~ Angkatan Penyokong2 cLAUDia(APPLAUD) ~ Keindahan Pantai Claudia ~
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Reply #35 KenyahGuy's post
aok eh.. ala2 manbelon jak muka nya.. hahaha!!
translate: ye lah.. ala2 manbelon je muka dia.. haha!!
lerr.. perlu ke aku translate stiap kali posting nih??
Reply #43 KenyahGuy's post
ko google la.. one of contestant raja lawak 3 reya tek.. haha!
Reply #45 KenyahGuy's post
ne tauk ko mok pakei gambar nya k avatar ko.. haha!!
Reply #47 KenyahGuy's post
aku pun pk kau fanatik stanly bah.. hahahaha!!! sik benar la apa ku rasa lamak tok owh? haha!
Reply #48 adziah's post
taun ia nang benar lah.... sbb aku salu vote pakei nya.... tapi nya dah sikda bunyi2... malas gik aku....
Balas #49 KenyahGuy\ catat
mun sik pat nak nukar avvy ya..mintak tolong jak dak lain ...am sure they would love to give u a helping hand ..
ingin ku mok diat muka laki claudia nak menyakitkan ati claudia tok.. huhuhu
Reply #51 KenyahGuy's post
ne ada mcm ya.... kmk dah bekali2 dah tukar avvy,.. kredits baruk jak 9000+...
translation : i constantly change my avvy... despite having only 9000+ credits... so go change ur avvy as much as u like...
cuz like most people... me too, happen to think that u're a fanatic of stanley... hehehhe.....
Reply #52 adziah's post
yalah... i wonder who........
adoiii...come on la u allz...we talk about claudia lah...jgn lah cakap benda irrelevant....
bukan apa u allz, kalau asyik cakap benda yg irrelevant, nanti thread claudia ni tak berkembang...tengok thread student lain..maju jer..
back to claudia, aku rs mcm cikgu2 tak brapa nak 'melihat' claudia.....ntahlah, aku rasa jer...
kalau bole, aku nak tengok claudia ..at least la top 4...harap claudia maintai bagus...n supporterz makin bertambah...
to laki claudia, AFUNDI CLAUDIA!!!:pompom: ....yehhhh....
[ Last edited by Euphoria at 24-3-2009 14:43 ]
Balas #56 Euphoria\ catat
Entahla, tp rasanya production team yg buat diary ni is not giving her much credit. 1st week ada lah gak tunjuk dia esp yg kat confession room tu..apart from that not much.
Tp kesian la, ppl keep on comparing her with Dyg...personally I can't help to compare too but she's born with it, nak what cam ne, aku rasa dia pun tak nak org compare dia dgn Dyg sekalipun..smpai Principal tak nak sebutkan nama Dyg...
One more thing, I think she's a fighter...cuma tak pasti samada nasib menyebelahi dia dlm AF7 ni..
heheh...memang susah nak mengharap claudia jd juara kan, tp at least dia sampai gak top 4...hopefully lah..
Nah khas untuk peminat Claudia...