Mungkinkah ini unta yang di sebut dalam Al Quran?
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mcm mn la ada yg sanggop mkn daging unta...aku tgk muka diorang pon sedeyy jekk...x sanggop
fifie_olin Post at 27-6-2012 15:27
ok je ayam spring(arnab) pun den makan.. nyum - nyum sodap.. |
masakan tradisi orang badwi masuk dalam Guinness tau...unta sumbat....
alphawolf Post at 27-6-2012 16:30
cete sket.. nak gambor skali.. plis... |
sori la bro wa takde gambo. Tapi entri kat Guiness kata stuffing disumbat dalam sekor kambing dan beberapa ekor kambing disumbat pulak dalam seekor unta. Unta tu pulak dipanggang whole, tak potong2.
p.s TT nanti marah dah lari topik.... |
orang putih jugak yang gigih dok buat research dan discover benda-benda mcm ni
cepheid Post at 14-6-2012 16:21
Orang Putih lebih dipercayai untuk kajian2 camni...
Dalam hal agama..oranag Ereb lebih dipercayai...sebab tu AMENO suka pandangan agama pak2 Ereb |
Hah, ni le gambar masakan spesel Arab Badwi iaitu unta sumbat (stuffed camel dish):
Biasanya, peringkat awal, beberapa biji telur rebus, beras / nasi berserta rempah ratus & biji bijian disumbat kepada beberapa ekor ayam yang kemudian disumbat ke dalam sekor kambing / kibas yang lepas tu disumbat dalam sekor unta .... dipanggang.
Makanan ini hidangan istimewa yang kerap dihidang semasa keraian tuan sheikh kabilah atau jemputan VVIP. |
Gargantuan dish
kat Guiness kata stuffing disumbat dalam sekor kambing dan beberapa ekor kambing disumbat pulak dalam seekor unta. Unta tu pulak dipanggang whole, tak potong2.
A French chef from the Perpignan region in Southern France poses in front of the world's largest mechoui grill. Falco, using over three tonnes of wood and 15 litres of oil, roasted a 550kg�camel for 15 hours in the presence of a notary who recorded the feat.
SAFI, Morocco - A French cook has prepared the world's largest mechoui grill -- spit-roasting a 550-kg camel for 15 hours at a seaside Moroccan town south of Rabat.
"It's a tradition that's fallen out of favour," said 63-year-old Christian Falco from the south-western French city of Perpignan, describing a time two centuries ago when a Moroccan king offered a roast camel to his people.
"I brought it back," said Falco, a six-time Guinness world record holder whose other culinary claims to fame include spit-roasting the world's largest slab of beef, 985.5 kg, in 1996.
Falco began barbecuing his latest meal early yesterday, using 2.7 tonnes of wood and 15 litres of oil to cook the camel meat.
About 500 intrepid diners feasted on it last night at the seaside town of Safi, paying 150 dirhams ($A20) for the experience.
Safi was also the settng for the world's largest tajine, a North African stew, made of sardines in 1999.
Falco is already planning his next challenge -- to beat the world record for the biggest spit-roasted bison in Costa Rica.
info nya:
Masakan ini dulunya adalah masakan raja keturunan dari Moroko yang menjamu rakyatnya dengan unta golek ini.
Diperlukan 2.7 tan kayu dan 15 liter minyak masak untuk memanggagnya.
This gargantuan dish is said to form part of a traditional Bedouin wedding feast served for the likes of sheikhs, so your luck will have to be in to come across it.
While the recipe’s authenticity is treated with scepticism by some, it’s listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest item on any menu in the world. Wikipedia.com suggests there was a reference to this culinary delight in the book The Fearless Diner by Richard Sterling, who claimed to have met someone who cooked it for a sheikh in Saudi Arabia.
resepi nye:
In a cookbook called International Cuisine, presented by California Home Economics Teachers, 1983 (ISBN 0-89626-051-8), you will find:
Stuffed Camel
1 whole camel, medium size
1 whole lamb, large size
20 whole chickens, medium size
60 eggs
12 kilos rice
2 kilos pine nuts
2 kilos almonds
1 kilo pistachio nuts
110 gallons water
5 pounds black pepper
Salt to taste
Skin, trim and clean camel (once you get over the hump), lamb and chicken. Boil until tender. Cook rice until fluffy. Fry nuts until brown and mix with rice. Hard boil eggs and peel. Stuff cooked chickens with hard boiled eggs and rice. Stuff the cooked lamb with stuffed chickens. Add more rice. Stuff the camel with the stuffed lamb and add rest of rice. Broil over large charcoal pit until brown. Spread any remaining rice on large tray and place camel on top of rice. Decorate with boiled eggs and nuts. Serves friendly crowd of 80-100. |
Reply 25# robotech
woo hari tu dah makan kambing mandi(nasi??).. bolela makan jamal mandi pulak.. |
orang putih jugak yang gigih dok buat research dan discover benda-benda mcm ni
cepheid Post at 14-6-2012 16:21
orang Islam duk sibuk bergaduh, fitnah, kutuk, maki sesama sendiri. last2 ketinggalan jauh kat belakang. |
hidangan unta sumbat??? brape ramai leh makan hidangan tu and brape plak rege dia?
Last edited by HangPC2 on 22-7-2012 02:10 PM \n\nCamelops hesternus
Titanotylopus / Megacamelus
tarabas1976 posted on 23-7-2012 11:47 AM
memang lar. Orang Islam cuma bila discovery tu reveal akan kata Subhanallah sambil post kat pesbuk ...
betul tu.
kesian aku tengok umat islam skrg asyik dok Subhanallah ke hulu ke hilir atas kerja orang bukan Islam.
Kenape ye skrg ni asal jumpe fosil dan mumia nak dikaitkan dgn peristiwa yg bkaitan dgn nabi dan rasul...
aku tak faham betul la.... |
unta sumbat pon ade gak ek?? |
baru tau ada unta sumbat |
Aku tak rase fosil tu unta Nabi Saleh A.S tapi aku hargai hasil usaha kajian saintis yang sentiasa berusaha mempelajari sesuatu yang baru dan terbuka pada idea2 baru...kan bagus kalau kite umat Islam boleh contohi instead of hanya tau komen dan kutuk ajer? |
robotech posted on 2-7-2012 06:21 PM
Hah, ni le gambar masakan spesel Arab Badwi iaitu unta sumbat (stuffed camel dish):
humangaih...hidangan berapa orang neh?
kenyang seminggu perut aku TENGOK hidangan unta tu.... |
tak lalu nak makan a tengok unta sumbat tu... |
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