Post time 18-2-2013 05:40 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
kolpley posted on 18-2-2013 05:14 PM
date ni dah final ke?or still flex
sbb kena mintak cuti and cari tix murah+hotel dlu
Date ni dah final.. Skang masih mencari tix murah.. Arini zero fare xde plak date ni tension...jom la joint sy sorang je.. Kalau ramai2 best sikit.. Backpacker style..
apai85 posted on 18-2-2013 05:38 PM
Woww best tu.. Harap2 nanti bleh sharing2 idea huhu
bole .. x de hal... g kali ni dgn without tour guide. mase 1st time g follow TG student kt sane. kali ni g sendiri. ticket dh beli mase promo ari tu dpt rega RM552 return.. murah kan...