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Author: my-alja

leadership for kids

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Post time 29-7-2007 11:50 PM | Show all posts

Reply #20 my-alja's post

What is SQ?

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 Author| Post time 30-7-2007 10:21 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by AnitaSabrina at 29-7-2007 11:50 PM
What is SQ?

IQ and EQ give way to spiritual intelligence, the ultimate intelligence that can add value and meaning to your life

For long, the world gave much importance to
Intelligence Quotient. "My son has an IQ of 210!" the proud mother would gush. "He's going to be a scientist." This attitude is a legacy of the early 20th century when psychologists devised tests to measure intelligence. These tests primarily measured intellectual or rational intelligence (used to solve logical problems). The higher the figure, the belief went, the greater the intelligence.
In mid-1990s, Daniel Goleman revealed findings in neuroscience and psychology that stressed the importance of Emotional Quotient (EQ). This makes us aware of our feelings and that of others. It gives empathy, motivation, compassion and an ability to respond skillfully to pleasure and pain. Goleman argued that EQ was a basic requirement for the use of IQ. If the areas of our brain that feel are damaged, our ability to think effectively is diminished.
Last year, however, authors Dana Zohar and Ian Marshall introduced a new dimension to human intelligence. Spiritual Quotient (or SQ) is the ultimate intelligence, they claim. This is the intelligence used to solve problems of meaning and value. "Is my job giving me the fulfillment I seek?" "Am I relating to the people in my life in a way that contributes to their happiness and mine?" Answers to these questions determine whether we will find happiness or not. IQ and EQ are inadequate in such issues.
"Spiritual intelligence," explains Ram Mohan, a Vedanta teacher, "is about the growth of a human being. It is about moving on in life. About having a direction in life and being able to heal ourselves of all the resentment we carry. It is thinking of ourselves as an expression of a higher reality. It is also about how we look at the resources available to us. We realize that nature is not meant to be exploited. Ultimately, we discover freedom from our sense of limitation as human beings and attain moksha."

Anand Tendolkar, a workshop leader, says: "For me spiritual intelligence is about pondering over my life's purpose. Just being in touch with that question is fulfilling. Finally I realize that there is an immensity to me. As I move along the path, deeper levels of myself get unfolded, leading to fulfillment." Humans are essentially spiritual beings, evolved to ask fundamental questions. "Who am I?" "Where am I going?" "What do others mean to me?" It is an ability to answer questions like these that lead people to personal growth workshops. Spiritual intelligence motivates people to balance their work schedules to spend time with the family. Or an executive with a high SQ might look beyond profit margins and devote time for voluntary work with orphans. Spiritual intelligence also addresses the need to place one's life in a shared context of value.
The transformative power of SQ distinguishes it from IQ and EQ. IQ primarily solves logical problems. EQ allows us to judge the situation we are in and behave appropriately. SQ allows us to ask if we want to be in that situation in the first place. It might motivate us to create a new one. SQ has little connection to formal religion. Atheists and humanists may have high SQ while someone actively religious may not.
"The awakening of our spiritual intelligence may be a time of great joy and meaning," says Anita Pandey, who frequents personal growth programs. "Suddenly I had a feeling of being in control. Earlier things happened to me. Now I am more aware. Also, I have actually started living those values I had heard about條ike acceptance and unconditional love."
In their book Spiritual Intelligence桾he Ultimate Intelligence, Zohar and Marshall discuss the scientific evidence for SQ. In the 1990s, research by neuropsychologist Michael Persinger and neurologist V.S. Ramachandran at the University of California led to an identification of a 'God-spot' in the human brain. This area is located among neural connections in the temporal lobes of the brain. During scans with positron emission topography, these neural areas light up whenever research subjects are exposed to discussion of spiritual topics. Of course, this is culture specific, with Westerners responding to ideas of 'God' and Buddhists and Hindus responding to certain symbols. While the God-spot does not prove the existence of 'God', it does indicate that the brain is programmed to ask ultimate questions.



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Post time 30-7-2007 12:52 PM | Show all posts
Salam. Sambung skit
Jom tengok sifat2 wajib bg Rasulullah saw. Secara ringkasnya...

Maksud SIDDIQ adalah BENAR. Baginda memangdikenali dr kecil lg tidak pernah bercakap bohong.

Amanah berarti DAPAT DIPERCAYA. Rasululloh SAWsendiri sebelum menjadi Rasul, Baginda sudah digelari Al Amin (Yang DapatDipercaya). Jadi tidak hairanlah Baginda diyakini dlm membuat keputusansiapakah yg layak utk meletakkan batu hajarul aswad.

Fathonah, yg artinya CERDAS/PANDAI.
Kita sudah ketahui bahwa Rasululloh SAW adalahmanusia yg buta huruf dan tidak boleh membaca serta tidak boleh menulis. Istilahlainnya adalah UMMI. Namun, sejarah membuktikan bahwa Baginda mempunyaikecerdasan yg luar biasa. Allah memberikan kecerdasan kpd Baginda, agar Bagindatidak dipengaruhi orang lain. Setiap tindakan yg Baginda lakukan adalah hasilkecerdasan Baginda, bukan pengaruh dari orang yg ada di sekitar mereka,termasuk istri/anak Baginda sendiri.

Tabligh mempunyai arti MENYAMPAIKAN WAHYU KEPADAUMATNYA. Sifat ini juga berkait dengan sifat Amanah, yg tidak akan berbuat curangdalam menyampaikan ajaran ALLAH SWT kepada umat. Maksud dari sifat ini, Rasulullah saw akansenantiasa menyampaikan wahyu, apapun bahaya/ancaman yg datang kepada mereka.



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Post time 30-7-2007 12:55 PM | Show all posts
Status pemimpin dari sudut pandangan Islam merupakan wakil bagi seluruh umat, bahkan bolehpula disebut sebagai pekerja hak umat terhadapnya.揂bu Muslim al-Khulani



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Post time 30-7-2007 03:31 PM | Show all posts

Reply #22 my-alja's post

mmm.... Spiritual intelligence ye alja! Sebenarnya depa ni esp orientalis barat, depa dah kaji sifat2 Rasululullah saw. Baginda memang mempunyai
sifat2 ini. Baginda sepanjang hayat hy memikirkan kepentingan org lain tanpa memikirkan kepentingan sendiri. Bagaimana nak jadikan org lain senang. Kalau boleh semua kita ni senang dan masuk syurga! Sebab tulah nak kena bunuh ke kena ludah ke kena maki ke... x pa! Bukan takat spiritual intelligence malahan Baginda ada spiritual strength!

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Post time 30-7-2007 03:33 PM | Show all posts
Sambung skit pasal amanah

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Post time 30-7-2007 03:36 PM | Show all posts
Kecerdasan dan kematangan dlm berfikir sgt penting. Utk menjadi pemimpin seseorang mesti bijak dlm menangani sesuatu masalah. Buah fikiran org lain boleh dipertimbangkan tp jgnlah sampai mudah dipengaruhi lebih2 lg jika pihak yg mempengaruhi adalah saudara mara, anak isteri, teman rapat dsbgnya.
Kita contohi peribadi Rasulullah saw. Baginda membuat satu keputusan yg sgt bijak dlm perebutan di antara kafilah2 utk meletakkan semula batu Hajarul Aswad.  Akhirnya semua pihak berpuas hati. Selain itu Baginda sgt tegas dlm mempertahankan prinsip Baginda. Baginda tidak mudah dipengaruhi dgn pelbagai tawaran daripada kaum Qurais, bahkan tidak sedikit pun hatinya berganjak dan tertarik dengan tawaran tersebut. Sehinggakan puju rayu bapa saudaranya sendiri pun baginda tidak menerimanya, malah menegaskan dengan sabdanya:
"Demi Allah", wahai bapa saudaraku, jika mereka meletakkan matahari ditangan kananku dan bulan ditangan kiriku, agar aku tinggalkan penyebaran agama islam, tidaklah aku akan tinggalkannya sehingga nyata dan jelas kebenaran agama islam atau aku terkorban kerana menyebarkannya".

Cuba kita bawa sifat ini dlm kehidupan seharian. Seorang perancang yg amanah dan bijak, dia akan melaksanakan tugasnya dgn niat memudahkan/menyenangkan org lain. Dia akan sentiasa memikirkan penyelesaian terbaik. Membuat jln bukan sekadar menikmati keuntungannya tp memikirkan faedah bersama, kemudahan masyarakat x kiralah tahap umur, sosial dan ekonomi.
Me ambik contoh kat UK. Pemandangan ibu menyorong stroller membawa anak kecilnya berjln / shopping adalah fenomena biasa. Nak naik bas, pintunya bukan main lebar dan luas. 2 ruang diberikan. Satu utk yg naik, satu lg utk yg nak turun. Bas pun x lah tinggi sgt jd mudah nak angkat stroller. Kalau kat sini, bukan takat sempit, nak naik bas pun boleh terselak kain masa nak pijak tangga. Laluan utk pedestrian pun mcm ala kadar. Bonjol sana, lubang sini. Kalau tolak anak naik stroller pendek kata mcm naik kuda je budak tu jdnya!
Jika manusia mempunyai sifat fathonah dan disertai dgn amanah, byk hak2 asasi manusia akan terlaksana.
Meh tengok contoh lg. Yg hari2 kita hadap. Iklan! Siapa pembuat iklan? Apa tujuan iklan? Apa pula sumbangan iklan terhadap pembangunan insan?
It抯 really sad to say kebanyakan pembuat iklan hanya menimbangkan sudut komersial dan keuntungan semata. Pengiklan yg bijak sepatutnya bukan shj boleh melariskan sesuatu produk tp mereka boleh mendidik penonton pd masa yg sama. Dlm bab iklan pujian harus diberi kpd Yasmin Ahmad. Walau pun at certain things I can抰 accept her ideas, beliau sebenarnya  secara x langsung mendidik kita nilai2 murni spt perpaduan kaum, menghormati org tua dan cintakan negara. Pengiklan yg hny memikirkan keuntungan semata, maka lahirlah iklan2 spt Roti High 5 yg mengajar anak2 menjadi nakal! :@

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 Author| Post time 30-7-2007 04:11 PM | Show all posts

Reply #25 HOTlips's post

thanks for sharing...omputih nie baru jumpa benda nie, itu yg dia syok explore dan dibuat dlm bentuk pengajaran disekolah2 mereka...dan org2 kita terlalu leka dgn IQ sampai tak nampak kelebihan aspek lain dlm kecerdikkan manusia...

from my reading kan dpat ringkaskan IQ is merely in GOd's hand...kalo DIA nak pilih anak yatim mempunyai IQ 200, memang akan wujud anak sebegitu...begitu jugak yg terjadi pd Adi Putra, EQ plak byk bergantung pd didikan mak/ayah ...kena semai sifat nie drp anak2 masih kecil sebab hasilnya mungkin lepas 15/20 thn...baru nampak buahnya...

dan terakhir SQ, bergantung pd kecerdikkan diri...kena byk buat self-talk sebelum capai pd peringkat nie...tu sebab kekadang kita lihat ada org cerdik pandai yg sanggup berkorban harta benda utk kepuasan peribadi..utk menolong org lain selain diri dia....

btol kata u, semuanya cantik dlm keperibadian Nabi kita, cuma yg islam memisahkan keperibadian Nabi MUhammad s.a.w dlm kehidupan harian2 kita...kita cuma ambik part2 solat dan ibadat, yg lain semua kita tinggal....

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 Author| Post time 30-7-2007 04:19 PM | Show all posts

defination of good character

Your character is defined by what you do, not what you say or believe.
Every choice you make helps define the kind of person you are choosing to be.
Good character requires doing the right thing, even when it is costly or risky.
You don't have to take the worst behavior of others as a standard for yourself. You can choose to be better than that.
What you do matters, and one person can make a big difference.
The payoff for having good character is that it makes you a better person and it makes the world a better place.

[ Last edited by  my-alja at 30-7-2007 04:21 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 30-7-2007 04:24 PM | Show all posts
principels kat atas tu me ambik dr website good character...very gud website nak ajar anak2 asas kehidupan melalui karektor ...

anak jadi pemimpin atau tidak nanti adalah pilihan dia dlm hidup, tapi karektor yg baik adalah kemestian utk memastikan keharmoian hidup...

p/ k.fe kata, tajuk nie terlalu luas nak dibincangkan, jadi sesamalah kita pilih input yg sesuai...

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Post time 30-7-2007 08:17 PM | Show all posts
yea, dah ramai dah kat sini... seronok plak bace..

dulu i bleh dikate kan takde ciri2 leadership lg, sampai org dah start pijak kepala barulah i berazam nak bentuk diri...

saye byk bace buku2 motivasi diri, collect keratan akhbar pasal kejayaan org lain...

sekarang ni bukanlah bagus, tapi mungkin muka dah nampak matang n people byk refer to me...

that what happen to my daughter... i applied benda yang same kat dia, n her friends byk refer kat dia bila kat skolah.... n bila kita berdepan dgn perkara2 mcm tu kita akan byk berfikir secara kritis...

to build leadership for kids, mmg kena sikit2... kita kena byk bersabar....

mengambil Rasulullah sbg contoh adalah yg paling tepat...

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 Author| Post time 30-7-2007 09:27 PM | Show all posts

Reply #31 sari_apot's post

tu pengalaman sendirikan sari...mesti mahal

pengalaman me plak, tahu manusia nie lain2 tapi tak pernah rasa istilah "karektor" yg memisahkan kita antara individu...sampailah kahwin dgn hubby...i got married to an alein from another langit dan bumi antara kami berdua...

dr situ me belajar pasal manusia, makin lama makin jatuh cinta dgn ilmu2 pasal manusia dan yg jadi bahan kajian adalah anak2 dan suami...kekekek..

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 Author| Post time 1-8-2007 04:19 PM | Show all posts
Traits of a Good LeaderCompiled by the Santa Clara University and the Tom Peters Group:
  • Honesty - Display sincerity, integrity, and candor in all your actions. Deceptive behavior will not inspire trust.
  • Competent - Your actions should be based on reason and moral principles. Do not make decisions based on childlike emotional desires or feelings.
  • Forward-looking Set goals and have a vision of the future. The vision must be owned throughout the organization. Effective leaders envision what they want and how to get it. They habitually pick priorities stemming from their basic values.
  • Inspiring - Display confidence in all that you do. By showing endurance in mental, physical, and spiritual stamina, you will inspire others to reach for new heights. Take charge when necessary.
  • Intelligent - Read, study, and seek challenging assignments.
  • Fair-minded - Show fair treatment to all people. Prejudice is the enemy of justice. Display empathy by being sensitive to the feelings, values, interests, and well-being of others.
  • Broad-minded - Seek out diversity.
  • Courageous - Have the perseverance to accomplish a goal, regardless of the seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Display a confident calmness when under stress.
  • Straightforward - Use sound judgment to make a good decisions at the right time.
  • Imaginative - Make timely and appropriate changes in your thinking, plans, and methods. Show creativity by thinking of new and better goals, ideas, and solutions to problems. Be innovative!

cuba2 cek , traits yg mana ada kat anak kita...yg boleh dikukuhkan lagi, yg takda lansung, boleh dimulakan..



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 Author| Post time 1-8-2007 04:25 PM | Show all posts

Reply #27 HOTlips's post

terlepas pandang satu input nie...

bas kat UK tgk tempat2 gaklah....ada tu lebih kurang cam bas mini kat tempat kita aje, pintu pun satu aje utk naik dan turun...tapi yg pasti driver dia tak rakus cam driver kita...heheheh

tapi london lain plak citernya, pendek kata kan hot...mana2 tempat kaya(UK miskin)...public transport memang bagus sgt esp utk mothers and disable

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 Author| Post time 1-8-2007 04:38 PM | Show all posts
something to ponder

  Is Character Developed Via Nature or Nurture?I do not believe that the nature vs. nurture debate is linear enough to put percentages on it -- on one side of the fence we have nature and on the other side we have nurture. And while nature (genes) certainly has its influences on us, the environment normally determines the impact of a gene.
For example, one of the classics examples for discussing genes is Konrad Lorenz's work on the imprinting that occurs in baby geese -- they have it within them to imprint whatever is moving near them, which is normally their mother. However, it could be anything else that is moving around them, such as a person. But no matter what they imprint on, rather it be their mother, a human, or an inanimate object, the piece of the environment that they actually imprint on is going to have a huge impact on their life. Thus gene provides the goal, but the environment provides the process, and it is what happens during the process that will determine the outcome.

Piaget was probably the first person to think of children as species equipped with a characteristic mind, rather than as apprentice adults (little adults). He discovered they went through a series of five developmental stages that were always in the same order, but not always at the same rate: 1) sensorimotor, 2) preoperational, 3) concrete operations, and in adolescence they have 3) abstract thought and finally 4) deductive reasoning.  

Piaget's two contemporaries, Konrad Lorenz and B.F. Skinner took up extreme positions. Lorenz as a champion of nature and Skinner as a champion of nurture. Piaget, however, dived right down the middle of this debate. He believed a gene's meaning depends heavily on its context with the surrounding environment. That is, while a child goes through five stages of development (genes), it is the active engagement of the mind with the surrounding environment (nurture) that causes development. The two main forces of the environment are feedback and social interaction. From this, the child assimilates predicted experiences and accommodates it to unexpected experiences. For some time it was believed that animals grew no new neurons in the cortex of their brains upon reaching adulthood, thus their fate was basically sealed by their generic nature. This was apparently proved by a Pasco Rakix, a neuroscientist.

However, Fernando Nottebohm soon found that adult canaries made new neurons when they learn new songs. So Rakix replied that it was only adult mammals that could not grow neurons. But soon afterward, Elizabeth Gould found that rats grow new neurons. So Rakix replied primates could not. Gould next discovered that tree shrews grew new neurons. Rakix that higher primates could not grow new neurons. Gould then found them in marmosets. Rakix zeroed it down to old-world primates. Gould then discovered them in macaques.  Today it is almost certain that all primates, including humans, grow new neurons in response to new experiences, and loose neurons in response to neglect. Thus, with all the determinism built into the initial wiring of our brain, experience with our surrounding environment refines and in some cases rewires that initial wiring.

Nature may be our internal guide (map), but nurture is our explorer that has the final say in what we do (destination).

[ Last edited by  my-alja at 1-8-2007 04:40 PM ]



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Post time 4-8-2007 06:11 PM | Show all posts
Now, lets see how tabligh contributes to leadership
Seorg yg biasa mengamalkan sikap menyampaikan akan mempunyai kemahiran dan kemampuan komunikasi yang tinggi. Konsep Tabligh di sini membawa maksud proses penyampaian ilmu hendaklah disampaikan menerusi cara yang jelas difahami, tanpa ada provokasi makna ataupun bombastik sehingga boleh mengelirukan pendengar yang terdiri daripada pelbagai lapisan masyarakat.
Ini bertepatan dengan hadis yang dianjurkan oleh Rasulullah SAW, 揃arang siapa yang menyampaikan kepada orang lain satu maklumat(ilmu) yang tidak difahami, maka ia telah berbuat kerosakan (fitnah) di kalangan mereka.擺/color]
Kesimpulannya apabila mampu berkomunikasi dgn baik, arahan mudah diberi. Org yg diberi arahan akan lebih mudah memahami. Dgn ini x timbullah soal 搈iscommunication

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 Author| Post time 6-8-2007 05:45 PM | Show all posts

Reply #36 HOTlips's post

oo..baguslah hotlips, u dlm tabligh jugak ke?...

ermm..cemana bila anak tu tegur cikgu merokok tu?....cikgu tu marah atau tidak?...

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 Author| Post time 6-8-2007 05:47 PM | Show all posts
Rasulullah SAW, 揃arang siapa yang menyampaikan kepada orang lain satu maklumat(ilmu) yang tidak difahami, maka ia telah berbuat kerosakan (fitnah) di kalangan mereka.

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Post time 7-8-2007 12:50 PM | Show all posts
good topic and good discussion.

my kids, well, speaking of abang being the eldest, when he was in lower primary tak nampak leading qualities in him yet.
When he was in upper primary, slowly ia keluar. By then, dia dah hold certain posts in school.  

Tru my observation, he got all his confidence ni, after dia khatam quran. By then, dia cx his adik's quran reciting, da jadi imam to his adik2 during prayers. Da mampu jaga adik di sekolah..dan sebagainye.

Wrapping up lah kan, i felt, qualities in leading ni akan tekeluar dari mereka secara perlahan-lahan , di samping stimulasi dari environment dan pengalaman mereka sendiri.

Yang plaing penting to me adalah leading ownself...tak mampu nak lead ownself, bagaimana nak lead otherz....thats my words to my kids..

Abang now in form 1, and being the prefect in his school, told him, be a good and best muslim prefect. ANd he has got a lot more to learn and acquire. Firm , firm firm.....ramai leaders yang tak firm...

haa nak jadi firm ni yang kenaaaaa banyak latihan...



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Post time 7-8-2007 01:52 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sweetmama at 7-8-2007 12:50 PM
good topic and good discussion.

my kids, well, speaking of abang being the eldest, when he was in lower primary tak nampak leading qualities in him yet.
When he was in upper primary, slowly i ...

yes u r right.

oo anak u form1.... eh form 1 dapat jadi prefect ek?

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