Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 23-5-2004 05:44 PM:
My reply:-
Siapa yg mata sepet ni? Ramai gadis2 yg tergila2kan lelaki mata kecik & berkulit putih sebab tu awak tak laku kot. BTW, how do you know I got slanted eyes? You haven't seen me ...
boleh ke mata sepet lawan dengan bolywood atau hindustan??? selalu yg menang adalah ratu2 dari India.....mana ada yg mata sepet.
i tau u mata sepet.....sebab i nampak dlm kaca kristal. I tau u punya size gembal.....it better u go for diet otherwise in years to come u be like big pig nanti susah nak dapat jodoh atau suami u nanti mani kayu tiga:lol |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 23-5-2004 05:45 PM:
But I know the Chinese are daring even the authories raided. I seen when MPAJ officer was hurt with group of Chinese selling vcd's.
Yeah..of course that happened..that's what normal humans always do when they are chased by the authority..There are cases like Chinese pirate peddlers bashing up police,Indian gangsters landing a fist or two to police and Malay matmotor racer bashing police .... it happens..![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
[ Last edited by Seraphim on 23-5-2004 at 09:29 PM ] |
Yg selalu menang ratu cantik adalah Caucasians. Sekarang ni dah tak ada lagi wanita2 India yg menang sebab mrk dituduh cuba melobi Miss Universe & Miss World. Semcm rasuah according to the article that I read.
Kesiannya org tak laku ni.......! Cakap mencarut tak tentu hala. Dah nasib badan. Actually, saya tak kisah whatever you want to say abt me b'coz I'm not the type yg suka show-off. Yalah, ada org tu cakap hidung dia mancung, handsome whatsoever........ seolah2 nak promote cari wife kat sini. |
Originally posted by Seraphim at 23-5-2004 05:51 PM:
Yeah..of course that happened..that's what normal humans always do when they are chased by the autority..There are cases like Chinese pirate peddlers bashing up police,Indian gangsters landing ...
maybe true but i never read malays or indians abusing their maids.maybe sex scandal, got lah. probably on both parties agreed 2 hve dot dot dot. |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 23-5-2004 05:55 PM:
maybe true but i never read malays or indians abusing their maids.maybe sex scandal, got lah. probably on both parties agreed 2 hve dot dot dot.
That's the Chinese field of expertise:lol Bashing maids i think:lol |
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 23-5-2004 05:55 PM:
Yg selalu menang ratu cantik adalah Caucasians. Sekarang ni dah tak ada lagi wanita2 India yg menang sebab mrk dituduh cuba melobi Miss Universe & Miss World. Semcm rasuah according to the article that I read.
Kesiannya org tak laku ni.......! Cakap mencarut tak tentu hala. Dah nasib badan. Actually, saya tak kisah whatever you want to say abt me b'coz I'm not the type yg suka show-off. Yalah, ada org tu cakap hidung dia mancung, handsome whatsoever........ seolah2 nak promote cari wife kat sini.
Indian bukan caucasian but real one.
i bukan show off with my hidung mancung but itu adalah fact. i tak perlu cari wife sebab anytime i can get. I need wife with my own faith....still searching with good christian faith. not going drag this matter ...otherwise 13friday aka josh says ding dong things in wp
as for u....happy hunting. mulut u kena jaga sikit baru dapat husban.....kalu mulut macam kerang busuk .......nanti suami lari.
[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 23-5-2004 at 06:01 PM ] |
Happy Hunting???? Apa pulak saya happy hunting????? |
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 23-5-2004 06:04 PM:
Happy Hunting???? Apa pulak saya happy hunting?????
dah pandai sendiwara.....boleh masuk bollywood.:lol |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-5-23 06:06 PM:
dah pandai sendiwara.....boleh masuk bollywood.:lol
My reply:-
Ohhh..... awak nak tau status perkahwinan saya ke????? This is not a place to disclose our personal stuff. It's just a forum. If you really want to look for a wife, you can send your application on the Net. It's advisable you meet your future wife face to face. Forum ni esp. WP Forum bukan tempat utk berkenalan & cari jodoh. lol:lol
ps. BTW, I'm no longer available. lol:lol This is very funny! |
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 23-5-2004 06:11 PM:
ps. BTW, I'm no longer available. This is very funny!
boleh percaya ka???? kalau ada partner ......mesti lepak dengan bf bukan asyik di forum ini. :clap::clap:
[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 23-5-2004 at 06:19 PM ] |
KENNKID This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 2004-5-23 05:27 PM:
memang I perasan sebab orang islam sendiri sokong saya. hang ini jealous sebab itu lah.
so, what u got to say about ur anuti yg dera Nirmala, Mr. Kennkid Ah Chong@Ah Kau @ Ah Long Bin Abdu ...
Terbukti ugama mu mengamalkan dasar perkauman. Itu komen ku. Puas..? : Yang kena dera bukan orang Islam pada pendapat ku kerana namanya berbau Kristen. Tetapi ku tetap bersimpati kerana dia anak cucu nabi Adam juga. Yang mendera pun bukan orang Islam. Mendera orang yang tidak bersalah sehingga begitu rupa sebenarnya sudah masuk dalam golongan haiwan - sama seperti askar Amerika (Kristen) mendera tahanan Iraq dan orang Israel (Yahudi) mendera rakyat Palestin. Puas? :
[ Last edited by KENNKID on 23-5-2004 at 06:29 PM ] |
Originally posted by KENNKID at 23-5-2004 06:21 PM:
Terbukti ugama mu mengamalkan dasar perkauman. Itu komen ku. Puas..? Yang kena dera bukan orang Islam pada pendapat ku kerana namanya berbau Kristen. Tetapi ku tetap bersimpati kerana dia anak cucu nabi Adam juga. Yang mendera pun bukan orang Islam. Mendera orang yang tidak bersalah sehingga begitu rupa sebenarnya sudah masuk dalam golongan haiwan - sama seperti askar Amerika (Kristen) mendera tahanan Iraq dan orang Israel (Yahudi) mendera rakyat Palestin. Puas?
adakah soalan yg tanya itu perkauman??? Tidak. kenapa nak cerita pasai askar amerika macam haiwan??? sedangkan di pakistani dan berapa buah negara islam...suami yg beragama islam macam binatang sehingga hidung isteri di potong ????atau di dera begitu dasyat....apa kah ini bukan macam haiwan:hmm:
[ Last edited by Truth.8 on 23-5-2004 at 06:51 PM ] |
Originally posted by Seraphim at 23-5-2004 04:51 PM:
Yeah..of course that happened..that's what normal humans always do when they are chased by the autority..There are cases like Chinese pirate peddlers bashing up police,Indian gangsters landing ...
:setuju: |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 23-5-2004 04:55 PM:
maybe true but i never read malays or indians abusing their maids.maybe sex scandal, got lah. probably on both parties agreed 2 hve dot dot dot.
:hmm: happened in singapore........ |
Originally posted by KENNKID at 23-5-2004 05:21 PM:
Mendera orang yang tidak bersalah sehingga begitu rupa sebenarnya sudah masuk dalam golongan haiwan - sama seperti askar Amerika (Kristen) mendera tahanan Iraq dan orang Israel (Yahudi) mendera rakyat Palestin. Puas?
salah tu kenkid...... haiwan atau binatang pun takde mendera cam tu! hanya manusia je pandai berbuat kejam..... |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 21-5-2004 07:37 PM:
Most of the abuse cases comes from Chinese community. u can get back dated news in local malaysia papers. only few malays or indians. but seldom i hear indian abusing maid or malays.
:hmm: use to hear indian men burns their wife to dead because of dowry |
Originally posted by Baiduri Othman at 22-5-2004 11:02 AM:
Biasalah tu....... Actually, lelaki2 Cina pun suka buat affair dgn maid mrk. Dulu pernah baca dlm majalah wanita tentang lelaki Cina buat scandal dgn Indonesian maid. Kata isterinya, maid tu lawa mcm gadis Mediterranean & rambut pulak warna keperang2an.
lol:lol kat singapore kan..... cuma kat mesia belum maksud paper the Star lagik! :lol |
Originally posted by Acong at 23-5-2004 08:58 PM:
:hmm: use to hear indian men burns their wife to dead because of dowry
talking about maid not wife:nana: |
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 23-5-2004 09:23 PM:
talking about maid not wife:nana:
yup ... about maid, and not about racist! |
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