti ni, sikit2 kekayuan dlm lakonan tak mengganggu tumpuan sy pd aspek penceritaannya, kot)

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Post time 7-2-2010 02:17 AM | Show all posts
Hrp kalau tul la perkhabaran ini Soltan ley la manage jgk x la berkepit je kan cam artis yg Umi ckp tu.
Killa92 Post at 7-2-2010 02:12

kiter just leh m'harap jew...terpulanglah kt Soltan sendiri nk manage personal life die ngan karier die....hopefully die xkan mengecewakan peminat2 die especially the gafimmers.... betul tk dinde Killa?

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Post time 7-2-2010 02:17 AM | Show all posts
Agreed.. Agreed.. Agreed.. Well said.

1. Tak tahu sama ada olahan watak heroin tu, ataupun cara Mila carry watak heroin tu yg bugged me more.. I dont like the heroin, infact rasa heroin tu soo ...
lily76 Post at 7-2-2010 02:15
Does tht mean he's acting improving day to day? <.< If it's so good news to hear

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